Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 May 1953, p. 5

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large to carrying frch of any typo this model can be loaded from tlllil COLORFUL DISPLAY iN ARENA AS LATEST MODELS FOR 1953 SHOWN TO 3500 VISITORS The biggest motor show north of Toronto was grand success again this year and the Chamber of Commerce have been proud to have been the organisers was how San dy Coutts president of the Chamber described his reaction to this years motor show held Friday and Saturday which attracted crowd of just over 3500 MI Coutts said that local dealers gave considerable time and thoughtl to the displays and their general comments later showed that theyi had been rewarde for their efforts The background to the fashions Show Alto added was much better in l952 and the continuous music lltDtlflttl throughout wrs greatly appreciated Ofcial Openim large audience present or Friday Hcnin when the nfficia opening cererruiny Ule placn withi His Worship Mayor Jarncs Hart officiating The proceedings opened with the gt Motors gEhiiwn were the Dodze of of Torontof credit for the organization of this Chiffick the chairman of the motor Show committee of the Chamber cfCommrc saying that he wishful to welcome Ctrv0n to the Show The Show was sponsor ed by the Chamber of Commerce and tho motor car 1931ch of the town for the bciiclit of the town and Ctllttllllllli Mayor H1rt htll said it was with pleasure he leflldid groutims to the automobile dcaicrs of the town and the Chamber of Cmiimczcc for sponsoring this show it highlight ed the achicvcmcns If young iii dustry during the last 60 yvnrs The Mayor tlin rcfTrcrl to soon of the technical advances which had been made in the industry in tlic pas saying that ho could recall ronio by car was qtiits an vent The advance in tlic inriiury had been steady and ind played grmt part in the lllplltlll of this Country When tln Socond World War brok out the work they land dcne in tho industry tvtis of tre mendous help to the armrd forces in our own community added Mayor Hart thcre were upwards of 300 employees in the automobile induftry lwf yar new automo biles sold in thc Barrie area if Eretched bumpor to bumper would reach from Barrie to the hill at Painswick wish tho dealers and the Chamber of Commerce every suc cess for the motor Show in Barrie in this centennial year said Mayor Hart officially declaring the Show open at one time round trip to T0 of Prrsidmt Saying it was gratifying to see such large turnout Mr Coulis presidentof the Chamber of Com merce said he wished to extend cordial welcome to everyone on be half of th lainlxn You have now viewed portion the greatest automobile Show he said The splendid array is due to the efforts of Les Chittlck Chairman together with Lorrie Jackson Bob Morrison Graham and Fleming and Zellers The execution of the program and the responsibility for it rested principally on the shoulders of our secretarymanager Reg Weiham Mr Coutts said he was pleased to announce also that Mr Dubois gen eral manager of Simcoe Motor Pru ducts Ltd joined the Chamber of Commerce as of noon that day and the members of the organization welcomed him to the town and Wished him every succs The Chamber was most appreci ative of the general eforts put forth by the automotive dealersin the town to make the town out sanding Their general efforts had been shown in the erectionsof new buildings plus the alterations and general upkeep to the old establisht ed places of business 73 All this adds up to one general phase and signifist that you strong ly believe in bigger and better Barrie he added wish to ex tend my appreciation to the execu tives whojorganized this show to gether with automobile dealers and accessory displays Displays One of the newcomers to this years Show was Doug Smith Cundles who recently went into busincs with the Hudson Agency Elwo models were shown at the jshow Hudson Super Wasp in Broadway blue and the Sumter imodel the HUCBOII Jet in mea dow out This was the first showing in Barrie of the Fea tures of the new model are the cemrepoint steering airplanewtypc highwolunic liiock altsnipers and the do town design in the body work with tile floor rcccrsrd down with the base frame members Also new at this years show was two car display by French Dodge DeSoto dealers Rvgent odan in Huron blue and the Dodge Regent convertible in Vermont green The sedan sixmsscnger car is fitted with loopcushioned kneelevel seats front and rear to make drivtiig and riding THOIFiCtNTT foiiable With its hoistcry the convertible also prov ed an eyC1lttltt British Models Harold Jory featured two models of the Standard Vanguard in his display The traditional model was on VlfW in addition to the latest styling that of the Voyageur one of the main fraturcs of which is the provision made for the trunk in contract to the earlier method of the rear of the Clt sweeping down at the rcar The car also features the exclusive Standard steelsleev cit engine and synchromesh on all vhrm fmwaid gems Anoihcr