Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 May 1953, p. 4

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PROPERTY WANTED TEE HARRIS EXAMINER MONDAY MAY 1953 5M Em InnW WM DJ edrooms STEWARTGSON Township BINDINGAt the Royal Vicianaimk3 5500 d033 paymm New Buildiiigaiid TOLLINGWOOD RATE UP three mill increase over last the Collingwood 1953 tax rate SALE Stovewood COLUMBUS1n F105 39 19532 Hospital Barrie May 1953 to easy emm Am BOX 58 Barru Johanna Welsh in her 70m yank cud an Is wunws dneda April on Jr Mr and Mrs Fred Binding RRIEmmmer gapszg WOMAN TO do Housework 001 Phone 3331 PERIENCEZD Wailers Apply Queens Hotel ELDERLY Lady uilh pkl 113D wnnicd as companion Phnllc IIJI Mincsing 52 EXPERIENCED Reslaiirn Phone 82lr4 or apply Restaurant Candles NEWSPAPER Carrier Boy wanted for East End route in Barrie Ap ply to The Barrie EXZIEDIIILIUI phone 2414 lIUlf wanted 150511 iii Cook Sliwnifs OWilh every HARDWOOD FREE for cord Moran offers order hardwood Dennis the chance of another 11 cord FREE Phone your Order now and askl for tickct entitling you to participate In this special draw hiisl der May Second draw June DENNIS MORAN 140 Worsle St Barrie PHONE 2907 ll 640ifi EXPERIENCED lciiiale Sales lcr son for local china and gihwczir counter Send particulars in Box 56 Barrie Examiner 15152 LINOLEUM Layer or Improver Excellent opportunity for bloody employment with many cmploycc benets Apply Box 32 Barrie bx amincr REAL ESTATE Good commission Must have it good car and be interested in property Contact Chester Baird Broker Shelburne PO 152 FLOOR COVERING cut grass one day if week ill Shun fy Bay Can bring own power mow er or use one on propcrty Write Box 67 Barrie Examiner 15254 DOUBLE YOUR Income Do work that is fun No canvassing open territory All replies answered Write stating name and address to Box 60 Barrie Examiner 15152 ambitious man group insurance and hospitaliza tion Permanent position Apply Box 63 Barrie Examiner 152 MANAGER Wanted fully capable man to manage milk and lunch bar Requirements are mainly char acter ability to handle customch and supervise empldyecs Salary will be fully commensurate with the requirements of this position Apply linzicHLakcviev Dairy 15253 POSITIONS WANTED WOMAN WILL look after children in own home while mother works 901 shops Monday to Friday Phone 6577 25254 RELIABLE Baby Sifter will sit zit any time and oclock and 12 oclock Saturday It must be made ossible to pay fare home Phone 15 252 MARRIED Man 20 years wants ermanenl responsible position in acne or Chingfofcrahd managerialicxperiencc Apply Box 06 Barrie Examiner 25253 opportunity for Special High Prices Paid for LIVE POULTRY Highest Prices Paid SCRAP IRON hides raw fur horsehair feathers WEVITTTRPEDINGO 83 Collier St Phone 2301 Collect phone calls accepted 323th Metal Salvage DEALERS IRON METALS FURS AGS BATTERIES LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call ighesf prices aid Special prices paid delivere Phone Barrio Stayner 2933 820131 98J2 98J3 WMZIXTPUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Office 156 Tiffin St 33230 HIGHEST PRICES FOR Scrap iron Batteries INDUSTRIAL IRON METAL 00 St WEst pPhone 811131 01 64873 Barrie SCRAP 0R ROOMED house wanted by soldier wife onor before June 0524 3ROOMED Selfcontained Apart merit centrally located wanted by Box 61 115254 43 OR ROOMED Apartment wanlv adults and child one year 1d Self contained If possible un Phong 4044 115253 mess girls Apply furnisth pretaxobi Dont Buy Sewing Machine Unless You Get The Right One We carry the most complete line 152 of new and used sewing machines anywhere Salesman wunlcd NHL Easy Terms WOLFENDEN FURNITURE Salesman Excellent 70 Mame AWL Interior and Exterior Painting Paperlianging Expert workmanship prompt 35 Donald St Barrie Metal Rags Angus erndale 40 College 00 Accommodation Wanted unfurnished Foi pickup and return service 