Mr and Mrs Alvin Flood mot Sunday last at Owen Sound visit ing relatives Mr and Mrs Charles Copeland spent the last weekend in Toronto visitina with Mr and Mrs Alex Copeland Mrs Iona Morris and family left this week for Lisle where they will reside was in chute of the worship 5431 vice which opened with Hymn 351 and an opening verse mad by Miss Chantlcr Mrs McEaddon gave me Scripture reading and Miss Chant ler read beautiful story The Rug on the Floor After prayer and the singing of hymn Mrs Corrigan gave Splendid talk on Christian Citizenship beginning Mr and Mrs Garfield Nixon and with the work of our pioneer fore daughter Toronto spent the week end with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Sandy Sutherland Mrs James Miller left on Thurs fathers and stressing the great re sponsibilities of the people of to day in worldwide cndoavor Mrs Halbcrt rendered beautiful kill 10 waShinglon USA Where solo The Voice of My Saviour she will visit her son Derb several weeks Mr and Mrs Sunday in Toronto Mrs Kidd rc rnaincd and attended the funeral of Hugh Sutherland Smith on Mon day Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Copleand with Mr and Mrs Alex Copelandand son Rickey Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack Smith and children Alliston spent Sunday with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Gordon Patton Kcnncbh Simmons Camp Borden spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Edgar Simmons Rc cent weekend guests were Mr and Mrs Gordon Blue Toronto Mr and Mrs Charles Clarke Aurora wont Sundayvisiting Mrs Clara Russell Mr and Mrs Stanley Cook spent Sunday in Orillia visiting Mr and Mrs McCullough John Cousc Toronto spent the wcckend with his parents Mr and Mrs Couse and grandmother Mrs Henry Cousc Mr and Mrs Milt Trace and daughter Betty were Sunday guests of Dr and Mrs Harry Lcadlny Home for the weekend Hclcn and Doris Mapcs Barrie John Lcadiay Kenneth Coburn Tom Williams Mr and Mrs Edward Nixon Toronto Mr and Mrs Robert Wardlaw Woodbridgc were Sunday gucsts of the lattcrs parents Mr and Mrs John Faris Institute Mccting The May meeting of the Womens Institute will be held in the Town Hall Thursday evening May with Mrs Humor the acting president This is social night and the com mittee arc Mcsdamcs Donnell Williams Copeland Carr Miller and Miss Audrey Mzipcs Lions News Cookstown and District Lions Club entertained 30 members of Bradford Lions Club on Monday evening April 20 at their regular dinner meeting The special speak cr for the evening was Lion Van Coulis of Alliston who gave an cducatidnal and much appreciated address entitled fFirc Education in the School and Home when he stressod our duties as parcntsand Lions in educating our children in the hazards of fire in order to avoid so many tragedies that are happening today Everyone enjoy ed very tasty meal and good hour of fellowship and song Prcsbytcrim WMS The Presbyterian WMS Easter Thankoffcring Service was held in the church on Sunday evening Apr 19 The churcn was well filled as special invitation was given to the ncighboringchurchcs and sur igiing community The presi dent Miii was inbhargepf the service Call to worship was given followed by prayer of invo cation Hyrmn 395 was sung and Mrs Moore read the Scripture les if Esmernmmelurchaptemc St John Mr Moore sang When Jesus Comes Mrs Patton led in prayer The offering was received and dedicated The service contin ued with the choir singing Ill Go Where You Want Me to Go Dear Lord and the singing of Hymn 472 Mrs Patton introduced the special speaker who was Mrs Turnbull from Toronto Mrs Turnbull spent quite number of years as missionary in Bolivia and showed slides taken while she liv ed there and explained each one as she went along This was an in spiring and interesting address Hymn 387 was sungand Mr Moore pronounced the benediction Agriculture Euchre and Dance Around 120 people from the sur rounding community turned out for the last of the series of euchrest and dances sponsored by the Agri cultuual Society in the Town Hall on Friday evening April 17 Eigh teen tables of cuchre weren played and the prize winners were Mrs Roy Lowe Mrs NCoutts George Baker and David MoMastcr Lucky door prize Went to Mrsvo Jones Lunch of sandwiches cake and cof fee was served by the committee and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing to Walter Beattysofchestra The committee would like to take this opportunity to thank the community for their support in making this series the success it was Mrs Goodhand