Lglscnuuzous MISCELLANEOUS 11051110115 WANTED Dont Buy Sewing Machine Exesac BICYCLES each week WOMAN WILL look after children ht 15 Open contesti in own home while mother works lumess You Get Right 34 531 UnyS 38 Bayl or shop Monday to Friday Phone 10m field St Barrie 34257 5577 23354 mmmitv use 19533 wanna Special lth Price Paid for LIVE POULTRY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE TlRAME Barn on concrete founderI tian 77x50 good steel root 1111 $500 per single card timbers sound second barn 30x20 twith shingle roof Phone Barrie BANK CLERK WANTED cam Bank at Commerce Borden Phone 16 Camp during business hours or Barrie during evenings Transportation provided 15457 BOOKKEEPER Male Or Female Required immediately Some accountancy experience and typing essential For progresswe retail and wholesale business In Barrie Good salary to the qualified person Apply Box Barrlc Ex aminer 15311 SALESMAN The man we want is lellE has pleasant personality 15 age 24 or older ambitious worker and owns car If you have these qualifications and desire more money and oppor tunity for advancement your rc ply will put you in touch Ruth growing company Kindly state past and present employment All replies condential Box The Barrie Examiner 154 PART TIME Parttime interviewers to work for market research and public opln ion company No selling involved Must be of good appearance good education and between the ages of 2545 Good payment Apply by letter stating age education and experience to Cruneau Research Limited 20 Bloor St West Toronto Ontario Posting Machine OPERATOR required immediately by industrial Acceptance Corporation Limited Post Office Square PHONE 5533 15456 Highest Price Paid DELIVERED SCRAP IRON EPNONE 807111 hides raw fur horsehair feathers LEVITS TRADING 33 Collier St Phone 23011 GRAVEL E7 FILL Collect phone calls accepted TOP SOlL 323tfi Loaded at Dalls Gravel Pit Mine Monday Iucsday Wed Barrie Metal salvage lllgslay of each week DEALERS 1N DELlVERY ANYWHERE SCRAP IRON METALS FURS mas RAos BATTERIES DENNIS MORAN FEATHERS Phone 2907 Barrie LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call Highesti SAVE 339$ prices paid Special prices paid delivered Phone Barrio Stayner PLUMBING SUPPLIES KITCHEN SINKS BATHROOM SETS 2983820r31 98129813 Porcelain enamel steci acid resist MAX PUSHKOFF 111g sinks threewpicm bathroom sets white or coloured chrome AND COMPANY Yard and Office 156 Ilffln St fittings Laundry tubs shower cabinets pressure water systems 33280 oil burners septic andoil tanks HIGHEST PRICES FOR air conditioning furnaceh convec Scrap Iron Metal Batteries Rags tor radiation Helpful installation diagrams induce catalogues All INDUSTRIAL IRON METAL shipments delivered you pay no freight Write or visit Dunlap St West Ferndale Phone 811r3l or 8487 SV JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPIJIES 340 STREETSVIIJF ONTARIO 75462 BARBELL Gymnasium set 2001b Phone 6407 75854 CANOE 16FI 31 beam canvas covered Phone 51106 75354 CCM BOYS Bicycles 111 good condition Phone 3005 754 idINCH WOOD Lathecomplctc with motor and tools Phone 5477 75354 NORGE Refrigerator in good con dition medium sizc Phone 4716 75354 TIRES AND Tubes good condi tlou size 670x15 $25 Phone 3921 754 ammo 75011 Accommodation Wanted HOUSE OR APARTMENT Family with two infants rcqllircs house or apartment within 12 miles of Camp Borden Will pay good rental for satisfactory accommo dation with full utilities Apply Jones White Towers