Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1953, p. 14

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mamas 20 Mrs Langman Sun11 Mrs ome AriL hangs on Punch Mrs Verne Beardsall 511 on the side of mum wr Maple Mrs Johnston many householders can lain Vases 511s Alva Stewart Mrs their kitchen window and tinder Edisatdf Warminstet no match on their BGWgtM is ldzfit 81t Mrs Rlbhelliney Moon Wyevalc Mrs Grier Humur Spring incy Scott Mount St Louis Mrs Frawley Rugby 112 10011112 Examincr 01131110111111 WILL 815 111101 11100151 11011011 25 111111 10111001211 1101110qu1 53 Following Li rcccnt meeting of the Urban Mayors ands Annual Legion Reeves Association of Sinicoc County in the Municipal Build Essay COHIGSI ing Collingwood till urban centres will be asked to endorse Plans Compeled IAchIevemenl Day HIIItresfSchooI motion for presentation to county council which will ask that the Countys covcrnlnv bod remit to munici ulitics 11 rirrnngcmcnts are being made sllwrl lumpowl for row for the annual essay conicst Izib pluliu satislucior prc 50 per cent rebate rather than the present statutory 25 per 111 tier wow l1 $21119 Jon in rlccogni cent rcbatc due principally to the high levy slated for county Wm 15 Sponsored by me game r0313 Branch of the Canadian Legion and 111 invitation is extended to 1111 of tinIr spitIzdzu Jillrillulloll The meeting under the clicirmnn system and lic added that if some grade eight students in Barric and ib work ship of Mayor Charles Parker ccn res were not in agreement it district to take part Clubs vagz Izmi iLitllrl5 Liking Midland had wide rcptcscntaqus not necessary to have 100 Diff All entries must be mailed to WE LIL us follows Cr dllulsl tion from different parts of the cent backing to carry it through Law principal Prince of Wales Max Craig Mrs 1115311cm COURIY Scliooi Barrio by May 20 and llic and Mrs Burncs Mrs Mayor Wilbur Cram 013mm 0rd essays should comprise two foolg Striilli Eircnvzilc 1s muugm the mum mu Dillng inc inceling VRccV soup page or 400 words in length lmDonald Miss luyccnldzIridgo WP cent repairs This was brough Ete isximpherfi Crefmo r9 IIicrc V311 two sets of prizes 10 fruinblc Hui DIIS Oripck about by the fact that the high 31715 Itll mg 33 be awarded For rural sclioolsliw pilillllt All flitlJltl Idllll Ilis levy slated for countv roads was MO mdm man first prize Will be 510 second prize Lllmflull lifilVil DuflemctltiI Mrs Bray 3111 Vic 1111 lluwkvstonc Roy 1115 deemed too much for thc unountl Wilkes mm plum and mmediss and the Wm be mu Vic Hurt liftC11l1on Mrs Cuppugc 315 Dub SectIon 3Poges 15 to EASTEBNMGST rm Euswmmosi point of the MM 18 faster can Ldenlify States is Wat Quail Head nut 1300 diffcienllastport Me mermbpch Cape Alva Wash BE SURE TO ATTEND SUNDAY MANum BARRI CITIZENS BAND under the direction of Bandmnstcr Joe MchiIIIe present for an entertainment of the Citizens GEBarric Jr District on ALL BARRIE TALENT VARIETY CONCERT ASSISTING ARTISTSf fr FRANK CANCILLA Accordionisf Homemaking Clubs Hold Successful completing fs 11 club 1211l llficutcs of Lilo CZILCIII 111 11 club units rcccivcd pic1113 111 II 1111 ound Its Citii il 11 Girls llomcmskmg Clubs 111 tho North Simon livid their Acnicve 311 inch Du for inc 11111 The C21 iil Shelf at Hillcicst School in Barrie on Saturday Aprd 25 11c Illllldiill and tliityfour gzrlsi 31 from 10 clubs rcprcscnting all parts If the county from JillilillClflgll ton to Edcnvulc Vase in Guthrie Adm of 11m Gmmmc tooli pin in Illusc iiLUVEIIti Club Provinciiii Honor Cur Followmg registration Miss Ruth IIIU P111 It Clilllllliflllis 13 Shaver Countv Home Economistv l3LiIDLIlil Ann Ellsmcic of introduccd 1115 1lorencc Eadie Hucl McGuian of li Word Goozlfcllow Di lltslflill Zo Sinicoc Ccntrc vl 11m Crccmorc had not been in of municipal Dcncii received 111111 93 Tilt Nmt lll PHIL5 vzfcd to the first few mectiiws that the towns vcrc Davin more 11 bl pmVded for 10 hock than flicr fair show If Me My dened me hmcmnon 0f Iudvcs will be bv tiic ul being out of order in calling itself choscn the musicaltesftsconducted frcs asking them those who have com leted medical costs Spcaikinc oi the towns onl added Wc wzint our rights 50 pcrl cunt not 25 per cent He pointed out that numbcr of other County councils in Onuniol paid brick 50 per cent of the levy and he felt Simcoc should do the some It was igrccd that copies of the motion be sent to all urbun conI to endorse thc motion toliovc it put before coun 1y council Mayor Grnydon Kohl Coiling wood who also spoke to the mo iionstufcd that the Association was attempting to bring about fair refund on tho county roads Borden 10 Gel Dulch Musicians Irnm The Como Rordcn 7111mm OTTAWA April 20For1yciglitt Dutch musicians have thus far been accepted into the Canadian Army and the first group of those will reach Canada by air about April it was announced 111 Army