Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1953, p. 4

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BARRIES HEAVYWEIGHT tags Roger Jackson of Xutley New Jersey to the head early In first round Of their Torontos pro fight Monday at James Parker knocked out Roe ger Jackson Of Nutley New Jamev2 at 135 of line first Tour semifinal bout preceding he card which featured Buffalos Joey GimIbris lOround clear 023193 overIPbiladelphias veteran Graham Parker making his ance in Toronto for earned the right to headline 1312 nxt Bagnato fight card 31 Street Arena May 25 335 nie Reynolds haRyAe has dough inn of Line pr raterg in the Us T316 ParkerJackscsn bod supposed togo eight 131 5011 had been brought in 51311118 for Angelo Martinez York Moment after hands and 100de each Parker threw left and mi Stree Arena with left 311121131 low BARRIE Club gl home for $153011 then Jacksob threwa left 3315112153 ed Parker thank his left go again andlhis time he 131111 In cauth Jackson and he went Jackronearose and managed to gel in one punch which only served 20 stir Parker who immediately ggej the NJ fighter with another left and down he wen again He get up 15111135 gt into solid punch and lay silent in his corner for mmutes es Seconds workedwlth the Smell ing salts He came towiih vary sore 33w Parker visited his Barrie home yesterday then ew back to 1115 training eier at Paterson New Jersey prep forthe Reynolds ght were are plans tobringex toiicruntofor summer more theball park against Parker if the Barrie boxergets jby llayns ll Bam Fixer Drain Add inme Hills sun not ram cup for Happy unrklo driveillxat Will Gal 30 11 of Dreca and adieubred do the Windsc came through again 56 wins 36 and 111315 are 11 51 congmzulated on their ins a1 thei SWYLEDens Show where hornevoref 11111 dog at the breed at the Sen isbed for his championshr Cliff VanValkenberg Ebony31 lovely black VAmeriran Cooker Spaniel fernale puppy bums Dainty Maid Sporasrneus Shows and us both 5120 went right up from puppy to rene winners remarkaole feat for Such young puppN Mrs Clnlds Samoyede Kenordy Lads f0 rst in 21151 clays win 1313s female and best of opprige sex Eva Beattys Irish $815901 Burnadenes Admiral 11136 bash Canadianbred dog at the mens Show Mm Blake Lanronta Sheilandlleep Dog Knockdcm Bubbles Bane and Mr OBrienl Saints Bullmasaif an import imm the 01d Conntry both brought heme rlbbons Some beautiful handiwork of members an appliqued quilt for lucky draw the Barrie in ternational Kennel Club Show on May 10 and number of excellent water Dolor studies 01 kw mean beroownedoimmps have been on display in tbewindmv Of Simmons Co bringmg mm lavdrable comment Club cxcmive have mt mg at Mes 0111005111110 BARRlE ELYERSWIN OPENER MEMORIAL CUP EINALs 64 RESUME BRANDON TONIGHT IConUnued from We oneI Ine Ice in time Lo nick the clinch himself into misconduct too mdl er rounding Frank Holliday on blueliner Bill Short Good cudto MOKrnneys relay and blazing from end play was witnessed md mld ve feet way It wt climaxcd by Jimmy The Flyers killed Off the remain Robertsons tip of PletsclIs 1385 in minutes by controlling the puck out and With the decit cut to one it but received such nIn argument appeared the Flyers would soonl that they hesitated to prevent the crack the game wide open bull when Barry Thorndycraft connect ed for +2 lead to enter the thlrd doubts begun to rise The mule represent this side of the Dominion killed some hopeful spirit since Port Arthur West End Bruins Canadiens made their final bid won 111 l91748Tbey are supposed for the lug than counter as 311 to be the biggest junior team ever wards was sensational on Blllne seen but they appear on an aver and Thomson The pressure way relieved when Teal capped brill midgets either4ND Mchmey in lent display from Doug Mohmljured an 811le when he hit the The Flyers took over and somelend boards in the second but re thlng was bound to crack 11 did turned Archie Campbell noted 11hr again Weston We Canadiens are supposed to be me best club to age with the Flyers who are no tional solo up centre to the doorI club trainer Harry Partridge re step while Temcr and Lou Mariusl ports he will continue in the scrv Mohns produced another excepitraizicr who is lending hand to served major penalties for gbt ies Tu was thumbed for slash ling fewer won and it win oiing In the third but needled Blaine lthu rush that Marian won face 11110 crosschecking penalty and Off for Poem who worked mas511115 ruovc was termed turning erplcce to pull Dalkie and pot thcipoint 1n the game Without Blaine equaiizer the Habs lack leader The Three minutes later Mohns laidrsecond game of the series moves perfect pass on IsicKenneys stick to Brandon the home Of the Wheat from the point and the lankygklnxs The third is In 1leng Smith FallsHCentre