Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1953, p. 3

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Canadas Famous Fighting Destroyer Mum an my WWMWWr Ww Fete Bridal Couple RitchieStevenson Wedding The Sound schoolimuse was the We extend been wishes to Mr andl scene of Jolly party on Monday Mrs Ron Ritchie toee Norma Stevl April 30 when the community gov ensonl who ware married April memo to honor Mr and Mrs From 1933 in St Georges United Church rCommunist Although it was unsigned and cis Archer who were mrriw re cently Mus Peggy Archer and Miss Muriel Ritchie escorted the couple to the seals of honor Vase Beard sall led in smgsong The young couple were recipients of many gifts including set of aluminum were and electric clock from Sour ln and mirror and rug from the town purple chosen words flanked them minds Refreshments tcrc couple of hours dancing concluded the good time Left for England Mrs Little left on four montlxs 3C1lllll and Mrs Wat sorl left for two or three months holiday to vivit her sisler and other relativcs in England and to see the Coronation procession June Attend Toronto Wedding Thoee who attended the Ritchie Sievcnson wedding in Toronto were Mr and Mrs Gordon Spring Mrs Ritchie Mrs Douglas Naismzth and Barry Mr and Mrs Lloyd Ritchie Miss Ann Ritchie Murray Ritchie and Mrs John Trace Home from Germany Allan McConnell arrived home on Friday Lifter Sirving with the Canadian Army 27th Brigade in Germany and is visiting his pan cuts Mr and Mrs Wallace McCon ncll Wycliffe Bake Sale Wycliffe Anglican WA held Francis in few well served and Toronto Mr and Mrs James Brown land Mrs While and Mr mtg Mrs Murray of Toronto were rcS Centwsitms with Mr and Mrs ii Archer Visitors with Mr and Mrs Edgar Beardfail during the week were Mr and Mrs Joseph Cripps and Alvl lien Midland Albert McEvoy Viccg lullu Harbor Mrs Laura liarti Toronto is spending few okays with friends here Mr and Mrs Coins and bubyl Turmoil called on Miss Beckett and Mrs Gray on Saturday and Mr and Mrs Toronto spent the weekend with relatives here Bannerman Mm Farleigh Ritchie spent Sundnyl with friends in Stuyncr Mrs Thurlow Fergusonvalc visited Mr and Mrs Edgar Beardl soil People Who Are lll Mrs Wilson Ronni is patient in Toronto hospital and Mrs Herb Columbus is seriously ill at her home Mrs lnmcsBrunning Chippewa and Mr and Mrs Ambrose Colum bus Niagara Falls are visiting Willl Mr and Mrs Herb Columbus Rev Mr Stubbs Bereaved Deepest sympathy goes to Rev and Mrs Stubbs in the death very successful bake mle on Satur day at Townes electric store CANADIAN The official newspaper of the Party the Moscow Pravda declares Russia is ready to enter into businesslike discus sions with the West to end world controversies but makes it clear the Soviet Union is not retreating anywhere along the line of foreign policy The Russian reply to President Eisenhowers April 16 foreign pol icy speech was spread across the entire front page of Pravda in an editorial The text of Eisenhowers speech was printed inside The whole tone of the Pravda reply was argumentative but it was not vitu wpcrntive or belligerent It took issue with the president on several points and vigorously criticized State Secretary John Foster Dulles But at the same tlmc Pravda de clared The Soviet government will welcome any step of the Amer ican government or any other gov ernmtent if it is directed atthe friendly settlement of difficult questions This is evidence of the readiness of the Soviet side for serious businesslike discussions of outstanding problems bore TEES iflienenmgwonwtne Address of President Eisenhower it seemed clear from the wording that itwas correct to call theart of MrStubbs brother in Toronto the definite steps that must be made if the Soviet leaders are sin cerely interested in comparative solutionto world problems The White House statement noted the milder tom of the Pravda art icle was welcome change from the usual vituperntion against the United States and the free world It also said Of course the Prav da editorial cannot be considcre substitute for an official action by the Soviet