Barrie was guest on Sunday with her daugh ter Mrs Kenneth Crawford and Mr Crawford Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Hansen were MrsGeorge Bayerslandi Mr and Mrs Ewanch and family Orillia Mrs Sam Colehas been ill for the last few1 weeks UnitcdCburch WMS Meeting The regularApril meetingof the Arternoon Auxiliary of theWMSi met at the home of Mrs EJMc iFadden on Tuesday April 217with 11 memberspresent and Mrs Carr presiding Miss Gladys Chantler The businca period followed withl minutes read and report given Mrs hidd spent Carr and Mrs Paris were named as delegates to the Prisbytcrial con vention on May at Stayner The roll call was answered by Bible quotation Our Task and the meeting closed with prayer after which Mrs McFadden and Mrs Halbcrt served refrdshmcnts Dur ing social hour gift of apprecia tion was presontcd to Miss Gladys Chantlcr who will be leaving shortly to make her harm in Sas katchcwan Presbyterian YPS The YPS hold special service in Hughcs Hall Friday April 24 goodly number of young people members of the congregation and guests from the Anglican YPS at tended The speaker for the even ing was Kenneth Gray of Stroud who is returned missionary from China He took for his missionary address Psalm 142 part of verse No man cared for my soul His address was very stirring as he told of the millions in Indonesia who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ and asked us to pray that door may be opened to these countless millions Mr Gray closed with prayer after which the prcsi dcnt Evelyn Currie thanked him for his fine address The meeting closed with hymn and the Mizpah benediction Lunch was served by the young people and very en joyable social time was spent The WA of the Presbyterian Church will meet at Mrs Ritchies homc on Tuesday May at pm The ladies of the congregation are invrtcd to attend swarm Grass Fire Quite an excitement was causedl in Everett Friday afternoon when grass fire spread out to nearby buildings in Everett Neighbors soon gathered and the fire was put under control Camp Borden Fire Brigade was called but the fire trucks were out on other calls New School For Everett It is reported new school will be built in Everett this year It is understood delegations have been looking at different schools in the district as to the typcthcy will build here Has Position At Gravenhurst Wilkinson left Monday morning for Gravenhurst where he has taken position with con tracting firm To Build New Home Den Boer local contractor is to build new home south of the Orange Hall on the property of William Leslie Workmen will start this week andrritrisvexpccted thewi home will be completed in three weeks time With Bank At Alliston Larr DLWilde belongingmil tion with the Bank of Toronto at Alliston and expects to start work in week Home From Toronto Edgar Jenkins arrived home from Toronto hospital Saturday after noon feeling much improved In Alliston Hospital Sorry to report that Thomas Jerry is patient in Alliston hospital with the and pneumonia and we all wish him speedy recovery Robert Wilkinson and Betty landmf Toronto visited Mrs Wil insert on Sunday Glad to report word has been received from Herb Johnson in Toronto hospital that he is feeling some better and we all wish him speedy recovery Thomas Jerry arrived home from Alliston hospital feeling muchgim proved RevMr Spear Bereaved Owing to the death of the Rev Mr Speers father at Tara the United Church services were can cclled on Sunday Tag Day For Blind On Saturday May tag day for the Blind is being held Canvass ers will call at youchome have donations ready Mr and Mrs William Moore Toronto spent Sunday at their home here gt CROWN Hut Mrs MCairns Midhurst is at tending to duties for her grand daughter Mrs Lorne Summers who was the recipient of ne baby gitLa sister for David in thefRoyal Victoria Hospital Bar rie on April 20 1953 Orma June the greatgranddaughter of Mrs Carrns Congratulationslv SPANISH DISCOVERY The Colorado River Grand Canyon were discovered by Spaniards from Mexico in 1540 All barber shops in Barrie will close at cjpm on Satur dayscffeotive May LsHOP Hooks Vacuum Mou1fursrnuasir cm canongap 39 12sec 326 wanunnumb Acquiring trade souan ne but rst Ill like to try for nicelooking Iicutcnant or captain Witubaushcne of CDlnncr Mr chlic now retired was bank number from Goldwater andi manager here district plan to attend the Waubau shone Chamber of Commerce din ner meeting in Waubaushenc Le gion Hall on May Main speakers will be Buckley Canadian Cham ber of Commerce ficld