Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1953, p. 1

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MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Serving AN INDEPENDENT newsruu THE TOWN OF BARR AND COUNTY OF SIMCUE 0hr lllarrir Examiml 89 WWW 33 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY MAY 1953 fist cameo 24 Pages3 Seem on out Dmrtmmt emu Flyers Upset In Fourth Game Of Finals St hoped for but Gabe liilltliurt Quilt Sc single copy Building Permits Expenditure Appreciablelump Sin figure To Date Totals $501081 Elmvale Ministers Honorary Degree of Flyers to Wear Duke Sweaters Tonights Game WlNNIlEG MAY SBarric Hycrs will wear the sweaters of Toronto Marlboros tonight in the tifth game of the Memorial tup series at Amphitheatre against 351 BonifaceCanadiens oacli ap Emms made the announcement at Tuesday of ternoons practice session and then added with smile Its the closest Smytbe has been to the Dominion classic for long time Ali appreciable jump in expenditure in connection with lbuilding permits is evident in the latest details released by the Town Planning Board which shows that the amount from the beginning of January to Apr 30 mm year amounted L0 Fiver 1Lld it Vt mute cus iz 22gt ltl Eic teams famous thirdperiod St Boniface were too good Monday night when their backs much NPFC vtl ession for 53 lead and after Teal brick in fire last minute of the 5435 sum to provxic fourgoal cushion tldll 3tli5 to tire llaus leaf and Doug Illohns dirobled onc eachl WIINIPEG MAY DHFrom me oucmde It may have looked Jus but SI BuililCL inn on witi were against the wall of elimination as they shunted all Barl Gill Blaine Siorud his WWW may play large pin acm Barrie 90 1N 5mm Dcspilc overwhelming power the9 JLllan Dakicvfo in indcition of like the Flyers were overconfident Such was not the case Humemu gnuis to remain out of rte threats to Win 74 and force fifth game in the Memorial 40 Mm dw ton of the Memorial Cup writs Cup series The set resumes tonight at the Amphitheatre and Canadiens loom as large problem for Emms and his Flyers It can actually he said Can adiens played good game They received every orezik in the book and after they compiled 20 lead in the first and 51 margin in the second itwas hardly probable they would look back Penalties were killing in the first period The Flyers held 73 edge in the stanza and the thumb ing became so inconsistent that it caused an Eastern Canada Coach to say just wouldnt have stood for it If had been in the box would have been suspended The Flycrs tried hard to fight back in the third Couch Hap Emms blazed power at the Canticks in the lastditch stand working rapidly on two units but whenever rally appeared St llonilacc would nip it in the bud with clrn cliing goaLs Due to penalties the Western Champions held large territorial edge in the first period when Leo Konyk scored with Marian assossud and then Bill Short whizzed sec ond past goalie Marv Edwards bc forc full strength was gained Barrie look over from that point They outshot the Canucks 144 in the middle clizrptcr and 104 in the third but loose defensive play al lowed the labs important use of their chances The Flycrs trailed 40 from goals off the sticks of Barry Thorndy craft and Lou Marius before dc fcnceman Don Cherry picked his way from his owr blueline to cut in front of the Si Boniface rear guurd and drill low shot behind goalie llal Dalkie It was the goal lcflvctcd home his second of the night Blaine soured upon one blue incr to burn lt1 definite clincher behind Edwards ICE CHIPS the Flycrs missed the hustle of Tony Poem llc took three shifts and then headed for the mutants due to severely bruised knee The ice was horrible Water spotted the surface before game time and it was utterly ini possible to make an accurate pass due to constantly rolling or bounc ing puck It took 35 minutes to play the first period flab goalie Hal Dalkic was nicked for stitches over the right eye during scram ble and Tool was Cut for two stit ches Canadians are using what is known as boo defence against the Flyers power play No player ventures to the corners of the rink for the puck but for box in front of Dalkie Little room is found to fire puck HOCKEY ACTION AT WINNIPEGAAMPHITHEATRE llycis have five players on the limp and as each game thrown into the post another member is added to lre list Tony Poi2 heads the pack of in jurics The lllliC rightWinger wuo won the lllllltl popular player votc in Barrie tried to compete in the fourth series game