WIN LEGION DABTS Bracebriuge recently taint from Barrie Branch took the Can odian Legion district drifts trophy from Onlizu the Bibby Cup land Wlai go able hecital by Pano and Vocal pupils of Jessie Bryson Colici grate Auditorium Tuesday May 12 at oclock sharp All those interested in music are cordially invited Cards may be obtained from his Brysozi 5453 Make it point to see the greatly reduced tires in junior and half sizes at Frzins Eli Durilop St West Phllllk 2255 54 lf youre thinking of giving mother new dress for Mothers Day Frans have some very lovelyl half sire dresxcs at reduced pricrsf 28 Dunlap St West Phone 2252 54 Camcrons Hairdressing Parlor 60 Maple Avenue are now special1 izing Rillings New innolized Coldl Wave at $600 Other waves from $350 to $500 The old and ielil able for waves that stay permunI veer Ken Chamler George Wilson and Ralph Thompson were first with another Barrie four Lorne the provincral title June ti at Gait Run Vandcr Carrurbem Jim McNeil Lee White and Ed Beleskcy Second Wilson and White Won the doubivs but Carruthcis and Don Atkinson lost in singles to Bracebzidge entries loi genuine cuircoriiis CALL FRENCH MtiltlllS 10 ROSS ST Phone 5735 Annotmce the Opening Mclilllllllll moniiiiii lllll SlllllE at new location 150 Mississugii Sl tirilliii You Are Invited To Attend the Grand Opening SlillilllillY MAY and see an exquisite displayof newest fur fashions and blends in quality furs iii capes stoles jackets and coats at prices liurd toduplicate anywhere GIVEN AWAYIREE Some lucky lady is going to win gorgeous black dyed Persian lamb coat custom made to her own spcial measurement Retail Value 5650 There is no obligation to buy just visit McKinnons and get your mime in for the lucky draw Draw for thelucky winner will be made by prominent Orillia citizen on May 23 at pm COMPLETE FUR SERVICE Repairing Remodelling Cleaning Hollandcrizing MODERN COLDSTORAGE on PREMISES BUDGET AND LAYAWAY PLANS f7 Orillios Exclusive Fur Store MolliNllllN Hills 150 MissiSsugii si 0iilliii Phone 2736 150 Mac features Bulldoze or bockliin Ends fed with power to spare Get in the fields or weeks earlier ml ix gt Choose your gauge The Terilime GTao oers interchangeable gaugesmore than most wheel tractorslond crawlers combined was its lowoverall height and its high clearsnceyou con mew We end operarein overhung and interchangeable rubber And Steel track shoes power takeoff and inmyo roomfortfeoturesm additional reasonswhy Tommie pnysoif quickly noun allpurpan narrow $3113 on hillsidegland in low farmworkerGetdltefactsYouiI LdomP Pisces with surestiPJdL nqihiljnmc be Mullins jivevetmhwmji VWMM MWtfffhdfl iiisiiiiiiiiiiiii iii iiiinnit BY as MurrayEm DEALERSiurs fsriLi AVAILABLE minus Anna ICWSIVI POINT HYDRAULIC ll iCOMPANYJIMITEDH THE BARRIE EXAMINER Flimsy may 1953TW STOP For Home and GARDEN VALE IOOLS Smut at we on garden toms xLlil distinc iHK lists ii green on Jiiivllm tidildlrS parts Ling iziiijlt $198 BALSGVII Edger handil wbiGVl Iillllilm tES Spudu long handle EEGVi llzikc hug iliiltllt FGAHDEN RAKE it looizi SItti Lilit tiili Slllillllli f1 finndir lLSEEill SLIJ tlfLlIVYlOil Slurp pun mind nely well Loni limdlc Clllllslt to pit 3210 HEDGE SIIEAIS dandy buy II this not in price for those high quality slicers blades lake short work of trioins Vsrniahed hardwood handles 88200 8an Hoe Length ft sSSAGC prong 3533th