Coronation Theme PICKEREL SEASON For 53 Monarchs TO OPEN MAY I5 Styling refinement with do IlnCtive coronation thcming mark the new lflfifl Monarch passcrzgml When the pzckcrel shing spartan automobiles input on l5 record numbers The coronation touch is apparenriof resident and nonresident fish In the now leaping lion hood urnu ermen will set out to info from lak WM hood front medallion inlcs and streams throughout Ontario corporating golden crown and in fidi which though no great fitht Ine golden ciowns at the Centre on and rtlalivvly easy to catch is of the hub caps new rear deck regarded by gmlrlhfls 85 0m of lid handli couststing of large Clllfd ne we Willem goldfinislied crown has the hch fish of many names the pick lincorporatcd in it crcl of Ontario is known as But styling changes do not stop ll IQlecwzilcye to m0 this point new mummied lmilcd States restdent and to some crown houses the kcy hole in the DE pen Ammuyj plckiml idoors In either sidc and gleam 280 loltbxwl tgc Pike family lllg rockcr poml moulding run Sid thirblmubggy V3221 mm below the doors is standard indicalotxgat is med nail equipment The cars length is ac rum mepcmh by anynume flavor as do the crowns centred in the wheel hub lcqntuatcd by horizontal bar of It pnwidcs WPNIHHQC 00d CllS All infcor fabrics and trim schemes Irecbromc running almost from end to Imnplcfcly now Eicvcn solid exterior colors and end just below the headlight level 110 1mm in 19 391 12 Itolone combinations are available II the four most Sukag Style change on IHilc 3r 39ml it laughl IvIllllltICIl lllrdtii the Fourigtuor sedan lvuloorlemrch 33 15 the from and far PM 51iwed inm swizm cuiivrrtrblc ilIlII Montcrcy hard top converiv design Tl gmlg is coxplotclv Sylmle 1312 MH lmw 50W WNW flwmdsplllv for gathering light to OltfhlllpruilIITl barS are ranged from Side to side so 331 tually the Cittlrc length of the car Gold finished crowns mounted from and rear add Coronation STYLING REFINEMENIS with Coronation your theme mark the now 1953 Monarch passenger automobile winch appeared in FordMonarch Licki crships from coast to coast on Friday Dec 12 freshly designed morc llliISSIVEappcalllli gllit and bumper combination with sectional windsplits or vcrtlml bltls gtfltl across thc grille bar and now bullctlshaprii bumch guards distinzuzsh the Morn archs fionlul itlllklll ancc There is more luwsh use of gleam It Ihlnine Inside mouldings rxtcndni vir Lu to $00 minnows or other food on Ford Features Miracle Ride new ytlnptlljlflll which smooths out flu bump ind controls Side sway on turns 15 one of the out standing mechanical Improvements on the 1933 Ford passenger cars AS major part of the ride ini provcmrnt progrmn Ford engineers utilich new front suspension rub bcr compression bumpers and new support plates designed to permit greater upnuddown movement of front wheels and to give softer limiting action to the front suspen sion when the springs are com pressed suffICIcIItly on rough ready to put the bumpers into play These bumpers are small coneshaped rubber pucks or stops which not as bumpers between each front wheel control arm and the clizi5si5 frame Beausc of thc Increased IIpand down movement of thc front end suspension over rough roads at great deal of the roadsiock is absorbed In the suspension And not carried on through the frame intoi the car Ford engineers also havci rcvalvcd the viscouS control front TOTTENHAM IlflllLl gzirly on Friday last all the home of Mr and Mrs Ham mood Aftcrivaids the usual rounds Mic Iizuiyn WNLII men the weekt Ild with Ilfl mother Mrs Justh Walsh and lizlcn Airlines Slcwarucss Home Miss lluth Iitminu stewardess with American Airlines based at Chicago was home for Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs Wallace Tipping Mr and Mrs George chc vis ited friends in Churchill and Stroud on Sundav last Mrs Glover Ornngevillc spent the weekend with Mrs Harry Ilinn At Legion Meetings llarry Itinn along with Mr Glov er of Omngcvillc attended the reg ional Legion Incetinns in Orillial Snturday and Sunday John Tlnridnc Saruin spent fhci WLktll at his home here Mr and Mrs Norman Palmer and sons Bolton and Ron Inlmcr Wormhridgc visitcd Mr and Mrs III Freeman during the weekend Mr and