Motel Barric 115355 WANTED BY MT TEACHER BY JULY Unfurnished apartment or duplex self contained Two bedrooms Central or cast and Two adults Write Box The Barrie Examiner 1154 OR ROOMS for Sgt wife and children Apply Box 72 Barrie Examiner 115354 BABY CARRIAGE in cxccllcnt condition $111 Apply 79 Gunn St Barrie 75311 USED BICYCLES all in good con dltlon Urrys 30 Bayfleld St CLEANING Woman for Motel Phone 4330 15354 WOMAN to do general housework Sleep out Phone 3331 15354 UNDERGRADUATE Nurse for general duty Inniswood Lodge rcncc Breakwcll Barrie wife 15354 WAITRESS Wanted Farinas Spa hettl House Stroud Phone 38 troud 15354 WAITRESS Wanted 51 day week No Sundays Apply Rlv1cra Res taurant 15304 FEMALE HELP Wanted Apply Fullview Cleaners 57 Dunlop St West Barrie 154 BASEBALL Home Sewers for Lanan Wellinger Phone 5317 for information 15355 WARD AND Kitchen Molds Apply Miss Smith Dietitian Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie 15354 EXPERIENCED Butcher must be 00d cutter Will pay good wages pply Buehlers Meat Market Orlllia 354 NEWSPAPER Carrier Boy we tell for East End route in Barrie Ap ply to The Barrie Examiner or phone gt 2414 41501 CLASS Motor Mechanics with license one body man with 11c ease Apply Ross McMullen Slm cOEMotor Products Ltd 154 IRL ORYoung Woman wanted orgeneral bonsework all conveni cities Good wages Must befalld 61 children Phone 2442 Orillla 15355 IRST CLASS Pastry Baker with eferencep Wanted Steady employV inept gdod wages Apply Corner Cupboard Bakery 45 Dunlop St East Barrie 15355 WW WAITRESSES must be experienc ed good starting salary hospital tionextra pay forholldays and undays Apply United Cigar Store Barrie 15354 MANHWANTED from June to cut grass one day week at Shan tyBay Can bring own power mow er Or use one on property Write Box 67 Barrie Examiner 15254 WANTED for plant Good comic ment for retired man still cabal of regular work Canada Iggy Bottling Co Borne Limited Taoism St between 1011 am Saturday Marib 154 ANTED Man iv 01 consuggerarrinhlgagie Perm one cow gman reliable lghustler 11 Write Rawleighls Dept 131 Montreal WIWCED Comptometer Op wanted for June July and landlost have eed andac Moorch State age rovlauscxperience in written Boac3 BurrisElsa ih Wlll sell very reasonable Apply pilots utter Limited 180 71 910 am Sat ate wanted sale without fertilizer very reasonable SINGER TailoringMachine dem $35 Ill in onstrator model reduced $25 with for steady travEl 154 GEORGEWHITE Thresher No Phone 3874 72863F ICE BOX 100 to 150 lbs capacity ideal for summer cottage $15 Phone 6454 754tf SMITHCORONA Portable silent typewrlter ill 1ovciy case and is llke new Phone 2529 75455 PORTABLE Sawmill complete good condition Reasonable Apply Box Barrie Examiner 75455 AXMINSTER Oriental 9x10 rug used one year in good condition Pharicptoaydtl eVEnings f754 STOREY Frame HFlfse 26x32 11 to be moved or torn down Apply Shepherd Belle Ewart 75355 CRESSTCORN Salyc fOr surerv llcf Your Druggist sells Cress OR UNFURNISHED Roomcd Apartment for working mother and small child Phone 2243 1154 0R ROOMED unfurnished house wanted by soldier and wife on or before June Phone 6524 1151tf ROOMED Selfcontained Apart ment centrally located wanted by business girls Apply Box 11 Barrie Examiner 115254 WOULD Kind friendly lady ac commodate mother and care tori new baby while mother works Apply Box 65 Barrie Examiner 115254 WANTED Immediatelys3 bed rooms with suitable auxiliary con venienccs family of in