British our featured in the show was but shown by Sid Justin Motors the new Austin A40 Somerset convertible colored gregn Considerable intrcst was evinccd in thismodcl which is four sealer twodoor convertible of allicel construction The manual lyopcratcd top has three positions Two other models of British car which has become well known in Canada the Hillman Minx were shown by Viau Motors black fourdoor sedan and convertible in qualilz blue Graceful when folded out of sight the top can be fitted to the coupe dc ville posi tion or to the full sedan style Fea tures of those cars are the four ylinder Lhcad type and castiron detachable head Downdraught car buretor with special cold stanting device and thermostatic heat con trol manifold system give high per dotmalice and economy Over at the Harold Hill stand hree cars were exhibited Ply mouth Belvedere Plymouth Cranbrook and Olirysleiq Windsor DeIAixe The Belve derewas hardtop convertible in maroon and Yuma beige Eeatures of the new Plymouth models this year are the balanced ride the new onepiece curved windshield opti oally designed to minimize reflec tions and full vision curved rear windows and wider side windows giving allround unobstructed view even from title rsar seat The Cranbrook fourdoor sedan wasin Sterling grey finish Smartly styled was the Chrysler in its Glerimont grey metallic fin isa This model is fitted withtluid mortic transmission hydraulically operated7withgyrol fluid drive and bias power steering This mod el alSo has the broad onepiecc curvcd windshield Simcoe Motor oducts had colorful fourear inhibition theirscand featuri three POnj ban and Buick smart sedan colored in Leiuredan gregariano5 fttted wtdi powerglide was one of the Porniacs which jmade up the group Also on display was hard top convertible in Chieftainf class colored in guy wrttn rec top One of ther aljeyercatcbeif in this igmup ever was SChiotaiinf convejible in abri1 liant red Also shown was cus tom Buick ina grey finish Like most of the new jlnodels this year the emphais in ese models has 3beert0n transmit isoii and smooth riding qualities MuftiW Car The only stationtypo model on display at this years show was the Ford ranch wagon in twotone col oring Embassy brown and Teddy tan This model is fitted witha stowaway back seal which can be folded float witli the floor in matter of seconds When for rGreenFrontStores um Lain nembi matching up side Also Uli dupiay Wat hr Muri arch fourdour scrim fizitsliod in Superior blue Like other 1933 cars this model aLsu has the Wide izniu piece curved windshield Aiso lit1 cuiporatd in the design of thla model are the pendant typi ghouls suspended from abovc ti thereby eliminating hair the floor boards to reduce rmd llBs and dust Fords Bfltliiblilll Curtall in green coloring was the otlusr cu shown in th Corby display lumdoor sedan this movtcl fca lures such things as centreslung seating hydraulicafly clutch and brakes and welded integral body construction European Look The new European look of tho l933 Slldtl ik rs was lilllH itwd in three lYliitllS iicwn by Jack in MOIOIS On dipViy was onu of thc Champion deluxe scriis igiorts models in lwolorw coloring Mu blue with Nocturiiv liluc top Other types shown were the twodvoi family stdan aim in thc Chain pion group wih Mi body color ing and coral rd top Also dis played was the outdoor mn lander model Each of those car werv designed with tho llW long low look which has bccoou unsold as the Europfzin look lncrcrfizig TtitllllP of those ClllS this your is the new twospccd windshield wipr IS Ono nlwr trend has litl in indentation in the sides of the cars which cliniinatos the usual chromn work giving aver slick appcar once The oneapiece widcvicw visi bility windshield is also fixitllltd ll lites cars Emphasis on Suspension Two of the new moilcis vert shown at the Morrison stand Meteor Conventile in coral flaiiu coloring and the Mercury Mon tirey in lahiti tan and Mohawk maroon hardtop convertible Ilu convertible front the icstlinv scrics is fitted with the Vll 12 hp engine and has strong appeal for the sportstypo driver Again the emphasis has been put on sus pension this year and front suspen sion is of the indcvpcndcnt swing inglink type with tailored to mod el HydraCoil springs At the rcai there is sevenloaf semielliptic springs in longitudinal mounting The 1953 Mercury chassis isydc ltigned and built to add to safety and comfort The boxtypo frame provides the strong foundation and permits seats to be cradlcd in the comfort zone bzttween the wheels Pop0pen Windshield Barrie Motor Sales this year again showed the Kaiser and Henry models Finished in dark blue the Kaiser DcLuxe model caused con siderable interest in View of the popopen windighield and padded dash to minimize injury in case of accidents Under small amount of pressure the windshield auto inaticafly detaches itself Other features of this model are the re ressed instruments to eliminate pro tiusions and the slauhback narrow er corner posts on the windshield to eliminate blindspots The Henry model