50 and extra Phone 4785 Phone MISCELLANEOUS All machines gllillilll PHONE 3285 540lf Linoleums Rubber and Asphalt Tile iPllONE 807ill II Slllg Phone 2907 REFRIGERATOR cu ft icccntly 0207 FENCE tops Contact Edward Woods phone 54134 Elmvule MM CHESS WARI Remover really does it Your druggisl sells Cicss Salvo for sure relief LAWN MOWERS hand in LIllIIlIUll Shanty Buy Phonc GARDEN Manure Composed Man ure for lawn dressing Loam and Sod Phone Bill Muir $500 per single cord DELIVERED Alterations Barrie 355050 SUMW AVAILABLE immediatelyf until November selfcontained 01an mdm Gralllttlsg WES ed cottage at Wssagri Beach Oak Ofhdik wood section Willi Inside 810mb ing 111d washing innciinc no or DELIVERY ANYWHERE children welcome Phone 3364 DENNIS MORAN Barrie MW ROOM BOARD ACCOMMODATION laws new store large warm room Gentlemc Lunches made up Phone Phone 807r11 BARBIE 750tf GRAVEL FILL TOP SOIL on of ILI ricor Lob comfortablc II preferred 5209 1252 ROOM AND BOARD for kind friendly lady to ziccmnmodnle mo ther and Cillt for new baby when mothcr works Apply Box 05 Bar Iie ILaminer 125254 AUTOMOBILES CASH 35 CASH FOR YOUR CAR IN FIVE MINUTES motor Phone 43152 overhauled $07 Ill Si POSTS from to inch 74853 Corn 75 good Ernest Love 42 Oro 75251 sir IOI Apply Ai 087 74752 fie Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied and Installed Free Estimates Phone 51813 52201 YORKES DECORATING SERVICE service Phone 2941 52064 CENTRAL TAXI CLEAN COMFORTABLE CABS Owned and Opcrglzednby Wliff 51A Collier Street DIAL 5555 SINGDR Tailoring Machine dem onstrator model reduced $25 With usual Singer warranty number of used Phone 4365 BALED STRAW $12 per ton or 30c per dash condition price $50 Apply Maur TO SERVE YOU AI TAXI Your business will be appreciated PHONE 5991 II Essa Rd Albania22 FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS Do your own floors Its easy Our new HighSpeed Floor Sander docs excellentwork Low rates Complete line of floor finishing materials paints varnishes shell acs fillers brushes etc We sell everything needed to make new floors from old 19 Clapperioiisi Phone 5206 5910 GARDENS Plowcd rind Disccd Phone Bill Muir 5087 234752 EVERLASTING cement fence posts made to your order standard type 75c cach Contack Ticky RR 552 LAWN MOWER Grinding $150 Apply Barnett on corner Highways 10 and 27 in Innisl Township 55156 MIMEOGRAPHING and Public Stenography Barrie Business Toronto Sh name Phone 4024 5413611 LAWN MOWERS sharpened Jim Little 258 Dunlop St Barrie 54004 WATER WellDrilling For gen erations our only business Wri hi and Son 633 Hurontario Sb Col ngwpod Ont Phone 318M 57450 BUILDERS using GyprOc or SheetL rock fOrinferioriilnish let us do your jomt taping Experienced taper Specially made rough ceil ings Parss 02NclsonStBar rie 55254 1010 COLUMNS CODY530 pzmi day precedfnglssnov ucopt Sunday To omen minimum 75 native Insertions zoswordvmtnlnium 500 r2cjdword minimum 50 Insertions like word minimum 350 WITH ORDER replica directed to this office zcextra ALB 4c a1 wordininimum $100 0th Insertiohsllo word 11111111an 7550 00000 THANKS IN APPRECIATION ammonium xenon no SINGLE Cylinder Motorcycle used burl Forbes RR Phelpsfon 0il2 MOFFAT Electric Range int Grill Marshalls Service Stat 805rl3 ADDING Machines and crs Sales Business Machines phone 4024 Russ 50 woollens and discarded clothing Newer shades Phone Barr BOX ANI IIOIST for truck also tircs and whccls complete 720 Apply to No Lisle more MODEL Ford Tractor with snow Iplow blade Will sell or garden Phone WARM MORNING Heater with thermostat control used seasons excellent condition 335 for sale Fred Wells Highway 27 South 2159 Littles Hill Phone 2198 after 530 43r3l 28x36 ft one an motifs Situated in town 25 miles 64 Bzirrie Examiner you sell your pigs extra charges Includes EMPIRE CookVSfove wood or coal 60 Maple Ave well saved price $15 with deliv SEE Honest JoeT Cross