leaders If the Soviet leaders take such steps they will find theUnited States and the other free nations as always ready to work unceasingly for peace The Foreign Office at London said no comment would be made until the article had been studied most carefully West German gov ernment sources at Bonn were more blunt They called the Prav da statement disappointing because it fails to offer any evidence that Russia is willing to ease world ten sion with concrete deeds spokesman at Bonn said One would have thought that the Rus sians would have made at least small gesture for instance on the question of peace treaty for Austria But they didnt even do that NATO Unimpressed The 14 North Atlantic Treaty members meeting at Paris announc ed they have agreed on western defence policy based on belief that the fundamental threat to se curity remains undiminished The final communique on the NATO council meeting said the pactna lions had reached completwzfgrgc menCinematogviewLQhJeEnigz viet moves Insofar aS events prove these moves constitute authentic efforts ic1e statement by the leadership ovre nlon Actions Not Words The White House in Washington skid the Russian statement may be first step towardsomethino cretep in settling the cold war pro blems If so said an official White House statement the free world will continue to wait for to lessen international tension they marmi ioiu=lt governments the council said But it added that nothing has so far happened to lessen in reality the fundamental threat to thesecur it The foreign defence and finance ministers voted to boost NATOS air strength by 2700 war planes land its ground forces by 10 divi FirstJobof Garden Year ortseideadis When the calendar says that spring is here experienced gar deners put on sweaters and rubbers if necessary and go ced the La out even on muddy soil to per tom the rst two tasks 3f the planting seasonapplying plant food and sowing grass seed Timingis of the essence for these operations Winter breaks up Withmessy mixture of freez ing and thawing snow and sum indoors the veterans know they are made to order for spreading plant foodand dropping lawn seed on the thin and bare spots When the ground thaws out after freezing night once the deep frost has been drawn out the surface of the soil will be seen 110 have honeycomb ap pgarance Tiny holes will be left in thawing soil which shrinks as it thaws Farmers sowyoats on soil like this and saythe seed muds in Grass Seed finds its own cover and plantlfoodis carried by the draining water dbwn to the roots of perennial plants Grass seeds do not need cov er So much aslodgement Too deep soil covering may delay its germination seriously be cause ltneedssunlight for germination But when sown on smooth bare surface it is 3in waShed off by light shower so that spot continues bare while good stand otgrass appears on the nearest low patch of ppen soil to which the seed was washed Seed finds lodgernent in the honeycomb soil of early spring later you will have to loosennm the bare spots before sowing and cover the seed which you sow on thin places with light top dressing of sand and sifted soil to keep the seed in place Lawn grasses grow best in cool weather and the young plants from your new seed have plenty of growing to do before they are subject to the ordeal of hot dry weather andseed bearing The longer they can grow imcml moist weather the better they will survive the summer test so il WHEN SOIL ls lNMlDSEASON CONDlTlON IT TAKES PLANT rooo Louoatzro REACH moors host helps plant food to reach ville roots the longer you wait the less chance your new seed has to de velop into vigorous permanent grass plants Plant food spread now should be chiefly inorganic the com mercial plant foods as dislm guished from manures Organic materials are not msde Avail able to plants will temperatures of the soil rise above 70 degrees but the chemical foods are avall vable right away Always feed perennial borders at this season There will be no danger of burning anything and the food Will find its way down to the roots without disturbing them When the soil dries out you will