an moussnmr nswsruu MONDAY VIEW and FRIDAY Serving THE TOWN OF BARBIE AND COUNTY OF SIMCDE sin it Since 1864 Uhr Harrie Examiner Aumovtnd Secch Chum Karl 89th YeOrNO 52 mum on BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY MAY I953 Panel Discussion Sponsored Byflaroe Crowd local Welfare Counoil Gives che Outline 0f Problems Of Age evening in the Roxy Theatre en joyed an exceptionally good Vari ety Concert arranged by Barrie Citizens Band The program of the assisting artists was of very high istandard and thoroughly entertain in while the band 30 strong gave their finest performance in many Home Class Moon CWNA and Audit Innnu circulation I0 Pages Two FIREMEN FIG EXPLODING TANK FIRE FOR HALF HOUR The meeting of Barrie and Disj and happier members of the com irict Welfare Council held on TtJes munity Old age security for them day night in the Council Chambers1 forms very large slice of our brought to Barrie one of the most national budget interesting and informative proI The housing problem is acute and grains in quite some time in thegapplies to them also They come form of panel discussion on under several classes those able so much different from those in other age groups and they have the some normal needs of people in general Mortality Rates Dr Scott stated that the inor The Problems of the Aged land healthy need modest home ears tality rates have lessened consrd With Donald Bell chairman of the meeting those participating were Professor John Morgan School of Social Welfare Univerl sity of Toronto Miss Louise Colleyl director of Simcoe County Recrei ation Dr Scott director of1 Simcoc County Health Unit Lt Col Cooper OBE manager off the National unemployment Office and Vale district inspector tori relief Mrs Donald Cameron was recording secretary Represental tivcs were present from numberl of organizations Wide Problems Professor Morgan lnbpeningi stated that problems of the aged apply to many elds Such as thef panel represented Today we have tendency to get toofar away frOm the general population and into the hands of spendists Among questions cov ered was Why are we bothered by old age In spite of immi gration and light birth rate we have an increasing population of old people in upper age groups In Canada in 1911 we had over 65 years In 1953 we have 10 In European countries the proportion is even higher At one time the older people had place in the family group Today this provrsion is not made for them the younger people who do not feel responsible for their parents and moreover the older people do not want it Today they are considered to have place of their own and their own problems Industrializ ation has caused an economic problem and with larger birth rate over 20 are dependents Young people are not more pro ductive than those older nor are they more efficient If older folks are kept busy they are healthier MquxAUG In Yes theyre coming home they re comingnback to Barrie the Old Home Town And they goings come in large numbrsj Every day new letters are coming in to centennial headquarters from former Barrie boys and girls who have heard about the forthcoming celebration As an example the centennial conunittee has just received let ter from Albert Garner an old Barrie boy now living in Detroit Mr Garner writes My wife and intend to be in Barrie for the week of August tot Also we expect group offrinds will ac company us We arljooking for ward with keen anticipation for this viSit back home Mr Car her also encloseduin his letter the names and addresses of two dozen other former Barrieites now living in the WindsorDetroit area And browse each and every one will receive special Old Home Week summons vac1 yltltw The First Column The Brides Mother By KEN WALLS Recently was invited to wed ding and had good opportunity to put to personal test the statement which was made some time ago by Austin Cross man in his 40s in The Ottawa Jour nal Its more fun to kiss the brides mothef With Austin heartily agree You may put it down to old age but Just let transcribe it to more Inature taste In theipast several years Ihavelbcen at number of weddings The ceremony always is of course itrrfollovwsv regulated format Gprierally speak ing them has tilWays been the com pensation of waiting for the receiv ing line where it is customary to kiss the bride Now remember with pleasure some years ago that the bride usually sparkled at my ap preach and the reward was worth and the government is taking steps to assist them in their eld those who can live with little help and do require that help and the people who need permanent help but are not bedridden Then there is the group not hos pilal paitients but who need rest gt 33mithSSEiignzggimi twig the County are in Barrie mootIr great deal of mm alllll With preventive medicine their needs are housing public health serwce and better healmlt It income occupation recreation and pwp Hm The presence of