TOWn MoTors 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 13109 1951 DODGE Sedan excellent shape 12000 miles Phone 5851 135253 fires $85 cash Wil phone 75153 rind Mof for iuick sole Ion phonc 75162 Typewrit rentols repairs Slmcoe 60 Toronto SL 7136tf Broadloom Save up To New rugs from old rugs tlllS lliW Cheap new motor 19 Phone 5290 1352 Sedan healer Reliable trans Phone 133111 racks 1937 CHEV COACH new brakes $2757cnsh niiylimc 1936 TERRAPLANE radio good shape portafion for worklng man 2320 48 GMC lTON Pickup with or will trade for young cattle Apply Duncan phone 520131 Sfayner 135152 KUP 1950 GMC gOOd 24000 miles rubber ood ly Houdhton also Mom scoomr Cookstowld phone 43M 135052 trade either one for Mr Jenkins Garag 74556 WEANLING PIGS Fed out to market on our nance plan Saveiyour grain for seed to 2700 745t1 Bruce Armstrong RR Phone 08115 Cree 75152 tractor Everett quick 75152 Plan drop in and talk it over with us or phone 2982 for an ap pointment You pay for your feed after your hogs have gone to mar ket We have an identical nance plan forpoultry BARRI FARM SUPPL Market Square Barrie 93270 28 STOCKERS weighing from 500 650 lbs Ray Spring REFRIGERATOR nearly new 105 11322 Elmvaf 5152 cu ft large freezer butter keeper excellentcondition extremely rea PIGS good thrifty stock weeks sonable modern plasticcovered old Apply George Archcthvhelp ston phone 142r42 Elmvale 952 steel stepstool steel ironing7 bggrgia phone 3443 evenmgs 25 HUNKS of Pigs up to 90 lbs Onefurrow straightener tofif W4 FRAME Building in good repair Apply Joe Hamblyg half TTUIEYS Tractor SOW WITH youngpigs second ford of Barrie Box litter Apply Bert H01VathRR 80m 85 975257 Barrie third farm north off High way 90 95253 REGISTERED Shorthorn Bull ser viceable age siredby son of OAC Mayowers Ragsoni lgerd livery You pay only list price accredited Murray ans one Phone Thornton Feed Store Ivy 46111 Bradford 95153 lli5 or Stioud l4r21 75275 GRADEIIHOLSTEIN Heifers COAL OR Wood Estonia brand years old TB tested and vaccinat range bungalow size white ena ed2 fresh with calves at foot mel polished steel top excellent springing heaVY Rhone 831112 condition used2 years $50 Which is Willson Angus 95152 lessdthan1 half the origiznlalsprif Fre We 15 Big way on Littles Hill Phone 2198 aftec530 Room 1552 45152 Couch BEDROOM Gentlemhn preferred cusmon Metal Hs Central Phone 5542 155253 Large grey and blue rug Corn golcum rugs Single bed and CLEAN FURNISHED Bedroom in springs builtin kitchen cupboard quiet home newly decorated Phone fits around Sink Can be seen at 6730 155153 14 Sophia St West in mdrnings FURNISHED Bedrooms central only 15152 Ii ld St or one THE HOLY BIBLE containing the $2 155152 Old and New Testaments trans lated out of the Original Tongues FURNISHED Bedrooms reason able Suitable for gentlemenuPhone and with former translations dili 4497 155253 gently compared and revisedThe FURNISHED Apartment Adults also limited electric portables Sewing Machine Singer 75254 bale RCA Victor under tube in excellent radio ice Brown RR Slroud Phone 75152 suitable for body and fender shop storage or would make apart lIOGPRODUCERS Feed Master completefeed Pay for if when No interest or FURNISHED Housekeeping good condition green Studio authorized King James Version price $395 delivered in gift box Book House 31 Beech SfSf Cath arines Ont 75053 SET FEED BEAVER OATS good seed for sale Donuld Knisley Stayner Phone Sluyner 520122 105253 SEED BEAVER Oats grown from registered seedeor sale Apply William Crawford Oro Station phone 239 0110 105152 15TONS BALED Alfalfa IHay Phone 3371 154350 gt FURNISHED Bedroom Gentleman Abstaineri 173 Dunlop St West phone 2291 155 FURNISHED Heated room apart ment with bafh hot water in new house Adults Phone 5077 1552 BEDSITTING Room and kitchen ette Business people Apply 90 berland Sf Phone 4874 gum 155152 ROOMED Heated Apartment Very