Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1953, p. 10

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ruE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY BELLE EWARI Congratulation to Parrot Congratulaau 1v lulu Higgins uti baby girl April HILLSDALE Mid and Mrs Alvin Drinnan ul any 313031 bunting min 3d angi Gibrditii Computer 312 Tuna of vuzizrfi ai id Phone 266le AURORA 9mm moms untrue ow MAN HAD DAUGHTER mu BLOOD INVENTED NEPHEW llu 33m were started up again moons THEFT fcourmuno mm FORTUNE MD marcu was SUGGESTED DAY was FIXED FOR we mmouocnou av CHANCE Asotmait 304 mum OBTAINED LEAVE ro VISIT HIS FATHER AND ARRIVED on mg pm or THE RETROTHAL BREAKFAST rug VERY DAY mm COLONEL BLOOD HAD ARRANGED FOR THE THEFT ARRIVED 7AM To mun warm up AND READY r0 RECEIVE row Review tContinucd from page nincl the negotiauons once mom The session at Panmunjom on was the third since the an effort to decide what to do prisoners who refuse to g0 The Allies asked the Commun to name neutral state which assume custody of prisoners to return to Communiut but received no definite an The Communists have in they might name Poland 01 neither of which be acceptable to the UN The Communists rc Switzerland General Harrison told reporters that the meeting had just rehash of what had been before General Nam once more called debate on deciding the neutral and he described the six proposal he advocated at the scsion as reasonable proposal called for repatriat within two months after an prisoners wanting to go and for sending to neutral those refusing repatriation the following six months of Comnuinisl and North Korea would be to visit the prisoners in custody and give them ex to quiet their appre about returning home The UN command insisted that inc months or more required spose of the prisoners was too and preposcd that the sit be handled in two montis Another point in theCommunist was thingyen after the months thefate of prisoners refusing to go home would docided by high level posh political conference Gcneral Harrison again told the on Tuesday that their pro was neither reasonable nor PEACE MOVES As the talk of peace proposals back and forth both the power talk to settle the worlds agreedithatithatwoment in othEs positions and terms but far nothing concrete has emerg to bring both groups together It would seem that this probing rocess parficulatlyithoseparts of that are done publicly and with publicity may be nine propaganda but the core of serious and determined dip thinking is also involved the East and West however cold war has arrived when at the prospect of an easing of tensions EXISLS The United States approach is to the Soviets for few evidences of their desire for settlement by doing few easy things such as signing an Autrian peace treaty or the freeing of thousands of World War II prisoners still held in the USSR Because this ap proach isspecific rather than gen eral it is felt that it is open for propaganda attacks as being less than wholehearted The Soviets are talking loudly about their peaceful intentions on those subjects that are the thorniest and would seem to be the most difficult to solvcza German peace treaty Chinese recognition and roubles of their members and Lest arcjcqlivclr probing Just what the final basis ofla round table talk between the East and West will be is hard to See atvthis time withneither group apparently table to get down to mutual discussion of any of the points which are being brought up but isteems likely that some more tangible moves on which both sides can adree will Obelkforthcomipg in the not too distant future LEFROY Presentation to Miss Uncles Last Fridny evening the staff of the telephone office presented one Mists Georgina Uncles who Ls leaving to be mar ried in the near future with lovely coffee table been on the saff for the last seven ycam Earl Gilmores Parents Congratulations to Mr and Earl Gilmore who are the rccip rents of Bundle Susan Lenorel nicely Daddy At Inniswood Lodge Mrs John Ferricr Sr is still paficnt in lnuiswood Lodge Pains mck Ilcr many friends hope she will soon be much improved Mr and Mrs Elliott