Cup Champions battled Black Hawks put the pressure on icoach Hap Ennis in the future Hillary Menard Chicago two arch OHA rivals through two scoreless periods in the third game of the set During that year he was given brief trial at centre The next season saw Don fullfledged jun during the playoffs when the teams great general Orv Tessier was side lined with knee injury Larry banana EAMINER MONDAY MAY 11 1953 drop the sixth series game in the Maple Leaf Gardens lfc formed on couple but rc covcred behind determined in spired group of males and won three in row to polish the Ma jors 53 in the nals The Flycrs two defeats it didnt takc Marv long to ad just himself and before many games BILL HARRINGTON There was plenty of commotion in junior circles when Emms an nounccd he had acquired goalie Bill Harrington fromlowly Kitch cner Grcczishirts in December The winner of thc most valuable play cr award last year Harrington was rated amongst thc tops in the lcaguc lo turncd tlic Flycrs from mild throat to strong contender and in recording six shutoutsand 23l pcrccntagc team was big rcason why the clubiinishcd in rst place in the standings Nicknamed tlic Duke plenty rested on his shoulders in the seminals against Toronto Marl bolos who also boasted an cxccpi tional custodian in John llciidcr son the Dave Piukiicy Trophy win ncr As cxpcctcd the series was battle of dcfcnsive play and Harrington racked his third shut out of the season against the Dukes to give the Flycrs an important scrics edge Unfortunately he was injured ml the nals against St Michaels College Majors Torn leg muscles sidelined him for the remainder of the series aridthc Flycrs were forced to obtain replacement by way of CAHA rulcs They ac quircd Marv Edwards of St Cath arines and the kid lled big pair of shoes well It was bitter pill for Harring ton to swallow as it marked his last season in junior hockcy mean wcnt past weight stumbling block in the Dominion finals Being on Memorial Cup winner is like drciim to the dim hc was carrying his He was tremendous inutivc St Catharines product it was great break and without doubt Pilous cant lcavc him out of the Marv possibly can write his own contract riots next season In fact Larry leaves junior hockey now and will try to make the ultimate goal with Detroit but he will long be remembered in Barrie for his scoring seven goals and one assist spinctingling rushes won six straight games before 103 ing their first with Marv in the nets His total was it wins andi KENNY ROBERTSON The only liarrlc boy on the Mom orial Cup winning Flych was de fcnccman Kcii ltobcrtson The mark for thc ing he will nevcr receive another chance to play in the coveted Mem orialHCup nals Emms appealed to theCAHA for permission to use him but was turned down and Bill had to watch the club he helped place in the Dominion showdown twinktie sidelines Toronto product he is the pro perty of Montreal Canadicns and should do well in higher company MARV EDWARDS He didnt know what he was stepping into when Emms grabbed him midway through the OHA als against St Michaels College Marv commonly known as stinky had finished his 195253 gtseasonwitli St Catharines on dismal note He had been ousted from thernets byNorm Dcfcltce and coach Rudy Pilous used him sparingly from January to the end He hadonly played four league games over the last three months when Emms obtained him as replacement for Bill Harrington injured during the finals Denitely rusty between the piptaSrEdwards showed his coura geous heart by accepting the press ure at time when the Flyers were down 32 in gamchthe bestuin time set and couldnt afford to mortal Trophy qndgomcnt and not stocky cicwcut bluclincr ncvor lisct lhi statistics on fire in scoring lnr brilliaiicy but for fcollcge try llf llllCtl amongst the 100 pcrccntcrs Kcn was product of the Fly crs vast minor system and after lhnuiicing through midget and jun ltll ranks joined the squad last year He creates plenty of hustle for such small frame and it became great thrill when he titlists Ken has another season in junior hockey and when next September rolls along he should come into his own as threeyear veteran and bc one of thc mainstays of the rcaiguards RALPH WILLIS Thrcc years ago Emms intro duccd huge St Catharincs pro duct to the public 1er said predict he will be one of the finest dcfcncemcn cvcr dcvclopcd in Bar ric That was after his Flycrs had coppcd their first Memorial Cup Now gmduating from junior With second such honor under his arm Willis can be rated amongst the tops as Emms predict ed Wlicn he firstimported to the Flycrs Ralph