chronic Illness 15 social needs and we should try to keep these pwplc where mm or higher percentage among the poor rightfully belong After all the old folks are null Verany since 1943 as compared to 1930 III the Province ofQtitario in 1931 were 65 and over in Simcoe County 10957 or 103 were over 61 In Barrie l88 orl 1039 were over 65 The birth rate going up in Simcoe and mortality is going lower Twentyi one per cent of school children in Turn to page three pleasel ARBOR DAY TREPLANTING gmiv Bandmaster Joseph McNeillie conducted the band and announc ed the numbers Band committee Chairman McCarroll made the opening remarks Numbers by the band were as follows March The Thin Re Line Ilienneth Alfordl Song of too Flame George Gershwinnl Intermezzo In Persian Mari ket Albert Ketelbeyl Selection My Hero from The Chocolate Soldier by Oscar Strauss Marcia Imperial Echoesf March MiliJ tary EscortiFirst Movement of the ballet Egyptian Suite tLuri March The Middy Frank Cancilla piano accordionl ist played two numbers DarkI Eyes and Sicrllan John Ricci violinist played Lamento Cantabile the Medina tion from Thais and finally tho contemporary selection Hot Can any Lloyd Tufford was pianist Bondsman Wally Kennedy was heard in two vocal numbers All The Things You Are and Old Man River with Bondsman Bert Churchill providing the piano am companimcnt Bert Churchill played as piano solos Flapperette and for an en core Canadian Capers these unique drummer Bill McBride and stringl bassist George Fricke out front1 with him and in the rst selectiom had band accompaniment alsoi playing special arrangement byl Bondsman George Wilson Peter Murray ot the First Can adian Infantry Band Camp Bor den was special soloist and was exceptionally well received in his trombone numbers The Firey and Rose of Tralecf Bert Church ill played the accompaniment two groups The TWO ATTRACTIVE members of the school Lorna McLean The always popular Barrie Male FIREMEN ARE SEEN her tackling the blaze which startlt ed at the Board of Works building on Robert Street on Fri day afternoon when l000gallon tank containing quantity of asphalt exploded The tank was being heated TOWN gggTANK EXPLODES ON BW LANDi Many residents over wide area of the west end of town were startled around 230 pm by an ex plosion which rattled windows in many homes The asphalt in the large tank was Quartet were in excellent form in Jolly Blackj smiths Lay and Will You Rea3 member from Victor Herberts Operetta Maytime In the second half they sang Dry Bones with pecialii Funfmlhhefifih Br McBride followed by the lovely music of Rodgers and Hammer steins Youll Never Walk Alone from Carousel CHARGED AFTE FATAL ACCIDENT Barrie man PeterPenzik 2ft $2Dunlopfstrcie has been com mitted to stand trial on charge of dangerous driving Penak appeared before Magis trate Hollingrake in New market on Thursday April 23 charge of drunken driving was dis left and Pat Wilgar are seen here doing their bit in con nection with the Arbgr Day ceremonies which were observed at the Collegiate InStitute on Friday afternoon when the planting of trees took place number of trees were planted on behalf of different groups including the Town of Barrie and the County of Simcoe The girls araseen here planting theireunioehau of the studentsCOuncil TOWN AND scum OFFICIA aMlderly gentle delaying the groom on his honey moon In client years have noticed definite change The young men in the line ahead always got soundly kissed and even the old smoothies of my Own time managed to maybe she should have chosen partner of the more mature age Me well they would pleasantly thrust forward gloved handyand mutter how do youdo or so nice you come Oocasionally one would allow me lightly touch here cheek lust she braced herseltt Emilio indeed WM elem give the bride some slight doubt that lie Society lOOking on All right Hunt ARBOR DAT was Officially celebrated on Friday andone of the highlights of the local activities in connection with this was the planting of trees on the grounds of the Barrie District Collegiate Institute Picture on left shows MayorJJames Hartplanting treeonlbehalf ofthe Town IiiBarrie with JackGarner president of the Boys Athle putting in the they can to and homes er clerkvof Slincoe County Council missed The charge was laid following an accident about month ago on Yonge Street in which three mem bers of one family Mrs Alice Rob inson and Mr and Mrs Hawkes Robinson lost thir lives The case Was investigated by PC Eric Bullock OPP LS TAKEPART three place the North Bay being heated by burner so that it could be extracted Apparently due to mechanical detect flame shot out from the burner and pass ed ciOSc to thevcnton merriank The explosion occurred immediate dytowing piltbtnheiids0Ft tank which was placed in hori zontal position The burning asphalt spread over 4V l39leiltground candiheavo smoke billowed over the area call was put through to