Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1953, p. 18

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from page eightetl turf will not grow It netdc little attention The vegetable garden pluv and areas are enclosed by KL which allow the sun to through If either the plzl or the vegetable garden are nut one of them muv be ex1 at the expense of lIlc other Chinwc Elm on the Wfil boundi givis peracy on the side of the for Inndmir 1151113 or In the sketch the numbers indi the following planting mater Mugho Pine Pfitzers White Spluce P1I1 Japanese Spuzve G013 Mockomngc Fmsythla IGol 139111 Tamarisk 1ivcstam in Common Lilac 10 Lilic French 11 Alpine Currant 12 Pipt 13 hardy English lt Tatarian Honeysuckle 15 Olive 16 Pyramidal Oak ed from Inc litpert CIJ It Don 111411 Ottawa Ont 111911 pt pornt 11111 111111111111 Plastic 1111111 Tile Plain colors or pearllzed 11115 for Ca An 1115 or Can Outdoor Roses 11 Suzi1114 gt lraflct etltllicd the Core of 111 111 Mort it TRY AN EXAMINER WANT 1c LIILd 111110 Hodges You Asked Asphalt Rubber Marboleum 1an Rubber Emitting Stair Treads Estimates Free Ant thou by 121 Cor1 333 11 Supcrzor miles cm 18 32 The big name in FURNACES Gilsun Volcano Furnaces forced air and gmvity mo leis suitable for coal wood and oil The big name in APPLIANCES See the complete linexofGll son Electric Appllunces Ask About Our Low Price 1821 1111 mm 31111111 mutm trimaran Dad Unwitting Hog Says Food lo LlL Ltl 3113 progzum Iltutil durhu illtl F1111 May 1st ltockcy on iilttjlt fun to 11 izivuriiu is rc kwping Litlfp our 141 11111kt15 St Bonifucv ind llzirziv Fly 11111111 zIi 21 le 1711 1111i Ilvznoiiil Cup Tu takes plucc 11 110 11 i111prg llll Minets Ioint Pavilion fl1ll 1r tl1ll lt 4111 121 BOATS MOTORS OUTBOARD REPAIRS Ministry 15 ICIIWEuther deli 11 111 1112 my Brztish th mes the sur 15111151 til ounces tzmia like mestt dimmed wt 23 members of the il In Uihrl got least said presenting the conference tuna concerned not Mil nutritionul WVM HALFWAY BY AIR Ntti1=iid111d almost the hull route from WEE BALANCING and MARINE sorruss Plume 3018 or 6137 lirtgutr11 111r 81 spiral Vanhouue Her 19 Flowering Crab 20 Elm Some of the pianuna mentioned is not suitubl me colder parts Of Canada and should be of mum and character If you are interested in detailch on landscaping the bulletins may be obtain 11rries Irufllc Iroblem long R4562 iCKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 Llvhmwm5 How smart and slender you llook friends and t1mly Will my luhcn you sow this It dostgncd to slim 1111 shorter fuller 1131111Lgt proportzoneii perfectly 11 waist 12 Bnyeld St hips and in ltl1lllllll llltlilllnn Phone 3003 111111 Sizes Ill311 llltly Show problems llzivc 11gt1111111tcr short or leapsleeve version gt Pattern R4562 161 182 go 231 Slmiill Ititfim Broadcast 16 1111 3941111 Commercial Residential am FUR SMl LANUUWNERS RANGES REFRIGERATORS 1111111111 111111111 WASHER 29 Park St Phone 4067 Fix it yourself or let us do complete Installation SPORTHAVEN 97A Dunlop St Ii MOTORS LTD MARKET so 3111111111 Authorized OUTBOARD MARINE SERVICE SALES SERVICE SATISFACTION $1111 10 Dirt lult Ii 811111111in sound Club 12210 Nut 1111111111111 51111 of 1111 uk Hen Motto 311121 111 1111111111 PrIluilc to Dinner NI um Illlltlllllt nunty 111111 1111111 01 551111115 Iiill NEW 11110 Bulletin llozml 00 Motor Mrinorirx 15 lrtIl Mount 1110 thcul MYSICIIM 1100 Nun 11115 Pretty 111111 thmlilprv 1130 LJ ullIy 11111111 Boys 11011111 Mountutn 111m Dill 161111111111 lln Iolndtrx IIIiiilllnes 1nd 1000 Mint pmm Market III111111 1030 NH 1010 Musu or Etixy I1 10111111 1115 Sllll 11 111 vas Headlines tru tinr 1111111 111111 FRIDAY RM Nev 111111111111 t1111111 Iluur Stunts New 11111114111 11111111 Alllrlt 11 11111 1411 it 10 1111 of uvIrl 1110 511m