Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 May 1953, p. 2

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EXAMINER MONDAY MAY 1953 Si Bonilqce Canadians gainin Memorial Cup Finals Winnipeg May fBarrle Flyer coach Hop Emms is dan gerously nearing record and he probably didnt eVen reallze it On the eve of the fourth game of the Memorial Cup finals here tonight Ennms is in position to be the only coach to ever win two Memorial Cups in eight straight games without setback He lies within onesgnme follow ing the Flyers fretscoring hurd fought 75 triumph over St Boni face Canadians here Friday night before another capacity housein the Amphitheot Coaodiens must win if they hope to preserve their chances of copping junior hockcys covoted prize as the lyers hold 30 margin in the Forbinoeven series Fridays affili was the first time he Flyers didnt have to fight from hind decit They fired the one marker of the first period and pfter th Hobs fought back to tie the 101 at 22 carried 42 lead in the final sinnu Csnadiens came within one goal of again deadlock ng the isme in the third but the OHAcnd Eastern Canada chomp ions produced when necessary and squelched all threats Don McKenney and Orv Tessier each scored pair to lead the vic tory while Tony Poela Johnny Marian and fSklp 1T tallied singles Gary Blaine continued his two goalagnme pace for the Canucks but was matched by rightwinger Ab McDonald Don Johnson nicked singleton for the Westerners St Boniface put up their best of fensive show of the series in order for an extension but in doing so forgot shout goalie Hal Dalkie This kid is no ball of fire but he did make some terrific saves consider ing the protection received He was clipped for seven goals but could have blown few more and needed no excuse The Flyers followed the pattern and the tilt turned into battle of front line scoring punch Goa lie Marv Edwards recording great job in the set received sup erior protection frOm blueliners Don Cherry and Ralph Willis but also had tubephenomenal to thwart the heavy siege upon his Citadel Big Questions Big questions have been do the Canucks lack condition 11 are the Flych just that much more sup erior The answer is found in lb ondlhe Flyers proved it They pro duced in the light spots just when it appeared St Boniface werc grow ing strong and were dead set on leiingatlenstnnc game into their mint The proof came in the second and third periods After Skip Teal found the short side on distant VMJightewing shot in the first period an McKenney lblasted Doug Mohns bouncing clear from the corner during penalty to Gary Blaine for 20 margin in the Second palrof double penalties al mostTonopofeaclriotherxreatcd the freewheeling episode With the teams four aside Blaine Pocta Jim Robertson Heindl in the pen ulty box double penalty Jim Robertson and Ron Helndll created the frec wheellng and redheaded unsung hero Len Thomson worked beau tlful play for Gary Blaines Open cr from drop pass Four minutes later McDonald streaked the centre of the defence with Leo Konyks pass to tie the issue at 22 Erase Threat Considering the possibilities of defeat the llyers picked up and erased the threat almost as quick as it had been established Only 19 seconds after McDonald had tal lied Don McKenncy converted Teals relay from close in and then Poelu Sent Orv Tcssicr into the clear for 42 margin near periods end St Boniface appeared to have the course as Tessier drilled Johnny Marians corner passout behind D2111 tic after 45 seconds of play in the final chapter An indication of the determined Hob bid was McDon alds second of the night reading the letters on 10 puck before dc positing Cec Hockslras passout minute later Marlon clicked for an other thrccgoul margin But this St Boniface aggregation are hard to keep down They roared back with pair Elaine and John son the mnrksmen and the deficit was cut to 05 As fast as the Can uck fans sensed comeback it took six seconds to deflatePoetn siren ed around captain Syd White daz zled Dalkic and hit the mesh for the final marker which definitely killed the western spirii Officials Chustlzed Officials Ching MacDonald and Louis Lccomptc were again bitter ly chnstized for letting so much hooking and holding go by the boards but