spent few days in Gravenhuzst last week United Church WA The WA of the United Church held their April meeting at the home of Mrs Stcphens on Thursday evening April 28 The prestdeut Mrs Curtis presided Minutes of the past meeting were read by the secretary Mrs Sheldon and adopted Mrs Douglas Reid read the Scripture and Mrs Donald Ferrier the leon thoughts for the meeting Mrs Lohens and Mrs William Noble sang pleasing duct Mrs Maurice Reid read selection Has House Soul She also gave the financial report in the absence of the troder urcr Mrs Elliott Committees were arranged for catciting t0 the wedding supper Qtthe coming nuptials on Maywo in the church also arrangements were made for some quilting the first one to be Thursday evening The meeting cldSchvith thc Mizpah benediction Tea was served by Mrs Gilmore Mrs Tuckey and Mrs Atkinson Percy Thompson Has Stroke We regret to repent that Percy Thompson suffered stroke Mon day morning At time of writing there was no change in his condi tion Mrs Thompson is at present visiting in Western Canada Shower for BrideElect On Tuesday evening friends of the United Church and community gathered at the church hall to ten der miscellaneous shower to the brideelect Miss Dolly Curtis Mrs Gilmore road witty poem re the aCoolwtuwn on Sunday Georgina has vcncrs met at Ma Giffcns on Friday tiiglt to plan next from Heaven doing EDENVALE AL YPU Convention Miss Margaret Goodiclinw and Robert Goodfcllow attondcd tho Young Pcopics convention WI Plan Program The president secretary and coti of the Womens Institute years program At Achievement Day chcrul of our girls attentich Achievement Day for the HomLui makers Clubs in Barrie on Saturn day Margaret Goodfcllow andl Wilma McNabb were pruscntcdk with fourthyear ccriifimims andl Mrs Don McDonald received her sixth year certificate Mrs Wardi Goudfcllow district president for Centre Simccc Wl made the pros entations Attend Mm Neffs Funcrul Mr and Mrs Mervin Frolick and Mrs Dixon attended the funeral of Mrs Nuff zit Singhamtpon last Saturday Wedding Anniversary Last Tuesday evening about30 relatives and friends of Minand Mrs James Dixon niguat their home to cclcbratc their ltith wed ding anniversary The grooms sister and husband Mr and Mrs Clarke Middleton who were mar riedthc same day were present Acold meat and salad supper was served from decorated table cen tred with threestorey wedding cake The evening was spent play ing progressive cuchre and dancing Many useful gifts were received Em impum sr toms Buys Part Of Farm Philip King bought part of Her man Lalondes farm recently Miss Catharine Bonncuu Toron spcnt the weekend with her cousin Cecile King At Guelph Conference Teresa Frawlcy Donne Jones and Karl Miller attended Junior Farmer provincial conference at Ontario Agricultural Collcge Guelph Monday and Tuesday Mrs Giles Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Leo Bertlielottc At YO Meeting number from this community attended the CYO meeting at John Lcahuys on Sunday evening Glad To See Them Heme Glad to report that Air and Mrs John Yates havereturned home Mr Yates islfeling much better Also MrsWilliam Burnfield is iimproving and is expected home this chck Mr and Mrs Dick Moore Mid land visited Mr and Mrs Maurice Fitzgerald Mrs William Miller and Mrs Sid Clarke attended the WA meeting at Mrs Kent Dunlops Shit Attended Toronto wedding Cuilvuc linemani And Mfg Rm Nix 3L fur Jul 1x to M2 ultl Mrs can mm Mn Adzusm 5mm Lowc uni at Royahlctorm li my wckeud in pital Baffin April am to My mica um Neda bf and My Itoocrt Mellin Rabin tumu of Belle Ewart BbetSafld Miss wiza married ill St Fouls werel Ruqu zticslla Hospital Apt Church on Saturday Anglian Moving Fumilirs More faiiiiiic town and scum qiL Iliu xit Returns To Home Here 3155 Willium Ruwat has rct Eict haunt iftci gtpuni wnzcr leODlllSWIIll he at Ottawa and Shdllurr llLtl llx uugntczsl Curtis School pcntd The Curtis School downed all itli Mtg luttclmi of with 133 Knox ollcgc Minister iicv Ivan deblc Knox Col mutttied ii very inspiring scrmun 1mm McFadden or Sunday in St Audich Church amt Eliot sang hymn of which hli me