Barrie or on bus route Brennan callous Salve 100 lelleVES QUICRIY Box 71 Barrie Examiner 115354 754 REFRIGERATOR 0cu ft in ex cellent condition also tank type vacuum cleaner like new Phone 4298 75354 PIANO Accordion 37 treble 60 bass Hohner Verdi IM with case perfect condition $100 cash Phone i457 75450 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Slmcoe Business Machines 80 Toronto St phone 4824 71asli ELECTRIC Refrigerator 10 cu ft 50 lb freezer year guarantee also Beatty Washing Machine Phonegt3514 754 TWO SIMMONS Beds spring and mattress in excellent condi tion also mans CCM Bicycle Phone 2996 754 SMALLSIZED dining room suite places oak almost now also boys coat and cap fawn size Phone 3542 754 ARGFTYPE Chinese geese eggs $2 for settlng of Add 50c for mallmg Phone714 Minesing Mar garet Goodfellow 73748F SEVENUP Electrlc Pop Cooler Oneholeice cream cabinet Both 10 cyle good order $225 for both Phone Strolld 32r101 75354 BUGS Broadloom Save to 10 New rugs from old ll woollena and discarded clothtn Newer shades Phone Barrig 27 All CCM RED and White Bicycle standard sizehcarrler aps and extras good as new $35 Phone 2250 Apply 91Clapperton7 Sts3 54 PONY TRAILER with tarpatllln farm trailer lvith stock racks and 100x16 tires new chicken feeder long of wood 88 Peel St Phone4490 pip 754 HAMPSTON House Trailer 18 it factory built winterized and has screens Will sell cheapfor cash May be seen at 59 Ellen St or phone 4721 75456 MODEL Ford Tractor with snow plow bladealso Motor Scooter will sell or trado either one for arden tractor Jenkins Garage hone 19Everett 74556 WW HP JOHNSON Outboard Motor nearlyhaw boat 16 ft with 54 Inch beam Petcrboro style All 1n and gondltlon Price reasonable hone Stroud 32121 754 rvenwnrrens bodice machine coltables adding machines cash registers sale and service 313171111 SHERRI oronal 70031 FARMIQUIPMENT SPECIAL VALUES Eureka onerow Potato Planter Cockshutt 15t00th Cultivator Cockshutt oneway disc 5ft 2furrow FleuryBissell Tractor Plow FairbanksMorse Hammer Mill CUMMINQ MasseyHarris Dealer 30 Sophia St West Barrie PHONE 3577 3954 PRICED TO SELL Practically new INTERNATIONAL FARM EQUIPMENT 1952W6 TRACTOR Brand New COMBINE 812 CULTIVATOR ONE WAY DISC CUITING BOX 10 Throat FERITLIZERSPREADER also Buck Rake and Sed Drill for Ford Tractor Phone i7r4 Lfroy 0R WRITE KELLOUGH 395354 FOR GOOD used Grain Binder power drive or ground driven guaranteed contact Cantos RR Tottenham SH Lot 30011 Tecumsethu 3954 in New condition 16 ft elevlltor chaff blower clover attachment LEO Moteau Anton Mills Phone 2r0Ellrlvale 3953115 HEAVYSET Team Harness with bridles 10 late International Tan em Disc arrow in good condi ion eta rods 12tt Silo 60011 canoe ty Viking Cream Separator in running orderVPriced for quick John HCaldwe11 Shunt 30545 an Bay WW EVERAL DISC Drills and one soyHarris 15 hoe Drill all mum veral used Spreaders Unplug order The followin used usual singer warranty also limited machines Innearly New con dons number at used electrlc purtabla lion PleuralBissau via Phone 8111 swirl iii arrowlnet qt Plenty13 11830311365 an bdeln disc barrow tilt nil Land PaokerpMaIl 24 07 031115 It 011 beamln No08 litter asaey Vexcollexlt doodle on cylinder 11 dbl linen match cl II biota 809r21 75204 Anxus our 8min 3295 or write Bragg 29 Hill crcsl Avenue Willowdale Ontario 75453 ilRAME Building in good repair $281136 ft Doe and half storeys sultabic for body and fender shop istorage or Wullid make apartI lmcnts