Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1953, p. 6

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BARBIE sxammm WEDNESDAY APRIL 291953 SUM LOST FOUND BORN Phone DOSTSet of Keys OWWA lWASAGA BEACH cabins sleepROOM FOR genllemm 39mm BOWIEAt the Royal ViolorlalnsmLsm the 1001 Home Bar 1953 Liberal 6283 or 106 Baycld St 124951lclties Service 102 Blake Sh or 11 29 193 me on Manda ADP1 Mixed STOVEWQOd ifgggylg 8321 office on Burton Ave Reward gosgfhagmgfa BowleI Helen Layton Gladwul helm ed gale 174951 Wm of me late Janus Irmns lcal GHEST PRlCS FOR $500 per single cord 23 50l FARM EQUIPMENT Rlniilfiil fhiaiiilil Vic Astels Resting lbs Nil 011 D31 WFRFD IggyBeagle Hound dog St Pf loria 110 ital Barrie April ml Funeral 00W Barnev Shaw confid scrap Iron Mal DRILL Men 15 disc grass Cralghurst black blanket Willi 1953 to gSt and Mrs ThursdayI April 3Q 3V3U pImI broke Bauees Rags BARBIE EEE 90 muulev em Reward Geoge Interment Barrie Union Ccmc PHONE 307 cm 111 rues childs pets and Seeder 39 mm WM Foster Box 248 Cooksvilie Phone Renneianv 20 58m 03 18 750u lmhdoy may 53 Female sz 378W 1750 daughter LAiIEvIAl llli Eal General H0599 8355 Mrs Frscr Cundlcs PO 5th OI on ril 28 1953 house on Fglris Lane 385051 LIME AND Fertilizer Sinead WOULD THE Person seen taking FLEMINGA R0591 VCmlla Exlfb03n1aI Therpcsa LawI of going 10 ft wtde in good condl the umbrella from the Sahauen Hospuah BarneI ADIll ggI 1933 111 II III II TIP IllOl MOlrlCUlOllon L03de Dims Gravel Pt Mine Jack Priest Minesmg phone 4202 ML and Mm William Flam fant daughter ul Junlop St West 6IIIIIerrrldalC 5mg Menday Tuesday Wed 394850 loggingr Iggnirng irg BweId SI daughter James LINI TorunlUI mm II III There are Opemngs 9m Tommo IPllone 811131 or 340 negday of eoclx wecicywHERE CORMICK Deming Trac mm En PIG lime Salvumf Arm LAWAt East General Hamlin MOIIITQINMIIII Salvo 13 XIII 1111t ffice for trainees This could be DELIVERY AN Dont Bu Sewing Machine 100 Toronto on Apr1126 1953 to Mr IQ If Elliequvnl bber on 17 30 11 Nlurton otm the mmmng cm N15 MORAN Unless You Get The mm gllddlc$illo$o Phone ml tinJame Law Towm 33 Eff ill Canadas largest and most PYO Special High Prices Paid for mm daughter Elizabeth May Ther 95 VlAlCd an Onel 76112 Cookslown 3950 Morton Bdrm Rlslmg EWSSWB $3185 nance comp LIVE POULTRY phone 2M7 Barrie Buslng Opportuunes 53 and swcklw Funeral HomeI Bay motion 3Cayadggagompaglmolge23135 Highest Prices Paid 7401 engalrgnghIgwrphlgg GOOD QuietWork Horse Ford NEWCOMBEAt the Royal vie for Sum on wgdhesg The or boy 10 or 111Phono 2706 750 PHONE 3285 Downey Minesing 39505 MACHINE ROUTE SPEERSAt no home of her 0mm ContaCt Mr Hunkin hlcr on Mondav April 27 REFRlGERAToI nearly new H0 lllASSEYHIIlS 13 dlSC Seed drill Carruth VanClllAl II mm mm 3p mximamly 00 per 1951 Minnie norm Jeffery lndUSlflOl ACCEptOnce 33 Collier St Phone 2301 Kelvinator unit medium 5110 and graSsIsegd rtorallgtlhad III week Apprgximately log mach em beloved mfc of the 14 rstLIbemInzcmhmI13 Phone 5431 50 99d er d1 ns 1saac Spears 5r10edmvtlh3r 0f on lelted Lone phone calls accepled 2I Bums Con 13 Vespra Phone mes In Ilhls 383 E00 06 BLACKBERRY Hauktblom 0mm 0m V9 