Mrs John Cull visited friends in Aurora on Sunday Mixed Euchre Club Dinner Party lIu lllIU sister of bountiful card table was made Tlu Miked Euchre Club held Shock absorbcrs to give soften controlled Pction And the VISCOUSg control diagonally mountcd rcari shock absorbers also were rcvalvcd fur the some reason A5 result of the new suspension the 2913 Ford haS completely new ride which lcvcls out rough roads of cuchrc were enjoyed with Mrs TJllllllbUll and flurry llinn taking home the prizes liSlflIaIile to the newlyweds Mr and Mrs Freeman Congratulations to Dr and Mrs llonald McKay ncc Faclippingl Smooth flock Falls on the arrival of daughter on Monday April 237 l933 Move to New Home Mr and Mrs Leslie Juries have mode into their new home on Queen St South WI Visit Slmcoe Manor Members of the executive of lottcnhnm Womens institute made visit to Simcoc Manor Baotou on Sunday Inst Move Herc from Camp Borden Mr and Mrs Smithson and fam Ily have moved to town from Camp Borden where Mr Smithson was with the IICAI and is now motor mtchanic in the Old Mill Garage Entertain Beginncrs Class Mrs Robert Watson entertained the Beginner Class of the United in the grille and new bullettype upper bumper guards are combin cd with vertical lowerbumper lizuards Interiorwise all fabrics and trim year in addition the panel glass texture is changed to golden color and the instrument panel cluster lip is extended one half inch golden anniversary medallion is added to the right side of the instrument panel and flu horn button is redesigned Monarchs for 1953 WI be avail able in an unusually wide range of colors There are nine basic colors including five new mctallics plus two special corIveItiblc and hard top colors There will be 12 two tone combinations nS well Church Sunday School to birth dny party last wcck in honor of her daughter Kaye Missions Explained Sunday morning Mrs IIfll Walsh spoke to the Unile Church Sun My School about rninniomry work on the Canadian West Coast being made possible by the Robert Scott boat bought for the work by missionary donations from Sun day Schools across Canada the darkest night ILckcrcl is distributed over wide areas of Ontario from the St Law rence liver and the Great Lakes to some fornorthcrn streams and ischemos are completely new tliisnakps One of the best pickercl instrumcnt lakcz in the Province according to officials of lhc Ontario Lands and Forests Dcparuncnt is Lake Nip issing Nowhere pcrhnps Is the fishing kccncr than at North Bay There dock only 11 few blocks from City Hall is crowded on opening day and for weeks afterwards with fisher men of all ages and varieties They all catCh fish too Usually there isnt much trick to it bamboo pole short line sinxlc hook and live minnows will take plenty So will flyfishing equip ment or bait rods using plugs spoons spinners or live bait ilandlinc fishing is popular on rivers such as the St Clair whcrc patient fishermen chug for the fish By this method heavy sink cr is placed on the bottom of the line with the hook suspended sever Eli feet above it Boats are allowed to drift while the fisherman sim ply rounds the bottom and waits While the pickcrcl may be found in shallow fastrunning streams in some parts of the Province it oc 4L6 SENSITIVE ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS corded an 80 reduction in road shock under rough travel conditions as the result of major ride im provcmcnt program carried out by engineers de SIenmg the new Ford passenger cars for 1933 The cars such as theCustom Fordor shown above had their first public showings at FordMonarch dealer ships across Conada on Friday Dec 12 Exterior styling changes include 11 new grille featuring projectiletype ccntrc spinner with castons little surprise when lake trout fisherman using copper lint and bait dragging 100 feet down picks up pickcrel The fish is easily fillIfcrl and skinned Usually fried in deep fat after being clipped iIiflour or corn meal the while inky meal falls apart at the touch of fork or the fingers Size limit on pickercl is 13 inch cs measured from the tip of the snout to the centre of tho posturior edge of the tail Anglers are allowed to take six pcr day with not more IC horizontul bar than 12 being