175 KANE DEEPEST THE BARR EXAMINER MONDAY MAY 11 1953 MW HELP WANTED BANK CLERK The greatest ocean depth 1m CASH CAS tiff FIRECRACKER MAY Halloweenwhen FOR YOUR CAR HAVE STARTED WANTED Bami $500 per single card Cmadwngank Cummuce DELIVERED SEE Honest Joe fecriektr or ii cigarette may Borden Phone 316 Camp PHONE 807 BARR please return it and fLCtIVt nice during business hours ori 121w been rcspozlslbit for fire My present ll mop St 23 Farm war Aigxjg Nlcuvr dun winch turned firemen out In the Sui Shop Uiinlop Street gt Tramwndlmn WOWde the 811731 5487 571 340 tir1 before fl 1113 Saturday morn LIVE POULTRY Itstlu Huspliui Bartvi May in Ve 33 make we Loaded at Davis Gravel Pil Minel 1933 Mr unit Mrs Walter zllg 1H All JV USHHHH Tm cm was W1 mugg when gt NY Male or Female Bod conditionin arthrit it mugmudwmd Mk lur Afth Inc Pimps umigtiilllt WI firemen Nudes raw fur bwhab feathers DLIJVLRI ANYWHERE an re Mb e5 be 312 31 CRADDOCIIwAt the Royal VIC lulmg harm1 min ii 11 11 elk quickly under n1 Re Ulred immedune OR Crudiiucll lllelpntoli daughter Nell Mitluizild flies Ni Eluou Scrap iron Town and County AllMSlllONGvAt the Royal Vlc turiu litmpiuil Barrie May 1853 to Mr and Mrs Leslie Arm strong 35 Owen St Ll soil V4 CARHUTHERSvAt ult Royal Vic sh NW mm for 1110 iiiilslilltt icing Barrie during evenings GRAVEL FILL Spam Hub Prices Nd mt 5mg Monday Tuesday Wed Ed eh rutllers 36 Feel Strcci Barrie Lr WUCk uad 111v itLgilsiil Ciiir burllil in ill Drive Bar is or Minn tt lg SCRAP IRON may Edd weak duciu Hm ROUGH Bug 315utigwunlr dligiwmngugf ii Llru ttil no duiiidge being 51 gtfliitw nee Arthritlc Constitution BARGA 53 mund accountancy experience and essential For progressive and wholesale business in Good salary to the qualified Apply Box Barrie Ex 15311 POsiing Machine OPERATOR required immediately by Industrial Acceptance Corporation Limited Post Office Square PHONE 5533 15456 BASEBALL Home Sewers for Lanliom Wellinger Phone 5317 for information 15355 AITRESS Wanted Apply in per McCanns Coffee Bar 15 Essa Road open except on Wednesdays 15556 OUNG Married Woman wanted part time work nights week ly at soft drinks stand Phone 4272 155 NEWSPAPER Carrier Boy wanted East End route in Barrie Ap ply to The Barrie Examiner or phone 2414 150tf GIRL OR Young Woman wanted for general housework all conveni ences Good wages Must be fond of children Phone 2442 Orillitlii 55 RELIABLE Girl for small friend Toronto home Own room Light housekeeping duties and assist With infant Box Barrie Exam iner 15557 FIRST CLASS Pastry Baker with references wanted Steady employ ment good wages Apply Corner Cupboard Bakery 45 Dunlop St East Barrie 15355 WAITRESSES must be experienc ndays Apply United Ci ar preBarrie if good staiting salary hospital extra pay for holidays and HQUSEKEEPER wanted for gen tiemans home in Barrie Must be capable and good cook not over 50 years State salary expected good home Wm Horsley Barrie RR 15567 EXPERIENCED Comptometer Op erator wanted for June July and August Must have speed and ac curacy 42h0ur week State age and previous experience in written 33 Collier St Phone 2301 collect phone call accepted 32311 Barrie Metal Salvage DEALERS IN SCRAP IRON METALS FURS LIIDEB BAGS BATTERIES FEAIHERS LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call Highest prices paid Special prices paid delivered Phone Barri Slayner 2983 W1 9812 98J3 MAX PUSHKOFE AND COMPANY Yard and Office 156 Tlffin St 33280 PROPERTY WANTED TO RENT with option to purchase an old house or farm house near Barrie Alliston Stayner or Cree more Address replies to Box 69 Barrie Examiner 