Marl the 090 3231 inch 395051 Dispensmg gum5 confecmnsu Id Manse April 19535 Mrs Olga mo FENCE POSTS can 6I 814 various merchandlse Open or Berry and Reginald Black were mm and Nessie Mrs John t0115 COHWC Edwar wJOSpmne Molynwuxw Maniuaki Que Ill SmCL Wilson Building inole ms COCKSHUTI Seed D1111 I3 disc Spectlon Must SCUIIIS OWDIE 93 united 111 marriage by Rev 11 Borne Metal SOlVOQe 54134 Elmvale WmI mg 5m tongue 50w mg for UISIA will sacnce en Shannon her 8am scar Rum at to assume voled of me ell Stove automatic oven control for Tractor complete Vllh Plow dlscv dress and Phone numben ned to 12 oclock noon dlan HOUSEKEEPER for adults sin 540 Phone 2261 750 30d CUlllmlIr RIJII abguhao 3232 2950 SgdgllslllgrsdaypApril 30 1953 for 150 Hi hest selling 955 rbin and sidewalks would like to extend 101 5m Home Phonr2203Id Vlllsgigial pricesgpaid GARDENIMamgc Compled 70 Maple Ave Phage231 1715 Om 393031 FASgnmllgIggEggngSTSgd gaggetggumgcmmgme InsIIIuIEI ceremanks my many friends II oc EXPERIENCED Walters wanlt ehveredI urc for awn Ilcssmg am Mach Lowest or any tender not necesnar for their lgndni5s to no in le1 Hotel 15091 Sod Phone Bill Mllir 1087 MOUNT FOREST IFCS ume Would conSlderI prepcrty 1n 1315 can durhg my Sm ml W8 1530 831231 agilmelfla 74752 10 yo lOIdcligllhblglfgftgrrlll ade Box 47 Bame $94m sgglcligctiulror par liggplzllyimd 81135 since 133 CW BASEBALL Home ewcrs or cxlenswn eccer Mm WI WI DmlonsunI large USid lover attachment Earl FELT mm nom and Wellingcr Phone 5317 for NORGE SPAFCE llwlel II compee all information 14850 mom $7 9150 mOdL120rdlnlng 395501 Phone 48 Bradfordso 52 lnLAgthG MILIIJd 83d 3030 Busmess Admmlsualor 100 Mei 5129 Phone 39 mg ac 501 Sq Barrie District Collegiate Institute EWSPAPER Carrier Boy wanted AND coMPANY 75001 ml and Exterior palnn II ftIoor area on two oors 15 me 4150 AI a1 Mllkmg Mach 20 Mo Bar am 335 End mum arne Yard and Office 156 Tlffin St paperhanging COOP nlverS mes an Barrie Examiner 01 ADDING MKCMDCS and Typewrn me portable double Inli EWd 510000 full price 01 W1 59 BUTCHERMere vords are in ply to The 33280 ers Sales rentals l91mm Slmc Expert Wrkm9n3hlp Fromm condition have 501d daily he and building for faCtOlY 155 First St SALE adeQuate to express our gratitude Business Machines 66 Toronto St servrce have no further use for at Price Coilmgwood phone 515 293851 to each and everyone who has lEd phone 4824 7136 st rri P110 2941 $125 Also double gear Pump hclpcd us through these days of sitter available for afternoons or illonc 3032 350 51 35 Donald Ba no26 64 rack $5 Phone 4188 3950 SALE com mm beautiful now evemn Mrs Stcplltnlmi BOATS BOATS Boats Used out 37 on 38 c1111v 01 Plymou IV 248 15 If board boats Only ML Mu so 15 RUN Doublenisc Intemahqm OWlth every order for V3 Icfon woldIsofIIsyl1ipltliyd 1110 Ieheib MHI dun wanted Phone 81613 00 01 this week Best 0ch AI JoneSI IIIin and fertilizer Dower drlllI hardwde Dennb MQran er influx lmdrl William 0w 750 file 016 also 13 disc Interm ROOM LODGE 003020 II tmgfhijggpgzc 328eg Bi IA MS REMEMBER CmIg Hunter for ser LINES Egan Igrnelgcelzlllgt seggggeltrgrly cabins and bungalow on Highway FREE msh to say thank you 41 