here but after two shifts in the first period and one in the second dzsczirdcd his uniform for street clothes He don ned skates Tuesday afternoon tryi in to loosen severely biuiscd knic but is doubtful starter The team hunted down whirl pool treatment for Poetzi and the remaining injured list which in eluded Don McKcnney Skip Teal Bob White and Jack Higgins Tllelsnxl Eman could be riding on sup cmtion The Flyers were forced to wear the Marlboro colors in the fifth series game against Quebec itadcls in the Eastern Canada final and they won the game and the set The Flych lead the Canucks 31 in games and can wind it up with Li single victory Should St Boniface emErge with their second straight triumph the series will shift to Brandon for the sixth and seventh games Friday and Monday skated in yesterdays workout and reported 1n good Shape They dont know Higgins yet 15mins Tin Small arena is latter four are capable of hitting made for him and if he ever calcit the ice ics few with those checks it could All injuries are to receive two make big difference whirlpool treatments today and it wont be known until late in the afternoon how much progress Iias been made Emms wongt sacrifice Pocta llcjiheuim has been said he would rather leave him on the sidelines and try to finish it all with players on hand Only if St into Boniface press the series Both clubs are complaining about the officials Louis Lecompte and ClllllL McDonald of Ottawa The condition of the ice in the Amphi rccciving much protest too The Flyers and the Canadicns worked on surface flooded with water yesterday and with temperatures hitting the 80 sixth 01 selnlh llme will the F1 mark there is no indication that ers coach consent to extreme treat conditions will improve The 11 on McKcnney suffered slightly torn ankle ligaments in the Mom orial Cup opcncr here and he hasnt missed come but the injury has cut his effectiveness Teal and White both sustained slight injuries in the fourth game but both are expected to lot the lineup tonight Despite all this another near cap acity crowd is expected The fact that St Boniface defeated the Fly ers has raised many an eyebrow and though the task of taking four straight is looked upon as improb able none are discounting the Can ucks chanches of causing such reversal That vin will give the team Jack Higgins the lone member llot of lift said Emms They know who has not seen action in the set they can beat us now and if we may be given goahead Sign Side leontinuc to play as we have there lined in the series against Quebec with severely sprained ankle lie is nothing in them the world to stop $501081 as compared with 5494950 in tiresome period last year So for this year 92 pcinuzs know been issued to date This is an in crease over last years zigurc of 83 for the same period The actual figures for April huw ever show that in 1933 there were ill pctmils issued amounting to 3173700 The 1952 figure for that month was 41 permits totalling 5188050 decrease this year of $14350 It has been pointed out however that some permits for April have been held over to May in View of the fact that certain plants have not been finally com pleted Details Dwellings Hill 31c nght 126 Cook SL II 1411 Cook SL builder sclfl Gordon Spring 185Codrington St tit 00 and 91 Eugenia St selfl Gordon Spring 105 Codrington St at 88 and 92 Eugenia St 5010 Jack Bristou 258 Dunlop St at 181 Napier St ibuilder selfl Gayiii 1321 Mary St at 242 Codrington St Pim 34 Dunlop St East Lil 360 pier St ibuildcr selfl Arthur llci sclf lemon Webb 91 Diury Line at 93 iotultier scltI Murray McLean 90 Henry 51 at 101 Donald build cr El llowcy Midhuistl Gordon Codrzngton St ibuiidcr llom er 56 liolgnlc St Barrier 31 Coroutt RR Barrie at 203 Nili rington ti Codrington at 131 31 Vincent lsclti Harrison 61 High at 92 Donald St builder Fred Webb Sophia St East at 101 Codrington St selfl JCook RR Cookstown at Seniorzh St sbuildcr sclfl Swan 153 Sanford St at Alfred St builder selfl Em Wcllington St East self Gordon Pratt 171 Toronto St at Na pier St 12 isolf Total $126000 Garages Worsley at 129 Worslcy St builder 5ch1 Anderson 14 Codrington St at Codrington tlurn to page five please TOWNSHIP SOLICITOR MEETS VESPRA REPRESENTATIVES to DISCUSS ROADCLOSE MOVE By RGS Innisfil Council went into huddle in one of the small rooms of the County Building on Tuesday afternoon at special meeting called by Reeve Clifford Lockhart while awaiting the arrival of MacLaren QC township solicit or to go into the matters pertaining to the road