Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 May 1953, p. 8

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44m chair Octettown guests for the Stew5 Annunl closle dance of Barriei lrtChristie wedding in St AndGarrisori Badminton Club was heldii rews Presbyterian Church BarrieFriday evening May at the Arm on Saturday afternoonwa inI oury With 50 couples present TheI eluded Mr and Mrs George StewI guests were welcomed by clubI art of Calgary parents of the bride groom Miss Ann Taylor Mid president Larry Whitby Dancingi was to music by Alfred Shepherdl burst girl who has been living in Vancouver recently and who flew here to act as one of the brides maids Miss Ruth Hill of Buffalo the soloist Mrs Hill Niagara Falls NY mother of the soloist Mr and Mrs Charles Ilill of Niag ara Falls NY Mr and Mrs Ted Cadeau of Stouffvillc Jimmy Morn risen Montreal Leo inBinc flail cybury Chuck Wood Port Dover Iand Lloyd Tufford Winners of prizes were Kenneth McKenzie Miss Georgina Spearn Arthur McI Learn and Mrs Bart Simmons Buffet lunch was served in the Officers Mess with arrangements being made by the social convcncIZI Miss Terry Smith Among the guests were officers of the 135th iBattery and their ladies MajorI rand Mrs Clark Capt and meeting Mr and Mrs William Hendy Beamsvillc Mrs Stanley Bacon Kingston Mr and Mrs Gordon VanAttcr and Mm Agnes Lavcry Windsor Miss llclcn Snowball To rontn Robert Hasmrd Stouffville Mr and Mrs Jot Irinieau Mr and Mrs Ted Kennedy Mr and Mrs liarry WatSon Mr and Mrs Sid Smith and Arthur Smith Mr and Mrs Allan Buck lloulc To ionto Prior to her departure to reside in Sault Sic Marie Ontario Mrs Kenneth Taylor was the guest of honor at potluck supper arranged by the choir of Collier Street Uni ted Church in the recreation room last Friday evening Mrs Taylor who has been valued member of the choir for some years and soprano soloist was the recipient of hymntiook the presentation being made on behalf of the choir by Alfred Shepherd Remarks of appreciation for Mrs Taylor the former Helen Lambert were made by Rev Lewis and by Choir mastcr Lloyd Tufford Entertain ment for the enjoyable gathering was in charge of Victor Knox Ar rangements for the supper were made by Mrs Millwnrd mm WWI Sgt If Aycrst University Ave Armoury Toronto is spend ing two weeks vacation with his mother and stepfather Mr and Mrs Frank Couchman Mr and Mrs Harold Hill and Mr and Mrs Charles Christie were in Niagara Falls New York Wedncs day and Thursday of last week ow ing to the death of Charles Hill who parsed away suddenly on Mon day two daysafltcr being in Bar= no for the Mr Hill was the brother of Mrs Wilfred Christie of 56 Brock St and the uncle of Mrs Harold Hill and Charles Christie of Barrie He was native of Foothill Ont Attending the ByLinc Ball at the Royal York in Toronto on Saturday evening were Mr and Mrs Walls of Barrie it Simpkm of Stroud and Mr and Mrs Dick AitkIey of Arnprior This is the an nual event sponsored by the ronto Mens and Womens Press clubsb Home and School The monthly meeting of the Shanty Bay Home and School As sociation was held Wednesday May at the school house The pres ident Mrs Evelyn Murphy was in The meeting opened with the singing of the NatiOnal Anthem and reciting of The Lords Prayer The secretary Mrs Sam Terry read the minutes of the last meeting held in April These were passad as read voteof thanks was given to Mrs Valerie Brewes for having the chance framed The chartcihas glass On both sides so that the names of the charter members which are on the back may be seen Mrs Murphy Mrs Hook Capt and Mrs bins Lt Marion Pickles Among out of town guests were Miss Ruth Smith and Stuart Browne of Trenton itCAF Station and Mrs Gordon Mr and Mrs Ferguson of Toronto cicty posed for the children It decided that under the chairman ship wedding of his niece Mrs Whytc would be made with Miss Louise Collcy to have swimming classes in Shanty Bay this summer Mrs Dinginan obtained volunteer help from the ladies present for the summer classes in swimming Plans were made for Fun Night which is to be held at the Community Hall on May 22 Committee heads were chosen to take care of cacti section of the night Committee chairmen are White elephant table Mrs More candy Mrs Stew art Emms cards Mrs Cameron fiin pond Mrs Robert Martin mag azincs and books Mrs Sam Terry and publicity Kennedy The meeting was then closed The prin cipal Peter Wiscman then showed moving picturc on the subjects Why Cant Jimmy Read Child Development and colored film on harnplnin light lunch was served and if social hour hcldrr Here From Montreal Visiting with his parents last week was Fred