49 Barrie Examiner 15051 FARM1 MILE South of Craig vice on Master Feeds FTOSl Fence Ford phone 545112 Strayner 11 Will take best cash offer phone your order now and ask Dutcher Family 30 IIHThe famil of the hUISl 100 house bank mm lemme and Graham Plows P0105 Emcmd lid nsmlkd 395051 for Ck ennumg youm latticlllllggichard Monleitg wish to WOMAN want take care of 100 acres real good pasture Phone 53r5 Stroud 74050 participate in this special draw II VOIIkI mam me friends and neighbmg T311 ngllll gfllelillgltN3llsl20vell CarmIwgztngllf U1 lfgprfg ADMIRAL Peterborough Boat and TARBUSH grow May Second draw especially Ibnnkmg Mm BoyeSI for Pgone 53113 Creemore 14950 SL WCSL TblontoI motor IAl condition Steering 111 74 rpmmm 5L1 phone 2767 with lodgeI garageI one acre of thelr many acts of kindness beau Mgr Phone mm owers dunno the sad be b4750w tacllcd from motel Mel Ayers 5505l LOTS FOR Cultivation land on Highway take 154950 men the 1055 of then mo gag Wtlffuxggly CA1 Strmld phone 13123 30111 be caSh Offer or down pay 149 Worsley St Barrie 50 0E ort age Giles BA Service Station Burton PIGSWe Will supply your UNFURNISHED RoomsI 193 ment on balance of irst PHONE 2907 Ave and Essa Rd Barrie 14951 feeds tIiIII markithtlme51l11rtteres Bayfield St 15505l APPLY TO FRANK PAYCE Hm N0 tc tape one 10 F0 CLEAN Owner MARRIED Couple work Hunters Poultry Farm 74050 ROOMED FumShe Aparm ram Wm STEAM BATH no rep COMFORTABLSABS VEGETABLES C2022thiamalgiaamnc mmodatio on arm mteBicfoM Barri Examineh Bed cggglillgmlgrlgilhgiliirlireat practically new only used Owned and operated by RnogllgliDonrngItIrlpenl privatlglslo Phone R16 Mono M1111564 LATHEAM Raspberry Canes eph AI CockbumI who passed II ra toria Hospital Barrie April 27 lie 1k IRON Tmclur Vlh Plow WWW ACTIVE VENDING April 29 lmEm was from com to COM hldes r3325 horsehair feathers TRENCH COAT and 590 ifylleiiraslieiihnes guaran made sen separate or as unn liganllheto ogrSSnlgirlgrgtmay gig Barrie Union Cemetery in Rubber and Asphalt Tile mmll Funeral Home Barrie Neither DEALERS IN 100 to 130 11 also 200 Cedar Posts tire route or Will subdrvndc terrl I9 III 14851 SCRAP IRON METALS FURS giggbligqlggngurlifmcr cottngl 15th Wan Tue lvlzul 8055 Ivy phone l4rl3 or tory to suit Previous experience yuneral servm Thur031 Apul opposmun lil1 em T1 orn HIDES RAGS BATTERIES $15Pl10e 5454 74950 Materials Supplied and Installed 10r23 3900 in vending unnecessary W111 215 30 at pm Free Estimates Sisl new owner Write Box ton Cemetery McClary ElCClllC Junior Garden Burne ExamlnerI glvlng nameI ad Tenders Jill be accepted the phone 2414 15011 RESPONSIBLE middleaged baliy OLD CARS and Trucks wan 15051 lh Codclre RR to er 11Wle Apr 30v 1946 mantvIremedal exerusesl lemme I1115119ISPhryglpeyCrecmorc 49122 White iEQEleclILlnrllogeerg18 205651 gm ItIIeEIhmwt WMTRESSES mu be mm Arlhrillc Consultation 74950 51A Collier Street Central Phone 2852 1550 81 0d slarlin salary hos 1000 BUSHELS Cabage and 1000 So He closed his weary eyelids glilmlign extra pzlzy for holidays 10 am till 10 pm daily RUGS Broadloom Save up to And whispered Peace be thlne ED Basement arlmem Bushels Spinach 5c per bus and Sundays Apply