Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1953, p. 13

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IE BAKRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY 1953 13 more XIB Sylvia ergusou X1111 Betty Gillespie XlB Helen Gran5 315 Joyce Caldvetl 739 cruiser X16 we limo l13 Ray Help yimmlmgm 333$ gleam Cutler XlllA Mary Lou John Hm 793 IXC ppm walkout Tum banish tlllA Nu 29 Ronald you 773 lXD um We X1118 gJacksoa 9122 Robin Hutton 885 uu Dawn Campbell 845 Jotml tmlimnw PO 31 83 Du AA P001 813 ic reading LillLtQ for me pfigy term as adjudged by the Slut Mary Smith 1516 Hit Laffthlmu wmg mug Congramku Thompson 836 Barbara Webb 83th V5 X112 Doreen Selwood 737 Garll 834 Id wing Qjl ence Rinehart 652 The leaders 211 Nb 0i we lumen igrade were XA David Bedardi spec Arummm 85x7 iamg 813 KB Last week two special assemblies er Exams have been obtained audl Anne enmngmn or we MM The was he we now have 31 of the mghl nth 835 XC Phyllis Bark MSnlylyednesday April 19 and the Visit lights We Chm TM Sumo William Talc Bill XD Frdfllillul ors were the Salvation Army Emu leadcrs in general proficiency are 553 Melvyn Prowl 359 xgdi lei MIS Ptdldt told the Grade Mary chkiun IXD 9M 31101135 LEWL ElliUSU Whstudcuts about the experiences he Grade Michael Lewis 593 XF iim minim 651 Elmland her husband had in Canton Grade x1 Juan San Lavender bdlix lCEiLna during the change of gov lh tirade new lJl Silhlenlilerumcnt in 1919 When the Com xm 911 Grade xu Lawreuccl Beech XliB 888$ Grade Xlll were KIA Jim bdrlcdnl 91$ muhists took over the government they had definite attitude toward Tcm Seawrigm 1848 George Kenton 888 XlB Donald the Christian Church The Church Form leader in ueral rotic Dummure 84 all Burlm 83 Mm were KXA dwy pmog XIC Joan Bruce bani Patricia Treb was allowed exm but had ble 842 Km Margilfel SamSEl be Sellosuppotting selgovermug 8151 Patricia Stewart 743 Km and selfpropagating Mrs Pedlor Morley pCkdrd 543 Pill wana mentioned the interviews and the maker 591 registrations the Communists made The leaders in grade twelve were The Communist cume to each XllA Juim MUFiSOH S711 T9rrYliouSe and interviewed coch mem StalVfighl 359 X118 Lawrcmllber of the household individually Beech 888 JOBD BURN 7991 and recorded the life history and XML Donna Graves 801 Patriclathe political attachments of each Merrick 795 lpersou After these registrations Top students in fth fur were were conducted the household was XIIIA Tom Seawriullt 5+5 013 given House Book containing Muss 705 XlllB Nclma Will 8H the names of the people living in Jane Pcrkiusllll that house and some particulars The average of firsts was 836 bum he membem and the average of SlCtmdS W35 Mrs ledlur told us about the or 790 There were 30 leading Sillsiaugcrueuts that had to be made and 15 leading DUYT SlUdemslbuforc one could spend Ll night who received Aplus the highestaway from holnc Even my Jug DilSSiblL 11le W91 pill Charm wanted to visit friend in the lXA ShLllIt llchLy KAI 30b car other section of the city you had to ter XA Frank RUDE XD Mair take your house book to the near arct Johnston XIA Donald Dllns cst police station and have it re corded that you spent the night away from your home You also had to receive permission from the police to leave your house Upon leaving the local police station you would be given pass when you reached your friends house she would take her house book and you would accompany her to the local police station and have it registered that you were spend ing the night at her house When you left your friends house the lnext morning she would go to the ipolice and have it recordedthat you were leaving the house Ar riving in your own section of the city you would immediately visit the local station and have it noted that you had returned It sounds all very complicated and it was At all times the officials knew just where each person was and how many people were in each house Mrs Pedlar mentioned the devo tion of the Chinese Communists to their party She told about one young university student who thqught that there was nothing bet bcr than to serve her party and give her life up to further its cause The Communists had strict white Just swish Reckitts Blue control of the universities and upon graduating from the university the through the rinse tell them nnd out of the blue comes the Slldem was appommd posl hit Kw tron where he could best Serve his at 9513 pre country Mrs Pedlar vents yellow tinge Marvelous for She was rinsm gwhitc hairb00l the 33R have for their party OISTICY COLLEGIATE By LORNA UXNLVGHAM Exam Results The complete moduli of the East WELFARE WORKE Although social work keeps me busy nd time to advise my