arrir Examinr Section ZwPoges to 16 trRIDAY MAY 1953 Grcn Beyond let ts that she did for us on 13m can Dbocrve this mid making special emu to mp clung she would delight doattend Divine gsomc poor mothtr who 13 hard struggle to bring up Whatev you do all of yer never forg for on sound that yer mother W33 31 Grill adman Mrs In glcs As her final instruction to bar children as to how to he luv at party wwhlch they had all been invited News of Interest to Junior Farmers wits Ln Burn an IJIuIIlU Hr mg lMuseum Train Will Be In Barrie May 181920 By JAxEs HANCOCK Junior Farmer public speaking mmpotizion was chosen to address 337m Wixwmvlulmng to the Sammy evening church sertlccl gllfg djuf WNW at the Agricultural Col in War Memorial Hall Mac Log 3v Mf lege about the course Said he onJOxJord Countv undcrstood his 91 W14 am 11 Clout want my boy unsung his audience and working on the com Id time on lot of lungs hell never Terence theme Yesterday Iodai viuzruy luvcrnzg gaxv 21x OIL Imilliln Ivmnt him to learn gumahmg and Tomorrow pointed out that the that prmcnt future shlcl Ina Jul wow 11 um M1481 practical like how to milk cow for voung people Today most 1le Lil6 Hum mm many momers Yes replied the professor imgnang we snuum do um Bay lie told of how 11m not If Chadd Bmdazfel want my boy to learn practical todav said he for vostcrdav isI we WM mm damn WI men mt ml things too but also want him to pad and tomorrow Is not 1cm cvmy yearn61211112 lo UH When Walk 39 and bugging up nto trouble It i5 the porch If we 1m 1m have our new still Mothers my in when we can use our high iubntb givenw express our Inve Flowers at dy book picture uni min for her to at her homewrit of present there at which to select one which om give Mother rczl pleatan icon to do sum do him as wrlilneihingu calf 731 in our gm 33mm Jug and Aung The adolescent who is Hanonrcuuny 50m Firm slowdng llc told or how my mum certain extent IchoIr dcughled the large audience um 1c Lil our country Too Alon Peacock At WLLII two beautifully rendered un lllmziuu vdung mm or woman dis Junior Farmers Meeting of Gomgtun Buy ucr velocity and direction llc ITIeIztmncd 121v fact that itur 11512 upproxmxuloiv years and was at an JIIllllic nigh mm COUII We have 111mm magnum themselves in their work Farmers choir In North bimcocI The Ontario Department of Agril culture is prcpured to pay for thel services of ii profcxsmnul director for limited period for any county Ir ntlVlCC to the commun not IJII that their par clgt should also slurc 1hr approval Jf the publzc Alan Peacock zone forester will Iddrcxs Centre Flos Junior Farm crs on Form Forestry in Victoria School on Tuesday May ll Mr Peacock has also arranged for the wrecning of now conservation film Yours Is ah mm The meeting will be under the direction Family Farm Not of Mus Ann Graham on vuy out um um Turn to page sixteen please After the composzcons Mn incusscd by Mr llnhcock new ncmbcm unrullcd Tl Ing was adiouruod l0 ocmck Will You Be Writing By MARJORIE GOLGH WORLDS FIRST HRH1 highway Numbcr 400 xllSlil I1rIIIlIcltl lxmw LIIIII BliitTululllo Highway nmmrx IIIrcc dililtlll lump14c written vitli blood in the hex Im LIr and IIlrtr lowumuxra or ycxtcr ymzx nus smicmcn Imdc by yczIr IIIlllt up tiilt Canadian XIIIIIIII Inspector WILLS of the Onturio Iro RJIlII unzwum Train II llill in Inczul Police on Wednljsduy UVCII pcrIIIuInnt display tXIlIIIll rancid mg April 11 at the Gluizoro Jun all Iln way from Iirkcts Inuitrm ITOIS meeting Illll Bible raricx IIIIi picture5 oi luv why The WNW dcf has turiral cvnus to The poncr plant III menfamv to drive in 30 les per the tint IICsLI clcrIrIc car in orIII our our ms hlgminy more is Annrun capacity to go 50 the limit or to Special irCIIUIIS arr iicvoicd to 11m mgh nineties With this capac limrv DIDNT NIINl gtv WNW iiy IIT alert conccnziuting diIVcI blllf tclvgraphx cxprcw and mount mung at the limit could poxqbly IIUWCF Emil lrnt mm 06 