Taylor of Mont real son of Mr and Mrs Taylor WA Business Meeting The monthlybusiness meeting of the WA washcld Monday May at the home of Mrs Taylor There were nine members present The president Mrs Hereward Mar tin was in the chair It was voted to send sum of money to the Can cer Fund The speaker for the evening was Mis Joyce Hunter president of East Simcoe District for the Womens Institute Miss Hunter spoke on the problems of the maintenance of rest room in Barrie She also spoke on Dutch Auctions and Flour Bag Fashion Shows The hostesses for the ev ening Mrs Emms and Mrs Recvie then served delightful lunch Travel To The Sault Mr and Mrs Russell Handy trip veiled to Sault Ste Marie to visit their son Jim Handy last week Move To Barrie Mr and Mrs Gus Viau and their son Douglas have moved from their home at The Woods They are now living in Banrie where Mr Viau has his work Mr and Mrs Jack Taylor and family have now moved into the house recently vacated by the Viaus VlsltomAt Hicklings MyandlelisCharlesSimpson and family and MLanMrs VPIIC Humble and Henry were visitors reported on the activities of the newlyformed Council Committee in Barrie The five members of the executive go to the closed ut the executivcplus five other general members go to tho open meetiE Any other per at the home of Mr and Mrs Ralph Hickling last weekend Measles um Two more of our younger rqs ldents cf Shanty Bay have caught the measles Theyarc Linda Mitr phy and David Wood Hope yhu sons who wish to attend may do so me better 500m kidsI unofficially The first open meot ing will be held on Monday June 8th The location will be Hillcrestg School unless other plans are made Mrs Hankin1fBarrie is president of the Council Commitf tee Mrs Murphy then reported onl Bus Trip To Niagara very excited and cnthuslasitic group of children entered bus Friday morning early for tiip to Niagara Peninsula ThereYw re twentysevenictudcnts in all frrm hertrlp to the Hme and school the senior room MrsJcan lal Royal York Hotel It was decided by unanimous vote to change the date ofthcyShanty Bay Home and School meetingsvto the third Wednesdayrof tho month instead Therefore the mild IoIf the first Wednccday The exec Itivc Imeetingsl arfe to he held on Jthc fourth Wdnesday theImonth ncral meet thc Home bud School will be on wcdncsday June 17 The censuret Mrs Vern Hawkins gavpfrhermtrcasurer elportf The ecretnry Mrs Sam Terryi then called them There were twenty plx Weinberg lprescnt The cor capu ding secretary Mrs Newaon bulletin Ifrorn the Simcoe convention held in Toronto at the er MFS Miller Mrs Elivood Fishr Mrs James Caldwell and Mis Kathleen Caldwell were the adults whoralso went along The student teachers from the senior room Miss Milne and Miss Millar also went The bus wasi under the stip crvrsion of the principal Peter Wiseman The bus wait to 101 others in Barrie from the other Oro Township scliools was to take in all the historic Sites at Queenston NiagaraontheLake and Niagara Falls Alcommunity effort is tobe put forth in the near future gfor the Huyers faintly who lost their barn in recent fire AAllr donations may left at Mores Store Pile Lt and Mrs Barney Lapp It and Mrs Howard IGibE Harris Steele and Miss Toronto Wing Commander James Gordon tounty Health and Recreation Soi This bulletin concerned the swinnning Classes which are pro2 was Mrs Frank Dingman and arrangement MR AND MRS RUSSEL CIIARLES BROWNING slgnthe register marriage Saturday afternoon froy United Church The bride is the dau following their May at Le Mrs Nclson hunt ht Bock Tum very DICthl cunt took place in the Community Hall orig Friday evening May ti when Strand folk turned out to do honor tilub of that town to their hockey team who woni the Dr Seaton Memorial Trophy and became Ontario Champions in ORHA intermediate hockch Everyone partook of the excellent banquet to their utmost capacity and especially enjoyed the treat ut ice cream donated by James iLoon ard who was Unable to be present because of celebration at hls home which has been in tho Leon ard name for 100 years Blythe MeConkey in his genial way aet ed as chairman humorous musi ical twopart satire of seven verses was conducted by Rev John Mor ris and the audience very hap py ceremony was enjoyed by all when Ronald Stewart of Barrie president of the OllilllIt Rural Hockey Association presented the Dr Seaton Trophy to the Captain of Stroud team Gordon Shering Mr Stewart then did some reiniti iscing of hockey in his juvenile days and enlarged on the possi bility of having County of Sim coc Association and trophy compo tition At 880 pm the auditorium gwas cleared and three hours trip