Silllaltd In town 25 miiys isouth West of Blillit Apply Boxi 64 Barrie Examiner 75257 HOG moments FtEd Master Ia complete feed Pay for It winn Iyou cli your plgs No Interest or extra charges includes free in3 liivery You pay only list primI lPhone Thornton lced Store lry 1115 or Stroud 14121 751 TYPEWRITERS and Adding MaL chines new and factory recondiv lloned Service by factory trailch mechanics Special student rental rates Call Remington Rand Linn1 lted 70 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 2756 724th FLAGS Gs1 10 icngtlls 111 chrome moulding 1inch wide quantity of aluminum 2lnch tub ing automatic lnctul name platvl stamping machine crusts spray gun 50 150W floodlights Apply General Store Honsccours Beach 9th Con Stroud 751 UNIVERSAL door ice cream freezer in good condition also Scr vicc Station wlth room apart ment and also room apart mcnt and 1ax1 Busulcss lSLIVILl Station now llandlllg White Rosc Products Apply George Gra ham Box 63 Everett phone 151 75451 VERNAS Clothes Horsc Come up and see all our bargains Vcrnas place is blessing to lllotllelsi with large families She also has mens and ladies apparrcl ladies and mens suits and top Coats Formals for sale and rentuiJ suitable for cadet inspection and graduation dallccs Phone 1751 133 Ciappcrton St second floor 7535711 BEACH Electric Range ivory with black trim excellent condition1 large oven two roomy drawers covered elements Antique cabinet open tilrce shelves small oval shelf mahogany finish music cab lnet mahogany mohair wing chair antique rocking chair sonlc kitchen utensils 25 bed complete Reasonably priced for quick sale Phone 4160 754 PLANTS FLOWERS PHONE 5975 For MOTH ERS ELOWERS On Her Day FENDLEYS FLOWERS 2153431 SUMMER COTTAGES AT MIDHURST roamed cottage heavy duty wiring water Apply Mrs Shute 285354 COTTAGE for rent bedrooms stone fireplace Apply 38 Toronto St or phone 4411 all54 SUMMER COTTAGE for sale 101 rent Hydro good water 11111011 from Barrie Phone 2137 VaughanRR No Barrio 2854 SUMMER COTTAGEfWnndlzmd 1mgrEloschfnarrleJEscrigr Beach replace furnished inside plumbing screened porch Must be sold Owner moved away Apply 150 Clapperton Stor phone 76 285i 21 FOUR ROOM Furnished Cottage Thirtyone hundred five room fur nished cottage Thirtyfive bulld red Six room place vcly mod ern year round cottage lakc front age close to Barrie We have the selection to choose from See ch ly and Elrick Realtors Barrie 2854 LIVESTOCKFOR SALE WEANLING PIGS Fed out to market on our nance plan Save your grain for seed and if you havent tried our simple NoExtraChargeToYou Finance Plan drop in and talk it over with us or phone 2982 for an ap pointment You pay for your feed after your hogs have gone to mar ket We have an identical Illltlllce plan for poultry BARRI FARM SUPPLY Market Square Barrie 932170 3YEAR0LD Pony quiet with children Phone 1918 Oro 954 12 Plasfswwnpxs 01d feederg well Apply Arthur Holmes phone 834114 w954 HOLSTEIN COW years due Ma 22 Apply Charles Cole9 plying Heifer cu LYEHROLD Guernsey red Harold Handy RR No Barrie 054 COWS one Jersey and one Red fresh Apply Borden BestnRR No Tottenham Phone Beetog taxi3 SHORTHORNCow rising years old call at foot days Fred Rich ardson Phelpston Phone Elmvalc 6r11 1153554 SOW AND PIGIS some Pig Slackers Heifers due in June Garnet Ley phone 73112 Cooks towrl lie5455 COW PART Jersy good milker due Octoberr Steer aged eight months Hughes 246 Cold rington St 19554 COWS one Durham and one Holstein due