shown the Corsair in Vlariner grey also fiaturcs the broad safotyinounted windshield lesigned to push out upon impact One other interesting inovation is be new noglarc instrument panel with special warninggm gauges for anmeiter and oil pressure Many Refinements Showpiece of the Dangerfield Mo tors display was Cadillac conver ible finished in Horizon blueThis car carries such refinements as idiomatic window controls auto matic scat adjuster whileeven the iritenna is vacuumcontrolled Beautifully finished in matching iphohtery this model was also fit ted with wire spoke wheel rims while the windows were of Eye tinted glass One of the other models was the Chevrolot DeLuxe finished in Lin ten green with matchng upholstery and tinted glass windows Also in the Chevrolet range was four door sedan in spruce green With grey upholstery Appealling to the eye was the BefAir hardltop with gold body WOrk andlndtia ligory top and trim very interesting feature thing One of this car is the fact that the up holstery and interior is finished in exactly the psemecolor scheme as the bodywork Tihe fth model in this display wasTE Oldsmobile 88 four door sedan in blackwith white wall tires Fitted with the eightcylinder Riockot engine this car embodies synchmmesh transmission dual centrecontrol steering and knee action front suspension and semt lliptioal leaf springs at the rear Parts and Accessories Displays of parts andi accessories of all types were shown by But stones Tire Service Harris Auto Electric Canadian Tire Corpora tion Firestone me and Barrie Spring Servicei Lions Exhibit The Barrie Lions Club also had at this yearsshow verybcllv damaged car with mockup coih needs pm or the clubs pamm make motoriis ditlon of their cars at the special Safetylone being sponsored by the iLions on Tuesday Wednesday and mhmsday of this Week iiithe area adjacent CANADAS wanna mam Canada ldst year imported g00ds wontih 358999 from the British East African territory of Uganda Exports to Uganda from Canada were far less than this totalling 563404 year for Uganda to the Municipal Building wuttb iinportsat mallow empoto at macaw out favorable balance of trade of over 23 tradition Ugandas princi iimore paragon Iscious and to ayailintbemselves of vtjhe facilities for checking the con 1952 wasa record trade lt lllttilitll lllli ltAltRlE ARENA was rausformcd into wondcrtul Showplacc for lic iatcst typcs oi 1053 llliOmLJDllts during he twoday motor show SDOHSOHEQ by tho liambur of Comiiicicc hint of the cen Lvniiial was also evident Shown ibovc are ashions which thowelldrcsscd woman will wear this year mu visuoiiswroqiuoroa suow GIVEN EXCELLENT PREVIEW or LATEST DRESS FASHlONS One the the liig ilightis of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce mound annual Motor Show was the opportunity afforded toi he visitors of obtaining preview of the latest summer drcssit group of ladies from tho izcns Club which is spon opt mist Club scatsd iii picccs of the display lflflfi Tudhrpc built in Oiillia which was loancd to the organiz ers by Gordon Smith of CFOR Jllllllt and lcuiiiiiz ltu lliilll jiiiiitivl iutluii lily and loaf 10 with IllJL limp llll casual W2 Wtil 1a Pctcr Pan about tlld large crowds were in attendance at the different fashion Dolnizm Sltfcvl paradcs which wcc held during the twoday show arranged iy chlcrs and Graham and Fleming Again as lzixt ycarllrs Barbara WlltLlLl of CKBB gave coiiiiucii tary on the fashions bciiig shown Music was provided during the fashion shows and at other times during the day by tivcpiccej orchestra coiiipiising Geoigc biickc bass tiddlc Burton ccllo Berti Churchill piano Gcorgc Wilson violin and John Ricci violin iellcrs Show the latest trends in bathing until spurts wczu Sylvia Ferguson and Betty Marie Gillespie nlUClLllel smart The model shown by Sylvia gathered panel front and tilted bra with smooth cclasucde and featured zipper closing at the back with rustproof books on the strapsi Betty Maiics swimsuit with strapl tics at the back and elasticized shirring represented the last WOldl in swimming attire smoothly linedl throughout with jersey showed off denim featuring or effectively pedalpushers clicck trim and sleeved casual jacket with tailored collar and large lapels Susan alsol modelled another sports outt ne pinwale corduroy shorts turnedup cuffs and one with flap fromthe waist bandi with straight neckline the ensemble One other modcl shown for the junior miss was al thlcCpicce linen outt Willi butl lowdown front skirt and Sleevel lcss top ideal for street wear Thel skirt is iemovableand the outt completed by ShOltS with turned bock cuffs and zipper closing Popular Sundress Joyce Cross modelled an extreme ly smart secrsuckei sundrss which is boundto be very1 popular due to thecfact that it is Washable and needs very little ironing Thei dress featured large patch pockets and white pique shoulder tiesthatl li shorts bosscd cotton lttlili$ stiiptd iiyliiii drossz liiLt llllllml il ll navy pi and in bolt and finishing iouc yellow liiin complctc faltliioii