the hall casion ping the tight fantastic was in dulged in with the Simcoe Ranib lers providing the music One gentleman in speaking of the oc said It was the nicest evening that Ive ever been at in And the rest of us go along with these sentiments At Bradford MIIII Irving Nelson Billy Wetherail it ghtcr of Mr and Mrs Emerson Curtis of Le froy and the groom is the son cfiMrfand Browning of Churchill =Exnmtncr Photo by Favero MEETING OF SIMCOE COUNT LIBRARY ICOOPERATIVE SAYS NEED FOR REF ERENCE BOOKS The need for publication of pamphlets and books covering twentieth century Simone County was discussed at recent mm nal 0mm shown by this meeting of the Simcoe County Library Clooperative as thefmodel was green and white eck ibrniy has been called upon icction with municipal come 3c of school students hiring of ac tuilezzts ng for the County Histor est spongezed b1 Sirncoc Co founcil Biographical tchzs JlS is of thllUIZiIICP this coun have been ed for most frC ucntiy The county library has pre pared brin kctches For the we of Wade right pupils but there seem be itlifiti for an untodate pam hlet or brok all the elementary chool level containing such infor nation as well at pertinent his orical facts The need for rAiscd 1nd enlarged history of the county vr or adult has again stisedIILHna number of vas rccmnmcndcd thotIthe educa Eon committee of Simtoc County Lminctl continue study of this mat cr Chairman Simpson Barrie who presided reported that ar ingemcnts had been completed with Christensen and Black ofBar ic for new unit of shelving for he library The unit was installed mci in user gt It was pointed out by the Chair mnnthat the present stuff was too mail for thIccurrcnt demands and that there was it prcrsing need for more clerical help The librarian was authorized to make further for reference material in con nnlalI celebrations and also for dross effect and the yellow jersey top proved an ideal combination Ifor the bright red shorts In the cottons Ruth modelled In deep yellow dress stitched with horizontal colored threads around the skirt wide belt gave slimming effect to the waist while small white buttons tom the waist up gave the dress an extremely smart appearance geii wool skirt with small front pockct and kick pleat three gquarter length sucdene jacket in light brown pleated at the back for the slenderizing effect com pleted this outfit Mr ll are mo ocltlcut il stratiozi by Luczllc Wells pzc his the message of the book pictorially and artistically Country Parson prcmzscs to be Simcoc Countys book of tho year and the library hoard commended IMr Cranston most highly for his cffcrts in having thi bookpubhsh ied The LJaid noted that an increas public libraries Iaskinu for assistance with local lib rary problems This is one function served by the county library which rcmploys thexscrviccs of graduate librarian and professional library guidance is always available to the libraries of the county Direct ar sistance has been given to Mincsinn and Bradford Libraries in details of book circulation The librarian cooperntcd with the boolc commit teesof Stayner and Minesing lib raries in their book selection Board members present were Pagcand Simpson Barrie Gibson Orillia Reeve Albert Gilroy Cookstown Reeve The tour investirintion of thernechs the clcr WoodI Essa and Reeve Cal ical salary schedule and to arrange vertI PngtMcNiIcoll for immediate help as required The Mariam Miss Elsie Dunn Further recommendations woullrbe was alsamesem as secretary Qf We studied at thcnext meeting Cbumy Library board ibrarlnnst Ronnit The county libiinrians report of thelfirst four months aetivitios in ltlpll highlighted the public rela tions program Teachers groups Womennptitutcsrrryoung peoples society anrlutudents groups were tilIlOIIifIIl0 13 addressed by the county librarianAttendance at 15 others has contributed toward the interpretation of the county lilo wore skirt of white glazed cotton rarys services Among the regular with crowns swordstiumpet and activities being carried out were the other designs in runny colors em exchangoof books starting in de bOdied ina the deslgn With the iiuaryj when each library and skirt was worn navy and white rural dcposltstation received tailored blouse the white collar new supaplyof reading materials rc stripe and White Smile 10th the ExcellenrlProView TO Dress Fashions Confirmed from page five Coronation Touch The Coronation touch was intro duced by Marrine Cherrie Who fcrcncc questions answered book front of the blouse giVihg CDIOI and marriage proporedond distii blouse Outed Also vampbooksth bcenI MarrinIei also distributed in answer to special re