May 7and Peter Nielson RR No 13Balrle Crown Hill hone 8411733 954 REGISTERED Oxford Elvcs2 years old Grade Ewes years old with 14 Lambs Ap ly Bob Goodfellow Minesing one 714 Mlnesing 05354 HOLSTEINS Heifers and young cows all vaccinated andsallf freshenin also registered Short horn Hot or and her months calf Brown RE Strand 954 ARE YOUShim of he Think ing ofstartin Beet erdtW invite you to aspect fty head Breeding Stoc The Worlds Greatest Beef Bread at Auction Sale Fergus Write tor ggt lac Arthur ntarlo Angus all was 95351 isotlmla 01 In re tily 133 Dunlap St Barrie Ph 6642 blicIz 4233 11 Will take best cash offer ROOM COTTAGEl with lodge garage one acre all land on Highway 11 Will take best cash offer or small down pay meat on balance of rst mortgage APPLY TO FRANK PAYCB Owner Franklin Inn Phonelllfi Mono Mills lbtltf Butcher Armstrong Realtors 1706A Avenue Rd 758A Yonge St Nr Bloor 50000 Home $3000 down Large 11111g room two 111cc bedrooms kitciun and bath Hardwood floor mg In large lot Also garage 37500 52000 down room stone cottage fully insulated modern colllclllcllccs on double lot 100 ft waterfront just outside Barrie town limits 531100 $2000 cash room brick hunu with bath in Everett Can be uscd as two apartments hot and cold water and full size bascnlent also garagc On 11 acres of land $11000 room storey new home 131111 size basement hot air heating on large lot New school area Terms arranged 1111 mcdiatc posScssion ShmPill BRUCE REP BARBIE 6642 After hours call 2239 1654 HARRY MICHIE REAL ESTATE StiJltMlSix room brick house hard wood floors hot air llcatillg full 5171 bzlscmcllt $3000 will handle balance arranged $0500Fivc room brick house large corner lot llllmcdlzltc poss ession Terms $9500Flvc room brick home one and half storcy central locatlon 812500811 room bungalow brick hot air heating large lot garage llclv school alca $13000Fivc room brickone and half storcy home close to down town hardwood floors hot water heating oil tired furnace $18000DOUBLE HOUSE seven rooms on each side excellent con ditiondowntown location suitable for investment by converting into fourplcx gt HARRY MICHIE Realtor Dunlap St Phone 3551 Fred Miles Salesman 1651 BARN 30 60 Apply to Lca RR No Strand Cedar Har bour 165354 NEW IIOUSE llxlr 11 stud RR Barrie 165456 LOTWEST Wellington Street near new highway 100 ft front age Phone 2529 165455 ROOM CEMENT House at Shan ty Bay acre ground small barn Apply Albert St after pm 165355 NEW ROOMED Bungalow piecc bath kitchen cupboards hardwood floors replaco Phone Stloud 20112 165455 EXCELLENT Building Lot approx imately 55x137 close to school and bus route large trees on front of lot Phone 6627 1654 LOVELY HOME overlooking Kem pcnfelt Baynanced by Central Mortgage Co Possession on day of purchase Apply Box 70 Barrie Examiner 165354 $5500 TOTAL PRICE 4loom bun galow on bus line close to school Marshall Representative Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street Phone 2377 Resid ence 4283 1654 IN ALLANDALE Five room storey and halfflame home bed room down and two upstairs $0200 with reasonable terms ar ranged See Henry and Elrick Realtors Otven St Phone 3752 1654 SPECIAL OFFER for this week room brick house oil red Cen tral location Going at reduced price Marshall Repicsenta two Coutts Real Estate Bro ker OwcnSt Office 2377 Resi dence 42832 1654 WASAGA BEACH Well establish cd lfldgeJllld cabin businessMod rn conveniences heavy wiring refrigerator hot water heater cut lery dishes