THE Minor your noun MA it mm merriber Mrs Richard Younge whose pasting come early on Mommy my we me10F BUSINESS wolf3W wweqnng te Allan Lehuy whol OF tmzHiNC TH uPsft or Ivf may 1243323 UMP rm FLLWAEH 53 COUNCIL MEETING 7gp eH more HEAVY AGENDA th312 3135wa WW Visits Sister said Mrs Thomas Barnes Jr Dur he V1515 hr Mm 33 Riser Raymond ELM ley Hills NY iiltt Mrs vlilLt alt WOSTmtES so if WNCCIVSi WHAT gag Mon qspzratton of holding hobby Eur C0 WA 00119 01 881 infrctufgmaglife Om mm mm N0 day night decided It fictdly ilLAl he spent many wakendst vember 1961 was grand successg to proceed at onCe with fencing in Mrs Mervin Dole called on friends here on Monday1 Visits Daughter Mrs Morrismi Toronto spent thci past weekend With her daughter Grace and husband dint Mr Itiomrts Barnett Victoria Visitor bliss Rllrlcizi Blnir Victoria BC is spending two wcrk md Mrs llzirry llitm were in lui routo on ltiesdny last on busuicss long and two inches thick About My unnatun onlyI but cant Inn Gel money quickly NIAGARA AUTO 10AM With proof of ownership and your signature you can get an auto loan in minutes Up to 31000 or more de pending on what you drive Longor short term plans Loaus to $1000 life insured at no earfracas to you LOWER RATES 0N MANY FRIENDLY IOANS Monthly Payment 34310 At 3319 wtoum mum Minn who nu oribtzg Vnuan Builqu umceSq nAnnm Phone my ith the Bidll farmly In Victoria Cook was home from llrniltford our the thkfml Infant hristentd The infant brighter uf Mr and Mrs Doug Miller nee Arid Wint nigh was christened in the Angli Chnmh on Sunday afternoon Later friends Were entertain to dinner at the hour of her grumtmutlicr Mrs Kayo Woddlingt Sympathy of Community The sympathy of the community guts to Mrs Oliver Yuungc formerly Catherine Stew art Admin on Monday May likiB Death took lili at the home of licr Laughter Mrs Henry Rnwn Atljulu The funeral was held on Wvdurwluy May ti from Turner Funeral Home to Forts lawn Cemetery Utitttgcvillc Business Visit Mrs Gnlbrciglt and Mr Uncle Dies ROV and Mrs Dukc attend ul the funcml of Mr Dukes uncle the late Charles Henry MLCullcy Port Carling who passed away at Bmccbridgc Memorial Hospital on lntirntcnt was in on Tues Suncny Mny Port Carling Ccmtlcry day May Womens Institute Mrs Harry Potter entertained the numbers of the Womens ln stitutc at her home on Tuesday cw cning last 15 being present The VS In usual business and treasurcrs report Miss M111i president Mrs Morrow charge After the Qfiiiiro Ibo FOR EVERY PURPOSE AGENTS FDR BARRIE URRYS 36 BAYFIELD ST STONEand coNcRETE Drivewoyrstono crushod concrete stone and sand F0r sale at pit or delivered PIT AT MIDHURST ONTARIO vARcorl BROS 300 nonstop BARRIE ribosoo served lunch Peltit In the truth If her mother Mrs Richard and we are huping to make the sec ond show to be held here May 1546 evengrester The hm Goldwater Has First Fire Loss corpwnrm Thc first fire lossl tll Colthralcr In several years ocl curred late on the afternoon ofl May hen fire of unknown uriT gin btukc out in the Community Centre lumber piled on HttVt Dun lups lot on Eplttt 91 The timber was maimed dull logging bcelast winter II Severn Falls where it was SJWD on Harry Cowans portable mill It was placed on thr Dunlop land to seal son in six piles Fortunately the pile hit by the flames was off by iti self It mnmined about 5000 feet of the choicest pine mostly 10 feet 2000 feet were burned lit loss LSllllAllLd by Harry Cownu andl Reeve Dunlin at 3200 Only very quick action by the brigade kept the fire confined to small logs There vns over 30000 feet of lumber altogether threatcn ed worth over but the vol utilccrs had the rapidly spreading flames put out in 15 minutes Reeve Dunlop lost small pine