Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1953, p. 9

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RCAF sugg strum not Not sea John Clubhouqu UMHWIW9 52 Move Id Winnipeg Firm Orillia Packet Times if List helm What happem in your Mme when your small son givcmorc inrtructions or criticize or daughter asks to join in some gmwmup job child watcch mother or dad rngrom in task with grout Interest Ills cogcmcss to bc of assistance is precious thing If small child oftcr as SistauCc is refused or poctponcd to some other day he will be lug like ly to want to help anothcr timc Chiidrcn dont like to Ill rcluiffcd any mow than adults It docs take time and pallan to include little boy or gri in por torming some lob Dad mu bring in the wood mdlight the slow fa cr all by Iiimticlrf than if he waits for Junior tomllcct his pile of xtickrz Mother can mix muffins much more quickly if Slit dim not Stop in drlcgato tho bmiinu of the egg ut the greasing or the tirs to Mariabut how much Junior and Mary will mm not only in train ing to be contributing llitllsbtll in the Work of homo but in the scnsr of cumrudcship and in the pride of achicvctncnt which fithcrondson or motherand lauglttcr complrtcd job brings with hl it When child wants to hpr if il all pimiblo put the youngstrr to work thcn and thcrc Sec that dangluor is properly clotlwd for thr joban apron on for baking Milk sure that your child has the right work toolltStich as mixing bowl and beater to boat on egg Thcu work alongside 1hr child at your part of the job lfyou mun the way the child is winking do it ill constructivc kindly way If iaSk is little too difficult for child or he is taking too long to do illitlp him finish it Dont takci over the job and do it yourself Ihc next time the child is help ing delegate more responsibility and cut down on durctipns If the child is old enough and keen about that particular task work toward the time when thr son or daughter can complete the task all by him self or herself Usz encouragement and Show child how to avoid making the same mistake twicc Br gentrons in your praiw of job well done Sometimes in home where there are older boys and girls at school the youngsters have become more and more preoccupied with their school work their friends and their own interests and activities They rarely ask Let me help Oftcn mother in rvistziken iticathat she is being good to the childicn asks littlc or nothing from them in llsTa problemsl By Nancy Clocon assistance in the work of the home She may not realilc it but house where mother does the childrens body tidics up and picksup after thczn is an excellent tmlning ground for her son and daughter to become selfish husband or help loss wife in few years time In fair division of thc work of thc homr father became he is away much and can look on things with more impartial View should give some direction Every one even small child should havc some work to do family Council wlwn father rcvicws all the work mother does each tvcck is good idca in some homes each child is allowed to choose at the end of tin work some job he likes to do which he will carry out the next vcck The tasks that no our Ii likcly to pick such as washing the dishes arc written out on slips and lolzllrtl around so that each one lifts turn Abraham said Lincoln once Wuuting to work is 50 ran mcrit that it xliould be encouraged Copyright HalfSize Style QISOIIZISAmd llYSuppHOrElf Cool and yet just the right amount of coverage to flatter your arms Wherever you go whatever you do you look your smartest in this Best of all sewings dream this pattern is proportioned for short fuller figures No alteration Pattern 4532 Half Sizeswl Isl2 1812 201 091 zine Size 16 Am takes 453 yards 35inch ll ll term Exclusive now 3Mdgi Monitor Builtin Minna mumr nsv fans can This pattern easy to use simple to sew is tested for fit Has com plete illustrated instructions Send FIVE CENTS 35c in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Barrie Examiner Pat tern Dept 60 Front St West Tor onto Ont mm sihmrsmuur Wellington note WIWIWFQU nun smm JUST FEE YOUR PIGS fmrthmmupu7$h ASe them at ybiirJnooresIlMcCluv deulor IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN pinpoint ac curacy frequcut gumchecks are held on RCAF aircraft similar to this held at RCAF Station Uplands Here the inky darkness of the night gives dramatic impact to the firing pouler of an F86Subre as tracer bul lets from its six 50 calibre machine guns punctuate the blackness in flaming lines of light The Canadianbuilt Sabre the West Six Mentioned By Conservatives In Simcoe East Orillia NewsLetter With federal election later in the year now practically certain ty Simcoe East Progressive Con servativcs have been active in geek ing strong candidate to oppose William Robinson MP Libch mcmbcr since 1945 Six Mentioned Dr Rynard Orillia physi cian is one of several names which have been promincntly mentioned as possible candidates Austin Cook former mayor who is secre tary of the riding association Lloyd Letherby of Coldwatcr riding pres ident and George Dudley of Mid land lawyer are among others most mentioned Mayor Wilbur Crampalo would have following if he do cided to allow his name to stand Elmer Wood of Bass Lake who made good run in the last fed eral election in 1949 when the out look wasnt so rosyfor the pacify 77V Rated As Favorite Around town there has becn con siderable speculation that Dr Ry nard will be the candidate If he decides to let his name stand it ist certain the physician will receive strong support and some Conserva lives already rateuhim as favorite But Mr Cook probably has the best following to date WNWM youon of elec 25sapgrux