weighed far over 220 pounds Emms worked him into fair weight and formed him to the junior squad for seasoning But during the 5051 Eastern Can ada finals against Quebec Emms nccdcd bluclincrs and Willis got the nod Ho stuck with the club cvcr sincc This season he was made assist ant captain in probability because of his thorough knowledge of the game his seniority and his indica tion of sincerity because he report ed at an unbelievable 182 pounds It all proved satisfactory The Flych depended on Willis leader ship back of the blucllnc and be ing one of few junior players ever to play on two Memorial Cup win ners it speaks well for his value to Canadas game He is the pro pcrty of Boston and should stand good chance on rising in rank DON CHERRY With still another season in jun ior hockey Don Cherry looms as bright iblueline prospect native of Kingston he rose from junior ranks to the Flych in 195152 but couldnt stick The Flycrs owed Windsor Spit res onc player and because he wasnt seeing regular action Don asked if he could nish the season with the Spits It was granted As the campaign drew to close Cher ry and his Spits invaded Barrie Arena and the amiable rearguard carded tremendous display of bodychccking Emms was happy and Donin just 20 minutes of ac tion had won himself spot on this years Flyer squad Don started landing checks in fall training but tapered for some unknown reason He came back when it counted in the playoffs As Marlbbros and St Mikes were thrown into discard Cherry became one of the teams top defensive stars He looked better against Quebec but against St Boniface he was brilliant It speaks well for his play next year LARRY THIBAULT Rated one ofthe best if not the best puckcarrying defencemen in junior hockey this season big Lar ry finally got the chance to per form in the Mmurial Cup nals and before his hometown fans native of Winnipeg Larry took great pride insporting his unlim ited hockey talents to thewestern fans He came to the OHA three years ago withWindsor Spitres farm club of Detroit Red Wings In December of 1951 Emms nego was member of the Dominion took over and Played some thEiior member and be immediate nest games of his career ly showed he belonged He fin ishd second in the teams scoring with over 70 points and opened the 195253 campaign on similar note in the opener agaist Galt Black Hawks knee injury hampered his play midway in the schedule and while he was sidelined the club missed him Thcrc was definite characteristic change on his re turn as he provcd great leader and competitor Don has one more season in un for hockey but thcrciis strong possibility he will turn profession al under the Boston Bruin organ ization ncxt Fall JACK IHGGIN Never whirlwind but always tough hombre Jack claims in atter the circumstance Unfortunate part is when Jack was acquired from Kitchener Grecnshirts in midseason it was stipulated that he would return to them for next year Toronto lad who has the skat lng form of Jim Morrison another exFlycr biuclincr he is the no pcrty of Montreal Canadicns and rated high Reason is he likes to in junior company he wants to play in Barrie again no GRIN CARVER it was stroke of fate whichl brought Carver to the Ilycrs Scouted by former Flyer Bruno Bcdfavero Orin attended the fall training camp and was given the goahead signal Somehow he nt think he belonged and be departed for homo rush was made to got him back and in his debut he looked terri iic on right wing small work horse he was never potent goal cornr but gave every ounce of his ghting heart to the cause He is nativc of Charlottetown Prince Edward Island and played for Halifax St Marys before join ing the Ontario branch The Mom oriahCup win marked his last year hit and tho rouglitcr the contest the better lic likes it He raninto severe ankle injury in the Eastern Canada playdowns and this threatened to keep him right out of the Dominion nals However constant treatments brought him around to normal skating and Emms shoved him into the fth and nal series game Jack was new to StBonifacc and during the rst period he earn ed lot of respect He did in the OHA too Whether he nishes his hockey in Barrie orwith Kitchener wont be known buthes certainly lproud to be MemorialICup mem er nouo norms One of the brightest professional prospects on the club Dougs jun ior career follows along the same pattern as his linemate Don Mc Kenncy There is an exception He is one of two present members to belong to both Memorial Cup champions Doug blew in from Capreol and was the second member of thc Mohns fairiin to play in Barrie SKIP TEAL big