Trust MAY 11 1953 HORSES CORONATION BOUND RCSCC Barrie There was the usual bustle of activity aboard sth on1Wednesday evening with the cadets turningl out in their summer rig with the fine weather they were able to do some outside marching putting up smart appearance as they paradedround Queens Park The cadets were then given lecture on sails and later In the evening underwent the second part of their examination for pro motion to higher rating Questions were on the different parts of boats names of dcstroycis in scr viccs definition of different tackle aboard ship and other subjects It is expected that the presenta tion of the new rating awards Will take place at the annual inspection which is scheduled for Wednes day May 20 The inspecting offi correct cer is LLCdr With RCN area officer Charles Wilson chairman oi the horses are shown bottom being loaded aboard four palace horse cars at this CPRs Ottawa West Yards whilc top plioto shows loading operations aboard the Canadian Pacifics Beaverburn at Mon treal harbor where the horses were placed in special padded stalls with sufficient room provided in thc DOIWCLH docks area to allow daily exercise of the horses EN ROUTE TO LONDON where they will take part in the Coronation parade and other special events being lttillllel in connection with the Cor onation Celebration are 46 Royal Canadian Mountlt ed Police horses Canadian Pacific rail and Steam Ship facilities combined to handle their unusual transportation needs Accompanied by illman party of Mounties in charge of Staff Sergeant Anderson of Ottawa St Andrews Kirk ServiceSMarkd I04II1 Anniversary Neil Campbell retired from min istry of many years in Cm Hearty and sincere congregation al singing was of well selected and familiar hymns Choir numbers were also inspiring and included Goundods Scnd Out Thy Light and Through the Day Richard son Organ selections by Mr Ross were Grieg prelude Morning Song Chorale We Adore Thee composition of the late Edmund Hardy Postludc Now Ilhanh We All Our God old Chorale Prelude Bciccusc offcrtory Dedication by Franz and tho postludc At Twilight folk song arranged by Brahms The abtcndanco was splendid at both morning and evening sorvrces First Sailing CNS Ship The first Canadian National Steamships passenger lincr to soil from Montreal this year departed recently for British Guiana She was the passengercargo vessel Canadian Constructor under Dhc history of St Andrews Pres command of Capt LCBIZHIC from byterian Church goes back even be St Michel de Bellcchasse Quebec yond the centennial dates to 1849 En route to British Guiana the and the 104th anniversiry was ob C0nSlruel0r called at Halifax I0 served by special services last Sun embagk more passengers day May Speaker for the day was Rev Finlay Stewart who is minister of St Andrews Church at Kitchan er and is outstanding as preach er and churchrman the morning service he took for his theme Christian Loyalty which is not so much to the fore as in the old days Church negligence and the falling away from church has become more prevalent through other activities and in consequence the church is not so strong as it should be This makcsa greater need and demandsfur loyalty on our pant His message in the evening was Give You Master We act ually need master of our minds our bodies and our possessions That Master is Christ Jesus We deplore the lack of discipline among children and yet if drifting away they are held by the gang BIINISII IIIITIIWSE CEss POOL SEPTIC TANK GREASE TRAP loDORS Fast FreightvService nearly 24hour faster transl continental freight service was an nounced at Winnipeg recently by Dingle vicepresident for the Canadian National System rIhe speedier service follows experim ents with diesel locomotives haul ing fast fieiglfts during the past few months Itls one of the must signicant improvements in freight service to be introduced bythe railway in many yearsMr Dingle said The use of diesels has reduced the MY BRAKES WERE GOOD Thought the local Sea Coda Committee was aboard during discuss the arrangements for the annull inspection with the officers the evening to Navy Notes Did you know that the old story whom the skull and crombones be mg the deathflag of pirates 35 not When this insignia was flown it meant that if you would deliver up all your cargo you and your ship could go free When total death and destruction was planned the pirates would hoist red flag It is also interesting to