335355 25 PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED BEDROOM Central Phone 46487 1555 LARGE Furnished Housekeeping Room Phone 3832 155556 ROOMS Furnished housekeeping also bedroom Central Phone 5211 1555 FURNISHED Bedroom one block from main street Apply 12 Collier St 1555 FRONT ROOM on ground floor central Ideal for girls Phone 6594 155465 FURNISHED Bedrooms Reason able Gentlemen preferred Phone 4497 155455 HOUSE 10 miles from Camp Bor den Apply Box Barrie Exam iner 1555 10 am till 10 pm daily Private appointment only Phone Illirll Barrie 7vtiltf Phone 2907 30481 START REDUCING No Dieting Nu Exercise No Discomfort No Disrobing SAVE $$$ Lose pound treatment Special lrcaunentf $500 KITCHEN SINKS chg Reducing Salon 117 be worth St Barrie BATHROOM SETS Appointment phone 3992 Porcelain enamel steel acid resist 3040418 ing sinks thlccipiccc bathroom sets white or coloured chrome MISCELLANEOUS fittings Laundry tubs shower cabinets pressure water systems Dont Buy SEWlng Machine oil burnch septic and oil tanks Unless You Get The Right air conditioning furnaces convec one for radiation Helpful installation diagrams in free catalogues All We carry the most complete line shipments delivere you Day of new and used sewing machines freight write or visit anywhere All machines guaran teed Easy Terms JOHNSON PHONE 3285 PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE ONTARIO 523 FLOOR COVERING 1951 PREFECI Sedan low mile ngc one driver Phone 2759 75557 54011 Linoleum Rubber and Asphalt Tile ICE BOX 100 to 150 lbs capacity $15 Plastic Wall Tile ideal for summer cot age Phone 6454 75411 Materials Supplied and Installed Free Estimates SMITHCORONA Portable silent icnitrlttilt WOLFENDEN Phone 5185 70 Maple Ave PORTABLE Sawmill complete 52261 good condition Reasonable Apply Box Barrie Examiner 75455 STOREY FrameHoudse 26x22 fltl to be moved or torn own pp Shepherd Belle Ewart 75355 DECORATING SERVICE CHESS CALLOUS Salve relieves Interior and Exterior Painting quickly Your Druggist sells Cress pawlhanginng Corn Salve for sure relicfztogs Expert workmanship prompt service PIANO Accordion 37 treble 35 Donald St Barrie Phone 2941 bass Holmer Verdi IM with case 52334 FURNISHED Apartment Hospital area Adults Abstainers Phone 5013 1555 ML FURNISHED Badroom hotplate if desired Phone 5283 or 106 Bay field St 155556 FURNISHED Apartment Adult only Apply 37 Blake St Barrie Phone 3371 LARGE Light Housekeeping room suitable for couple or girls Phone 2320 155355 FURNISHED Room central good residential district Breakfast op tional Phone 2124 155455 vonu Newer shades PhoneBarrle 2706 1535 perfect condition SldcashrPhone CENTRAL TAXI 6457 75456 ADDNlG Machlrllses andklyfewrlt ers aes reuta repa imcoe IEENI Business Machines 66 Toronto St phone 4824 71361 COMFORTABLE CABS RUGS Broadloom Save 11 to 50 New rugs from old gags OWDCd and Operated by White woollens and dignied clothing 51A Collier Street DIAL 5555 screens Will sell cheap for cash 52159 May be seen at 59 Ellen St or phone 4721 75456 MODEL Ford Tractor with snow ng nesl plow blade also Motor Scooter Will sell or trade either one for 745tf HAMPSTON House Trailer 18 ft factory built winterized and has BAYFIELD ST 3612 191 Alvtln A10 Sedan like newI DECARIEeAl the Royal Victoria fawn color air conditioning only door Illiitb real beauty ltll Hudson Pacemaker Sedan 2130110 originul miles air cundl liuiung on exceptional buy 195 Iuwmglide Cilcirolct light lime 1111 conditioning radio 21 IMU miles Sec this one for an outstanding bargain 193 Hudson Couch heater very Iiillt giiltil running automobile DOUG SMITH