1953 BARRIE FLYERS 20 Elfin Jim 27k gt an FINALSSrulifollianotgr51332 puss lhe pusclt into the epiontms Lona TONITEanms has pinccd centre at the Mia hLuelme and fired passes up lthe mddc The centre player llet them go and is mlczi as THEJSARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY YEAR GUARANTEE Continuud Tum page one p=il Lu short lllclttplfd pom lva Tammi off he puma cd tne re nlndllll 1A0 cjkil Ed Vijllli mudc Gary Blaine for the bound HZ Eiiillllllcl lit lcunll Ul t$ rciwundcn thumgcli Iiiis gonlzc llJl Unlim uz ll in and dur in iicziliit llJi bluciincr llun Ilcinili illflnl curincclcd or 21 litlll lioucvc Ic in the szcond psi ile Kinny linuinlysiiilt gratind rinkMilt pms ltlll Lou Marius ulf tlic builds and raced around Thibiult to inc doorsup lie lost Cunirnl of tic puck 15 he Cut across in front an lllL ink rullcd in the lint Edwards moved to Cunzidicns illlilltl tin Atcnn into uproar licloic three minutes had been pliycd 11 third as Bluin notched his ccuml tipping Thorn suns dUOlbltp pa in the open cor nvr Martini rcscch icis thnn six min utes liter xntli the equalizer and from thin on the Flycrs conliollcd play until the volcano erupted Series Chips Sammy Pollock couchof Montreals Junior Can idicns was quoted as saying his boys would have won had they not hcmi suspended Lalcr he denied such report Sammy doesnt be licvc he could have got past the Flycrs Coach of St Catharines Tec pccs Rudy Pilotis said the Garden City would have won it all had he been presnted with another blue limo they break at Mentionul puss Bryon llexiall LIJC fni Iiiit it Between Louis Locompti land Chin MacDonald hail of Ol Itcma have been calling the Flc tugging the puck Mucri argu lmcnt on the ice has nuscn cnclz Tito west lurzng Lieuifs Emmi iys lzicic nothing ill the llir haul to sm if lyou have to stud fiw mm in he ice all at once or one time The FlyErs officials Were criwiliincl by undons Chamber of Commcrcr Golf and latter the game the iCountry Club The Mayor of Brandon Li Jznim iCicizhiun who formerly plnyui lligilllnl Ilzzp Emma Neil McKenzie formerly of Bill llt and brother of lien and cncwcd acquaintance durnig lhi amo Bclwccn periods Grant and an adoptcd in Audrey lny lor hch for cooking school jumped on the ice and held lirgC banner belorc the fans advertisinz cyan Burries Centennial 15 BATTERY IN PENIXI Establishment of one of the our troops of the 166th Buttery of the 31 Light AiriAircrurt chimcnt Resortcl at Pcnctang has bccnnn lhorizcd by the DCpIIlILIlCIll of Nrn tional Dofcnce Ottzina Robinson MP at Pcnttzmg Legion meeting and follows serj ies of petitions from the Legion Council and Chamber of Commerce TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AIJr MOTHEFl Minor This zm nonnccmcnt was made by William Tirestone in 50 FREE New 1953 Deluxe FRIGERATORS CUBIC root 103 liii Jamilm Mn Mn ii CIIEIUSIIED GIFI mm WE PASS Minn till Y0 ALLOWANCE For yourlil Iloiiigomtor or ROM JEWELLERS mt i3l3 ice Bonnilegnnlless at Eondiuon IIOP Sloainics gt vv Li gtV 2r ilv Guiidite Buck Verithin Portiay 15jcwclMovement 10 kt Goldfilled Top Stainless Guilditc Back $425 PER Curvex Princess 17 jewel Precision Movement 10 kt Goldfilled Case MICE the sensational $100 tradein allow container in our stor ial number tag in locked orator bearing irigerato 58 rofthclfilf drawn and the Mme ious polymenu on swam 2Drop you re ves full rebate of pre igcrutOlS rialr hen his re this number wins me question What brand of tires Give Mother You just cant afford to miss this Sensotionolcorlood purchase Comoon this bequ tiful refrigerator with any on the market today and youll agree its the buyof thor selection ofsll year The sowan In Firestones terrific buying poweris passed on toour custom ver hollomma ers and remember you may be the LUCKY WINNER of the FREE Firestone Ref your every friseroiorl REFRIGERATOR THEMHBKET THIS ESPECIAL PURCHASE Compicieaniomaeirumour Something from our large priced to sun beautifully styleli not eelJ signed plasticdoor racks 175sq it accsvsiblcw shell Exterior is all steel construc area tion finished in lifetimo Froezlng compartment cap 1mlex blo offstoring 53 lbs 1on en fodds Onopice porcelain Cline with acid resisting bottom Large porcelain meat chest Masswe vertical pull type door handle in bright chrome with the snap action self closing lock mechanism Ice cube trays with remumble Choose jewellery for Mother from Spoon vetpa luvstic ridsr illethousands ofpieces on display Dessert Set if Exolusive Firestone Super Mistr crisper with capacity of 23 bushelmounted on quiet roller bearings Specifications Cap 103 cu tt height 62 width 31 depth 29 Sate freon 12 refrigerant Hormetieally sealed life oiled spring mount compressor 5year guarantee New colouied interior mist green breaker strips and in terior door panel for added eye appeal JEWELLIERS xntAMoNp MERCHANTS