Unite Private appomlment only 00n Newgulmglonedolgotw gagggxmnce Phone 442 1550 Dunlop SI EOSt sJergEI pp Thorntonzoftgrgg 50 smre Phone mru 3046 $236333hades Phone Barrie 2706 521159W Over Sterling Trusts 1913 1W III REEABLE Lady 00k 31 745 very chntral Phone 4719 BARBIE CHIPPEWA Potatoes White 8105 home or would con Sweet Clover seed and team 332131 home with respect START REDUCING SHOWCASE apprOXImately 10 It some turke satisfactorily mile south of Eva Station Auction Ollgllva Fruity Follgn phone 3738 Sale of farm stock Implements 204750w and household effects Terms cash FEED liidlsfd will man to manage milk and lune 1550 SEE Us frlhen9me Y0 areI SE Wednesday May 20 Stanley Dick bar Reqlllemems are mainly Char MODEL Ford Trader With snow contemplatmg buymg LOtS 12 and 13 con TOWnShiP 0f MM cusmmelSlC 1Vrrbladeir 15 Mm sum ll ESSO Rd Auondale LARGE 30L Welmmishe bed SEE us it You have Property you 20 BUSHELS Seed leaned Flos located between Highways26 In IIIIIWIWIILVW In WW and an erv se em 10 ees Salary sell or trade either one forseedJonsaleCaIlc WOQQWEIld 7277Aumonsalediam stock WIN will hep fully compmeilsurate with ASH garden tractor Jenkins Garage SW 1550 Phone MFRCream and implements some houseold if llyeqllemfrtzziglngliilllgcv FOR YOURLAR PM Elem 74556 FOR RENT Em SEBEUSEEBSS gognaiiwgsiiiigrgnf LADINO Clover Sleedthiieldfinspect EffljDgliffnsLCIaSE 5535 2316133 FVEMNUTES FLOOR SANDERS vs Church giggogggivmg up gar agarmgglgpeggoioo 85211333 EgglqhsgglypmAggggegl 83 wsEursaEEeL complete liner of In FA ICANSO Blight resistant seed NOTICE Is hereby given mat cement work Low rates II 1535 potatoes for sale Will sell graded person having claims must the ggg 315213 pelson Cross Town MOTors PORTABLE Sawmill complete all tempte line of oor nishing Mb Automobile Fire Burglary or bin run Elphick RR 11 Estate of RACHEL room late of Beacll 101 summer 22 Bradlord Phone 5430 equPmem necessary to opemte materials ainls varniShES Shen LARGE FumlShed Bedmmv Theft Casualty Plate Glass Utopia Phone Ivy 6r22 l047 50W the Town of BarrieIMa1ued Wom Jalvis Barrie Pest Olllpcey 1340 steam powered capacuy of 1000 acs llers brushes etc Wesell=vate entrance Gentlemen me an deceased who died on or about 250 1960 METEOR Custom Tudor one it per hour Good condition Roy everything needed l0 make new red Phone 3591 155051 personal Property Floaters Fld QUANTITYSCgITe RIIeIitznOCIJIlIgllegmgi the 5th day of March 1953 are 1550 Phone 2678 Evenings 35433381 Every Thursday at 130 pm at of Mares George Sheffield RR he lt Elmvale Community Sales Arena gfnempe Box 51 Barmiggo gigoliifort lllivoEfilgfoing 33392310aEZCiiiloiiiilinin TO SERVE YOU 3E 3d02bmstls 5052930 REAL ESTATE BROKERS Phone Whitton 102 Elm 11 to Lose poundta gment Spam Stmes 59 Dunmp 31 WCSLI Piling 15 50 AND APPLES lflor sale Cleflrl Eln May 1953 Josegllt DELIVE BO exce en ppon treatmen $5 4348 kets and amperswane tumty 10 young man age 1619 Pe gys Reducmg SCIth YCLES nCCMn and mm ROOME Apartmem 1mm5hed GENERAL INSURANCE cubator for sale god condltlon Will Jennett Lot Con sa waife836 t13106 177 gUCkWOTth St Bank 1151 Racers and Roadsters Use Your business Will lOKempeflf