the fire department and firemen were on the job for about half an hour be fore the outbreak was finally brought under control Also dainaaed by slamming lo canobicbliadgommnre at tank which had been standing nearby It was sprayed by the burning liquid and asphalt was portable took some time to extinguish Mr Campbell mid that he had been walking towards the main tank vhenvit exploded Fortunately was walking straight towards it If had walk ed in from either side might have been right in the way of the asphalt when it burst through the ends oil the tank he added Mr Cross who also escaped un scathed was actually leaning again St the tank when the explosion took place didnt know much aboutwhat NGINEERIIIE HAVE NARROW ESCAPE WHEN Ceas Over $800 he to allow the asphalt to be removed when flame from the burner shot out near the vent of the tank and caused the CHANIC Robert Campbell town engineer and Bert Cross 261 Brad ford Street mechanic with the Board of Works Department had narrow escape from serious injury Friday afternoon when lOOOgallon tankcontaining quantity of asphalt ex ploded at the departments shed on Robert Street happened he remarked later was just standing there and slid denly there was loud bang The asphalt just shot out and sprayed over the ground and just got out of the way as quickly as could Two smallpanes of glass were lbroken in window of the build ing while the wall itself was scorched slightly Apart from that there was no other damage to mgilthaaitsclf IFIREMEN HAVE rwo TURNO urs DURING WEEKEND Firemen had two calls during the veekend the first of these being 59 Gowan St around 945 pm By the time the fire truck got to the scene flames were shooting out through the roof The vehicle was completely gutted No cause has been determined for the outbreak but it is understood that one possi gbility is that with the heavy rain over the weekend some water may ihavelgot intothe motOr and caused short circuit faulty oil circulath at 74 San jford St was responsible for the gsecond call last Inight around oclock The heater howeverhad iregulated itself by the time fire men arrived andrno damage was caused FLYERS FACE POSSIBILITY TONY MAY BE OFFiTONIGHT DUE WINNIPEG MAY 3Barrie Fly ers only one game army from win ning their isecond Memorial Cup in seasons enter tonights fourth game against St Boniface LEG INJURY THIRD GAME Canadians with the possibility of having dynamo rightwinger Tony Pasta absent from thelineup Every effont is being made to midget on the ice Assistant trainer Archie Campbell is working feverishly on an injured leg suffered in the third game of theSerics here Pocta Will likely den sweater despite the injury Nothing is go jing to keep melout of that lineup tonight he said gt Shouldthe Flyers polish off the Habs tonight Coach Hap Emms explosion which was heard over large area of the West end of town Firemen had to fight for about halfamnion befoyc the blaze was quelled Inset is Bert Cross mechanic who had narrow escape from injury He was standing right beside the tank when Blind Tag Day Memch of the committee of the Lady Lions of Barrie who had been making thorough prcpa tions for the annual tag da for the blind were dis mayed by the weather ofSat urday It was cool and very wet but with that preparation and the pluck of 64 girls who stayed on the job in twohour shifts for the day with few ex ceptions and also number of the ladies who covered certain areas all were very agreeably surprised to find that the days returns will total over $800 This is almost to the level of last years high record accord ing to an estimate by commlt too convener Mrs William Sarjcant the explosion took place uEw OPPPATROL CRAFT FOR LAKE Within the next few weeks the new OPP patrol boat for Lake Sim NEARLY FINISHED we will be launched at Orillia and seven additional policemen are ex pected to arrive in Barrie almost immediately to form the crew of the vessel All the officers are experienced seamen and they will work three eighthour shifts two men to shift Building at Orillia the new craf the William named in honor of the late William Stringer former OPP Commissioner should be time Commissioner McNeil pins 1to be present We 1auhchink ready for launching in three weeks SALVATIONan REOSHIEIOj I953 APPEAL STARTS TODAY The spatialst 1953 Red Shield Appeal officially starts today and local tpfficers are confident that Barrie and districtresidents will cOoperate to the fullest extentin giv ing aid totheir work ofmercy VVIn fiisllBycarr liistiryrrthe Sallrand siiiialwbrkf the Ar vation Army has been moving forg ward in campaign against the miseries of mankind extending itsl borders changing its methods from time to time but never its prim ciples keeping in focus the onei great objectthe reclamation of mankind No organization has beegl granted broader chartetrhanj that embodied in The Act of In corporation from which the Salva tion Army derives