central $90 monthly Adults preferred Phone 3845 afte Tim 155253 SMALL Well Furnished Apart ment all conveniences 1y Immediate possessmri Phone 05 1550152 FURNISHED Apartment bedroom siftingroom rangette cabinet sink Business couple AbstainersuPhone 5013 1552 ANY RELIABLE arty retired from coupleetc wshing to rent cry if neccssarypalso some tons loose hay $10 Apply Miller RR Thornton Phone 17101 Ivy 105254 CHICKS KELLY CHICK HATOHERY Canadian Approved Chicks Two hatches wgekl Tuesday and Friday Hatching aw Ham shire Barred snack Cross and mod tting Thine tighfclrs are bridpigr uaw easan men ductlfgl one 2320 Battle MaplellgR 2LAREE Nicely Furnished rOOmd 04 ufies miles from Toronto good road Contact Baker klfchen bed tin roo or preferrgd Rea ed hot heard as wateren s1 Suif business can 4384 00 Eco es Sb phone 001 Inda year the increase is for Harris Steele who has spent the post your and getting training In the chinoware Wedgwood and Sons Canada Ltd Izid has returned to l013 Ivy LOSTBetween Barrie and Minc Mincsing LOSTBlack and called Ruff little boys Please call llidlcy 3132 Reward MM 177 Duckworth St COCKSHUTT l3 disc Seed fuirow horse Paul Wolownik Cookstown 55r3 aride Simple International grain fertilizer seed NoExfra arge TrFinance rillwilligiTASSscedatiachmcm 15 run Real bargain Hollands Garage Stayner 189Wl MOUNT FOREST Threshing Mach ine extension feeder chaff blower and complete clover attachment General in good condition ing Outfit hose blow pipegauges welding ment Simpsons Garage Phone ion with lodge garage land on Highway 11 best cash offer or ment on balance of rst yard and three room only Apply 37 Blake St Barrie $5 Adults cod home or exchange for light been set at 62 mills Most Of Collingwuod Diss ct Collegiate Board COMPLETES COURSE it half in Toronto slncss with the firm of Josiah unending the Rycrson School lcchnology where he comploted course in Retail Merchondismg Barrie to enter his The English China licrs business llld Gift Shop MM FRUIT VEGETABLES 1000 BUSIIELS Cabagc and 1000 bus Phone 205052 islicls Spinach 5c per crps RR Thornton LOST FOUND ft Adams 1752 tan purebred Terrier 10 months old strayed from 179 Bgiy Pct of two 1752 12 Sheets aluminum Ig Please notify lg lOdlee lil St last Friday PERSONAL DAI NES ROCK STEAM BATH Edgehill Drive Barrie Body conditioning arthritic treat ment remedial exercises seientiflc ducing Free Arthritlc Consultation 10 am fill 10 pm daily Private appointment only Phone 814rll 30461f START REDUCING No Dieting No Discom Lose pound treatment Special treatments $500 No Exercise fort No Disrobing Peggys Reducing Salon Barrie Appointment phone 3992 3043 088 FARM EQUIPMENT drill plow nearly new 3952 GOOD USED 3plow Tractors nearly new phone 3952 years old high elevators Earl phone 48r6 Bradford esso 395052 TWO 2WHEEL Trailers well lrugoodcuriitim 311d heavy nough for farm use Line snort bout 20 feet long equipped wnh pulleys and hangers Emery on land can be run off this shaft Electric Battery Charger Acetylene Weld heads and cutting attach Apply Mrs Simpson 30W Bee 395152 PROPERTY FOR SALE ROOM LODGE cabins and bungalow on Highway 11 Will take best cash ROOM COTTAGE offer one acre of Will take small down pay mortgage wAPPLY TO FRANK PAYCE Owner Franklin Inn Phone R16 Mono Mills 1041tf Butcher frArmstrong Realtors 1706A Avenue Rd 758A Yonge St Nr Bloor 133 Dunlop SI EBarrle Ph 0042 $5700BA Service Station with fully equipped garage wrecking livmg quar ters also storage building on large lot MOO$2300 down 100 acre farm with room at me home in good conditionxSm barn wrth cement slanting chic eh house and mach ine shed Two Wells $40000Large service station on new 400 Highway close to Boriie Large dining room fully equipped banquet restaurant room livmg quarters with private bath all modern conveniences Including wash rooms tialr basement hot water heating Lot 600 ft highway front