tree and 11 young spruce nlsurancc agent Lloyd Letherby had been instructed only the night before to insure the lumber and application for the policy had been mailed just few hours before the outbrcak Council Praises Pupils for Work Fighting Fire The regular meeting of Vcspra Township council was held on Mon day May in Midihurst hall With all members present The auditors reported completion of the township audit and the corn plete audit of road accounts has also been made communication was read from county engineer Jones to the effect that the county road through Fcrndule will be treated with asphalt prime deal was received for an ad ditional two acres of gravel pit from Storey 2nd concesston of Vespra The Department of Highways gave approval to road expendi ture of $31000 only in place of the requested subsidy on $38000 This will greatly curtail township road work for 1953 Last year the sub was on $35000 SKA warning was received from the Department of bands and Forests from the district biologist adVTsmg that under no circumstance must warble fly insecticide be allowed to pass into any stream as it 13 dead ly for all tyes of fish and has done considerable destruction to game fish in one of the SouthernVOnJ tario restocked streams Watson livestock commis You are Cardiolly Invited to Attend the OFFBIALOPENING or BARRIES NEwrsnoEuEaAL Morons DEALER moor Motor tinnitus succESSORTo LoNov MOTORSI IPONTIAC BUICK VAuxHALT GMc TRUCKS Bllhllftlllllb on 5111121715 the resorvoir area Al drztidltd Wlft with barb wtrc on top and 12inch will died to Circle the property Due to ttmreasizrg congestion of parking on team Sum an uffei of I810 tier month from vember for portion of Colwztbord May to No property as Main Street parking lot will be made to the company Parking lines are to be painted on Main Sirent M211 irricr Fpecrin from of the post offha bt kept Bruce asked that StCllUll in clear of vehicles at mull time Efforts to improve the appear once of the village will include move to get the river bunks 11 thi north end of Main Street cleaned up At rho requust of rond forc man Roy Galbraith new arrange ments will be made to keep the grass cut on the Main Street park and Councillor Lawrence Dcvim ndvanccd suggestion for improv ing flbWer buds oh the property The health unit will be notified about two defective dismsal units Presich of the Historic Sites and Tourist Ammolion Lane requester that council con tribute the usual 525 towards the promotional and historic organizw lion He gave recent figures for the importance to this district of sunk mcr visitors and pointed out that 35000311 utcd folders were dis tributed hich includequ rcfcr once to Coldwzitcr He told of the rapid growth of chcrn River area and predicted that owing to the foot Coldwatcr is on the Trans Cnnada Highway this part of ur onia will continue to expand in marked way Council passed motion to make the $25 donation and with the un demanding that another local or gunimtionis also to contribute to the Georgian Bay Dcvclopment Commission passed grant of $50 to the latter Additional liability insurance was approved after the policywas ex plained by Lloyd Letherby agent The village firemen and pumpcr are now fully covered in local and outoftown trips and if by chance the waiter supply became contamin atcd resulting in lawsuit the cor poration is protected lettterfr0m Millard was read in which he referred to in quiries he is making about having an underground cableinstalled on his property to conucctwith the new power line now being built Reeve Dunlop explained why he thought Mr Millard should be re quired to have the special cable laid at hisown expense if he dev cided to have such an installation