MOTORS HUDSON DEALER PH 3330 1355 47 MERCURY PSedan good condi tion Phone 3480 1938 PACKARD passenger scd an Reasonable for quick sale Ap ply H7 Emu Road ITON PICKUP 1952 Studebaker radio uir conditioningheater dir ectional signals 6001 miles Phone 135455l 1936 TERRAPLANE Sedan heater radio good shape Reliable trans portation for working man Phone 2320 13bit 48 DODGE Sedan fluid drive air conditioning etc passenger ex cellent condition Consider trade in Will contact every reply Box Barrie Examiner 1355 1952 STUDEBAKER Commander colored glass fog lamps over drive air whitewall tires chrome wheel rings 13000 miles $2000 and best 1loll offered Phone 3612 ississl 134557 conditioning heater CHICKS KELLY CHICK HATCHERY Canadian Approved Chicks Two hatches weekly Tuesday and Friday Hatching New Hampshire Barred Rock Cross and Barred Rooks These chicks are bred for high quality eggs and meat pro duction Phone 2320 Barrie 2Htf GILMORES Quality Baby Chicks Most bookings are now lled Order for June delivery now Gil morcs Poultry Breeding Farm 60 And Penetang St Barrie Phone 2735 God 24461 WOOD FOR SALE HARDWOOD FREE Hospital May fl 1953 to Mr and Mn Decline 105 Mlllcuater Street Barrie daughter FLEAR At Hospital Barrie Mer II 1953 to Mr and Mrs Thomas Fleur 23 Dunlop Street Eustu daughter iAIJIMrAi the Royal Victoria HosV Barrie and Mrs Peggy MorunI lii McDonald 51 son HAMMERmAt Sydney Nova Scu 1953 Mr and Hammer Jr Royal Victoria May John 1933 Gull pllul nee tin on May Mrs Robert daughter HEELS At Hospital Orilliu May 19511 to Mr and Mrs Ted Heels ltil Essa Road Barrio daughter Killilg ryn Elizabeth iKullly MAYNEwAt Hospital Barrie May 1953 to Li and Mrs Mayne Burton Ave son ROBERTSONAt the Royal Vic toriu Hospital 1953 to Mr and Mrs Rulle Rob ertson Slroud daughter IlFFlNAl Hospital Barrie to Mr and Mrs Tiffin RH No son Douglas Arthurl ten BROLLEYAt the home of her Dennis Thursday May 1953 Catherine Ann Morrison the late John Broiley and dear mother of Idu iMrs Ashton William Mooney Robert Toronto Mount Dennis her 73th year Jennett Funeral Home Service Sunday May 10 at pm Interment Waverley Cemetery McFADDENSuddenly at Beeton on Friday May ii 1953 Thomas McFadden beloved Gill Soltlicrs Mellioriul Royal Victoria 35455 Barrie May Royal Victoria Stroud aty sou Mount Ont beloved wife Orr Harvey Tom Barrie Resting at the Toronto Luke Barrie brother Of Innisfil St Resting at the Jennctt Funeral Home Barrie semi pm Cemetery IN MEMORIAM BON EYI dear Mrs Barrie Funeral pday Maerl at 11 Interment Barrie Union loving memory of mother Mrs Josele Bonliey who passed away May 12 1925 will treasure your memory al ways mother through always be eternally grateful gave us mother like you Lovlngly remembered by her daughters Ethel and Annie LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 0UP whole Lccli Norris Clldiil Porous Jzisk Waller ttecklcy tirii Ifo Ilfldiiz Llihill Iiurge Iiiilrbzuii who up lilt Ilrt IlitSldklli Ill 193i and is now no Rodgers Fred Sillllil liouoliizy nrmbrr JOIN FILM COUNCIL BLIIIIU Kiwanis Club iolloiving report from Council Choirmull Joel turty the diiictols inciting 11 ihlillidJV voted $100 to the lidrrii Film Julicil half of which fol life llitlerslilp ilid the bululicc nu iltlJilLL credit on the We of 115 facilities lilc clilb also took Illtlll beltliip in Barrie Welfare Council at $5 following representation by Kiwunluil Alf Ilurris Mar riscu and Craig were milled club rtprescliiuiics MM SATURDAY MAY Flowers Plants Flowers and plants gave sum mer Vtouch to the market display with daffodils for Mothers Day at 35c dozen and potted single