linen and etcincluded Small down payment balance ill easy payments Full price $19000 Box 68 Barrie Examiner 165354 STONE RANCH Type room bun galow vlth v1cw of Bay oakfloors stone fireplace with1 heatelator forced air oil heating heated sun porch garage nicely landscaped Marshall Representative Coutts Real Estate Broker5 Owen St Office 2877 Residence er heating modem quick possA cssion Immediate possession six rooms Brick close in easy terms have the selection to choose tr four to twelve room homes from Thirtyfive hundledup Con tact Henry and Elrick Barrie 1054 BUNGALOWSSe1ection of or room homes modern in every respect some with fireplace mod erate down payment balance pay able less than monthly rent Must be soon to be precia ed Appoint ments arrange Coutts Real Estate Broker OwenSt Phone 2377 Residehcs 4283 1054 NRA FINANCED III storey rooms stucco on solid masonry hardwood floors forced air all heating divided basement built in garage aluminum combination storms and screens large lot close to school Marshall R6217 acnta Ive outta Road 11111 Brok Owen 2307 real Office nealcence 421111 it allRt Materials Supplied and Installed WOLFENDEN 1654 BRICK HOME Silt rooms hot wat Realtors cabins and bungalow on Highway we cam the mo complete line of new and used sewing machines anywhere All machines guaran teed Easy Terms PHONE 3285 50011 FLOOR COVERING Linoleum Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tile Free Estimates 70 Maple Ave Phone 5185 52281 YORKES DECORATING SERVICE Interior and Exterior Painting Paperhanging Expert workmanship prompt service 35 Donald St Barrie SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING GOLD LEAF WINDOW LETTERING Phone 2941 52664 LAWN MOVERS sharpened 11111 Little 23 Dunlop St Battle For pickup and return servlce 5ch extra Phone 4735 54004 CHILDS Nursery School Therei are one or two vacanmes only for 34 year olds Mornings only axlf pickup and delivery Phone 54831 135334 WATER WellDrilling For geni erations our only business Wright and Son 833 HurOntallo St Coilingwood Ont Phone 31815 5431 AUTOMOBILES CASH CASH FOR YOUR CAR IN FIVE MINUTES SEE Honest Joe Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 DRESSMAKING and Alterationsg Buttonholes restyling of ladies and childrens wear 211 Dunlap St West formerly 56 Maple Phone 2021 51150ng BUILDERS using Gyproc or Sheet rock for interiorfinish let us doi your joint taping ExperiencedI taper Specially made rough cellE ings Parss 62 Nelson St BarI rio 55251 WENOW OFFER services on aili upholstery work slip covers and draperies ubber The 211 Dunlap 2021 We specialize in foam Mayer Ulh0llrillgz St West Phone 20211 SSlth PROPERTY FOR RENT ROOMED Unfurnished Apart ment Phone 6500 ERNISHED Bedroom Girls pro l5535l LUMDSTED Phone 6482 5540217 CENTRAL TAXI CLEAN COMFORTABLE CABS Owned and Operated by White 51A Collier Street DIAL 5555 52159 For Job Well Done Call JOE BREWER Phone 3228 Remodelling Roofing Alterations Cupboards Gypiocing General Building ESTIMATES ON REQUEST 525th SeWing Machines Repaired Adjusted Chuverted To Electric SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Box Barrie Examiner TNOW OPEN TO SERVE YOU AI TAXI Your business will be appreciated PHONE 599i ii Essa Rd Aiiondoie 54472 FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS Do your own oors Ill say Ournew HighSpeedlloor Sa del does excellent work Low rates Complete line of oor nishlng materials paints varnlshes shell acs tillers brushes