the fans couldnt argue when Fred Pleisch returned to old form to rock Canadians big gun Gary Blaine in the final minute of play It was clean check and the hardest of the series RAILBIRD GOSSIP the Stan ley Cup winning coach Dick Irvin arrived in time to see this game He sat with junior couch Sammy Bullock inpspccial seatsdirect behlnd the St Boniface bench Canadlens best unit was Gary Blaine LenThomson and Gabe Pankhurst with Thomson terrific performer Rudy Pllous depart cd Saturday morning for the East and the Miami of Canada St Catharines Chastlzed for the Flyers supposed stalling tactics referee Louis Lecomple dropped the puckwithout Tool in on faceoff ltdldnit rmuke tony difference the Flyer still hemmed the Habs in the attacking zone local bus inessmen who has taken liking to Tony Poeta and who doesnt presented the right4wing dynamo With beautiful rust suede jacket Osenior Citizens Tea and Bazaar Wednesday May ii LTB 11011 High Street Sale Homemade baking and gifts 3Vtlpm Admission 25c gt 485152 mid Festival by pupils of Towns or West Gulilllmbury Paul Mch vey Supervisor of Mn sic Bond Head Community Hall Friday DIy 15 830 pmAdmis sflqn adcpchildren free 5053 MW cut western style Simcoe Gunners lake I111 Cub Simoce Gunners coached by Bar rieite Jack Dyte with Barrie Fly er defenceman of two seasons ago Georeg Stanutz as captain on Sat urday night captured for the first time the OHA Intemnediaite championship by beating Coiling wood Shipbuilders 78 That pre vented Collingwood from taking three straighttitles in that class Simcoeswin mode the final ser ies 42 in games The Gunners won the first at Collingwood 03 then dropped two games by 50 and 62 scores They came back to even the series with 64 win On Collingwood ice then took the next two genres for the John Ross Rob entson Trophy which was present od Saturday to the club by Jack Roxbungh OHA pat president 0011mm Vcsss 11001 serrlcrANK GREASEIRAP 110th use 1111 modern chemionl product oilm the offensive doth llantlln lijdm attended onions BRILLIANT LITTLE USTODIAN MARV EDWARDS play but star 08 watched closely as the puck net during hectic St Boniface Habs leftwinger Leo Konyk of fuseimp 51 amblcs past the side of the pressure in the second perlod 22 turned his back on this Larry Thibnult in rounding ntre Cec Hoekstra eluded checking from the net to make passout Doug Mohns 11 Abbie McDonald Ralph Willis and Garrison Club FISHIN For Fun By ISAAK The fishing season began May in deluge of rain which no doubt discouraged any but the most ar dem angle Howefma Will lowing the matches lunch was serv flne weather of Sunouy and sunny ed in the Ofcers Mess by the so forecasts it looks as if the first week will produce some good re sults We were anxious to receive news for this column Phone or call if you have any luck with the rod Yesterday there was quite crowd from Barrlc set off for Em cmld Lake up in the Temlskaming area north east of North Buy One party consisted of Jimmy Wray Gilar1ieLKnlghtlYonySasorGeorge Kennedy Bill Garner Garsidc from Durant Michigan Another group headed for the same place consisicdof John Quinn Karl Jennctil Ralph Snelgrove and Steve Osadhuk Today Jack Webb Keith Burrows Charlie Spearnand Bill Rmnesbottom are setting forth tOtry their luck in the north coun try Dessthcnrzoiminules drivlefrem their Barrie home Bill Dymcnt and son Andrew got 10 speckled trout Friday morning They started at 630 and fished until 11 One was ll inches srRoUD Beneflt Dunne number from our commumty the benefit dance in Thornton Hall on Friday for the McMaster family and report very enoyable evening Wins Bicycle Congratulations to David Web ster whorewaszthe winner of lovely bicycle in the Wright Clean ers draw Visitors From Holland Our community are pleased to welcomgjor the second time Mr and Mrs John terHaar of Bell brurg Holland who arrived on April 25 for two months visit with their daughter Mrs El mer Gibbons Four years agoMr and Mrs terHnar made their inl tlol visit toStroud and tworyears ago Mrs Gibbons and children vls itedher parents in Holland Tnker Positions Miss Maldle Cowan has accepted position with the Underwriters Insurance Adjusters Barrie and Elaine Sturey and Evelyn Martin have taken positions in the Gent eral Electric