made Other consumers are re ceiving overhead leadin from the hydro line The line is being re newed as far as bhe Buchanan pro perty Reeve Andrew Dunlop has been on the job daily watching pro gress Hydro Supt Cliff Woodrow is in charge and local men have been doing the work so far asisted by Howard Huffman grid others from Orillia hydro letter from the Mayors and Reeves Association was held over until the meeting next week when the budget will be considered Permission was given for the Navy League to hold tag day May 80 and blue Busy Loafers to tag June in aid of the Commun ity Centre CouncillOr AndrewSwaile who was 111 was theonly member not present sioncr advised that provision has been made for warble fly spraying at the Ontario stock yards One claim was received for diam age done to motor car by reason of large stone in the road notice was received of Well fare Officers Acciaon meeting at Ottawa on June 8940 tender for garbage collection at Little Lake for the summer months was let to Dennis Moranatt $15 for each collection during the season Clerk Earl Richardson Was in structed to write letter of com mendation to the pupils of Feindale School fiorpromplt and effectiveas sistsance in controlling grass fire in mat area recently He was also instructed to write aratepayer drawing attention toa quantity of garbage apparently dumped by him bu concessron and to request him to remove the same at once request will be sentto George Johnston MPP for grant of $1000 in connection with the clean ing out of Black Creek roadyoucher for $238250 was WHAT AN INTERESTING PACKAGEa IS NC lTS MQS SCHKDEQ lDCWN THE iiDCSKSKING iiiNE LISTEN TO THAT IT PATTLES TOO got enough tickets on our Lucky Draw The more tickets the more chances you have winning IIIIIlT DELAY 2885 Dial amnncmvvmu crxaltzx mmww HE ALREADY cor 112mm WITH swimwear MOLE 51y WEN POPlt7 as so KNOW IT9 AIDMINOLIS soles ME 115x 15 you FBLLA6 PLAYIN 6AM To MOLE MEBBE DONT KNOW THAT WE GOT AUTONOMOUS 90CIETY HERE 5AIMOLE us BEEN Turnout THE vw you To GOINON Bour BIRD WATatttN Io BECOME Wfkfmw Collier Muggs and Skeeter osmosis GOLLY THIS 15 some WEATHER ISNT IT MRMARTIN In HOWbe voo THINK con 1le au o5 GAME Tommi mlllll itll lll yous TEAM WILL MAKE our lNllIE SKEEFER mil lilll NOPB WE to FORMED PACK or calAMI DOG Anweo eons HELP MOLE FIEOER FEW THINGS out Viewes Ivepee THINKING OF THE Gmwms Pant MYSELF THE GOOD DEACON COULDNOT FIND WILEY 60 To OFFSET THE MilGER weve Bzoueur IN CATT5 CoueIN SIMPLE MALARKEY GOOD wwo EHOT ANDA KEEN cw ALREADY FEEL MORE 9551125 BUT CHEER UP THE WEATHERMAN SKEETER SAYS THE RAIN PEEWEESLAID upAT HOME WITH THE MEASLES UNLESS we CAN GETA Gooo REPLACEMENT FOR CENTRALHL Dial 5555 you DO new your TEAM WAS sums TO PLAY wr Anal THATS WIN MAY wE WATCH you OPEN IT MPS SCHQOEDER COTTYS CLEANERS KNOWN FOR FINE CLEANING By Walt Kelly FLEAG No1 4553315wa OuTMl EA SEEM ure HEARD 9041mm Comfortable iCobs nerds Prrcoeo RDR us Tuesrw AND wA Stimson To one THE GAME rumor EVENING Min =15 Britain hopes to screen the THE WORLD MOVES so DO BARREI m5 worlds first general release 3D car teen with production planned for release in May In his 3D cartoon version of Edward Ledrs story of the Owl and the Pussycat pro ducer John Bolas sends them to sea in 3D boat with ireepence wrapped in afiVeapound note Fish swim into one audience mmmm Como CAR AGE AND smitch +LIMITED ELSWOIITH Door PRIZES 3f DANCING 550 IM mtivisnuo EVENIS 5g155mr coueotoi lllYSICIANS CANADIAN owuro AND SURGEONS 0F UPPER lSIR BARTON wins 915 pm PLAYER commandmeon KENTUCKYDERBY 1919 FOUND non sroyE pr TORONT SFIP UNION DEPOT LND l853 LWITWHATSIN MV ALWT scum Au ANPANs cut or Semis or weekly commas tool ow AND on IN our counters carbonyl sror