dl Drwe Phonelsossd Mesfhone 551471w 140 AAppoiMmenkPmnemzr yourownbicyc1emas downpay beappreclateds 5131 Us for Yourgurnnlcr Coll 303088 MW meMI um SI 30 Hayeld St CELY Furnished Flont BedYOOm or Lots MANAGEB Wantedy fully capable phone 3874 72702W 13611 central location Phone 3990 Jameson 179 Owen SL Bairle ellty and Surety Bonds 53 also re nested to send particulars of WOMAN WILL look after children owner onlY Mu be 51d Phone 74951 oors from UNFURNISIED Kitchenette b8d cleant Apply Mel Mm thgp claims to the undersigned on in Own home while mother works 5220 350 sitting room Adults and abstainers Brown ETii Bltriosg esing Phone Minesng 1048 051 more them day of MayI 1953I 05 154950 osii9 Mm Wye 1930 MODEL excellent 5amiifiiieleillelileer PAINT and WALLPAPER 02651105010305250050 lcondilion Neil DemDS VUWlia excellent conditionexlremely rea 19 Clapperton st Phone 5203 FURNISHED Room suitable for BUILDING LOTS on Vancouver my NEW Variety ontmo po estate having regard only to the ELDERLY MAN will work as care Phone 141 IVy 50 sonable modern plasticcovered 91 light housekeepingAb5llnef5 13 St Various SizesPriced according tatoes blight and scab reststant II hall the have 550 Codrm ton St out 161d an other varlegyI aims IC 16kg and gardener Handy Will 1936 TERRAPLANE Sed steel ste stool steel llonlng board Anne St Phone 3467 lyIFled Cook 35 gt 650 135 bag phone226 MI Robert notice and will not be responsible nerfelmQS Box 55 Bagflgz radio 30 ShBPe Rena 305 AND POWER APARDMENT rooms 4piece pe II MacKenzie Alliston 1047st for any Others Voratim 10 WWW mm PM BOAT llFT long 60inch beam bath available immediately Apply CHOICE BUILDING Lots Ierel If IDIQTEID Ig3Barr1e this 2lst EXPERIENCED SpotWelder elec 2320 1331 also boat trailer made from aero Box 53 Barrie Examiner 155051 dry shaded locations Priced SEED GRAIN for sale M1 ure pH 400 Tarbush ax Oats and Galore Barley an IMacLAREN WILSON faitugrf 55133333 lTIIOIN l1021lt413I1IIi 1950IGMC nd Elms cggglgnygaggglggpgng LARGE BedSilIting 1003 vaiIlIlItIh 2333 ppy 104850 orj boy $115121in 05 operxtinlg taSollcnors for the Admimigw LI TI con ion mles ru er II simkIrunning wa era to wan am ays ppy aI 9FggsffeAXEIETO03 Jr 30 Apply Hougmon gngtiolldgllggle 8501 SERVICE REPAIRED in cupboards Central Phone 3443 WOULD SELL 15 building lots may only Duncan Campbell 248I50 Cookslown phone 4314 135052 1550 Id ontractor or any 10 40 PLYMOUTH Coupe in pellcct irrMACHINE SHARPENED OOMED lshed new 01 ghogkptegsox fe cock 396169 21933 memodahon Wanted comlltlonl 40Chev low mileage THE HOLY BIBLE mmm infill stove sink and eupboard 31 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Form Stock Implements rivatel owned Must be sold im 01 and New Teslamm mm Phone 5704 RAME House garage so ARTMENT iEnchiathliADPIY N91500139F6511l$dw ggliogls Pmae emmnce 1550 $12215 iangg 3lIiIiece Cliiath rig Thygifsigonig gtfsfcteied as an assu II Prfemllly house requireddmme 1940 Elllllfeon almvslsf UNFURNISHED Rooms modern ingggg 01 szfsooI New General msuctmns from or pane mo sto Ab dintely Two small children Will real good Dunlap tires requires grlce $395 delivered in gift box balhmm 155 acme