Barrie and Lella Fa gan in Toronto Plan Hockey nglct May Ori Friday May the community wlll turn out 150 strong todo hon or tolStroud hockey team Inter mediate lB ORHA champions There will be banquet outdo fol3 lowed by an evening of dancing to the music of the Simcoe Rumblers If you cant mnke thebunquet be sure to come tothednr1ce sons on INDIAN HEAD In the rst change in ownership in 40 you PhllvFlude editor and manager as acquired solejowner ship of the weekly Indian Head Ner two seasons mm CENTENNIAL 111100111111110 ask 1091 MINESING Miss Mary Bowen Orlllia Vise itcd friends hereon Thursday Mr and Mrs Len Vivian and children Lenore Frances and Leonard left by motor for Port Ar thur where they will make their home Mrs Dusto visited friends in Orillio last week Mr and Mrs Jack Priest and Paul spent Saturday with their par ents Mr and Mrs Parker Priest WI Hobby Show May Plans are being made for the Hobby Show sponsored by the W0 mens Institute to be held in Min esing school on Friday evening May at pm If you have hobby unchan Show your work contact the president Mrs Norval Luck or the convencr of commun ity activities Mrs Foyston There will be demonstrations on Hold Finals In Badminton Championships were decided Fri day night at Barrie Armoury by members of the Garrison Badmin ton Club Mis Doris Rooms and Mrs Ar thur McKenzie retained the lodles double title they won last year Hollis Robinson for the sixth time in seven years won in mens dou blcsupnd also mixed doubles This year he was pantnered with Doug Smithto win the mens and his partner in the mixed final was Mrs McKcniic Referees for the nights play in cluded Stan Bryson Fred Ander ton and Mrs Erial McNubb Fol cial committee and the prizes were presented by Mrs McNDbb and Ken Walls Remarks were given by Major Clark officer com manding the Armoury and by President Larry Whitby The sea son closes with the annual badmin tonA club dance Fridny night this week Results of the finals were cooking demonstration display of work smocking carving wood will be on display Jozo Weider will have pottery demonstration Miss Joy Miles of Toronto will dis play articles used in occupational therapy work Textile block print ing by LlewBeaver leather work Ladies dbublcsleliss Kearns and by MR pm of Clarke and ClarkeV and Hugh Mrs McKenzre dew MTs Ru Armstrong and MiSS Marjorie Longhunslt 1517 1845 consolation Mrs Wilma Clark andMiss Jean Carruthers defeated Miss Terry Smith and Miss Mary Ellen Young 915 150 159 Mens doublesHollis Robinson and Doug Smith defeated Art Mc Leon and Larry Whitby 1511 15 12 consolation Harry Bailey and Ron Pile defeated Don Simmons and BftuccivTarButhlZiltlfnili 77 Mlxcd doublesRobinson and Mrs McKenzie defeated Larry Whitby and Miss Flora McGregor 158 157 oohsblalibn Mr and Mrs ROn Pile defeated Bailey and Miss Terry Smith 1015 150 159 CHEER rlon THE FLYERS Our Flyens ondSt Boniface Are meeting in the West These two teams have won the1r 1ploce Junior hockcys best The Memorial Cup is now the prize Each club will strive to wm And Manitoba draws our eyes lowotch wcthcore come in Were rooting for our Flyeis The cup theyll winwelcnow ThEyTrEEkilfulfeager triens And class they surely Show So come on Skip and Johnny Tony Orv and Doug Jimmy Bob and Donny We wont to win that MUG Were cheering Fred and Larry Orink Ralphand Jack Ken and Don with Mlarvy Will stop the Hub attack With Hop the Couch Perennial To guide our Flyers through Well have for our Centennial The Memorial Cup on View Buit limit with pride and elation Well have Barrie Celebration cmc11lt Barrie RR Midland Oollers fMidiland Free Press Herald Midland Golf and Country Club will sport new look this year including new clubprofessional Dont all rush at once girls but the new pro is dark young and handsome His mine is Alon Mo Connell and we shutddsay right =llere married life wifeJuanlta is aMalarotlc PQgirl who will stay in Toronto for thectime being until other arrangements can be made Alan McConnellicomes to Mid land tmmNooandaalso PQ where he won assistant to Norm Aldridge pro of the club there Groundvmrk for Alans golfing career wasloid in Dcland Flu where he benofllvted from one ofomerioas tenoruniting teaching pros Bug Allan Ajlon Torontoborn succeeds Wilt Parker pro at