but selected pnnsieg at 20c each or box 35c Firemen 22111 Liter illatis was ilr moonin bud dropped U1 recracker into AUCTION SALE Suturdsy May 16 Alilrlll Monti toilmiunitv Silit lltclioueeis ine ring untilr rulii fill liveswck pens Lil untilr cover We solicit UIII sillpiilri iiil your patronage Fix your Ellii licliilll of Animal Act enforced Auction coliilncllces at 11111 sharp llloiie 7113 II Par lizuuclit Manager 5455 Wednesday Mny 20 The estate of the late Corbett village of Thornton Auction sale of house hold furniture lllld effects Terms cash Sale at pm Siessor Auctioneer 5558 Wednesday May 20 Stanley Dick 101912 and 13 Con Township of Fins located between Highways 26 and 27 Auction szilc of farm stock and implclllcnts some household effects Icrms cash Sale at 130 pm iISTl Jerry Couglilin Auctioneer 5058 Saturday May 23 Mrs Herbert lolcs 134 Duckworth St Barrie Auction sale of household furni ture and effects Terms cash Sale 11 pm It Slcssor Auction ccr 5460 Scott Clerk TENDERS FOR MACHINERY Tenders will be rcceivcd by the Tubcrous begonius single pot 50c undersigned rm the supply of the cabbage and cauliflower plants ml following machinery boxes also Spanish onions forumt One Tractor on rubber suitable tiligout Dnllliu mots rhubarb roofs gludiolus bulbs Onion sets and seed beans Vegetables Fresh lettucewas 10c bunch rhu barb 10c to 13c potatoes 35c basket carrots and parsuips 10c or small baket 20c Eggs Chickens Egg prices ranged from 35c 10 63c from pecwccs to extra larch Year old chickens were 45c for large 40c for smaller and 40c for fowl Extra large choice capons were 60c lb and weighed up to seven pounds Home Baking Plenty Of cakes pies cookies cup cakes tea biscuits bran muffins and other home baked dainties lvcre on sale also bread and buns candy marmalade of grapefruit orange and lemon at 25c to 4001311 Buttermilkwas onsale and oiders for use with front end loader and power mower for Municipal plr poses Quote on both light and medium weights One Front End Loader hydraulic controlled with buckets suitable for dirt stones and gravel One Power Mower suitable for mowing weeds and other trash on roudsidcs Tenders close Friday May 15 1953 at pm Lowest or any tender not necess arily accepted NORMAN COXWORTHCIerk TOWNSHIP OF ESSA 5456 Thornton Ontario Township Of lnnisl TENDERS FOR CONCRETE CULVERT SEALED TENDERS marked to contents will be received by the undersigned Clerk up to 13 noon on FRIDAL MAY 15 1953 for the construcfidnrxofrcarcin fOEEd concrete culvert at Nantyr are taken 10 dairy butter at am Park on lot 25 in Con Innisfil time 1h Township ant Voice honey as always The Spa is 12 feet the length is 34 feet the amount of excava Repaired Adjusted Converted To Electric OWith every order for is cord hardwood Dennis Moran offers the chance of another 12 cord Fed FREE plan uSavcie taggzriinoufo 118133 Prons Fancy ork on Is 134 cu yds and the quark Phone your endanmmw and ask and if you have med our simple Our vendor had nice variety Of my 0V1911f91ced concrete 15 58 for ticket entitling you to NOExiraChirgeTOYou Finance apronsm my Styles 13 table whim lb participate in this special draw P133 drop and talk it over Cloths and others showed valious mug bexsargus g1 me 23 First draw May second draw wrfh us or phone 2982 for an ap types of fancy iioyelties cm cluprilme ya mar June porntment You pay for you feed 311 91 av east 1050 of the after your hogs have gone to mar Beef and Pork en el pnce payable the Treas ket we have an identical mince ilrer of the Township of Innisl Th Tender forms and mkparticular 149 Worsley St Barrie Plan for