closing across Highway 400 Williams 129 Doctor of Divinity nav ABTIIUK ox MA minister of Sti Johns mm valc and Allcnwood United Church who is to receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from Victoria University Toronto this evening at the annual convocation in Bloor Street United Church With three other recipients this degree will be conferred on Mr Reynolds by the Chancellor the Hon Lester Pearson Mr Rey nolds is the first clergyman tobo so honored while in the ministry in Elmvale BIle TAG DAY BY LADY nous REALIZED $845 The mg day for the blind vap held on Saturday May under the This is the first time it has been ldeadend road would be perman known for council to go outside of ently affected and it was almost the municipality to hold meeting impossible to estimate the year aft The chief topic of discuSSipn seem er year loss this would be to these ed to be the striking of rate of lands It would no doubtlowerthe Taxation furthe year a$scssxnenthe was On the arrival of Mr MacLareulmCl Will lhe suggestion from the sponsorship of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Lions Club of Barrie and al llhough the day was wet and cold thmugltcfaittiful consistent by the taggers of whltm 98 edr AUDIENCE OF 300 ATTENDS EEMVAEEbQAaDoerkADE llUTISETZlm main streetsbyevening THE GOAL THAT CLINCHED victory in the second game of the Memorial Cup fin aals for Barrie Flyers alight Canadigns goal ie Hal Dalkie looki gskyyiard as Johnny Martentbidden by defencemaiiRQILHelndl pots his third goal of thefhfglltrhelily ers went on Tony Poeta com9 ST BONIFACE turned 1311151 war minbWm fluke Abbie McD le8 Ami to add another for 63 win and 20 lead in the bestinseven series who played stellar game stands by for the rebound which didnt peal$er in Amuinr 22c when the blueline and lose control of the puck at We in the frak goal late in the second stanzato dead lock the count 913272 Thorndycraft showed amazing speed to iroundliarry Thlbault on side pupilarr Edwards Tony Poeta back checked but was too lateto prevent the BANQUET TO RAISE FUNDS Abouti300 peoplerrrepresenting different parts of Slmcoe County attended Coronation banquet sponsored by the ladies of the Elmvale Board of Trade on Monday evening in the Community Hall at which Lance Rumble formerly of Hillsdale General Motors Corporation executive was the Ed Campbell who chaired meeting told the guests that he Was pinchhinting for the presi dent of the Board of Trade Gor don Mills who through pressure of other work had been unable to chair the meeting Referring to the reason for the banquet Mr Campbell said that some mnths ago the ladies of the Board of Trade had decided bogo ahead with akitchen project for the community hall Lt book consid erable amount of money to arrange banquet such as they were hav ing and tihe ladies were now trying to raise the money be pay for the equipment which had been install ed The banquet they viiere attend ing was one way of helping to raise some of the necessaryium The kitchen is very valuable asset of this fine hall the increas ing use of which is being proved week atlter week said Mr camp bell Some weeks it is in use every night except Sunday It is very necessary that we have afine kitchen to go with this fine hall Pror to the adores by the main spea er singsong was conducted by Victor Knox with Lloyd Tuf ford at the piano Features of the evenings entertainment were the musical selections given by Elie that all salesmanadid was to wait Barrie Male Quartet comprising Mr Knox Alfred Sbepherd Bill Lambert and Hills Knox They were by Mr Tuflford actompam introducing Mr Rumble Bill Dumbbell said that his task was al inost urinateme as everyone in the district already lonew the speaker well Many knew him mm smmvaA am through personal contact others thmuglhftihe culturinhe wrote in Toronto Newmper while others iagain knew him through his broad castsover radio Stallion CKEY In openlnga humorous address which kept his listeners in constant daughter Maj Rumble said that it was really marvellous to be back again in Elmvule awhcreohe lied first slanted ivork in the bunk 1113 speaker thenwent on to r94 At only onepoiht did the VRUMBLE count many amusing anecdotes as to some of the things which had taken place in the past in Hillsdale where he was born Referring to salesmanship with which he had been largely as sociated during his work with GMC Mr Rumble said that to people not directly connected wth the council meeting adjourned Tltcl delegates conststed of the com mittee