etc We sell everything ceded to make new floorsfrom BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clapperton St Phone 5206 5910 ON HER DAY FLOWERS for MOTHER FENDLEYS FOR FLOWERS Phone 5975 55354 The 3thISemiAnnucli GREYBRUCEQ HURON ABERDEEN ANGUS SALE hang held at gWALKERTON Thursday Mal2 Judging sthrts at 1230 All bulls flattered will qualify for 20 premium Catalogues on request Mel Marshal president Stewart Cooper secretary Markdale Ontari 55457F EXPERT Tree Trimming and re movlng Free estimates glveo Phone 3717 55462F BACK FILLING and Lot Level ing done with small bulldozer Phone 4052 55457 PLAIN sowing Mendingand baby sitting by day or night Phone Mrs Edith Quake 2333 55354 LAWN MOWER Grindinz $150 Ap 1y Barnett on corner of Hgtwa 10 and 27111 Innlsl Townsh 55150 MIMEOGRAPHINO and 5011110 Stenomp Barrio alum Colts to at Phoa 4824 LAWN MOWER Showdown lac tory method makes ou momr like new Dick Alllrton on premises all International Harvester Vtigoinal Phone 2724W77 ll erred Phone 6316 1554 ROOM Trailer furnished very reasonable Phone 5253 15541 CLEAN Furnished Bedroom Will give breakfast Phollc 42911 1554 FURNlSHED Room suitable for couple or elderly lady Phone 3003 FURNISHED Housekeeping raonl Adults abstaincrs Phone 1433 155354 ROOMED Apartment with rang cttc No children please Phone 4050 155456 LIGHT Housekeeping bodsitting room furnLSllcd Abstainers Phone 4669 1551 FRONT ROOM on ground floor central Ideal for girls Phone 6594 155455 OR ROOMS partly furnished heated hydro Abstaincrs Phone 2078 1554 FURNISHED Bedrooms Reason able Gentlcmcn preferred Phone 4497 155155 FURNISHED Apartment Adult only Apply 37 Blake St Barrie Phone 3371 1535ti LARGE Light Housekeeping room sultable for couple or girls Phone 2320 155355 ROOM Lower Flat newly decor ated garage and garden Rent $75 Phone 3655 1554 FURNISHED Room suitable for housekeeping or bedroom Central Phone 5211 1554 OOMED Furnished Apartment su1 able for business girls Phone 5393 after pm 1554 FURNISHED Room central good residential district Breakfast op 7155455 UNFURNISHED BedSitting room andkltchenette Adults and ab stalnersPhone 6454 1554tf BOOMED Unfurnished selfcon tainedtapartment Kitchen and plece ath Phone 5220 1554 FURNISHED Rooms suitable for light housekeeping Apply 13 Anne St or phone 3467 1554 ROOMED Furnished Aparthient apartment building Phone day tlme 3984 evenings 3073 155354 COMFORTABLE quarters rooms partly furnished oil heated close to bus stop Apply 67Brock St 155455 LARGE Bright Housekeeping room in modern home Centralt Furn 1shed optional Phone 3644 APARTMENT rooms with bath room stove and electricrefllger ator Box Barrie Examinery5 155456 UNFURNISHED Bungalow near arena rooms and bath garage 1n gasement $70 per month Phone 508 1554 FURNISHED Rooms ground floor suit couple also large bed room with single beds Phone 5760 1554 LARGE Rooms in the East 1231 also rooms in the business sec tion Apply Coutts Real Estate Orten St 135354 LARGE Rboms kitchen ba water linens room heated hot and dishes if desired Apply 197 gt 155455 lnnislSt LARGEA Comfortable furnished housekeeping room Adults Reasim able Aggly 1600011031 St or phone 40 15 WORKING Girl wanted toishare roomw1th same in clean new home All conveniences Opposite bus stop Phone 4737 91554 LARGE Unfurnished Rooms heated Sultable for business cou 1e Sorry nogchildren Apply Box Barrie Examiner 1554 UNFURNISHED Rooms bright and cheery Select forright tell ants No objection to onechild