Midland for the post gofCOnado Hummus FLAGSbill Typo 9BUNTING cotton orVploltic moves Everything for Appropriate Aidecoratlons braiding and hooking rugs skill iron work and flowers PrlZc quilt The eyes or 11 no will London in youlaave to callot tiny ofour encasement foryovytrtp Ask Skip Teal 12 await results Orillia Natives 1111 101 Places With West York Much interest is being shown by Orillia lcross enthusiasts in the adoption by that town of the OLA Senior club Toronto West Yorks who have signed contract to plhyhome games at Orillia Com munity Centre The team will have local complexion with seven members of Orillias 1952 intermed iate champions trying for places Onillins Leo Robbins is gluing George Johnston some competition for goal vhllc big MurrayoPearsall Miss Dunn will have display of books Needlework quilts rugs felt work and exhibit by school children will be featured St Peters Young People St Peters Young People met at the home of Bernice and Marion Fralick on Monday night with 15 present Groce Pearson was con vener and had very intcstmg program THEROYAL BANK June Thousands of Canadians will be there fur the Coronation And they will nd in to have mail forWarded Or andmake use 7Jheert ofhebmmonweolth Vtwolittle piece Through the years Our two London branches have become popular irendezvousflifor Creel clients visiting the Old Coudtrylll to you can 111 RS 1111115 11 11111 311111113115 My HERE18 TO THE FLYERS Heres to the Flyers theyre swell team Their coach and trainer is always on theibeam They have what it takes to get up and go So come on Barrie lets put on good show Theres young Tony Poem little but oh my And big Lorry Thibault he doesnt let many by Theres McKenney the captain fine husky lad And redheaded Teal for the opponent hes had lessicr and Mohns are good on the scoring While Marian and White are in more uroaring Cherry and Higgins keep the opponcnt on the run While Pie sch and Willis arent checking for fun Harrington played well till with an accident he me Now young Marv Edwards has taken over the net Theres Kenny and Jimmy Robertson you know lney never give up till the last whistle blows From the Maritimes We get young Orin Carver NO one on the team plays any harder Cuculick and Hook havent played much But just the same we are wishing them luck Now you see Barrie has wonderful team They have lot of pep and alot of steam So heres to Barrie we are wxshinghyouluck CO on Flcrr lets bring home at crnoria up FLYERS FVAN BOATS MOTORS OUTBOARD REPAIRS nd MARINE SUPPLIES Phone 3018 or 6137 SPORTHAVEN 97A Dunlop St SIERNER RULES PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE Man CP resolution urging more severe penalties for infraction of the game act was forwarded to the Manitoba game and sheries de partrnent by the Portage la Prairie Game and Fish Association and Gord Hammond are expected to form one defence Terry Gor don Earl McCrone Bob Burrell and Sid Steacy are forwards with the team Playing coach Don McPhail will also have Joe and Jim McNulty of gt St Cotharines Les Dlgby Ken Croft Jock Koposky Tom Banks Frank Paolo Leo Teatro and John Hewitt from lost years West Yorks Hewitt is former Orlllinn who learned the game there while Banks also formerly played in that town Authorized OUTBOARD MARINE smwrcs SALES SERVICE SATISFACTION We wish to thank all our customers and friends for their courteous patronage in the past and we hope to serve you in the future Theres llo Deluy The llllunilule Wily 111101111551 AND DAY ALLANDALE TAXI mamews mern 39mg Panel problem cmployment wV cash or purchage travellers cheques enchange money leave valuables for safekeeping arrange forgotti Solviwa Canadaslurgest banks ifyouareolf Antonius Corona VtiOn your Incite note of these handy Royal +1ng pinionmmhereyuicth00411mutating business inc familial friendlyiatmospherei 1111110 BRANCHES IN LONDON Our mankind ofce room it Loulm in of thenancial districtopposite Tivoli cornersd thgnorthcm side of the Bank of England30 West EM Bench left is situated at CookspurSt ust oll TrafalanQMiO stem from Canticle House and the Office fifths High Compilationer +V Hamlet Vtrmllorecluqm and other terrific copy zriviqn tautj 115qu oFCANADA cially that

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