who stood beIFriday but the fourth is still un sIde the net dctlectcd It home for announced Emms wants It 111 the winner Tcssier returned to Brandon In 00d Shipbuilders the Initials protested once their nal series for the 01111 In 011mm 111 Al Simcoe If Finals lie 110010 Last night at 511an Arena Coll defeated Jac Dytes Gunners 84 to even termedlate title at two games each They continue at Collins wood Thursday night and at Simcoe on Saturday in the fifth and sixth matches seventh is necessary it will be at Colljngwood next Tuesday as Coach Eddie Bush won the toss for venuc Of decldlng game as the Shipbuilders seek their third straight championship to equal teams of the 191820 and 193638 eras This season in the nals Slmcoe won the rst game on Collingwood ice by 843 Second was won at Simcoe by Collingwood 50 and the third at ollixgwood by Sim coe 62 Vespro Softball Meet at Midhursl Forestry May meeting will be held at Mid hun Forest Station Hall on Friday May at 830 pm Invitations are extended to new clubs either jun Ior or senior FaTHE BARBIE EXAMINER WSDNESDAY APRIL 29 1953 league high avelage man one only lcountcd In one gentU cm but ldcspne his opemng 668 lliple Tmmplonshlp Playoff Results EBerrIe Tanning No Rangers lAuto Wreckers Telegraph Legion Telegram 3020 Men 3190 325 3360 3101 my 3295 6013 3313 6778 3252 6442 3158 6381 3091 6337 3210 6311 WAS THE GREATEST lntizan Jam Thorpe acclaned the greatest athlete In history was bur giud two weeks after his Llcalb March 28 in mausoleum in the shadow of an athletic stadium which bears the great Olympic Barrie Tanning stars name at Shawnee Oklahoma Thousands mourned their Old friend sutlvc can For Em SWIM on Lc Vim immf who guured fame 13 football play Barrte ldnmng 10 901 er of Camle Pa Indian who will be awarded the Reeve Trophy no Wm immortalized by Which they won last night byibronze and marble statue 21 feet mt SIX game mull pm high showing Thorpe to the World llllE WW vc playoff with pIIIfall of 6015 ThIsl gave them lead of 137 pms over3 the second place Rangers Startmg off on Monday night in first place with game Of 1196 which Includi ed terrlfic game of 345 by Jack Garvin Barrie Tanning were on 1top all the way with 11 safe margm until the start of the sixth garne whcn Rangers were only 106 pins behind George Grccnsidcs was the big man for Tanning the first night vlth an 812 triple Jack Gur vin combined triples of 785 and 6114 for 1479 for six and Sid Woodward was steady all the way with 723 and 724 for 1449 Bowlers 011 the team are Harry Kerr Graydon Campbell Ray Burgess George Grecnsldes Fred Greenhalgh Vic CALL rne EXAMINER r011 PRINTING PHONE 2414 BOATS MOTORS OUTBOARD REPAIRS and MARINE SUPPLIES Phone 3018M 6137 SPORTHAVEN 97A Dunlop St Seconds later James Par ker hit Jaclton with straight right to the jaw For the final result see picture be By GEORGE STOREY There was great rush on tsckeLs in Yinnzpcg and the Flyers were friends of many as long as tickets were available host of western farcs met the team they arrived lMonday morning and coach Hap Examzncr lhctos b3 PHI0 Chcler From The Wheat Area their former team and picked the lFlyersto vln although expected more Opposition than the Monarch of two years ago Mr Branduw met the team as they arrived at the station HAD THREE TRIES When the new National League entry Milwaukee Braves defeated Cincinnati Reds 20 in the open or of the 1953 baseball season it marde the first major league opening victory for Milwaukee Spud Russell is rooting for St In three tries Thc city entered Emms was interviewed the sta Lion His first statement DO we still have to play in that barn The team banked at the Antibacng Hotel Momby but left for Brandon and the Montreal Canadicn xtoui Boniface but poor Sammy Pollock 15 carrying colors of both clubs Patterson refereckinchicf of the 01131 is here on business for Swift Canadian Packers He werk team in the Old National League in 1878 and lost its opener 64 to Cin cinnati Then they dropped out of the majors until 1901 when they re turned in the American League 1n the seasons opener against Detroit Lchar Sid Woodward and Jack Garvin Bob Mdllion was top man for Rangers scoring 687 and 707 as they tried hard to overtake the leading team Gord Brown had 719611 and the surprise on this team was that Murdy Campbell Authorized OUTBOARD MARINE SERVICE SALES SERVICE SATISFACTION KENNELCLLIB MEMBERS WIN IN OUTSTANDING SHows Prince Edwuo culyTucsday and an expctted to remain here until Thursday Brandon is Winnipeg and lns population of approximately 5996 15 in good shape con ering the oneday twonight rzdc from Barri Most of the coy headed straight for depart mental acres purchase the pop ular ldgallon 51615023 The small es member divefoot three inches Tony Foe is all ha now 1105 of Barrie 1215 