quests II ISp IImagingleuted of the single pleat and matching excellent use of the library made Walstcpatu killing Stilt Effect by the iiiIssjoutuiy societiesfofthe A150 fGHIIUIGd by this mOdel was AllcnwoodI and IElmvalo United ab180k and IWhIlteISun $358 in Churches lhcsc groups one reading glazedcottoyi which 13 VGTY DODU missionarybooks travel abduction law for spring and summer about China Japan rig II and lines of this ensemble mark Demand The last outfit shown by Mar By far Wombat WWW request rinc consisted of plaid jocketin recently hasboon for the book 311 JEHEIISII annel material Wlih Common Parson by the late green Corduroy slackv GeorgeMorrisonofWyevale reswmm Summer Wear view of thisIvibookm prepared for wide range of suinrner wear raglutuaerand hath can given to was also shown by Roth Dicks lists on such subjects as Iagriculturc and style to the plain but Smart showed smart ae oral county groups already by Including full yellow skirt with th libymlanfroupa or individuals black velvet dia sports outfit designed in the tartan of thc RCAF wool Skirt with India and Ar zipper back added to the slimness ends and floral liatherine Russell modelled Icololful full skirt with deep pink blouse the skirt having white background with many different type scrolls and flowers on it The blouse shown with this skirt was sleeveless and buttoned down the front Also shown by Katherine was white wool flannel jacket with smartly styled luSt slacks anideal outfit for golf The slacks of gab ardiuc featured zipper side and belted waist with rubberized waist band Swim Suits Featured Two other models were shown by Katherine navy cottonItlress with candyswiped trim and scarf and one of the new swimming models by Catalina yellow and white colored suit with top and flap pockets embroidered in white Like most of the new models this your the suit featuredthe now popular zipper back Other Catalina suits were also feature of the fashion parade Del ores Lannie modelling Summer Snow with white background providing the contrast to the bright red snow drops which form ed the motif Ruth Broks showed the Tailored SailOr with zipper back to ensure snug and with adjustable straps 1m One very interesting exhibit was the fivepiece outt in Irving Sportswear shown by Delores and Katherine The Coronation theme was again seen in beautifully designed skirt shown by Delores this time with the Coronation motif on red background of glazed cotton skirt white sleeveless cotton blouse completed the outt Dtors also showed gold Iden im blouse with hat to match and olive green shortsby Irving dress of cool looking cotton ina plaid design wasalso shown by Delores with gathered skirt caught tight by matching belt TheVShirt Maker was thename of avery smart swimsuit modelled byJoail Mulhollandwith the slim look TheGIraham and Fleming Show opened with two of the models illustrating the centennial Ltherne appcaring in two authentic cos tumes of 100 years ago andbro viding distinct contrast with the apparclof the presentydtiyg CANADIAN GIFT VVICTORIAF CP Canadian maple tree wasI recently sentjfrom Victoria to Darby Yorkshire Ito commemorate the Coronation year It was shipped by airifromifrank Heaton formerresidentof the vil lage and planted in public cere mony theren intrheatddinuvendingthcbook may pattern woven into the design obtain it atIanyt cries onthmugh ty Litirarygilt IIOa thbititloczitlih The outfit included white blouse Shhdoe utilbp street Bar attentioned fit shown by Ruth comprising red oun with black velvet ribbon running= through thelittle standup collar Ideal for the beach was the out rII groups shorts tngabardine with arubberv repair izad waistband to hold the blouser D1 Wu iiii Ignited Ife belted waist gave mlng urine and the mart styled Smothered In Dust The heavy trafc to the lake shorc areas over the weekend caus ed those along the untreated roads to suffer from dust The evening traffic was the worst as the dust lacking any breeze hung low and simply smothered anyone in the vicinity Traffic on the 8th line was proi cceding in very dangerous minI dition as the visibility was nil The sooner the treatments are applied to these roads the better for bothi traffic cafety and the residenI nicilgmi On Press Relotions Rural JoOperator Eiprgsses Opinions An editorial in recent issue of Rural Clooperator citprcsses sug gemonsto various rural and other groups who desire public mention got their functions through the press The editor states that if the meeting is worthy of mention in the local or daily papers arrange ments should be made to have the committee in charge of tickets see that complimentary ones