Barrie Examiner Fed put to market on our nance JOSEPH JENNETT pay at 3100 per mpmh phone minor tuneup $125 cash Jim Beams tier ls=4 ook HiglsIe 31 Beech St $311515 itch only Phone 6624 211550 gain xehmlgt 5gglgrsif$iot 28I con Essa TWP ish 38 Bayfleld St rear apartment Wines WE HAVE AN exce en se cc 1911 NExtmchargevroyw Finane 13 Miles south of Essa station aflgggg gg Wm after 6pm 1850 Greeley SMALL We Furnished Aim of homes some new 50 ml Plan drop in and talk it over To sell by Public Auction on at all conveniences Adults locationsI vari 114951 1940 HUDSON Commodore Sedan PLANTS FLOWER Phone Stroud sirll 3in Immediate mssgssion Phene 33 321 oterms we can as With us or phone 2982 for an an FRIDAY MAY Youpay toLyourffeed new lln all seals stecrln bat 45 51 155042 pom em THE FOLLOWING RCAS CORPORAL wife and tery an fuel pumpI in gerfect PREMIER StraWberry Patch for 2965 SIS In nancing Contact en after your hogs have gone 10 mar and Elricn Realtoxs Barrie 1650 HORSES HARNESS Black bl reQulre 34 room Unfumlfmed condition $850 Marshall ops Balm $3 per mm 01 $129 lIoooI GARDENS mowed and msced ROOMED Furlth Apartment k8 we have an idenhcal nnce Belgian JMare 13 years 1650 lbs vnpartmenlllelisonable rentApply poslle United Church Hillsdale Apply Barrie II HI RI Maya MI Phone Bill 01005081 54752 reasonable immediate possession MUST SELL Illness gems sale 018010 poulffy Black Belgian Gelding 13IyeasI Box 50 Barrie Examiner u5051 anytimeI IB5051 27 Very central Adults Apply 31 Li brick home deep 10 large 1650 lbs Set kb Mm one 341101 FOR GRADING and Leveliln SI 1540 heal new BARRIE an amess or ROOM Furmshed Am 31 FORD VISIwmI 47 engIneI pw HI etc phone Stan King 211 Berczy gangsnehokewyetdecoratei Mod Market Squaw name Number of Collals CATTLER Wm Wane Wing Vale ownei g0d Cnndltlonl seal BUILNNG TRADES 49 my ERFURMSHED Rm5 Mm em kitchen Sultablefor business 03270 CW years due July Red Cow years due llilfollielegligfdllng llllgpetglnczgl 1133331111litiienloeiili30100893133312o SIGNS Tm Lettering glleilglecielgt iii slightcllllrl mm mm Ma em in 10 FIGS 751 LBS Yorkshire Dec Roan Cow years due 50 store ii lac 39k MMLePn co Simcoe 5377 or may be seen at 10113011101 STEWART SON LEM WindowHlLeueglgE50lggllllg PM 48 15 galldilogggokomgesiml down Sows mad Phonei2738 Gym 936 1602 112er 53 itle HO 115051 St West after pm 135051 MM town tourist home Bargain at Allandale June Roan Heifer eats due IBullding and DRESSMAKING Flower iris DUPLEX 100108 i1an1 tiledl bathe 013000 Phone 5209 164950 25 13165 WEEKS 01 Apply Oct 14 Red Heifer lears due an room all heated Mn is on $3 kinds Reasonable Phone 2800 01 Phone Cookstown 7310 95051 REGISTEREDBULL Dunl Pill Alterauons dresses or childrens wear cum Vacant Ma II ply Box William Miles Lot C011 Innis Oct 27 Veal Call 12 weeks 340 20 Baillie Examine 1550 Exam 13 5350 pose Shomom Bun born Jan Phone 807r1 3535M IWEAVESmoUGHmG mm Cement JPNLOEEIEIISSWS iglreliw gigging $308939 $30313 ggkggllgigdulle $51me vorkshim woo done prom Wm will heated Conilicl honey and 231360265 omIrIlIaclIuiIlgggI 3lIialIIIilIinefe Errml fresh pr phones MI cebiII I751 III as pm 53050 WW RealtOrs Barrie Ill50 We GRAIN 