followed the club lengthy is as 101 long Mr and him CE belt Mr and Mrs Harry Norton 31 Mrs Ker Clute Dave Smith Mrs Don Magec Mr and Mrs Tom Bell Grant Mayor Char Brown Cec Couisoni Dr James Veitcb Miss Helen Shanahan Mrs lJohnny Johr 12 Gail Wilson Mr Iand MN Doug nsay Roy Law and Hank Reyna the popular pri vate deamtive 1mm Toronto Ted father Of Fred and Leo igginx brother of Jack Udebritics mommsinx 95 Flycrs are Tory Gregg acting president of the Onhrio Hockey 7Ancinon and Samarjol lock coach of Montreal Junior Canadians Mr Gm in min until Thursday when he will return to Ontario for the Surprie callers on the teamwere E1111 Hagan whohelped the Flyers to their rst Memorial Cup in 1930 51 He is headed for Barrie but 15 slaving over for some of the series Patterson and 11s wife oyce were presented with tickets for Opener Both are former Bgrne Couegmte pm Reg Moose lurnbull of Orillla presented 12mins with box rs and then requgtedgem with anmap 011312 or club membervis of Ciga for the Elses XICHEST P01 urnree Scabies threeRancid SD 2C earned 511284 per Ernie Hum form and stationed le RCAF here opened the 10ers mesh the entire Earle m6 Monday night follow game and has Shin invihtio Sim W11 if an elght was run in 149 251 the rathestpcu never all cred Dell renewed about miles at of rent2 Cor trance to the Amphitheatre to cheer Ward Brandow and Gordon Perv acquamtance Wilhi ed that may Mn Mohm mother of the bril liant Diesel joined the team all Laprcol and is here or the wholcl series wearing mauve swallowtad coat brown 01 ha and other ancient garments Hes real jumping they held 134 margin until the 11111111 but lost 1413 Milwaukee finished last 111 both 1878 and 1901 Montreal sponsor St Boniface Pall Bob Dnidson member of the Toronto bplc Leaf organi utism and In scouting capac jack this fellow ity is scanning 131an So 15 Rudy Pilous coach of St Catb nines chpees In relation to Run Edmrds the most fam ous comment thrown at Rudy is It wasnt the goalie Rudy but the club in front Fan seated near us in the opener remarked following one of Don Molms hairraising dashes Hes the best shtcr ever sew After Doug knock ed two Babs over In the corner and still retained the puck in play in the corner the am fellow remarked Thats the greatest player ever saw Barries Centennial Year is ref ceiving terrific publicity here in the papers Idrougi the untiringl efforts of Gran Mayor tremend ous leader the Barrie contingent are wearing yellow ribbons with no tcp coats needed black printing advertising Home Mr and Mrs Yalter Srnith of WeeIL Also topped wilhred hats Cotter Avenue are here wtth the bordered wit rycllowrrprinllngl fans Their daughter Mrs Betty Grant was big cheerleader1n the Cunningham now lives In WInnI Fly813 51160 of the Amphitheatre peg The weather here is sweltering Li PER MONTH If YouHave Steady Job 1111111111111 1953 111111 REEINISII 1101111 own man Rent0L Porter Cdlflg SANDER EDGER Use 011 Cellular rim 0mg wearing lustrous nish 185 595 Gallon for fast dryingylong IIIIandaIe Hardware Iu01l229 Allandale Hardware man 2911 Thats what Moores one Coal Exterior While will do for youand in addition it will give you the smartest lookingnwhile paint iob you have ever seen ll mode log cover in one coo10101 pointed surfaces of while or light tints whichore in fair condition selfcleansing while not lo be linled TOP VALUE $785 GALLON BEAUTYPLUSPl00PROTEGTIO FOR YOUR HOME gig JsimingnbombhqrdworlchndwhenJLisall min M0013 ummv $230 QUART LMwewpm 03m Qt Iy done you want it to slay gOOd looking and you wont the protection you worked for We Recommend Moore Houre Pailf for Value Protection gnd Beauty gt product of Beniamln Moore CO United $725 GALLON $210 QUART BEST FOR YOUR PORCH ELOORs Moores Porch and Deck Paintis really 10091111111 durablo rugged point made to withstand heavy trafc and Outdoor exposure It dries Quickly lo hard high gloss nish which is easily cleaned Use it on wood or concrete porchesnnd slap decksofboals and as heavy duty interiorfloor nnmbl $715 Gal TILELIKE FLOOR ENAM 1211 For Interior Floors or Concrete Thie Floor Enamel is recommended for all FlOOrS Stairs and protects Porches of wood or concrete It is eosy to apply and dries quickly lo smooth uniform gloss colorful nishing touch that NONI The Home of Car $690 Gal seusylocleon Floor is lhei completes the well decorated you Care for Best Deserves the Best $210001 IIowI DURAUE Iovwa IUSIRE 111111111 This is really bepyljll nisheglareless soft cnd luxuriOus yel itis easily Washed and hard wearing Use SoliIIlmpervoon wals wDOdwork andernitureifor the fian decorative 011011191 nish obtainable $275 01 1111111 on 11111 WALLPAPER The Home of Wallpaper and Mint 19 36111111101100 St 1m 1011111 Phone 5206 9v1 WHWLWIWLMIWW

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