nun eru worlds fastest and deadliest fighter plane is equipped to carry bombs and rac kets in addition to its regular armament Having achieved considerable success against enemy fighters in Korea RCAF Sa bres ar also in force in Europe with an RCAF 12 squadron air division rapidly be ing implemented lhc Arcadc in Toronto $102000 and the Knights of Columbus Hall in Sault Ste Marie $101287 During the quarter 47 persons lost their lives by fire and 98 were injured Of tho dead 23 were chil drcn 13 men and women For genuine CIIIIYCO PIIIIIS CALL FIIEIIIIII MTlIS 10 ROSS ST Phone W5735 Orillia Fire Tops Ontario During First Quarter Orillia through the fire at the National Grocers warehouse on March l2 hm the dubious distinc tion of being the location of the provinces worst firc during thc first quartcr of the your The quarterly bulletin of the On tario Fire Marshal places the in Slllflce ions in the National Groc crs fire at $240000 In second place $40000 behind comes the fire tithe HydroElectric power plant in FitLroy Township March Other bad fires during January February and March were locatd at the McCall Corporation Building in Toronto $175000 Foleys Furni turc Store in Collingwood 3130203 Hamilton Normal School $125000 BARRIE IRON wous LH=Iigh Shootffj pm 504 Agentsfor andLC Feed Cookers QRNAMENTAL PQRCH RAILS snsn FOR SALE nmcxsmmuvo ALEX cum WELDING Propriulor Theres more cooking convenience than youve everknown in the new human elcclric and gas ranges Fully automatic anti with every modernfeaturedhey combine beauty with pleasure in use economy of operation and full dependability For satisfaction now and in the years to come Buy McClary andqude 3gt2W BUILTJN ospmousmrv 1o insr You LIFETIME PRODUCTS or Model SDR 9153 euaiitomatic quick defrost Electric butterconditionerl liigefull width frgezer Chesl Beautiful colored indoors uucleCapacityfin minimum spaceEverything you want with all themostuseful features plus beauty and convenience is yours When you buy McClafy Your choice of many models GENERAL STEEL WARES LIMITED emulation Blacker was Fire Chief Jounlof Clubine who has been with Draco Limited in Orillia since IMO andKfpr the wpast several years has been gains manager of the large farm impblnent company is leav ing for Winnipeg whcrclhe Willset up his ownwcstern Canada distri bution offi for Otaco products Mr Club plans to secure of ice and warehouse space in Win nipeg from which he will sell and distribute the wide range of Otaco products to all provinces from Mans itoba to British Columbia former alderman the Orillia Town Council Mr ubine was well known so tball pitcher for the White Grill team several years ago He comes from Brad ford and beforedoining Otaco he taught school at Uhthoff Mrs Clubine and their two small children Peggy and Ronald will join Mr Clubine during the sum mer Andf Paynel Heads Volunteer Firemen of County Orillla Packet and Times At the annual meetingof Simcoe County Volunteer Firemans Asso ciation Andy Payne of Or illiu was elected to the office of president for period of two years His election climaxes lifetime of firefighting for on completion of his tcrrn of office he plans to retire from the local Bligude after 50 years as volunteer fireman Andy Payne first joined this Or illia Brigade in 1905 when Josph At that time the local department clanged opiumt Permanent Headquurten the United Niitious In New York loulm like this after dark Li band on the right white from traffic onFirst Avenue form the East River is darkon the left The skyscraper Is the Secreta at building and the recently com plqted General Assembly building Is in the center foreground iM m7 to fires in horse and wagon and the brigade had no permanent men even the Chief being volunteer The driver of the fire wagon was Alfred Dunn whoalso drove the town water cart in the summer and the snow plough in the winter The entire brigade of firefighters numbered 20 and competitions be twecn brigades from various com rnunitieS in the district was an an nual highlight AWIIerg dbosIheMonoy 99 tents culls gasolinaA Ills 342 negotiations home International News suspend Tuesday If With ISIS would unwilling rule swcr dicated Czechoslovakia would command jectcd later been said for state point opening This ing armistice home state Within representatives Shina permitted neutral planations hensions the to long tion proposal nine still be armistice Reds posal constructive moves At times most of us have looked at purse wallet or bankbookand wondered Where doesi the money go Eachycar wc at Imperial add up the companys bills to see what happened mhcmoney we received in the previous 12 monthsfor the gasoline fuel oil and other productswe sell Heres where each dollar oflmperials 17952income Went cRu DE OIL and all raw materials we bought plus freight took more than half of each dollar OPERATING expenscs took more thddZS cents This was thecosr of searching for andproducing crude oil and of manufacturing an zlmarketing the hundreds of 95 products We supplied for thousands of uses Throughq out the your high quali prbducts Were made available whereand when you thorn jccints And this did It TAXES Pt9tincialutlf$lmlg9vcrnuents tmkiv10 iiielude gasoliuovtax which9s depending on who Uydulivcfftook from to 36 cents out of evpiydollaryou spent fur standard grade DIVIDENDSpidRCto shoreholderu forils of plaiits and ecuipmcnt amountedtp 406 can REPLACE worn oiligcquipmenthand tomake sure that can supply in the future 342 cents was put back intothcbtisiness iMpIRITAImtti Miran roll mydkiuiuicouufryxlungI big appear each so cd it arranged parts some lomatic Both the least ask East

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