Headquarters today These rst arrivals will be single men On May 13 group of married bandsmcn are scheduled to reach Halifax from Holland Fifteen mu sicians 15 wives and 15 children will make up the party Vlilclll sails from Rotterdam on the SS Veendam on May Highly qualied instrumentalists the Dutch bandsmen will be dis tributed among Army Command hands when they reach Canada By an agreement between thci Canadian government and that of The Netherlands they will retain their Dutch citizenship but after certain period willbe given the opportunity to apply fur Canadian citizenship if they so desire Thcv have enlisted in the Canadian Army for either three or six year terms About 100 applicants successfully in Holland by Canadian band offi cials The 48 now enrolled are examinations and have bcen clearcdcbycimmigration authorities Nine of tho musicians have been assigned to the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery band in Winnipeg 13 to the Coast Artillery band in Halifax six to the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals band in Kingston oVeto the Royal Canadian Regi ment band at Petawawa 11 to the band of Princess Patricias Cana dian Light Infantry at Calgary and four to the lst Canadian Infantry Battalion band at Camp Borden The rst group of 15 is scheduled to takeoff from North Luffenham England on April 24for Dorval MAY 22 Tunic School Ieslivul Concert BARRIE ARENA He dened special commiltcc of the Legion in on urban budv provincull highways Mayor Cramp ussociation was formed lo join in the Association C1Ce1 INew Raihcoofs Mdy Be coals arc belted and have shouldcrl can as being anything other than rural and bccziusc all centres were not included the group could not bu termed urban Mayor Parker replying to Rccvc Shepherd said that all communiI tics had been considered when thc Mayor Kohl then produced 11 mo tion he presented at the meeting in Midland extending an invita 11011 to all urban mayors and moves morc included Worn By Army Coronation Confingenfs Active and Reserve Force 501 iich in Canadas Coronation Con tingent may be the first to wear the nowstyle raincoat the Army plans 10 issue soon Army Headquarters said todayl every effort is being made to cquipi warrant officers NCOs and men of tlic Coronation Contingent with the new coats prior to sailing But there was some doubt as to who tlicr sufficient number of that newputtern coats would be rcadyi in time Made of gabardinc the new straps giving them distinctlyi OF REEMY coopcintion with Scotf school inspector and the following topics have been sclcctcd for lth ulcincntaiy schools The Coronal tion Our Town Our School SLCl hull of Si lhomus who assisted lion and Our Quccn CHANGE NAME Ilrom Tlic Cami llordcu Cllllcnl The official designation of tlic youngcsr corps of Illl Canadian Army has been slightly changed The Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers have now become The Corps of Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechan ical Engineers Army Headquart crs said today Organizedin 1942 11nd patterned after similar corps In the British Army The Corps of Royal Can adian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers is designed to concen trate in onc unit the responsibility for the repair and maintenance of all technical equipment used by the Army The original abbreviation of the name RCEME pronounced Rccmy remains unchanged gt HELICOPTER CROSSING crwziy Director of Junior Exfcnsmn Womens lnslitutc Branch Toronto and thc Home Economis Miss Durnin of Markdalc 31155 Slcck II of Wulkcrlon and Miss Turn viih tltc days program The local Icudurs vvrc tlicn in iroduccd Lind picscnfcd with Local Lllldcl Birdgo Ihc mornings activitics got 1111 wiih each club incmbcr Judging classes of farm family menus and muffins giving rcusons on bur placing and answering ccrcul quiz In tho afternoon number clubs sci up in exhibit on the topic Tho Ccrczil Shelf One member from each club gave ij lilrccminutc comment on tho cxl hibit As won number of clubs pro scnlcd dcmonsfrnlions 21nd skits on of Amos and Mour son l1chcll Square Mrs JcrV 11011001 145 ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE Monday May pm Proceeds for the Cancer Polio and Tuberculosis Fund Cards 350 BINGO Spec ltx military present loosefitting coat are runathc Atlantic was made in 1952 VIEI ning low and the new raincoat has Labrador Greenland Iceland and been ordered to replenish them MINETS 1101111 Comm DANCEV TONIGHT Bob Hunter andllis Band vocals by BITix Mayor DANdING Every 5018191 nEsEnyArions PHONE 4702 James St South side Concrete thickness replace with concrete look Stocks of thc The first ihclicopfcr crossing of Scotland TAG DAY FOR THE BLINDL 7A full 71le ratheritbnnmcricxistence for179000 people depends do YOU Your donation to the Tag Day for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind will aid in providing blind person with employment or home in struct10n in Braille typing and handicrafts withread ing materials and with financial assistance where this is necessary to avert hardship When you receive youriag on Saturday PLEASE BE GENEROUS The campaign in Barricls under the sponsorship of the Burriq Committee for IlW CNIB Mr Girdwood Chairman and Mr 11 Hancock Bank of Nova Scotia Treasurer $$$$m 131 Games at $10 per game 1115 nun 01 1050011015 Lociitcd just south of Barrie on Concession 11 between highway 11 and new four lancr TIINIIIIIT gt8 SIIT MI Ii wmcnrsrrmr JAMES STEWART SHELLEY WINTERS THE OOMPAHS NEWS 11011 1015 111111485 1111888 DOROTHY MCGUIRE BURT LANCASTER FUDDY DUDDY BUDDY Cartoon 2SHOWS NIGHTLY2 all want is Music Music Music And plenty of HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE for all the family is mighty im portant these days and we writcapolicy that giycs you lot of protection at low cost Consult us about it today BARRIE MALE QUARTET under the dirtctluu of Mr Lloyd Tuurd JOHN RICCI Violinist PETER MURRAY Trombonisf WALLY KENNEDY Vocalist BERT CHURCHILL Pianist in the Roxy Theatre SILVER COLLECTION 001101 10 SEPARATE 5011001 SIIIPIlTEIlS The following Separate School Supporters are hereby notified that they must instruct the Assessment De partment at the Town Hall before September 30th 1953 to transfer their schoolrassessments to the support of the Barrie Public Schools Those who have children attending the Bab ric Public Schools at present Those who contemplate enrolling children in the Barrie Public Schools any time during 1954 particularly those wishing to enroll children in Barrie Public School Kinderartcns it start Seph ember Ist 1954 ASscssmenD mustremainln favour if the Barrie Pub lic School Board during the entire period of attendance Sfevhson tr co FIRE AUTO AND OTHER CASUALTY INSURANCE 95 DUNLOP ST EAST Phone 5201 Tlicse regulations will continue in effbbtfrofri year to year BARRIE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD ui Town or 81111111 TAKE NOTICE THAT 1100111 IMPROVEMENT 110110 The Council of the Corporation of 11 Town of Barrie intends lo construct as Local Improvements the under mentioned worksin the following named sfreetsbcbween the point Ifereinafteigmenfioned and intend tospecially assess the cost upon the land abutting diiectly on the work namely CONCRETE Hoigate St North side Essa Rd East side William St gt Baldwin St Granville St Including the East of Lot 25 including Lot 16 gt Tiffini St InnisfilSt Including Lot 38 Toand including property at 84 DonaldStv Eccles St West side Existingrsidowalk Intersection of at end of Sophia Eccles St and St Wellington St Peel St West side Existing sidewalk Rose Street at Lots Wellington St Berczy St Bayfield St 66 North from Dunlop Cotter St West side Brock St CotterSt East side BrockSt Dufferin St North side Rdbcrt St JohnSt South 51111 Inhisfll St Donald St North Side Existing sidowalk Grove Street St Vincent St Peel St Existing Walk on South sideof Colliery Clapperton Stfw side Grove St South side Clapperton St East side remove gutter and widen existing walk by 36 1206north from Dunlap and 256 North from Dun 241 North from lop Dunlap Existing walk on South side of Collier Clapperton East side liremove existing walk and Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the 753111 work and any owner may within 21 days after the first publication of this L4 SIDEWALKS Number Install Annual Estimated Rate per foot abuttinu Estimated Cost per foot Frontage Estimated Cornora tions share of Cost Estimated Construc tion Cost Distance 253c 8023 100460 32260 200 2531 2531 2531 253C 233 253c 16400 16800 49350 113200 37000 3200 200 200 200 gt 200 200 200 17855 595 999 609 72I 1115 357100 119000 221050 121800 144200 223000 200 200 3200 10400 135200 070 1558200 24800 29600 99900 217000 137900 299400 1230 21895 1497 200 200 200 30 209 67250 9250 2250 03 1920 12105 13075 3755 4740 710 notice file with the Boardhls objection to the said work being undertaken The said Board may upprove of the said work being undertaken but beforc doing soxitrmyay appoint time and place when any ob jections to thesaid work wlll be considered DATED at Barrie Ontario this 131 day of May 1053 11 1311103111111 Town Clerk and Treasurer 0000100101 11100130011110 PRINCE IllWIIIES HoURESIDLIILso i1mlVIZIl33E4Pil ATTENTION PARENTS ENROLMENT 0F KINDERGARTEN GLASSES l0 llIeyeIIr 501111953 no 1951 WILL TAKEPLAcE IN THE 1111111111 Puuuc 90110015 AS INDICATED BELOW 10193011 11111 wEuIIESIIIIII 1111 1110 1301111011 111111111110 gt 9T0 The ieligible folf flielob01egyeor In pupil must lie five years old 131qu oscwuu 1953 Proof of age of eachncliild must be furnished 01195011091 in 11111031201111 of ab tlsmalerlificahe or palcuffs affidavitsbeon up emu Wm be in September

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