name in junioribefore he ever joined the Flyers this red headed Skipper became bright prospect inmminor ranks in St Catharines He was coached by his father Vic and will always tell the story of how he started skating as youngster his dad making him stand on ice with the support of chair Teal played portion of season tinted deal with the Spits for the blondehaired colorful performer He was valuable member of the Flych but really came into his own this season He created tre mendous fannppeal with his un canny puckcarrying ability and in Teepee junior ranks but his fath er wanted hiln under Emms it cost the Flyers $1000 to pull him away from St Catharines and the whole episode flopped few weeks later when Skipf after playing 13 games last yearsuffered frac tured wrist and was sidelined for the remainder of the campaign He ran into tough luck in the line DON MoKENNEY smooth lanky centreman from Smiths Falls Don took over the captaincy of the team midway in the Scaso This was his second year in junior competition al though it marked his third under the banner of theFlyprs He played for the 19381 junior farm team when fHbp Emms first piloted bisA squad to the coveted Memorial Cup in 195051 Barrie on Tl Distilling winning the injuries tqastart this season too On top of th he always semeo to be in the Flyersbad books He had the captaincy takeniaway from him and was suspended just as the playo opened But event pally agreements were made aim Skip returned to prove big cog in the Flyers march to the Memorial Cup gt He graduates frOm junior this seaSon and the future in the Boston Bruin organizationlooks bright for this popular clever centrcman CONGMTUMTIQNS THapiEmiiisaudowonderfuibunchofboyo gur sincere congratulations upon winding up riversLa Memorial mle Hisolder brother Harold perform ed for the junior Colts during the 30s At that time Doug serv ed as mascot for the team He was good skater then for his age but none ever thought he would develop into the powerful blade artist that he is He started under the Flych as junior but when recruits were needed during the 195051 Eastern Canada the tensionpacked final chapter Doug grabbed the puck in his own end and ach to tho Marlboro blue linc where he tcarncd with Mc Kcnncy on short passing play which wound up in the lone goal of thc game The liycrs won l0 and went on tmdcfcatlhc powerful Dukes 52 in the scrics Doug also has another season in junior hockey but there is remote chance of him returning to the Flycrs Boston arc just as anxious to get his name on pro contract and dont be too surpris cd it Doug doesnt oblige During in threatened to turn Menard pr0 fcssional if Emms didnt allow him to play for Gait Conseducntly 2i deal was made Flyers obtained the sariices Pocta Tony at first refused to report to Emms stating he had heard it was hard place to play After week of holding out Tony finally gave in although he wasnt coaxed by the Flyers He immediately became crowd favorite wherever he played and especially so in Barrie He was practically Shooin for the most popular player award as he finished his junior carccr mem ber of the Memorial Cup cham pions Tony is now the property Cleveland Barons American Lei guc champions Because is so small some scouts dont think him capable of making good in BOB WHITE When his birthday rolls around in July thch will be mad scram ble of scouts cndcavoring to place Bobs name on form But before pro company but others have dif fcrcnt opinions One of the fast est aggressive wingers over under the Flycrs Tony has all the qual itics to bc great and colorful big leaguer that time his future may be de cidcd Duo to thc fact iat professionals cannot touch nior until he turns 18 Bob is cscntly on the loose And it hurts His size skating ability youth and aggress iveness point towards brilliant hockcy career and the scouts sulk in anguish because there is no as surance where he will end up Bob is brothcr of Jack White who ccntrcd the big three of the Memorial Cup winners in 5051 Real Chevrcls and Loo Labinc He followed Jack into Barric from midget ranks championship season too It was tremendous loop but he made it flying He hasnt caught on to placing pucks in the not with regularity yet but it should develop with mat urity He has two more years to learn how As Flycr he has been great asset He is more or less joe boy so to speak When the team is injury frcc Bob received big load ofkilling penalties When Emms searches for power down thcccntrc he shoves White in as fourth thn there is lag on left Wing Bob gets the call is equally effective in any position and any role