ltozn ll 01 111 11111 lithiv 111511 va 111114 Illltllall 11111 Ill IIAIIIEIF Barrie 1111111111 Culllni liltll Struins 1111an 111110 tincts Oucninn Ellective 4111 May 1953 The Barrie Office 11311 531111 011 111211111111K 111111 This pattern easy to use supple Run to sew is tested for lit 1115 comw pictc illustrated instructions Send TIHRTYITVE CENTS 35c in coins stumps cannot be accepted for this puttcrn Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Sendorder to ANNE ADAMS care of Thu Barrie Examiner Pzit tern Dept 60 Front St Vest Torl onto Ont SATURDAY lt AM Renovations and Repairs ROOFING CARPENTRY CABINET WORK BUDGET TERMS No Down Payment on Most Jobs For FAST EFFICIENT GUARANTEED SERVICE PHONE COLLECT STROUD 47r13 Ilaroltl Betrislord11nrrie 1111 115 Nrws 7115 Form Muikrt RtDtlll 710 111131011111 Vlllltl 11111011 50 Now 1100 111111 Sirth 1100 Shorts 11111111111111 11110 1I Homilitiw L10 News 11115 1111111111 Post 11111111111t1 111 the Weil 1001 New 1005 Zillers 8111111111111 Centre 1030 11111111111 lost 11 00 Nous 1105 111 Nolahbor 1130 Nous llcnillluos 11 10 1111111111111 111111 11 1111111112115 of the V1 Il Headlines 111111111111 111111111111 5mm formerly at 147 Dunlap St 9min Illltl Report In1lier Ilcpmt News Time Slinul 11011 Sports 11111111111111 11111 llrudllnes ll ws 110 Julde to 101111 1101111 TRY AN EXAMINER WANT ADI 1m 1110 Style in Smut IRON 14 1131 Gcor 11111 Islnn 15 1000Ncws 10051 Bordon Cnlllni 1010 c10111 aniiurks 1100 News 11 05 Just For Young 11 L10 The Story Book SATURDAY RM SUNDAY AM 1155 Stun 011 900 Nous 105 Full Gospel Tabernacle 10 Vultz Time 1115 Story Lady 1000 This Is My Story 1030 News 11140 Finnily ImDrum 1100 St Andrews Presby tcrum Church SUNDAY PM 200 Interlude will be located at 57 001111111 STREET Telephone 2468 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION MONDAY PM um Luncheon Enunucinent 1111111 F1 IccttAic Boot Review 1310 5pm 0h III111111 12 Iroumm Bulletins Hour mmummm 11115 Jobs for Vorkcis 1255 The Church Calendar 105 Farm Ventures 100 Cnnmtiun Sccne 105 Regional Weather 115 Alcoholics Anonymous 130 1111 Iuncs 130 Mclmlicully Yours 301 News Folks 11111115111111111 Home owners WATERLOO PLASTIC TILE GARDEN moon Keep your garden clear of weeds this ycur Let the Waterloo Garden CI Tractor do your cultivating scuming and billing No more buckbreaking in GOODS labour The Waterloo helps keep yourgurden beautiful and more pro Laid by Experts Prompt Ser vice Reusonnble Prices For ducuve Farmers nd this tractor Further Inforriiation all practical fromltlvatwndjscufeiall FINE IET HARBOR types of root crops 13 Adelaide St Barrie One of Prince Edward Islands Economical 00 gas consump tion less than twofths of 11 gallon muml Phone 2613 or 626 the Mom per hour 5nowaplow attachment Ieast shore 1230 New 1200 Luncheon on Bulletin Board until Tim0 5M 200 Sunday Hymn Time 230 Back 1071110 Bible 3730 Billy Graham 00 News 05 Gospel Sinner As You Like It Sentimental Mood Bulletin Board 13 00 Shut Ins Scmp Book gt05TIL1IIOIIAIVVCDIIICI 10 Avriculturul Rimewmmive 10 As the Tun is Bent 125 VQSILIII 1111 Parade 30 Curtain can new home by having your plot eprrtly landscaped properlyilalvdmouit gnrgens give lifetime enjoyment Km mm Illcilltb1330 30 Nequ lIentlllncs 15 Once Upon Time 51119110 NURSERIES goOdiwork at FOir Prices Shrubs Plants Flowers HercDort Prom 18110 SILILAIL Mann 1191 ment 11111 530 Chapel Chimes News 545 Report from Town 05 Fair Game Hall Splendid opportunity for energetic man of good Wu appearancerand steady habits with salesman Report From Town Hall ship ability State qualifications and salary ex pected LIAIcorn 30 News 15 Prelude to Dinner 55 Farm hturket Report Saturday St1cc1n1 600 News News 615 Weekend Sports makes the Waterloo 11 your rqund 1111111619911 II llllll 