look back on the origin of theeustom where by British navalofficers have the privilege of remaining seated when drinking the toast The King CNR Shop To Extend Montreal Facilities than double the sin of its Pomt Montreal was recently announced by the Canadian National Rail ways The addition to the railway electric shop will provide new and larger facilities for servicing the growing number of dieselelectric locomotives Main feature of the extension will be drop table type of ele decreed that from that time on officers drinking the royal toast could remain seated without in curring regal displeasure On one occasion when Charles the Second of final ml was rising to drink toast whle aboarda ship of the line he bumped his head on one of the overhead beams Historians record that the mon arch took the acoident in good part laughing heartily with the rest of the guests However he ICE CREAM TIIE LIoIIs SusiSun Wilih spirit We need that discipline ourselves for there is too much socalled freedom We drited to the other extreme at the expense of self discipline and nch ihe Master Music of the day was under the direction of Angus Ross organist and alWays very welcome visiting soloist WIishart Campbell MBE was present and his fine voice add cd greatly to the inspiration of the service both morning and evening His solos were Light Allitsen Great is Thy Faithfulncss Gounods Divine Redeemer and Spirit of God by Ncidlingcr The singer is gt where his parents 9pent Cheiillas years after his father the late Rev modern chemical product eliminates offensive odors Ilqnlfles in days Fred Watson 49 assa ROAD Phencz659il ALIAdult HARDWARE Chlhnrlu4 sites andxSOrvluo ruoNa out have The Lord is My wellvkuow hcrc hm GREEN IVAN 30 For or Shopping 98104 nuniop at till11 runhing time of the SODmile trip from Winnipeg to Edmonton by 50 Diesels have eliminated coal ing and watering stops and have permitted the hauling of heavier trains The result is faster freight hauling between Atlantic andPaci tic Coasts BIG SURVEY KAMLOOPS BC CP $50000 aerial survey of the North hompson and Fraser rivers has begun here The survey under taken for the federal public works department involves three weeks of aerial work and then ground party will take several months to complete the project in ANEXAMINSH WAN AI FRONT STORES Phone 2801 brine 4946 Convcoionoe on up 83 10 saiti XFRONT IIGHTS REAR LIGHTS STEERING IRES BARRIE TRENO MOTORS BRAKES EREARVIEVII Mirrors Eanusrsvstem norm Willows Safely Check suns siavlt ti THIS country sriokun 9NS caps pm Isaistulg YIIIIIIIGII MOTOR SALES BRENNANAUTO ELscTRIC Edi CROWEchIMITsu mMOTORSLIMITE unsound NOTens AgoirOUNrAIN HARRISTAUTO ELECT To gt no HARQkDIIllLLTIMI JACKSON MOTORS HAROLDIORYI CAR MONTGOMERYrAtl Repairs to all muk es of wash ers Instr Washers for Sale Guam untried WALTER MIME service Phone 4852 SPONSOR spection platform quarters room for shop employees At least two mountains in the Antarctic have been estimated as 15000 feet or higher My 48 IIIIIIGE LOADED WITH EXTRAS Bl WITH CONFIDENCE Dangereld Motors IIIIIB COUPE RADIO HEATER SUN VISOR Battles Largest Dealer USED CAI DIVISION 233 Bradford St TORGISADM was DRIVE YOUR CAR THROUGH SAFET lie time East oi the Town Hall mm to until pinto pm Bethe first to Driv Through Safety Lon DRIVE IN TRAIN ED MECHANICSCHECK YOUR CAR DRIVE OUT IN AS LITTLE AS SMfINUTES your car passes the testyou receive windshield sufetyialicker iIitdoes not pass the test PELLED Itihove il repqired BUT ADVISED to thinHFlha llVOSOfYOlIr own family and others hm Dial 4981 vator used for the amoral and re Iplacemcut gt locomotive wheels land trucks The table will Span like width of the shop and will sex An edema Wm mweivice rive tracks and pits Other faculties include veton capa St Charles dieselelectric Shep slimy overhead mane raw storing diesel parts and lunch dy thgyinner adozen rare in Saskatchewan were sighted STAILINGS MPH TILNEY Susi CPI Halb starlings comparatively ion district farm One of the 08 ii BARRIE Tues Wed Thur MAY I21314 lANE YOU ARE NOT COM DRWEUPR DRIVEOUT VsAFE or Theslub OI your ChoickCOId ploccdinla eon7 toiner Oneidrow is made at the end of each receive inflowitchai HQIITALCCEsSORIEs Ll HT It wMOR mucoumrm AHARRYMU aoouo Shim Russatasrkmk birds which have bad reputation among farmers was shot down More Grim pact oaeierln install the NEW stnanutmmic SINGLEPHASE I010 nihi 113 Dunlop St Phone 2878 BARR morons sum MOTORSALES tintE IIIMITED