DOUUIY ere was the usual display may be obtained from the under PHONE 72907 Box Barrie Examiner 55465 fresh beef and pork priced at BARRIE FARM SUPPLY Roasts Clerk orJohnCowan ort rib blad 1dr Market Square Barrie 01 TmmShIp Road superintendem NOW OPEN at 430 1b prime rib 57c brisket 41c Stroud Ont or from Weir TO SERVE YOU 6403 93270 minced beef 43c lb and shank meat TUWHShiD Engineer NEEDK14 SUMMER COTTAGES cows one Jersey and oneRed 1b Pork chops were 57c to Square Barrie Ont Si orphone 4411 2355 Clerk Innisfil Township PIGS some Pig AIIandole net end BarrRR Sterner town 44455 any day George Frederick T116 11 558 May 11 1953 fresh Apply Borden Best RR No 62C roasts loin 57c butt 52c shoul kaa any tnaer Yloiur busmeisst ZULU VCOTTAGElmr rent bdr00ms Tottenham Phone Beeton 46r34 def 403 ham 559 Spare ribs 43 niacessamy accepmd uppmc stone rep ace Apply 38 Toronto 951755 side 30c smoked side 42c hocks 25c ALLAN sow AND Churchill I9 FOR RENT by thelnontliCotiges Slackers HZifers due in June 3y 03 56 also cabins WasagaBeaCh Sta Garnet Ley phone 73112 Cooks 54472 UNITS OF DeLaval milking ma chine complete with piping and motor also Cow due to freshen Building and ton Phone 9111 Ivy 975 Alterations Misssm MARKET PRICES Barrie 75275 materials paints varnishes shell 355056 egalitarian SALE ROOM LODGE acs fillers brushes etc We sell 1165 worn accommdalimPhoue 4042 UNIVERSAL 1001 ice cream everything needed to make new from forums TOWN PLANNING BOARD The Barrie Town Distilling Board hayefreceived rliiticn Vreguesting the name of Streetbc changed duels opting difficulty in pionouuclng file name correct CalmiheSDWMOiItt HOGS CATTLE EGGS 1555 freezer In good condition also Ser POULTRY Vice Station with room apar bedrooms wanted at by Alf FURNISHED Rooms inAllan merit and also room apart force officer Any loca lty witlun dale large llvmg mmbedroom merit and Taxi Business Service 25 miles of Camp Bartlett If de and kltcbduNo ob ction to one Station iriow handing WhiteRose acts from old Ember hove bEnseverl 011155 streeizlnames manlldned from time to thme that might beycbanged oneccoitut similarity or otherVremmsuclwsDonald Dundonald sneer etc and before making maiden zillion to Council fcrthesleqiuredincbssirii through the Court in of the per on carved consid millentw be given is from any Romney street name shoul be chant for such tempo Eb CEICKENS application 10 BOX Barrie Exam UNFURNISHED BedSitting room garden tractor Jenkins GaQage me 54 55 am klcmncm Adults ab Phone 19 Everett 74556 OFFICE CLERK slainers Phone 6454 iiiSm for Stead sum Syn cbcgyafillre 24 FT CRUISER beam in Must be getting with gures affd gigogggofgggishegkggmef rekcvellent condition cylinder con have em handoriting Should garnished phoneaglw 5ng 1mm gd as new and completely overhauled Very safe SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Eigrfem aogtegsagf titling commme arters ow1 boat ideal to shing Cmbe seen Box Barrie mamim y55 may mmwg heated 3359 anytime Phone 2529 75455 lt OR MONEY REFUNDED oV booster Apply 67 Brook Stu 1554 55 BOAT HOUSE 12 20 recem SEED no construction wrth cove siding UPPER DUPLEX rooms bath iphgggtrgiums Wbanaimggj KATAHDIN AND Early CanusPo Mmsekheatg guns 13 age also 16 ft canoe Phone 5867 503 grim East one $545 evenings or Weekends 75557 McKenzie lphone 124r33 Alliston LARGE Bright Housekeeping mam FRAME Barn on concrete munch 104458 in modrn home CentraL Fum tron 77x50 good steel roof all iShed optim Phone 364415 54 55 agerghgdkfconghdign Accommodgon Wan OVA Ezegvlrfewlmgagg 23mg referee ator Box Barrie Examine Famin withiwo infants requires