511 re 931W 11 Iflliii Sterling Trustsliorpbmtion DUNLOP ST IBARRIE 10 $1200 money for down payment bringing proof of ownetshlp On or repairs on an autorepain approval get cash Of course or down payment on homo you keep your car 0th th PUWP3 Phone or come 111 today for Now you can get that cash on on auto mfmptly and Simply Drive it toothed4 Eon $50 to $1200 on Signature Furniture HP Model $189 HPModel $294 Ioop Have full range of Garden Tools and equipment 12mm The 330110an Saturday May will be the Degas on of the seventyninth running 91317197759117111 ky Derby at Churchill Downs LouisvilleScoi 6f thousandsrofmuto tr town novelty seekers will be present Per naps local and visiting attendance will the total to more than 100000 And its all about race that doesnt seem to de serve theaentlon publicity and money lavished upon It Forming Derby isnt derby to begin vithnot in the requirements for distance for example Of course In America the term derby has come to be used very loosely and very frequently All sorts of tracks have derby annually But Chairman Traffic Committee few if any parallel the daddy of all derbies the Epsom Downs race in the matter of distance 311111 at 545m This Kentucky Derby run Annually on the rst of May furnishes the rst test of threttyearolds Over the 6389 gt tance of one and onequarter miles This is onefourth of ath short of the regular Derby distance as established by the classic run at Epsom Downs that which the name by is derived The English me is are mile and half and is need in early June The Kentucky race occurs almost too early for eligible females of this age to compete on equal termSwith colts it is too early to condition even males of the species for 101 new readytouse shades or Interme for furlong Struggle 0n olmfSlendleSS range 991 You may think that transportation diffictutids are annoying n0w But back in 1875the year the De by was rst min as at modest little race the sport tfolks of the 12111va attend really had grief ThefLouisvleJockey Club ivucetrtickl labeled Churchill Downs was so far from the city that drawn street cars required twohburs to make the trim of the customersvstartedr to walk tbeldistance early in the 111g Otherswent inwagons buggies and onhorsebackgAtend 111gt the Derby in the seventies and eighties was no ar1p 113 Arr primitive rum Em ILLIAMS 211d 11 Public Utilities 3111315 BAYFIELD 57 3mm AL Phone 58313 Donald Fish YES MANuer OPEN DAILY To 5SATURDAY To 111m math to residents of all surrounding tom Pommil Finance will Want good iobwdlls and ceilings that will keep their beauty through the years SUPER REMTONE is rich as velvet tough as rubber asreasy to clean as your plastic shower curtains 16 smart r115 Sp ad es water c3115 sprinklers garden hbse and the hun dgd and one oth ems which make for 51100855 gadenmg Power and Iland Mowrs in stock at prioesto suit all some to PAIIILA noon9 aITwiLL PAY 1011510 gt mediumsfor with coursepnothlngjllke star gate Oven the web gt will PM W19 1113112tm 15 hair vigil 113 3111123913 donfhaveto buy ahy primer or under new and mum it comerApgwiihulmuesurmxewons Vsta wits the th VOIII angmalpamt Investment Iqsts and wnen iCoL Johnson of maismmetwme stem to of all Kentucky Derbies got his eld in alignment be Wanttosavetlmoand trbuble sum hsrig unframed llii15m9 was off KEMTONE goes on quickly and smoothly without truce of streak or lap with brush Mg orRoIlarKoutMIAnd of course you avoid the fuss of applying primer or under coalor Give your room colorful 11521111 and ceilings youll love to live with Ask dealer for SUPER 11131113201111 Want to keep down your costs One coat covers most surfacesWallpaper NO NEED ho oo 1111111111111 THAN Simcoe District Cooperative Services Battle 2429

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