East end Phone4818 1554 COMFORTABLE room with board for ensloner lady in exchange for ooklng after ch11clren while mother works Phone 4022 1554 mm LARGE Room in privatehome suitable 19r2 glrls or boys Housekeeping rivileges if desired Close to bus Inc 134 Cook Street CHOICE Clean 3rooma rtlnent with bath eloctric stove 0t wat er heated continuous warm water Downtown Others Apply gtto4 mu Wellington West 155355 FURNISHED Selfcontained roamed apartment Adults only abstalners also unfurnished small roam accommodation Phone 4042 from 16 111111 1504 SIT ICowsan0 abnormal tdlleshen in Phone Gm 309 STOCK WANTED 1554755 SULLIVAN MOTOR SALES RELIABLE USED CARS 97 Bradford St Ph 4108 195 lililman Minx Sedan 1951 Dodge Sedan 1931 Plymouth Sedan 1951 Pontiac Sedan 1931 Prefect Sedan 1950 Pontiac Coach 1919 Mottor Sedan 1947 Po1tlc lleLuxc radlo 1951 Fargo llzlif ton pick up 97 Bradford St Phone 41011 1351 Coach with FRENCH MOTORS YOUR DODGE DESOTO DEALERS 65 Bradford St We have the nest selection of used cars and trucks possible to obtain 1932 Dodge Coronet Sedan Dtlll onstrator 12 1951 Dodge CrusaderSedan Delu onstrator 1950 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan 1949 Plymouth Special Coach 1948 Dodge Sedan Radio 1931 Plymouth Sedan Radio 1951 Pontiac Sqdan 30day Full Warranty on the above cars The following are good transportation 1941 Plymouth Coach 1910 DcSoto Sedan 1939 Dodge Coach 1942 Fargo gton Pickup Priced Right Demonstrations gladly given PHONE 6351 1354 Best Values On Wheels USED CAR BUYS SCIECI ydul 11eka lused lea from this wonderful lineup Come ln look them over 1951 Studebaker Sedan 1951 Ford Tudor with radio 1951 Prefectiourwdoordh 1950 Chevrolet Sedan 1950 Ford Fordor 1950 Pontiac Sedan 1950 Ford Business Coupe 1949 Hillman Sedan 1949 Ford Fordor 1946 Dodge Coach 1940 Chrysler Coach 1940 Oldsmobile Sedan 1940 Mercury passenger coupe 1939Ford Coupe 1937 Chevrolet Coach USED TRUCK BUYS 1952 F8 5ton with dump 1951 Ford Pickup lton 151 Mercury 3ton with dump OFord 3ton combination body 1949 Ford 3tonwitb dump 1949 Ford 3ton Stakei 31948 Mercury Pipkup Iiiton 1947 Mercury 3ton with dump 1947 Mercury 3ton Stake 1946 Ford Express lttln Corby Motois Ltd Comer Steele Street No 11 Highway Phone548l 47 MERCURY Salamigood condi tion Phone 3480 1354415 1931 OLDSMOBILE Coupe wllh 47 motor $135 Pho 6407 ill5354 MECHANICS Oppprtunityr 40 Plymouth Coach needs motoi wotk Phone 3032 1351 51 CHEV Rowerglide new car canditlon 11000 miles Phone 22029 evenings 3300 Murdock illasst 49 PONTIAC Deluxe Coach hill top grey Must be seen to be ap preciatedr Bob lMaguire Minesing 1354 Panel good odyi pad can mlleage 330001Phone 4740 ITONVPICKIIP 1952 Studebaker radio 2111 condltloning heater dire ectlonal signals 6000mlles Phone 3612 35455 11936 TERRAPLANE Sedan heat radio good shape Reliable tra ortation for working man Pho 320 1831 3595141 CHEV Special Deluxe Coach excellent Condition new brakes front shocks valve and ring Job Phone Barrie 832r13 135354 1950 CHEN Deluxe Sedan perfect condltlon low mileagecustom ra dlo alr conditioning directional Signals lifeguard tires Phone 8514 1354 BARGAIN 1948 Plymouth Sedan clean insxde good engine and tires custom radlo heater Private ly owned 32 Parkside Drivo phone 2713 135354 1952 1S IDEBAKER Commander colored $3 fog lamps over drlve air conditioning heater whltewall tires chrome wheel 011$le miles 32000 and best 195p FARGO raptor and tir dltion ltonoifered Phone 3612 macll