VT 155456 FRAME Building in good repair house or apartment within 12 miles 232135 in one and half storeys or Cam Borden up good gmnaahgwgk en bed sultable for body and 19er shop Essa rental or satisfactory accommo rdomhte hot wa er linens storage pr would like apart dation wrth full utilities Apply and dishes if desired 197 ments Situated Ie pm 25 mileS Jones White Towers Motel InnislSt rvr 3335455 south westof Barrie Apply Box Barrie n5355 CHOIE c1 64 Barrie Examiner 75257 FOR RENT cap grooma rmen 44 on ROOMED unfurnished with flammable slave of wat HOG PRODUCERS Feed Fasten use wanted by Soldier and er heated continuous warm watrj complete feedPay for it when wire on or before June Phone Downtown 10mm Apply to you sell your pigS No Interest or Do your oors ItS easy 6524 4511 pm Wellington West 155355 fxm Chfllgesv Inclidesle9 Se new $131151 Sim ivery ou ay ony is price 035 exec en wor raVes gggg rigfentcgghegd gmfb Sltfcixiailrtlgd gnl3 faneonsiore Ivy Complete line ofopl nishing Phone 807x11 it PerricFermi one Cm HOUSE OR Farm Emma Am CATHJEI m3 bf POUITRY sired will cbnsiderwoption on pun child Wholgate 61 Reid St Products Apply George Gra Cl noeton Phone 5206 ca ns an nga 18m A3 1le by Frst9001erillwe he Err at 53 FOR GRADING and Levelling gt sowsMarket Unsettled we ARM EQUIPMENT F111etcplione5tn JIVSQWSM Unsemgdv ER HIT Thgsh VN witblod garage one acre divining isenfrelevgtgr BACK LUNG and Lot Lave land on iehway 11 Will take MIME chaff mowerclover atfacmem doggzwith 3small buggies besttcashboflfer or imggdownt 21y nAn Medium vI Will sellVery reasorfablei April We me 199 eASm31 gnaw f0cpy530 In Leo Moreau Anten Mills Elton GI din Cg except small 452w mmvale ems55 weflllmb if nut5 APP ADLETS MAYOWIJV HEAVY SmTeam Harness with Highways 10 and 27 in Innisl klin In 3c wofd minimum bridles16 plate International Tau Twnsmpr 55156 PM Monogwm Over lbs Following Consecutive Insertions ace word 50c $23 Iggyoffgggyiggfsyg 331 fgpmmo nd 1H1 gang PCASH RATE7 Nd mnimum 50 fgpfggtgmvggg 35223 $193533 College GoToronto St Barrie LOTS IN Village ofAngus All Grzide Following Consecutive Insertions PM word mlniymm 35 sale Jog cmwel 5g Phone 4324 111382 plyMrscmisonnngus reams Grade 5C W11 50 Bait 395455 LAWN mowuns all ned Jim New House Mxla Hf siud 532131 NUMBERS or repliesdiroctedtothlso co WW Little 258 Dunlop St Barrie di close to Barrie JV Escme gt 31st Binbsai 19 For pickup andreturn service 50c mt Barrle 165156 COMING EVENTS LOCALS do word minimum $100 sey 31 09 extra monetary Grade mm 35 Foilowln Consecutive Insertions 3c sword mlnimumlc mm fertlze my asm LOTWEST Weill lon Street Grade 21 f$81321Efferwiflmililofdksei 331 33123gbgggggtcg egg hggwav 5101 tromng 45w 1511 eca muur MEMORIAMi CARD W31 APPRECIATION machines in nearly new condition Wright and 50mm Human st ag Ggade uer 47 ROOM CEMENT House at Shan 20 word mllmum 75o ENGAGEMENT NOTICES $100 section FleuryslBissell 00d 0th barrow Sgtof Fleuryags $301111va 3135 ty Bay acre ground small bam grage his tiesnil for unilateral chum 214 Tandemuisc barrow Mt 4V App Amen St we ra obtained through The Exempt vermin depttaunt F1euymssen Land packer Mas mm no spamming tac Canons 2o ovum pulleys prices seyHarris No Spreader Massey tory method makes our mower nonrm uni umlnu will lo mummpomibllih for ml min HaPIISBA Spreader onlyrlsvdisw like new 11 Dick Tinsmltb 11311115 309M131 Bungalow Vorllumfchghg Warm MW Tractor fertilizer drills new 9011 Allistou on premises both kitchen cupbomle Grade melm International Harvester arduogim replace over the alndVittlelg on We ton pk 51 Site 13 EEA to 111 55 be lit