handle the Siiuutzon and dim few grouili of 2th pionccr railways from fenders The unalcrt snzurt Jack 15 MW PC0131 3W reticent Canadas first 31031 road in 1330 IO rabbit cllvc shun cnlurgc guolf llxijfSSllg the deeper 9910 the Illtatflll HARMmile Canadian Wm see Korean 31 Yew 11 have timer TII an or 305009022 0n Mothers Day men and women in every walk of life inns Lind girls in all kinds of homes pay tribute to their mothers Famous people have written in glowing words of their mothers inuence Ben jamin West the president of the Royal Academy of Arts in Lon don Enunnd early in the last century once said kiss from my mothcr nude Inc painter Abraham Lincoln declared All that am or hopc to be owe to my angel mother or furnich mociation WISIIIIlg to II on ll C0 ll Dr Norman lligii dircclor of tch Diploma Course OAC expects the family farm to survive Ho point cd out that 115 yours ago 67 per com of form workch were family work cm The latest census shows 90 per cciit on now family workers Farm mechanization has been re sponsxble for the change The speaker suggmed that if farm angcril iifmpgggcdm laborer of 2000 BC could have been Do Bcrimni and Don WWW to 1800 AD he Amid IXL II McGmth represcmcd Com F105 have adjusted to farm conditions Km Caldww BEL Brown Joe more easd than would form Mclmnn and Ivan Clark zcprcsent VEEW mllshrwd ml 18 to cd Glcnoro and Gray Thomson 193 ms age 0f rapid Chage Orilliu Allan Brown the North Dr mgh les mm we have famed Simcoc director on the provincial 50 fwd 351 means or CQm municating Ideas We must fInd North Simcoe Juniors At Provincial Conference llllc Junior lurnicrs Aociatiou of Ontario holds an annual conferl cncc at tho OAC Gulcph during the lust vcek of April Ton juniors fmIn North Surging amended the latest one tribute to mother vcryl personal thing It is colored by cincmbrancc of childhood daysd Although some people scoff at Moi thcrs DIIy ll commercial scheme surely it has IIS value III II lturZ rch age everyone seems To be in cant get over what sud den interest Junior Ins db velopcd for Baseball Youre OUTE And YOU may be but plenty if you are not board was of counvc in attendance as well Impressive Church Service some moans of speeding up the communication of ideas if we are to win the ideological struggle Nailouul Syxtcm tlIc largcgt on this dcvclopuicnl is the history of Canada oniincnt TIIL history oi railway Pretty girls dressed in criuolinc sly non be killed any minute IILS return to Union Station have the groutcst desire to rush up and Stop be run careful You In the lo pause and think of the debt which is owed to all mothers Howells once wrote Al mam never sees all that his muthcri ha been to him till its too late protected Willi Personal Li ability Insurance 750 gets you 510000 for three years why be without it limo we have had forces in Korea there has been 10$ killed than we hnd lill your on Ontario high ways The death late last ywr was Low140 of them children At least 140 drivers had not done us ll school zone sign read School zone edont kill child under which had been scratched Wait for teacher There was one pleasing point for the girls The inspector praised vo men drivers Women had to drive carefully to prove they could drive Now they have surpascd the man Twcntysix per cent of the drivers are ladies and only seven per cent are involved in accidens and of this seven per cent only slightly more IIIIZIII one per cent are in fa tal accidents Men drive more hoop Skirtx polio bonIIcIs and all and veteran Iminmcn caring costumes of century ago are shown Icit IIII Ictcalf viccprcsidcnt and executive assistant of the Canadian National Systcm and Mayor Camil licn Hood of Montreal on the or fusion of the train making its public dclnit Mogul No 671 of 130 the olrlcst locomotive still operating on the CN is used to haul the train It is far cry from todays powerful locomotives A5 nt former confcrcndcs tho Internationdl Pahel