have to dig into it to get the road down where it is needed and this may be harm ful to the plants If you feed plantspell at the beginning of the season when growth is just startingthey will enjoy vigorous youth and del velop extensive roots which in turn will reach out tofind their own food to maintain the top growth The effect willbe visible in your peonles iris and deb phiniums and all the other perennial norms which are the stairs of the garden display in my leg CN HMCS AIDA famous fight and W3 William Bmdszullof the Second World War is adding an lother chapter to her record as she carries lout her first turn of operations in the Kor Mr and MrsEdglr Beardsull andlean theatre Among her exploits has been ing destroyer the destruction of train behind the en emy lines in phone of the fluid1 was taken from another Canadian destroyer the Crusader as the former arrived it patrol area off the west coast of Korea North Korea This recent sions an aide reported This would raise air strength to total of 5600 planes by the end of 1954 and land forces to 60 divisions Sir Winston Minister becomes Prime chill now 5i lie was invested by Queen Eliza both with the highest and oldest order of knighthood at special ceremony at Windsor Castle The old warrior had refused the same offer eight years ago inb 1945 however it was recommended by Labor Prime Minister Clemcntl Attlee after Labors triumph in the general elections The award since has been removed from politics and now is bestowed only by the Queen London political quarters said the certainly has no thought of retiring He remains in the house of com mons Prisoner Excbmge The Communists in Korea con tinued the exchange of sick and wounded captives beyond the or iginal limit of six days which expired Saturday Both sides have said they would cxicndtne ex change beyond the 600 originallv pledged by the Reds and the 5800 romiscd by the UN command Two Canadians were among the captives returned last week Lance Corporal Paul Dugal of Quebec and Private Arthur Baker of Montreal Dugal carried list of 16 fellow Canadian prisoners held by the Communists Baker was on this list Up to last week Canada has listed only one known prisonerof war held by the Reds but after checking army headquarters added Dugals list to the prisonerofwar category At the weekend it ap peared 16 Canadians long missing are in Red pliSOu camps Manitoba Election Premier Douglas Campbell an nounced at Winnipeg that the Man itoba provincial election 5will be held June Nova Scotia votes on May 26 and British Columbia on June At dissolution the Mani toba legislature had 30 Liberal Pr9gressive five Coalitionliihine ProgresSIve ConservativesSvn CCF one Independent one Labor Progressive and four vacant It is the first Manitoba election since Winston Churlti Winston Churchill Knight of the Ganerl OLD HOME WEEK AUG TO Barrie fans who went along Week Monday evening when the Bar ll Cup games with St Boniface Can adiens at Winnipeg number of3 to support the FIYers did their bit to advertise Barrics Old Home rle Flych began their Memorial ExAldermon Clarence Corbettt 78yearold prime ministers accepi is in charge of the publicity and lance of the honor indicated hegbefore leaving town around mid BLACK BY EDICT The gondola of Venice are black ltLllU of on edict passed by the EQZ council of the city in 1562 which forbade the richly embroid crcd awnings that were the Custom lzczorc that time according to the lIucyclopediu Britannica DEPARTMENTAL STONES SATISFACTION 0R CASH MONEY licize Barrie and BarriesOld Home esvaLConservativekin gmmhe magma gage Wig ight Saturday gCommittee loaded up Mr tcnniai propaganda Such things as wedge caps bearl iing the inscription Barries Old Home Week August to 9sev eral hundred yards of streamers also bearing the some inscription believe it or not the Centennial Committee also sent along 16 foot banner bearing the inscrip tion Barrics Centennial Year 18531953 And Mr Corbett aLso took along with him couple of hundred Old Home Week summonsesand last and by no means least25 copies of last Fridays Barrie Examiner so the former Barrieites