sodont be surprised when the next few seasons urilt fold he isnt in the nets or on the blucline ii JOHNNY MARTAN Chosen as good prOSpect by Emms when he first arrived in the Flych camp Johnny has come long way in aiding the current Memorial Ctip victory He rose from the minor leagues in Timmins During Montreal training camp he played leftwing for centre named Orv Tessier but little did they know their paths would join later in their car ecrs Emms placed Martan at centre and never powerful skater but heady playmaker the move paid off via trades this season Poeta got the call for right wing with Marty and when Tessier was ob taincd from Kitchener Greenshirts Johnny was given the most potent wingmen in the junior businss The trio immediately became one of the most dangerous on the Fly ers roster and in the middle of it all was Marian He enjoyed his greatest moment in the Dom inion finals as he sank three goals rarity in Martans record for final against Quebec Cltadels Doug was called up for left wind duty He scored an important goa in the opener and stuck witlitlie team for the remainder of the Memorial Cup march The next season he was whirl wind He teamed withDon Mc Kenney to form one of the Flyers most potent lines and as they raced into the final game of the sched ule both were dcadlbckcd for the point leadership on the club They triedtofinish that way too but Doug fired the puck into the net against Kitchener and cen tre Don failed to pick up couple of assists Mohns won the scoring title and received beautiful $125 wristwatch for his efforts Nicknamed the diesel by his mates Mohns returned to illus rate that power periodically through the lengthy season He was one of thglyers top marks men and probably the goal that gave himhis biggest thrill came in the195253piayotrs against To ronto Marlbdros The bestinnine semifinal was tied at 11 aiiti the TONY room The pocketsized rightwing dy namo of the Flyers an illustration of Tonys hockey prowess is the fact that he won the teams most popular player award despite play ing an approximate six months under the local colors Tony rose from the ranks in North Bay tomakc his junior debut with Gait Black Hawks in 195051 He spent two seasons with the Hawks and then midway through November of this cam paign Galtssponsors Chicago We oreshcippyrtd associate ouwrcongroh uyldtions with those of the Barrie Towns folk Everyone is plcciscd with bod proud of your accomplishments manual on salt oueiiis 9011linhl ARDWARET lint single game He usually did the playmakmg forllessier and Poeta Johnny is the property of Mon treal Canadiens and is sought by Sammy Pollock of the junior Habs Said Sammy recently tried to keep him in Montreal but he told me he wanted to play in small town and not big city Consequently he retuned to the Flyers and was tremendous help Havmg another year in junior hockey it speaks ture here of Well for the fui gt REEVES Lens ORV IESSIER Coach Hap Emms rated Orv as the smartest junior Barrie has 9v s2n play in Barrie And that statement from gent who seldom throws around praise serves as summary of Tcssiers tremkndoup hockey ability Orv broke into OHA circles with Kitchener Grecnshirts last season und immcdiatcly showed his value Hc paiccd thc league with 62 goals for sixthplacc club He was one of the teams higher priced per formers and when the Grecnshirts took tumble in gates this cam paign was placed on the auction block Wliilc Emms shopped for Earring ton as goalie he nabbed Tcssier for left wing duty as well but had to give up three players and $7500 cash for the two stars The move immediately turncd the Fiyers into powerhouse and they were billed as the greatest junior team moneyk can buy Tcssicr was valuable to the Fly cis He acted as general fine leader who took over when the going was rough He was the spi wheel of the teams power an paced the offensive with 54 goals and 87 assists record which fell just two points short of tying for thc leagues individual scoring titlc He received $125 wrist watch for pacing the Flyers and throughout the playoffs was ter ror as he centred the teams Memorial Cup march Orv hails from Cornwall and climbs into pro company next sea son undcr the flagof Montreal Canadians He has all the qualities to become great pro and if the Habs know what they aredoirig they will not overlook this name in fall training selections FRED lLETSCK Fred is threeyear veteran but Turn to page six please IAND WPill BARN Their llcliieiieiiieut wo mint ThefMemorial Cur HE +74 ma fctWdAuiufwwkmmx Mwul lt AvWiWMstwmmeWWW an an thzn n4 2maa Lgumanmg north 154414 how