picture Sportswear Ideas that game The chicrs ShOW bpencdtvitlif Mnric Gillespie wore trim pail models from the store displayinggof black liiicn pedalpushcrs foot but For two fi illi ii ri pockets atop she wore spring icd wool satin lzistex bathing suitsjcrsoy with rib split turtlcncck which are likely to be highly popi trimmed with narrow strip of trial on the beaches thissumnicialblack velvet Ribbed cuffs with vidc waistband completed the neat wclll uch of this Sports attire No loss was completely linedlatlractive was her summer white gabaidine with lllllllCdllp cuffs and two large front patch pockets with short batwing sleeved cotton Tltshirt with of ribbcd cuffs band clieckicuff rziglait sleeves The cuffs and two slit pockets withlcoat featured ared skirt collar denim short cuff and front ClOLlnZ with con trasting cord piping trim The ten nis wear in comprised shortswith two patch w1thl pockets turnedupcuffs and zip pocketlper closing at the back The top match had white red and white striped jerseylthe Vneck and cap completed ideal outt for all sorts of play to Skirts and Blouses Skirts and important pa il llll iiiodclicd by Joyce Contrasti Cd Lltilbt lllld ll Models shoWn byVSylVia Fergu ison included tennis outfit and F0 the young miss Susan Wliccl cotton liousccoat with printed picoi lll bum lay with mandarincollar and shortl ping with Jilllllttl Whit Pan collar my vith met slccvcd cottu trusting trim buttons added to this smart out Sillltll hat with navy this ivory atliactch itll Slil ilailnrwi culla lpockcts with 0i SOIL Bell was ilDlCOly down pleats and white stitching two PM lltll out Cliiiiimlloi in and Iiitcrcstiug outfit utivcs of colorful kiit with off crcwneck and waist 21 liiiic Shoes VOll house wcic by cour Store For sports sanforized gingham primarily ties at an ribbing sleeves blouses will be an wing ijt of this summers featured iiuiilol 1t slicvclcss zlazcd iilniisu with plvzitwi yokc lcaunics lliicc iiindils lAliiizi Mlllikiii pritciit liclt the sclfvbolt and smart SillClT Graham and Fleming sleeves glazed cotton check at local Sciiisr Cit solcd by the Sor oiic of tho show Orillizi oiw iviy smart outl ttnpiicc iiiiur had circular skirt Willi butterl riisign which would titally any kind of coiiin tho Clltllfi For sh Wtilt gibardmv clicckcd Slacks with stitcliid crcaso and roll cotton blouse llflllll collar and tho lllllCll tiirccquartci lcngth is were shown by slccvclcss cm dicss with three the cont and Gabardine slacks zit stiipcd shorti THE BARRIE xamsm MONDAY am it loose iii of this typo tilt shown by HlGlllilUltTS 0F the second annualmotor show to be held th in Barrie were the fashion parades held by Zelleis and Gra was another enscmy blc shown while the third was lincn dress with and large iiovclty anguia and rhinoi stoiic trim Completing the outt coinct riuchey hnt Makeup for the models was carl islcicd 132 Mrs iry ho Bur PllllCL Frederick Street stylcs in dress wear wore shown by Graham and Flem ing and modcllcd by live represent the Waltcr Model Agency Toronto Joan Mullirilland exhibited wear mg apparel of diffrrcnt typos Onc outfit Thornton comprised full ractivc scenic pattern ion lime green background with grccn sleeveless blouse rout and small collar by those models vliichcould be worn either up or avc lltfsnfu appearance tcsy of ltlaliers Shoe Jean demonstrated jacket with igned for sportswear The cool look iimssiniriisoiiaco JEtchd Congrdtulbtiions To are remowible Joyce also showed an ideal choice for summer wed ding or afternoon tea navy and gt whit gured silkalure dress sty Mm cur ciiiiunniis led with Chinese neckline and selfpleatedrskirt The outfit was completed by twin buckle belt with contrasting trim and red straw pictilre hat with navy trim and red shoes iiidbeSt Wis midi messgo AimMrs igt0i1Eii0iiE CHAM iiiNS esioitheiutiire lb in gold suedeiiow long full sleevcs and large collar Although the jacket could also be substituted for the more dressy occasion With it was shown grey wool bowling skirt with open front and back and slacks or pedalpushers sewn inside Under tho jacket Joan wore threetone grey jcrscywith batl ham and licming Thcsc displays which proved great at traction Gillng the twoday show were held during the evenv ings and gave culprful prcviw of what the welldressed woman will be wearing this summer Alma Milligan is seen here modelling one of the outfits shown by Zellers tmt full jacket was gathered lightly at with rcy LlLtHl and black coni thc waist by elasticized material bined to make the small check in this d1t outstanding Side pucki andtlic collar could be done up cts gave slimming line while or loft Uptll Navy stocks also by the short inc and email collar Irving completed this outt white i1 cy no it under the jacket was 3150 highlighted the navy and grey com inodclled billatiun jacket Thel iTurn to page eight please Irvin shown by grey Sportswear Joan who Eisenhower llllitir Rocket Team afnities dud thelProitince of Otttq in Our very best wishes M7

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