winner Of the recent Provincial With UndeIstanding One An other as the topic for discussion the Mnday atcrnoon session un der the chairmanship of Jack Mc Phorson former editor of Junior Earmcr News decided the greatest hrrier was in our failure to get to other fellovs viewpoint For this reason the livestock producer of Eastern Canada is sometimes little edgy with the grain grow er of the West The panel agreed that visiting people of other coun ties other provinces and other countries was the best means of gaining an understanding of one another Dr Joan Tully of Aus tralia asserted that not until we viist other lands do we begin to New Developmenps to let her know that he sees Ill What pity if this is so If our mother has passed on to thel FIRE AUTO AND arm CASUALTY INSURANCI 95 DUNIIOP ST EAST Phone SZOI showed teenage film Chancc Twelve mombcIs of the Farm Machinery Club were enrolled Ralph Hayes was elected president and Donald McLean secretary MONSTER 0000 lNSURANLl NCY banquet on Monday evening stati paired with twominute talk on considered the exchange some current event some of the one of the most most interesting compositions being important things Junior Farmers as follows could carry on at the present time Does rural depopulation threaten the prosperity and welfare of Ong ideas anndustomsIgt Guests on cd that he VISIL program was compare out with those of others the panel were from Scotland Al berta and the USA To DIAL 4427 95 040 815 FIREC Bill Black gave very interest ing talk on the Korean situation Id iear 33 THE BARRIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS will present to this COMMUNITY their fifth FESTIVAL CONCERT with special lecture CAYALCADE 01 CAN ADA Ond CELEBRATING in song and dance the CENTENNIAL of our Fair Tovm and On Tuesday morning the boys were conducted on tour of the Ontario Agricultural College The most interesting feature was the new Swine Research Station at the Arkel arm which just reaching completion It is one of the most complete stations for swine research in North America New housing ideas being tested are radiant heating and an electric gut tor marten Al the Herd Sire testing barn the boys learned that the progeny from some beef bulls will put on gains at feed cost of per pound while with others under the same conditions the costs went up as high as 36c per pound lurio was the question that teams from Lambton and Halton counties debated at the Monday evening ses sion With fire and thunder the Lambion team upheld the affirm describing the prisoner exchange peace talks etc Beverley Rawson also gave talk on the Korean situation Jimmie Cook new mem ber gave short talk on ditferent milesthus they exposed more Inspector Witts also remarkch If you are courteous to pedestrians and say No to chance you are Sat May 830 Tim visiIOIs to Canada which proved most interesting Donald Bell chose to talk on the Shorthom alive but to no avail Halton County debaters argued succeulw 1y Elm 20 per cent of our total population now engaged in prim ary production produced more food than was produced by 60 per cent of our population 50 years ago The result is higher standard of living for everyone Holsteins Being Tested Four Holstein calves six months old went on test on April It will be interesting to loarrihov they compare in feeding efficiency and carcass quality with the Here good driver BINGO ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE Following his talk the inspector IIIIIF TEMPLE COLLIER $1 BARRIE ADMISSION CARDS $1200 TAOKPOT JACKIQI CORONATION of Our Gracious Queen CHORUS OF 500 assisted by the COLLEGIATE CONCERT BAND COME ToTIIE BARRIE ARENA FRIDAY MAT22 I953 TICKETS 40 Children under 12 25C It is betolslecure tickts early lord Angus and Shorthorn calves Any breeder wishing to have his herd sire tested may send four calves to the station inany 18 montb period The calves maybe all steers or may be combination ofbulls