daughters even on little things like getting their clothes really JUST ARRIVED smut1n rtrtuitt Plllllllllls 51000 9in 500 $333893 As mav7 umw BRAND New Pinon utuousrnmn OlFOlthlNfpgngg 22 Owen st or BARRIE Phone 4365 Where Would the money come from if longiillness put stop to my earnings dill 0in ONE mttiou cumulus Au minnow mil tonpou UH District Office 38 Boyfi tells thatitivcs amazed at the devotion Joan Morison Lloyd Slrachan Les young Chinese Communistslic Gillespie When Mrs Padlar finished herMr Hort on talk the students showed their Hunter Red Favero of The Barrie Get 50 to slim on sigiiim No bankablc security medic Upm 24 months to rcpayPbomormpinnCanadashigcstmost mvmroumu pulsation FINANCE at Wm mind oor phcno 559 cum out mmumuumw macmo ANGUS Beauty Expert to BARRIE LADlES BOWUNG lEAGUE 5261 5353 illicit lat9 Battle BANQUET pclll Forsythia Flames This season for the first time in many yum flower town an able to have an idea the beauty hidden in fmythln shrub which in dim usually show few spiky yel lut blooms on bare stalks Probably bccuttz of the mild weather catch shrub is covered from top to toe with brilliant yellow bloom luruittu columnist of the put decade described the usual mice by mcaru of ccuplet April hilt Yellow Tooth Fumythu lommth CALL THE EXAMIXER 103 PRINTING PHONE 2414 ray lay in Toronto Mr Rubci Lacey and soil Torl2 Ledait if new lfllu pciit couple of days Witlil Mk ill 535mm and Mr ii Hammond Attend simcoe Presbyteriu Following cerium turkey dm mm Hammund 31x thl Presidcm lat McLeod award 135 w1mnUn and My id 1500 l0 UN Clidihpmm rraecr attended the Simcoe Pres Clarkc um Clarke to Cu Itlxl Wists at Stayuer on Tues glitftllrz lztz ruurieryup Loy and enjoyed the meeting very Jr the tropb ziuch luf lziph singm high Mrs Graham Barrie visited nym and 31 Cu high average tiitl4tfllJW Jlld daughter Mr Tlii followup UlllLt were elect ME Dutkwofllh Pg smith Vics Bille Service Bash 39514 There will be baptirmal 501 LAM avenge iiu on Mothers Day May it ill the United Church at pm Enjoy Glee Club Shaw The Control Luitcd Glee Club opprcclutim it 15 said through qt Same put on play The Lernny 0i ii bdU film Ministers Aunt the Luith was one of the best if not lic bml JJFLJ Tuesday night to full assembly the student body has ever hr Ad hr Your columns House They ail ook heir part1 ch Alb Ed t4wv most out tly well and the Show was much 55 was LUIlLtlnL quaycu by all out one she has ever llCJlt alums he rose of the personality of the 801331 Sltel Ronald Dexter returud how 5303 and me filicmulmg from trip through the LUSA bind in winch ill53 Pull zWM fur Sault Ste Marie where he RCAF Carters tTlIlllultd vit the Algoma steel The second special assembly Was plant as an electrician on Friday May The visitor and Migt George Bridger and fulfill speaker vm Flight LlJtll Sullivan of Maple 5pm mu weekend with of the RCAE Due to the fact that livr parents and Mm Gordon iiiiuiy senior students are undecid Blhll ed as to who their future career Itlr and My Emu Bush and will be this llSSLlllbly provided daughter of Barrie spent the them With an opportunity to sue weekend with Mr and Mrs Cor what the RCAF offered Fl Sub don Bush livzui described the three types of work ollcrodwthe uir crew the ground crew and the airwomcu and the requirements of each llc also mentioned the fact that the pay for men was the some as that for women Arbour Day At BDtl Friday May was the lute for the planting of some 10 maple trees around the school driveway Each tree was designated or planted in honor of ii municipality or organ ization connected with the school wuqurl ui the Barrie Plcslclt til lcJg Eu cit Enquirit wole JaJIAYLnR mum mom SAFE wont 145 Front St acumen HINNIPZG um lrcsuliiu lri Jrtlltl lNWANlED HAIR Emacalm Hth any part of the body mth SotoIdoi remirktbl discovery ol the sat SJCAJelD CllJlU3 no harmful Hqlmtlll and will ucatroy the hair root LOXBEER LABORATORIES 67$ Granville Street Vancouver Bl MISS LESLEY ANNE ATKlNS Skin Care iuu lttrtflllil Mainw Up Will be lilt ucrcstiug Jud prowcutive suhgc men by Miss Lesley Anne chief beauty consultant for Titian Pertuumrm who ttlll address Authoring of ladies iii tlii LibiJl llull iiiiai pm on Monday May it She will deal excusively vitl bounty Barrie lluncing Academy moms problems encountered by tu2uluui Miss Atkins has ind txltlli training in every phase of the my lllLllC business and is familiar with WEDNESDAY MAY 30 815 9111 BARRIE COLLEGEATE all the latest techniques of burnt Admission Adults 75c Children 50c Sahluasuual lrcounent llei llillllltl has ii luded study in some of the but in beauty Silltllls of New Yurit and Boston An outstanding spunk or her lectures iii all parts