10 Ajax 03 torlCopy53iipm preceding In tlinate phone 49 1mm 010 0100110 Build la DUNLOP WEST Iver Harmony 12 FIGS WEEKS 01d Durham BigGIN 10 OFFICE PHONEM KELLY PMNTING A313 fagggaggg 32 Grill nice bright bedroom tele 539$ hgnxcey 330 Call 2daysIold Fresh Cow and den Ht gwpgbggucgntgm mid Immmum 75 ICHlCK Ilerlor and ex IphoneI commubus hm wan VI an MasseyHarris Seed Drill with Mom Ht cm good com Iamwm emgerm Ia 00 lmates phoneI4933 from as mum Apply Dunlap StI wesI room stucco house 10 95x39 Seeder wI Swuzer phone 343mg dim Fertilizer Seed Drm RATEV 3331190le slim cangmiin milmil Simona H9 053331 rillidschisliag healing 950 13 run Cocllshutt Manure Spread II III VI Two ate ell we 31 er an MIMEOGMNG gum er 00 con tionMcDStift1ooth dro YW consecutive Insertions 1110 word mlnlmum 35c Fridayr Hamilan New Hm IN alonography Barr Bualnw LARGE mm mm mm LlglI$l2me if SQSI 32 Eayi gagaggg 01 lva or Hay Rake 10 $1 Set WWVDEIPD Wlm 03333 fanned Rocky Cm and am 3011010 50 Tomnib 341 mm lm hgldivalgsllgsrmil chen minutes to school and shop soft wood anyIlengthI ReasonableI isc Barrows 2Furrow Riding mo 0119dlreotcd01000011100250 000101352003250302 WM 4020 57439 buslness coupleI ImmedialeI puss ping Must be seen toIbe appreclg We deliver Perry AdamsBnrrieI ggfwpblingglisIf esslonI phone 4334 350950 ted Phone 486W Aurora or wr RR 950 auction Phone 2820 Barrie LAWN mowmts aharpned Jim WPIQI 30x MI AM 1350 Potato mums RubberTired Wa LOCALS 40 word minimum 0100 Little 2581300101 5L 39 SHED neasmm Room LARGE DURHAM Cow pure son Steel Tpuck Wagon Hay FURN Mail mummy 3c awordImmlmum 75 ORDWIIIR YOURI Hunter chm For pickup and return zigzag and Kitchen mm mm private BEAUTIFUL Storey Cobbleslone bred nosemu Buns Cow due lo Rack Set Dias Harrows sec exlm Phona 4735 ance hot water block from dwelling modern design lovely freshen also clean Beaver Oats 1308 Sel Dra Harrows Sec MD 01 THANKS INAPPIIEOIATION mduwm me $118 otlweek Baby welcome 200 rounds situated in village Lee and Double x10 Plow Howard hens Land Ruler Turnip Sewer 350 ENGAGEMENT NOTICES 0100 05325110513113115 gargwl DEAD STOCK 20310130305 Kempenteldl Dllve Phone 6548 paved road Consisting oi om Midltuwst phone 80414 950 Fannin M111 Set 200011 Scales tatm promptl uvn 10 with the ace dinln NH oot Scuffler New 244050 owl Phone III furl 15 50 52 moms anunwbm migdem MIME YEARIOLD vaccinated 01min done Grass Seeder zvsugar Kg my 1M unmqmuam Winona Quamy Baby Chm ordon Younlbm unpunmsuan round floor dup en and breaklaat room Shodtooms cow due May Manolo Short ties IDeLavol Cream Separator Most booklnas are now allied WATERWeltDrtIlIn For lm lea very comm Meantime apiece bathroom 011 beam 810 We if mill 3040 Capacity Numerous House orderstor Junodellvery ow 001 out no ousont gnomes 13 10800091016 couple P03308510 380 in basement 398M103 home Galilee Shmlmm PM wee esYoultry reedin ratio 00 Mill and Somaliurontarlo St medlately literateI wrltzalnox 101 umeoneLeIlItka rearglsgg IP00 egg YOIRSIIIIIIfIISOAIf gem 0JRferve Iflue easoruc MW We wmd thmllau mllvvmfiilo gill503 BGrose1o oy inmateI51 Phone Boston 49 Ill59 comer 50 gt

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