and steers up to maxi mum of two bulls The consignor is required to pay for three quarters of the feed Bulls are re turned to the breeder at lthe end of the test period I196 days Steers are slaughtered and scored for calm cuss quality The selling price of the caroam plus the value of the byproducts are credited tothe breeder New Officers Elected At the executive meeting Tues day morning Donlyliddlgton OI Middlesex County was elcted president for 1953 and Carl Boyn ton York County viccpIcsident The affairs of the Amociation are in capable hands Both young men ssful Deputy Minister Speaks At Banquet Graham Deputy Miriister Agriculture speaking at the Monday May p111 Proceeds for the Cancer folio and Tubalunlock Cards 350 Special Games at $10 per game $1003I Fund 520000 of Sponsored by Cancer Polio Tuberculosis Town 0T7 IIAIIIIIE IIIEBI INIINIENEIIT NOTICE Improvements the under mentioned works in the assess the cost upon the land abutting directly on TAKE NOTICE THAT have had 1003 andl succe The Council of the Corporation llIc lowuoLBarric intends to construct as Local experience in Junior Farmer work following named streets between the points hereinafter mentioned and intend to specmlly HUIODIO tile Work namely Coll Club Meeting By MIMAY LOVERING The second meeting of the Hur Oniai Golf Club was heldon TuesV fday April 21 in Goldwater public school film Buckshot Goes to WM the Fair Was shown which proved very interesting During the roll William 51 3Granwue 5L call each member had to be pre Baldwin handing the East of Lot 25 including Lot 16 Tiin SI Innisl St Including Lot 38 Bub Hunter and his lland Vocals by ping Mayor Every Saturday Night Rosco VATIONS 10101034102 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS Annual Estimatnd Rake In look abutting Estimated Cost per foot Frontage Estimated Construc Wldth Distance tinn pm Name of Strut 160460 200 2530 357100 119000 224350 121800 144200 223000 Holgate St North sided 8023 Essa Rd Bust side 200 200 200 200 200 200 2530 2530 2533 353I 253I 2531 17355 595 999 609 1115 Brock St Brock St Robert St Innisfil St Existing sidewalk Cotter St West side Cotter 50 East side Dufferhi St North side John St Southwsidew Donald Stu North side 13 and Inciudmg ll property at 84 Nf Donaldsigr liccls StWest side Existing sidewalk Intersection of at end Of Sophia Ecalds St and St Wellington St Existing sidewalk Rose Street at Doll Barrio onConcsSloN 14 Ibtwccnghigbway 11 andncvv ourhneni ITIIIIIIIIITAAAT NAT loomRI VAN nnruu IVONNTI DE CARLO of all those whocontrlbubed WONDERCLOVESICamnI NEWS bummew It lt Th1 than the Excuiiveoii1ie Barrie 010118 runs NIT II II 12 35W 333 norm Branch we extend to the Press Radio Ward and Rural rem Wm concrete Dunmmisw mm mm 22002330afhfdlilllllleliliilldifiiii mom Jva HODLTDAI alimony T901 TOOT Cowman Thank You jections tothe saldpwork will be considered 30m ManN nNmDat Barrie Ontario this lstday of 01051003 ellOperation Qmmgppnwman LOcatedjutcOuth of 670 5135200 24mm 2437900 309300 PeclSt West side Grove Street 1238 St Vincent St 5218955 Peei St 1K 1401 Existing Walk on 89qu side of Collier 36 Wellington Bemzy St Butleld St 66 North from Dunlap Clgppgrton St side James St South side Grove St South side Clappertont East side remove guttcr and widen existing walk 3338 Concrete thickness Clapperton East side 106s north tron Now that the 191532Campalgn forfunds to carry on the many activitieslmlthe Red Cross has been brought 00 satisfactory conclusimi it is fitting that the efforts freely of their time should 31 ism Q1 335 or undcnaklnc 63 1925 73135 lication will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Bonrdrfori lip Am tritium days after the first publicationof this notice due Willytheom any owner may approve of the said work being undertONeA but before no1 appoint The said Board may the manycitlzens who by their financial support brdught our eflorhsto successful cuhnlnatlon we say 1s