oi Canada have won tvnic Exhibits Everybody is welcome Imuu by up 00 door prize will be awarded lucky winner Tickets live each Wmt Wt may be obtained from any Gin Twenties Club member On Tuesday May 13 Mzss kirts will spend the din it louk OSE EASTE iii tilexiillzidlEliliscigmpcllbi blx tl lidl to With the aid of the PA system Mr and vicinity There is no charge Bowman said few wordsund my mis service ll be Bin 3H mentioned the importance of the mm mqs Still Lglrtfg9 yr The ecturc 18 under his auspices ceremonies Mr Johnston rcprc Tlxe be Gm Twp 13 ad of Educition and dililfitdsthiirltrcc The Student fn W47 and mile mm 11 pd bv Bud Cock row elevations in trees or thickets lLild an lllltltslln uliclc EDEN Ts inclicnc Beech 43 ilic bluish green with Frederick of Denmark as cuzlvll uin iltbsiintvrom pu lemn brown spots Many of us have and musician 1ifuricluviJclbusidcnt indmLorni new 59 lhr Col 01 lllt SIDS Four members of tlic lllllllgll ilrl is bLlk tended the zone conventzih lltl MacLeiui third Vicepresident ti 11 CL The Tovnqhip bldl dll llh recently in Midland lhiy ci use breast llld under viug coverts My 1W of lumstil wis represented bv Kav 1s lLL Do the female resembling large strip Els Cl Crosbie Catherine Farina Tom10d warm in color 500 L33 bit Ills MR sqwri and John Mmin Thc don James llus Jcim liarsuzis it IS toy to have this quiet Corouttion tree for ES VlS dcdid Haukcstonc number of 11L btuutiful bird visit your ouchurd gt 1Cth bv wuda Dide Erma and hear his rich mm ronto branch 15 also pllLSLlll incc McKinley Tom Browiiley and Doug occasmnuuy they have the MllTthiaus trike xduwm MCMIASWR Sznglddle 3910s wooded swamp home for other pat ImHqf ma sentc by rcy pin can Chcs of wood EMayne Arthur ltlumbcrson andl iBob Duff Canadian nuiiuifucturcrs in Mary Cameron Ruth Channcn Don McGinnis and John sold 104034 automobile radius to ued at $llll3000 Examiner was illbU on hand l0 d0 iPogue were the representatives for Man You reacrazy lVespra township Oro rcpresental lllckpl1aplg were Shirley Hutchinsonq em 13 lFu ur tltm ulsam at 701w p81 COUPIB com on dent mlss wmsmtlzuptlthEliakunlulmtlilillclnrweakl The Graduation Dance of 195253 The Town of Barriewill be held on Friday May 22 on fueling duo artoly to bmlyn lack ot Imn Inlet mbuy men Ind women call um lry lwas represented by the the mayor MuSieBob Hunter and his band 0mm Tonto anm for DH younger moor this very day Now get acquainted mo cnly 00 the county by MrlPlucethe new ballroom of the For sale at all tint Mon every when YOU CANT MAKE SILK PURSE OUT SOWS EAR dunsimr JUST FEED YOUR PIGS HOG FEEDS They will quickenInner quicker keep bull icr Ind Rlcll market weight much sooner and at lower feed cool FEEDBW Pi 5mm lmmcmmupufsh FEEDRW cum from75lbommnkt FEED no Comm when you wont to food you own home grown grains l3 to can FILL YOUR PURSE OUT OF hrcastiid grostieirk frail cradle of Over140 ycancxptrienm in the scientic prcpmtion of livestock feed sterling merit ford Feeds TORONTO ONTARlO nu wusoii Cookstown outta WILSflll Minesing ANNIE BOYES 142 ANNETTE ST Barrie NJ ll BEL Utopia BDCl the new gym Price$150 the biggest dance bf the year This is slight reminder to the parents that the annual Cadet In spection will be held on Thurs4 day May 14 in the Barrie Arena Needwe mention this fact to the parents utter last weeks col uninZl Local branch of Music Teachers Assoc Meeting The regular meeting of the On tario Registered Music Teachers Association Barrie Brunch Was held at ml home of Mrs Inger Aarson on April 15 Angus Ross gave an interesting talk on various phases of technical work with demonstmtions at tube piano Mrs Aarson gave paper on methods or memorizing and also um litter regardless of condition when you purchase this Empire75545 Gas Range 0N teams Featumfg No nance company Automatic lopligliting Autombtic Oven Temperature Control Spurious RollOut Broiler =7 maximum lop BurnerHeunstnntly at the Turn of Switch Gleaming stainresistdnt white porcelain enamel Completely washable burners 77As long up Im healthy and working and bringing home the money my family and ongoing to make out all right But if serious illness or accident put me on my backpossibly for yearshow would we ever gctalongf With houdeholtl blllsrumilng as high as they doltodayour leaving wouldnt last long And whattlten Installed in your home complete with approximmlysiumonths supply of rrsnsrcttlutsr Whit midis some Practical of Mosr FtEXlBll Hill guaranteeing my familyanlncomc will ue aniomanc mmmbu Tm natiAntEnruvrnY all till tounou tirrmuu smut Anvics Kim swim rivetyoung seize lllltunlln St East slltwuc Povm vms sh tMtt Borne gtvlt

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