age it 450 ft depth with large trout stream owing through property For further information call our office If you are interested in buyin home we have large collecl on BRUCE osmium After hours call 22391642 IN Village of Tottenham rooms new oil furnace all con veniences Owner moving ovely home for 985 one mogage Phone 107 Tottenhum 16452 MUST SELL Illness fofces sale Large brick home deep lot large garage hot water heating new oil burner Newly decorated Mod ern kitchen Suitable for business or income home Many extras in cluded Near Loblaws new store Early possessionuMake ideal own tom Tourist homo1 HOUSE Stone Phelpston Falls chic Eileen and Daniel predeceasrdh May McNABBAf her home Broadvf May 1953 Ellen Nellie Teasl Tuesday May at pm Inter ment Stuyncr Cemetery PARKERAt Oshawa on CillllCIlll dczir father of Mrs REIDAt Stevenson Memorial Hos dear father of Aihn and Blanche SEADONAt Royal Victoria lies of Orillia Jack and Mrs Ernie CemPteTyPcnetang May WILSON At Rose Helen nears HIIIIIIrII To 1010 Ba ain at beloved wife of Herbert Colum bus and dear mother of Marg aret Mrs James Brunmngi Oil Molly Mrs Jamesl Pnclpston Monica OHulloran of Ambrose Niagara Patricia Mrs Lloyd Rit James Richard Charles and Gerrard all of Elmvalej Chippewa of Mrs lgnaiius Interment St Patricks Come ry way Ave Toronto on Saturday dull beloved wife of the late Angus McNabb dear motheri of Marion and the late Captain Angus McNabb and grand mother of Heather Courtney and Andrew Manbb of BarrieRest ing 21 the Jennctt Funeral Home Barrie Funeral service private Satur day May 1953 William James Purkcr in his 37m year beloved husband of the late Margaret Mrs Devanish Hazel and Miss Frances all of Oshawa and Frederick of Barrie Resting of Luke and Mc Intosh Funeral Home for service On TucsdayMay Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery Smith Ilrene pital Allision on Friday May 1953 Oakley Reid beloved husband of Leno Crosbie and and son of Mrs Catherine Reid and the late Robert Reid and dear brother of Margaret Mrs George Peacock in his 65th year Resting at the home Ever ett for service at 230 pm Mon day May Interment Alliston Union Cemetery Masonic ser vice Barrie on Saturday May 1953 Violet Oliver in her 65th year beloved wife of JHE Sea don RR Utopia dear mother of Violet Lconu Mrs Coch rane Oliver and George all of Toronto and Sue Utopia Rest ing at Lloyd and Steckley Fun eral Home Barrie Funeral Tucs day morning May to St Marys Church Barrierfor requiem mass at am Interment St Marys Cemetery PEARNAf Soldiers Memorial Hospital Orillia on Thursday April 30 1953 Annie May Emms beloved wife of the late George Ernest Spearn late of 29 Grena dier Road Toronto loving moth er of Walter of Penetang Harold pital Pile Marion of Toronto Char lie of Barrie loving sisfer of Mrs Brown of Orillia Mrs William Brooks of Barrie in her filth year Interment St James Mrs McMillans Nursing Home Barrie on Mon day May 1953 Catherine Ma dill beloved wife of the late Thomas Dulllop Wilson and dear BROWNAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie May 201953 ml Cpl and Mrs Brown 70 llih Street Camp Borden son FOSTERAl the Royal Victorls Hospital Barrie May 1953 to Mr and Mrs Leonard Foster RR Angus sun LANGAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie May 1953 to Mr nnd Mrs Long 90 Collier St son Timothy Scott SCHANDLERAt the Royal Vici toria Hospital Barrie May 1953 to Mr and Mrs Ralphl Scharidler 90 lnnisiil Street daughter Deborah Ruth SCIIONEVELDAt the Royal Vici toria Hospital Barrie May 1953 to Mr and Mrs Sclioncvcld RR No Barrie son SliELSWELLAI Soldiers Mem orial Hospital Orillia April 24 1953 to Mr and Mrs Philip Shelswcll Hawkcstonc son Harold Philip CARDO THANKS Merc words are inadequate to express our gratitude to each and everyone who has helped us through these daysof sorrow with flowers words of sympathy and deeds of kindness