had written and campuscd tinl Mi BIUWH Slwilllifii nr iambic liis icccptcu W35 FUCK 511 113 tic mang GIugumJligh ctinliv and Sister Rex tizi gillrs Burton Married In lnited Church Wv Congratulations to Jouan White CALL THE EXAMINER If and Marvin Fcrnduil who PRINTING PIIOE LIH wcr murmd in tho Lnitcd Churcn on Friday cutmug by lick Mr Burton Simcoe Presbytery Herr Tim United Church Suricnclurv UlLi llltl lzczc onEucduy Titc ladies of lilL cnngtzgatiun riflVCLl turkey liningind afternoon tea llgyl Johnston MintMug mtcd Mrs William Rimat in Tuesday Mas Marilyn chcunimg Elm REMn0 Mg most economical enamel NEEDS PM it on UNDERW Toronto BLASTING lNSIDE OR OCT ANYWHERE Morns stunps Ditching Wells Bridgu Eh Xutliortttd by EXPLOSIVE DIVISION MORNING Explosive Crawford Est 191 utuumm TRIS TORONTO STOCK EICSIAHUI Guvturlltcnl hummat and Corporation Securitia 9i Dunlap Street Barri Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 HARVEY Brunch Manage Wilson Building Barrie Ontario courtship of bridal pair and then the gifts were opened by the bride assisted by Mrs Browning and Mrs Curtis The gifts had been placcdin stone well in the form of the old oaken bucket with can opy and background of lattice and flowering vines long table with lace cloth held the unopened gifts which were many and beautiful Dolly has the esteem and best wish es of all Since leaving school she has been on the staff of Gilmore Sons general merchants and her obliging manner in serving custom ers has won her many friends throughout this district Mrs Nelles Griffith sang pleasing solo and led singsong while tea was being prepared 7PIorIIIIIIccuspious Holidays coronationCelebraIions Picnics Birthdays Centennial Old Home Weeks liqu Assortment $350 of to Lights 8t Crackers $5000 Special Disciounts orrOrders of $2000 andup ORDER NOW FOR VICTORIA DAY Guaranteed delivery if ordeL received before May 10 Iloums Ellrrnrnisrs ANGUS ONTARIO suNCuuoUE or MONEY ORDER or ENCLOSE $100 es for 301 pay Express man bulauce plus express charg amino View the Coronationon PHILCO TELEVISION VtSupplled under fullwarrantyby Home Appliance Shop of Barrio FREE DRAWZTICKEIH with everycleaning order The of forithis Television Set given my byuu4sERVIccctsmgks LDIALzm FOR Free Pickup and DelivelY will be mudd prior to Coronation Day For eXcellenI workmanship and service for guarantee of satisfaction or no charge and for the Chanof Lifetime to win the latest In TN Sets let Nu Service Serve You But werhave Serious and timely warning Theft mighty proud root you see Its resting on the accelerator of 19553 Cadillac load wllcnthe traic liglit turns grceiizor to outmanoeuvmthc other cars on the road So dont ever exhaust that accelerator there forthat Proud and happy foot Tread ah1y unless youre in an stringencyand must do so Down under that accelerator isa dynamic 210horsepower engine coupled with tllc smoothest quickestactingHydraMatic Drue inhistory Thar great power was put giltllelc for the drivers safety in an emergencyand toiprovidc that smooth effortless steady ride which is the 3mm of luxurious motoring It was not put there toenable ralCadillac to Ibminate the highwayor to dashinto the fourvC Ti violet yOIdsymobiIe forreasons ofSafety other drivers covet the honors at the stop lightjust smile and let them go They are first away by your courtesysand that should be satisfaction enough for anybody Just be happy and satised with the great luxurygthis powerful engine brings youtho innitely smooth performance the quick lift that comes when you nudge the throttle of ncccsaity Infield truly amazing economy tlte greatrcservc for aljurstaltcttdin cause Hill ullllli And be happy asiyouycuhftilicilp being the scores Laudlscorcs ofjgther wonderful thinng abbut this magnicent cariitsceasyielaxihg ride for instuce fifdistinguished and in spiriug beauty itsirich luxurious interiors its honored dtesppctedttant Yesthere isomucl about Cadillac to inspire and delight its owner charlie doom need the additional thrill of unleashing 033W tubular pecforuiancewueu it isnt necessary Cadillac and

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