in his possession at any time This limit is regarded as gener ous enough since the average pick crcl caught probably weighs any whcrefrom pound and half to two pounds One of the largest pick cicl ever caught in Ontario reputed ly weighed 191 pounds It was tak en by Miss llazcl Griffin of Akron Ohio in Deep Sound Bay near Parry Aw CALI IIIE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING PHONE 24 which extends the full width of the car and lle the massive bumper wraps around to the frou wheel Openings at either side new chrome mould ing runs through the centre of the rear fender lmc acecntuating the cars length lziil lights are rude signed to provide larger signal area Schiul cin phasis has been placed on the development of fresh new range of upholstery and trim and lilf instrument panel has been restyled as an additional interior feature RETIRES POST Resiuning as member of thc Ontario Hockey Association execu tive Dave linkncy of Stratford said it was due to dc sirc to devote more time to his business and domestic affairs Dur ing his three years service Pinkv ney acted as convcncr of senior and intermediate groups received gold hockey stick frI thc OHA for services rendered to hockey in General lRY AN EXAMINER WANT All PHONE l4 Sham mum with gliding movement An example of this new ride was demonstrated by engineers at thcv Ford lost track where two cars comparably loaded were driven all identical speeds of 40 miles an houri over the same bump Sensitive electronic instruments recordedi that thLJoad shock in the 1933 Ford hadbecn reduced from 1500 to 300 pounds As part of its new miracle ride the 1933 Ford had redesigned roar springs which assure closer produc tion mmntcnancc of dosucdwfleil bility This provides better overall ride balance And new onepiece woven fabric spring inscrtsprovide larger damping surface and 200 per cent increase in insert life A5 in the front suspension the rear shock absorbers have been re cnlibratrd and the life of attaching parts increased to provide more shockfree better balanced 11nd smoother ride Anothcr advantage of the new suspension lS the safety factor pro vided by the frame protection given on rough roads The Sunliner convertible VIc toria and station wagon models have frames reinforced to provide additional strength and rigidity WORLDrRURAL WOMEN TO MEET IN TORONTO TORONTO MARCH 23 CPI Canadian farmywomen are going to play hastens in big way this sum mer and just how big was revealed by III Federated Womens Insti tutes OfCanada SOmc 1000 delegates and visitors representing 5000000 rural women around the World will meet here next August when the Associated CountryWomcmefttic World holds VIII seventh triennial conference This will be the first time the ACWW has met in this country and already the hostess groups the Federated Womens Institutes of angdaand Les Ccrcles dc Fer mleres are makingorpreparntions Alsojfbrfthe first time women Will be ability to the conference from klstan Egypt and Lebanon says If aymond Sayre of Ack worth Norway chd liIIVSVltw and Republican In it Indl Obibrill parts of Al tcd States Rbprescn North or load England and WalesPrIIIice Ger yalso corne fromoJapan Ienriiaiwasalioidliti ti entail Brid priorito It London Wash runarallona for Hill initiating the main renal planning the chair olllOIllagllIIiCClliillth 1955 MOIIIIrclI superbly tlnc fljillll the proud Sweep of the new front and styling and the long low inwhmumu Wm WM Wmntnn to profile There are new highfashion Interiors giving luxurious comfort And horizon wlde visibility all round Advanced engin eerlog that youll feel Item the first moment you take the wheel Ask fbr demonstration drive then bhenep 1953 Monarch ls sorsupfby linen run Nolan mom Mandolin youll know why ITS HERE tlicb1llllu11t new 1953 Ford with the sciiszttii new MIRACLE RIDE completelybalauccd design for safe smoOth quiet riding Styled with the new longer lower wider look luxurious color keyed interiors full circle visibility one piece curved windshield power pivot pedals critre fill fuling no leads with the no hp soarsoot vs motor with effort Vless handling ease and With the choice of thregrtrbnsmlsslons FordomaticOveidrive and SynchroSlleitt See check it test drive it