its legalexist ence in Canada The Armys underlying principle is that permanent social adjustment of individuals can best be achieved by correction of spiritual malad justments within based upon the belief that internal rather than external inuences play the great er part in personality alustment In all phases of Salvation Army service the same practice and pro cedure is adopted That practice isto provide the necessary materI ials or physical ministrations to relieve the immediate condition and then approach the basic prob lem by building up an apprecia tion of personal spiritual possibil ities and whereuecesarystir up latent ambition and idealism based on spiritual convictions This is followed through with recogni tion ofvthe value of sobial work technique as an adjunct to the spiritual effort From the beginning of Salvationl Army work in Canada in 1882 has been spread coasttocoast spiritualv Slunny VWOEkendh tConiinues Today Th preaching of the Gospel of Christ issupported by varied network of institutions and semces de signed to help both soul and body These latter are apparent in their Homes for unmarried moth ers childen aged men and women destitutgs transients persons on renamed are indiisE errk shops rehabilitation centres emer gency lodges canteens for tr fresh air camps prison and p0 ce court endeavors are also partoti their great scheme perusal of the Salvation Army les can tell many story ofbard ship alleviated of misery com rotted and alcoholic rehabilitatidny and those of us who have seen seryice in the armed forces dining the wars and upheavals of this stormy cause to be grateful for the ever twentieth century have ready help which basalways been extended to serving menfar from their own homes and countnes These les contain some inter95h ing information showing many cases where relief has been given to baffled and desperate families and individuals In one case the father of familyley dying mzbos pital Although the timith savt ings were gone they were proud to applyrfor help and were in state of destitution ne hbor contacted The Salvation Immediatelyjhe familywas visited food supplied moneywas advanced to clear the arrears oi rent and car fares so that le greatly relieved wife could Vim her sick husband In another case distractedmo that tells Salvation will be the Only pilotwiho eyer won He laughed was also told hows the only east two Memorial Cups inleighgt games pitiful story Her two boys laSI Week COO wayward one 16 years at has just been seated when informed gt He ern coachto ever bowinthe Dom inion finals in four istrai ht games The Flyers lost to Punt Arthur West End Bruins in 194748 the last time western to resentative won the covetedhono Contrary to reports the Elyers are not counting their chickens before they are hatched soto speak No 1equipment nor baggage has been an is seen tree which was planted on be half of the county Following Arbor Day this week has been designated as CleanUp Week in Barri Tand under the auspices of the Barrie Horticultural and Towu Improve ment Society cltizns are asked to do all help brighten their gardens crimp the week packed and ariangements for emr barking forhome have been slight Whos to say when the series is finished Emms said Sure we won dirce straight games but they were all tough That club Can adiens will be giving all they have tonight only hope we can wind it up The team has spent quiet weekend Opticialsliof the club and Barrie fans were again entertained at the sergeants mes at RCAF Stevenson Field Saturday night Some of the players andmns at tended the eveningsenvloe Trin ity swam onumh wniai nii ed an Open invitation Sunday Bec totIs Rev canon names form from POETA er Barrie boy and bijptlier to Ger ald Smith principal of King Eds ward Public School social evI errlug was changed after the ser Vice Poeba is not the only injury on the roster Ken Robertson who celebrated his birthday Friday sus tained an ankle injury in the third game of the set and this may keep him out Detenceman Jack Hig gins rwho has yet to see bullion in the series skated in Saturday bf ternoons practice at the Amphi theatre and mayewget the nod to play Another sellout crowd is expech ed and though consensusof opinion Lilac already given diesel Elders the muesli Kindness are The past week was to great extentrcloudy and cool with the exception of Wednesday Rain fell on Thursday Friday and Martini but Sunday grand clear warml era and the some with Objec tions from anywhere aide who could be wombat pt doors enjoying the first day of the kind in long while Temperatures were AptII 26 April 27 Aprll 28 April 3o mouth counting St Bcniilaee Soul bergtbefiburth meeting of iinprisonmsn is in custody awaiting are six other children lilylivingsin estates tution The mother borrowmoney fo the her boy not with 35 gal counsel is av eXplained andthe facts are made Harem veteran ofliwit spent the summer ml as astlie