could bring themselves uptodate on what progressthe Centennial Com mittec is making So there it is friendsdont ever let it be said that the Barrie Cen tennial Committeeisnt outnto pube Week And dont be bit surprised if this summer several dozen former Barrieites who are now living in Western Canada come back here whooping it up during Old Home Week 7BorriesBortieuituralwonderTownr Improvement Society have today announced details of their Centen nial Home Beautification campaign 1950 quit the coalition that had been in effect for 10 years ADD TO MIDLAND SCHOOL Many of the pupils amending Regent School Midland may be taking their lessons in bright new classrooms next September Mid land Public School Board at special meeting appointed Cox as architect for an eight roomed dition Who at school best lawn seeded this year the best annual ower display most attractive lily pond and so on In all the Society is offering $180 in cash prizes Entry forms will be sent out to all citizens and it is hoped that as many home owners as possible will see their way clear to clean uppaint up the Centennial Corbeltl gwith great large carton of Can9 not to mention pennants flags and beauliful lawns and plantings the and plant upLfor Barries Centen nial Year REFUNDED Children Plastic Lined ROMPERS eo 59c Rayon Cotton Table Cloths eo 69c Dish Towels ea lOc Double Size All Wool BLANKETS $298 Boys socxrrs pr 29c Childrens SOCKEES Childrens CARDIGANS 75c Mens reg $495 Work Pants $249 Mens Dress Shirts $l49 Womens Art Silk Hose pr 25 Boys 15mm 59 prgql 5c BLANKETS $Z99 Womens reg $395 59 pound STREET next to FullView Cleaners PHONE 4348 Cash your Baby Bonu Cheques at Jacksons Glide through your Spring House Cleaning with ease with an Eureka RotoMatic vacuum cleaner You know ladies this new low priced swivelittrp cleaner is simply wonderful Call in today for demon stratum Its New Its senegtlonall WTSHERE Asv Aerth swatroe Cleans all over froml position Adventure new Exclusive Electric Cord clump Very OutetMoNlbration Lightwugmamiotusethanonercreanus Triple BummerNo lmiccope Timetable Suction for caning Draperies Delicate Fabrics Easily without Pulling EXCLUSIVE uvssm AmmoMme rCLlsQN roots fs live demOnstration at our store at ONCE or phone 3721 NOW forehome demonstration it 31317 irrdiaeroinfW2===x=vexltvigt Vil one FUDGE Maple or Vanilla Flavour 12 oz Pkg llnntJemimu PANCAKE FLOOR SOIL CONDITIONER VlllOllO JOHNSONS CABPLATE Or Bulltuds armmun run noes was 29c nunsmuroo WWW 39c 32 oz Pkg Or Jacksons ROMAN MEAL Flower Seeds Highest Quality Vegetable Seeds Government Stoddard Evergreen Lawn Seed Emerald lawn Seed Wizard Wick Oeodorizer PKG PKG sumo Iououn PIN KENT lihhys Choice Sliced Beets lollnlory Skim Milk Cheese Nucou Margarine Weiheys Pure Orange Marmalade Mclurens BurllO Relish Nuhob irradiated Coffee Jordon trope Juice Indies XXX While Cake Mix Sauce Monarch Oheese SPECIAL outsARDrN ESH EGETABLES re Socielyllog run Jvex Concenlrotod Javel Johnsons Emu lllue Cheer Conny Toilet Soup OnshmeIeBoutiuelToileioup llinx Cleanser Rinse lingers Golden Cone Syrup llosellule Tomato Culchup Mctomicks Wafers new crop FLORIDA saucers POllOes siomrmLZQc swrrriouxmvvicnrosrroresszrromr mm anic Oranges is 49 Ol BTL Kleenex Honky or Chubby Size Scoliissue Toilet Tissue Wins Whole Oill Ditties lleinthite Vinegar NEW Maple Leaf Cheese Plain or Pimen MAW Hummus Pom N9lGRAnWWHIIE FRUITS Mushmom 16FL swans 15 ms 35 llturlnutz Hometown mum urns Ohurkwugonllinner 5c aloe 5c lOc us 95c PKG 40c 59c 33c ML 01 ITL 011le MLl FIG nou 118 cm 24 01 JAR IHL 01 JAR Vrll mo BAG NFl 01 BTL 2002 and oz arc ZLl TIN lLB 39c 31c 53c 20c 37c 23c 3lc mom 1002 TIN 32 oz CAKES 35 moosum nous M333 24c come ma yum WW5 OATH ONEY SUCEO or UNSLICED 1402 LOAF ADDED VITAMINS IIDOFMVIN WIN NIACIN AND ON SPECIAL McCOMICKS BISCUITS WINTE mu room CELLO DAB SPECIAL Iced Spine cm ucu 35c ovum nooucr rue LDBLAW sum Wm HIT Mum vegan WE Plays 13 Mfm on Stamford RIM NOW ON SALE LOILAWS VOLUME 13 reg World 1V MO willie 89 Now On seI May mm EACH 0n so Exclusively In An loblmr Slum

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