Ii prongs lIGARDEN SIRUH tarp cutting calen uii blade lup bundle iSABCD 5295 lGARDIIN SIIOVEL Round Point long handle for ezisiii diggnil BS2BCL $295 lvrAIJOOHLIP GRASS SIIEARS Shiiii lite czisy way stun im LlD Rolls on wheels for use with one iimd PlCIlpiU0f grip handle length 32 8821M $395 KIIEDGE SIIEAHS Aluminum alloy handles with plastic linger grips make these slicors easy to handle 83 forged steel blades serrated and notched Weight only lbs 8882A $525 irmuias HEDGE SIIEARS Asniaillcr and lighter type than the standard shears blades liglizwcilli wood bundles 8510 $119 GARDEN HAND TOOLS Small sturdy tools for hand gardening and cultivating 3185800 Trowel 29c NfSSOl Fork 290 035802 Cultivator 29c YEASY GETTING GRASS SI EARS Grip action of these shears takes the fatigue out of grass trimming Shun cutting steel blades BSASI 5219 QLAWN SIIEARS Horizontal steel cutting blades 36 aluminum handles with red plastic finger grips Weighs only lbs BS7AL 5725 ItGARDEN WEEDERS Sharp sure cut ting weeders 882 Long handle 30 79c 8550 Short Handle 55c SGARDEN TOOL HANDLES Smooihly finished Replace that old or cracked handle now SSEH Spading Fork Top 8SRH Rake Length ft $l85 5125 75c 150 tESH Shovel Length 52 $l15 TSWING SICKLE Light safe easy to use Serrated blade cuts easily Perfect for grass and light weeds 8829 $165 PRUNING SHEAES Strong sharp shear ing blades make light work of tiresome job Polishedgforged steel Spring action U88803 Standard Pattern REVERE lllllllli COPPERGLAD STAINLESS STEEL mm is fv REVERE WARE The finest obtainable in kitchen utensils designed to last lifetime Copperclad for quick even cook ing Stainless steel resists acids and stains Beautiful styled 251401 qt Saucepaii 281402 qt Saucepan 231403 qt Sauccpan 281440 pl Double Boiler 251441 qt Double Boiler 251442 qt Double Boiler 251448 Fry 251450 l0 Fry Pan iii Plil SETS English cum Teri Pot Cream and Sugar Jugsto match range of patterns $395 $425 $545 $595 curs $295 CAR OWNERS 10 Oz Car Plate Pint Calnu Car Wash Sponge JReg $235 Spec $198 wooiiiiii wmumows ueui Wheels $1045 all iiiiiiiiioiii animus inherited mas VBS809 Anvil Pattern sr Ill ill Steel Broom linkes $115 Each TANKSIRAYERS Strongwpump action special nozzle produces types of sprays Sturdy heavy galvanized steebtank With funnel type opening for easy filling Con venient carrying strap 1266305 Capacityu 312 gals 12SGZO Capacity 21 818 $765 wmsons senor scour an purpose in used in sprayer Nonin sect spray to be flammable Sategfpr humans death to in sects 129150 oz can 128153211232 oz can WILSONS INSECT 150MB Newformula $800 issues EllllLiSli Iiill Choice of Color cursiiiii Sirens Wide selection English Bone China From 98s to $135 3199 590 980 1281818 16 02 can spray that destroys flies mosqditoes ands roaches etc Easy tomanage bomb sprayer 11 oz can iZSivBLi LSONS SPRAY BOMB Pressure type bomb that can be used directly onlute stockwhich kills or repels flies hugs etc inviii ins Poinlsond vanishes in Stock or popular prices Dunlap mun insuir iiosuiss suicii SET $329 18 Piece Heat Iroof Set szosj In Crystal flutes Cups usro WASHING MACHINES IN FlRST cuss SHAPE From $2500 HAND SPBAYER 1qt capaCityAlli metal sprayer for all insecticides anddisz dances scours Cbntinual mist may zer made of heavy seamless brass tan ot copper min nozzles 128146 manuscrimssmnvL 118 caii Protects outeldeadlyzto all files