We can only say Thank you so much Mr Leonard Schroeder Toronto Mr Homer and family Bradford 52 RAINEYMrs Dan Rainey and family wish to extend their appre ciation to their friends and neigh bors for their many acts of kind ness and beautiful oral tributes and special thanks to Rev Lionel Rowe and Rev Stubbs for their consoling words during the recent sad bereavement in the loss of loving husband and father 52 IN APPRECIATION Many thanks to all my friends for thehlovely cards and flowers sent me while in the hospital also thanks to the nurses and Dr Gray SMALL Collage on lakeshorc want ed for month of August Shanty Bay or vicinity Apply Box 57 Bar rie Examiner 335152 TENDERS P03 llIlIlSlll PIIIIII BOOTH Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noory DST on Monday May 11 for the Booth Concession at lnnisl Park for the season of 1953 One half of the accepted fender price to be paid on or before May 15 and the balance on or before August 1953 ALLAN Clerk 5254 Churchill Ontario EORHSAIE BY TENDER Scaled tcnders will be rcccivcd by the undersigned up to 12 oclock 5th 1953 for the purchase of the West half of Lot No 559 on the East side of Ewart Street in the Village of Belle Ewart according to registered Plan No 90 The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted Further ar iiculars of sale may be obtainc on application to the undersigned DATED at Barrie this 15th day of April 1953 COWAN AND COWAN Cowan Building 53 Collier Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors for Executor Estate of Elizabeth Mullen deceased 1651M THERE IS for their kindness Mrs Owen Jones Oro Station 52 AUCTION SAL Saturday May Mrs Walter Hill Hawkestone Village Township Auction sale of house hold furniture Sale at pm DST Terms cash Charles Thor ton Auctioneer 5153 Wednesday May 20 Stanley Dick Lots 12 and 13 Con Township of Flos located between Highways 26 and implements some household effects Terms cash Sale at 130 PDSTS Scott Clerk Jerry Coughlin Auctioneer 5058 mother of Mariorie Mrs Albert Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie Funeral service Wednesday May at pm Interment Trinity United Cemetery Beeton IN MEMORIAM ALLENIn loving memory of dear wife and mother Louise Allen who passed away May l951 Till memory fades and life departs You will live forever in our hearts Ever remembered by Jim and 52 GENERAL PPMP In away fre equipped Iifh all the latest engin ecriilg technique for fringe Harea reception black day light tube for clearer cun STONEand and 27 Aliction sale of farm stock Oro AGENTS FOR mm URRYS 36 BAYFIELD ST CONCRETE Driveway stone crushed concrete stone and solid For Sale of pit or delivered 300 Bayfield si FREE Beautiful bigTobIe on display off frosting pictures With full smokers Warranty and one yeirr picture tubegivicranf fed launcfry rdoms pan No NEED TO so FURTHER THAN COOP TH ESE ESSENTIAL SUPPLIES AN Shelf and Heavy clothing boots farm equipment Coolers Freezers Mills Pumps and Pressure Systems Plumbing supplies Building Roofing etc FREE PARKING Come 1n and look around No obligation to buy Hardware Materials Refrigerators Ranges Radios Washers Telcvlsmn Appliances IT AT MTDHURSTONTARIOi VARCOE BROS THE BARRIE Ph 4600 ELECTRICETELEVISION dws For every complie $25 worth of purchases from Coop Supplies Division you qualify for free Draw Ticketing purchase pf an autdmatictoasfer at $2850 gives you one free chance while purchase of an Electric Range at $350 entitles you to 14 freo TICdraw fickcisi Draw will oporot in respect of all purchases cllglble befween May 4th audJuly 4th Ithis year both doles inclusive Open to anyone Tiny where For ANY OF CHANCE or TV Buildings Fencing and Accessor les Paints Beating equlpnTent of all kinds iiuuisrn STREET BARRTE noon DST of Tuesday May flu wwm ltwmmwmw il $356Lkmg3wmm 3xxsswa accepted The hi1dren

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