appointed by the ratepayers Reeve that the Departmenfuwould offset this claimwrth the suggest run that properly adjacent to the mmmamimmthe Na 2cloizenleatsuoLudiichtheruite lwg School Area Board and some in terested ratepayers noted with considerable con cern the report in The Examiner last week regarding the meeting at Churchill referring to the retention ofMFfeWrHeWveifmHOl by the Reeve that it has no rela tion to the truth am not surprised atthis because there are lot of things in The Examiner that have little irelation to the truth Mr MacLaren stated The lnnisfil representation should be purely municipal and should in Innisfil would increase in value Frank Cowan of the area school board stated that the road followed very closely along the dividing line of the school sections and that only an occasional farm was cut off from ualsection Roy Goodfellow chairman of board felt that the oneroom new school now under construction should perhaps be two rooms as the highway may divert more pupils that way Fire Protection It was mentioned that closed concern the effects of the closingi of these roads on Jhemunicipalitywlgiggs rdsmesgiigyoaigh and the school beard Ratepayers1mmSB hardship to the re truck having damage claims should also be represented by council Mr Mac Laren continued School boards should Show if additional costs were mm Mr MacLaren mums what we to be caused by diverting of school buses or transferring pupils to other schools Your roads department might be eto tiite thedditronal costs of maintaining these closed roads especially in winter be said We should get an estimate of all these costs so we have case to present on behalf of the municipality Permanently Affected William Hubbard took the staifd that his farm and others on the nth line which would become looming from the east to get to ithem We came here to have our solic would haveto do in order to pre sent case at the hearing Reeve Lockliart stated MrMacLaren stated tba1celtlaill government properties were now assessable but that this might not include all crown lands However he felt that parts of farms bought for the highway right of wayand left over would be assessable and taxable councillor McConkey stated that all provincial property was assess tlurn to page ve please around for something to happen were not succewfulvjn The successful salesman hadto creator of projects and he always had to have keen sense of what was going on about 111m speak er introduce note of criticism in tothis address anddhait was when he brought up the subject of the good old days Mr Rumb1 said that the young people should not hater to older people who harped on this theme becausethere had been nosmh thing The only reason older people referred to diiswas because they had seen what went on in the past andmey now knew the answer to whykcertain things had happened AS WGRLD WAR DREAMREAITZED Eyer since he sailedoverseas With the Canadian Forces our lug theFlrst World war Percy Rickard 185Shantyi13ay DISTINGUISHED R0 RIAN WREEEDE There Were men like this but they Road promised himself that oneday hewomd make the file agolnbut under somewhatdlffrent circumstances both he and his Wife have realized that ambition bavln returned immatureesniont trip tofBrltaln nfwas mm was the uiey ootiiuecnbedic ibis berm phat boy had int trio ei uniform andit issued dorm atom ROWE138i all in Ball on his L4an Smith Mrs Harold Uriy Mrs lying report of $845 raised watt pre sented With Mrs Sdrjeam con Avcnerrllieiaetive committeeeespom sible for the planning and launch ing of the mmpaignrhad the follow ing members Mrs Rowe Mrs Aikens Mrs Clmrles Agnew Mrs HaroldWebb Mrs Garner Mrs Holloway Mrs Steph 15min MacLean Mrs Horn Mrs Leisliman MN Corbett M118 Byers Mrs Lfticltardson Mrs Art Pugh Mrs Norman and Mrs Forster These members acted as team captains and were responsible for providing taggers for the entire town Community House was the head quarters for the day amtboxes were brought there for checking by seveual committee members who were assisted by manager HA Hancock of the Bank of Nova Scotia George Hook and William Sarjeant in the counting and roll ing of coins Alpilflayilmpipmil8 ters were sent out by the hoodlum Nationalglnstitutefor die Blind and paved the way for the lagers The amount realizeddiidmt quite reach the record high of last year but is well above the average for number of yearsbeyond that and considering life state of the Weathr was much beyond expectations

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