representa tive and Clarkvon McCuul sccre tary of Midland Chamber of Com mcrcc Funeral of II Arbour Funeral service was held at the United Church Waubaushcnc on April 28 for Harry Joseph Arbour who died at his late rcsidencc in Waubaushenc on Saturday in his 78th year Interment was in Wau baushcne Cemetery Mr Arbour was predeceased by his late wife Elizabeth Jane Riddell Cannington Manager Lachlan MacKcllar former own er of the canning factory here is manager of Cannington company which makes pIaStic boats Trout Fishermen Due large influx of trout fisher men are expected in Goldwater dis trict when the season opens May Heads Lions Club Clarence Ward was elected pres ident of Coldwater Lions Club for 195354 at the Clubs regular meet ing in the Parish Hall on Monday evening Mr Ward is CPR sec tion foreman at Goldwater Report of the nominating com mittee read by Secretary Earl Doble wasadopted by the mem bers Other ofcers for the com ing year are lst vicepresident William Wylie 2nd vlcepresident Lloyd Lefherby 3rd vicepresident James Borrow secretarytreasurer Lloyd Bell Lion Tamer George Graham Tail Twister Percy Brim age directors for one year Char les Eplett and John Dunlop direc tors for two years Albert Orton and HarryCowan President Etley Loverlng gave reportonplansforCoronatioer laid by the Community Centre As sociation The club agreed to sup port the program locally by enter ing oat under supervision of im Borrowiapifcintednreorv hell to look after operation of booth and donated $20 towards prizes for school childrens compe titions Eplett announced that former member Weylie now of London 0nt was undergoing an operation this week The Lions authorized the secretary to send owers and letter of best wishes Etlcy Levering Eplctt and others expressed intention to at tcnd district convention at Ham ilton starting June It was an nounced zone rally is being held in St Josephs Auditorium Barrie May 13 Suffers Bruised Leg Lawrence Hawke suffered sov crcly bruised leg in mishap Mon day afternoon whilc handling stccl rails with the CPR section crew He will be off work fora timc Takes Over Taxi Business Effective May Cadwcll Gilbank of Mcdontc Township takes over Wylies taxi business He will ban dle the taxi transfers in connection with CPR train trips via Mcdonte and will also take local and out oftown trips Mr Wylie will con tinue to operate the school buses Newton Robinson Mrs ronto Mrs Earl Rowc spent tow days in Toronto last week Mr and Mrs Don Brown and Ross motored to Highland Creek on Sunday Mrs Cullimorc of Hamilton visit cd her brother and sisterinlaw Mr and Mrs Glen Allen last week Mr and Mrs John Yuill and fam ily Toronto were Sunday guests at Doug Stewarts Mrs Russell Rowe and Miss Mar Allen is visiting in To garet spent the weekend in To ronto Mr and Mrs Garfield Holt Cam rose Alberta and William Holt Edmonton visited Mrs Conncll last week The Late Mrs Schroeder Our sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs Sirocdcr Vera Homer who died in Toronto last Fridlay Interment took place in Newton RobinsgtCemetVery Tues clay afternoon gtVKFYPUC63VIilY6n number from here attended the Simcoe Presbytery YPU spring convention in Cookstown Saturday and Sunday At Guelph Convention Gordon Riley Allan and Ted Houghton attended the Junior Farmers church scrvice at the conference in Guelph on Sunday Ted Houghton remained as dele gate from TecWeGwill Junios my AN EXAMiNEn WANT AD PHONE 2414 light and Flexible turnout The only All Hand sew LEATHER CASUAL made Please and the BLUE TAN CAMEL BROWN AAAAAAAA AA Exclusively Shovin oore RED st lhkya nus UNBELIEVABLE nrru WHEN YOU PURCHASE ANY 1953 rttcrmc RANGE Twat absolutely extra cost this 13 leete NESCO Stainless Steel Kitchen regal Previously sold on home not demonstration only at This beautiful Nesco Stainless Steel tchenware Set valued at $10875 features dozinpigauekmsrommEonksiondinimomjacekc over low heat never needs polishing wont rust or tarnish so easy to clean convenient hookon Heat resistant handles Youll wonder how you ever gotalong with out this amazing kitchenware before MORE BEAUTY MORE FEATURES Molt CONVENIENCE MORE out The allnew Gurney Electric Rangeis the finest most practical available in ciaaaa today It features amongst many other improvements thc famous Gurney Even Heat oven And every Gurney Range is KITCHENTESTED for flawless operation year after year See these beautiful ranges see this ultramodern Nesco Stain less Steel Kitchenware Set Youll ge Wuinely amazed at this unbelievab treatable value STOVES may