are sent Mention was made of meetings Where the press representatives were expected to sit back and wait while the dinner or luncheon was being served in order to be on hand forthe story COrOnatIOh Mission Band of Collier Plan Annual Tea Thirtynine members of the Cor onation Mission Band of Collier Street United Church at the May meeting were given 400 tickets to selleor theirannual tea to be held Saturday May 30 from to pm The three leaders Mrs Bruce Nesbitt Mrs Ronald Pile and Mrs George Greer have extra tickets whichnthe children can obtain in order to compete for prizes Elspeth Camerori alnd Margaret Haslett assisted Mrs Greer with the Worship service Linda Mar shalland Catherine Steele receiv ed the offering and preseneted it for dedication Mrs Nesbitkannounced that the Mission BangIIIhad received an in vitationom Mrs Andrew Cum ming of theMtemoon WMS to take Osman partirrarWCTIU meet to held in Collier St United meat The Mission Stlemperance play roe the me or which is Whose ault was lift in pre paration for this event Those taking part in the play were Lorrie Brandon Lyn Miller Wendy Craig Elspeth Cameron Diane MacRinOr 3Patsy Walker Carol Newton Carol Brandon Lynne Walls gtMargaret Haslett Carol Quinn Sheila Forster Patty Neabitt and Maureen Moss cairn Tan DWI Io noun 2414 BOATS companions MARIttltgsurruas Rhone amen6m Situation it can ifAutlicrixed com Munitions putt Vac iiiHun wrw blittjt BrowoiriQCUriis Wedding at Leiro United Church in Bradford Booklets of 12110643 attending Wagon decorated ill the Bradford ed Church for the no1 Liiiocktk Saturday aft ID of Dolly Ruth Cc Io Mr and Mrs haw Movinx Day For Smith Lem Cm Mr and Mrs Victor Small and mg Mr and family moved on Wrdncyiay to Bruwmnz of Charmin th Small him imidvnce and Mr Siiialt Sr inuvmt lilti Victorsg on amt3W and 23rd Morris played thew wnmacoatofg houM whim Lx nu Is ICIImpanng the 3620321 lhfutrrts Monday evening May banquet given to juwntlc hockey team by the lie Mowing The fawn The horn of lawn momr5 nits Given in marriage by vI the bride wore long v34 ready MOTdREI the nir again as most towns have and net gown ester xi roceivrd two or three cutting at wrth matching bolero and 2Her waistlength net at Plan To Attend WI Annual rough to coronet of number of Stroud WI ladies and she tamed rm to pill to attend the District Annual MImthvaueyi Atendmg at Churchill on Wednesday of this Mm Grace Xubgc of Le WEEK long dress of yellow utcr satin With yellow and mittens She had of pink nests to match he Waer Browning of Chin IIINII man for his brother anti uerc John fiarradinc of Bari Dick Curtis of befmy The brides mother 33 in me crepe and lac3 v1 of yellow roses and mother wore light with pink rme corsagc Toronto and Newmarket wrrc among those attendir reception in the church hall ranged by the Womans tion of which the brides niotriz prostdont Home For Weekend Those who Ittliilltii to their pur ental home for the wcckinli Were Don McLean Kenny and Edrie Webb orinnz MtNabb Ruth TIlOlIlIlSIlII Ltlitt lugan Grant and Ross Wallace Juddis Leave It BC The iresbyterianWMS met at Mrs Ken Grays on Thursday May The meeting as in many times past very much enjoyed the talk given by Mr Judd who with Mrs Judd left on Friday to make their home in Mission in Vancouver To express our appreciation of his endeavors in our midst gift of money was tendered at the close of the meeting the For travelling the Bride hart crz Icn navy gabardinc suit with ins blue topcoat navy and wrote actessories and corsage of pink roses Following their Wtdilln trip the couple will live at Chair chill mm First Baseball Practice All interested in bull are asked to be on hand in the community park on Wednesday eyenlpg May 13 for the first practice of the season Hour scrutiny Mr and Mrs Fred Schell Mr Student Teachers and Mrs Ken Kennedy and chii Tm we teachers who we drcn of Tollingwood Dclrncr Bates in the junior mom this week 1910 Erglsmgz and If germsuh Miss Jean Elrick of Barrie tilt gar Visi on on ay with Mr Ind Mm Bent and Miss PEIJIIIIO Cole of Toronto family Little Brian Beutlcyihad his ton sils removed in the Right Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday We all wish him speedy recovery Kendalls Move Mr and Mrs Kendall have moved to the home recently vacat ed by Mr and Mrs Jack Taylor and family 91 to be beautiful jersey tops are favorites Li spotlighted in tune fashion trtjwith longs AW fashion Bra Notice yo beautifulcuroestyonrmoothlw habitats Aminkquick nylon ineld ctrtho Itylo sketchedid superior quality+yonmogrcw Wvm Krautinn tr gt elitistsiuielher 19 iWiWMf

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