Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1953, p. 2

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is dire shortage of clergy in this There harbour the need to mum country the speaker warned incite the standard of security of the delegates war days but despzte that our pg After short service in the 19 4inlgasoyiijfdmdpmd we liille church which has served these are mizon 1o fare ess llrlsli descendants of the Protestantleafh 99k in 13gt now than in On importance lfaiih since 185 the delegatesgmiv imoved into the parish hall wherci mm tau on our work lgt tContmued from page one mnmeous supper was served byCanddd 513 if Lu mos sirexgu amsmur Anglican Deanery memory 1230 if it and his family to infection in doing the Womans Auxiliary The busti 995 inch mi it so it mekcs professional callss ness of the meeting was conducted 59 hpmfga If on the poor and rich young and by the Dean of South Simroc Rev zlmwrf 2fiie old With the assistance of laymen ll Herbert Alliston lie called my gm 0d 01 if Dancing every Friday night Been sea reg fly 83833 it MugIan use seer iii 55 it is as It asses flirt it 00 3232 00 News 333388 Dilution Army Prelude To Dinner hm norm Report Eddy Arnold Show Voich Born Centennial Chronicle esseeeii 0000 1105 iii Nciuhbar use Non nudism 1130 Round Up Time IIBAY 1200 Munon mm mm until tilt in of of 1230 Time Sin 1230 New 100 Bulletin Board Loo Perm Future 10 Bottom erther no Kit Tune Gospel Sinker You Like It Sentiments Mood iiospitol show New Boron Wheeler Moke 1t Keyboard Console 00 Moonllzht MerryClo 1115 CAMYEllI my Ibo ii 30 lien Hoodliau 1130 Round nme HWY 1200 luncheon lam Round 15 Sport ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Bowden Cookstown RR announce the en gagement of their daughter Shir ley Lillian Amelia to AC Hall RCAF Rockcliffe Ottawa formerly of Vancouver the mar ridge to take place in May one room mums Canadians are the worlds great est telephone talkers 378 telephone conversations per person in 1951 FLORENCE FREEMANA native Manhattanin and mother of three children lormcc plate the starring role olEllcn in Young Widtlcr Brown MomFri 115 RM on CFRB Mm 1200 New 11mm Wet thor Temp Tim Illle man until 63031311 0n Round Solution Army 50 Prelude To Dinner 55 Market Report PM Mr Mills 170 Kempcnfelt Drive is celebrating his lOlst birth day May All friends are cord ially invited to drop in for visit and tea Mrs Raikes and Mrs Whyte attended the Alumnae Re union of the Margaret Eaton School at Falconer Hall in Toronto last Saturday Mr and Mrs Caldwell re turned home on Saturday morning from their trip to Western Canada which was much enjoyed Mr and MrsAndrew Cumming and Mrs and Mrs Lloyd Cumming attended Conyocation in Queens Theological College Kingston where Ivan Cumming graduated on April 24 Town Council Have Lengthy Discussion Various Business Continued from page one done to part of the building and $35 to clothing The matter was re ferred to town insurance represent ative for settlement The Dcpartmeni of Highways ad v15cd that the amount approved for highway expenditure had beenmee duced from $76925 to $63000 as approved bythe Minister of High wayngn motionrof Greer Smilh this was referred to the TOWn En ginecr The Barrie Chamber of Commerce askedthat they be advised ahead of time regarding any holidays be JULIE STEVENS star of The Romance of Helen Ircrit Julie at her first juicy nrtqinma Bream louder tum anyone else llcar Julio in The Romance of Helen Trout lllonFri 145 MionvCFRB maliter referred mv uv yond the regular in order that IVMu 92 lllrl ate with manufacturing firms This in request was acceded to by motion in council The Chamber of Commerce zllso coe Coty Womeris Institute for rest room facilitiesin Barrie The communication was referred to the Finance Committee Needed repairsto the Mar Building were discussed and the to the Finance Committee Consideroble discussion took place upon the Central Mortgage and Housing negotiations and it was NA EAWKIMQllldlng woman mmmentotorulus newbusiness lm it this aa beauty jam ttiido Toronto Hear Mrs ithjlnlest news 700 Fri and 1130 AM finally decided to proceed at once with this Department of Planning and evelopmem project This is for 25 ouses to be erected on New ton Street Some uncertainty seemed to ex lSl regarding the full detail of the plan but it was explained that it is essential to open negotiations first The matter had already been explained by Mr Kinnear of the Department On motion of Bibby Kinzie it was decided to proceed without further delay Reeve Smith claimed that Coun cil was not fullyinformed on the detailof the last project and point4 ed out matter of tax loss on 50 houses built of $3307 also need of readjustment on gsidowalk con struction costs lie stated that an additional $550 per month was needed to bring the rate up to firm standard At this point Alderman Harris asked Mayor Hart direct Were you outborizedtosign any agree ment and His Worship as frank ly replied Noand added that in his opinion the matter should stand oVerwas it was not complete in de tall This was suppovted by Alder man Bibby who thought the Council should take another look at the wholejhing Cleuk Barrand way in sir ted to secure further informer plan etc without delay Later however itwas decided to proceedatnonce ancat first moved 5ihe possible complication oftrofg lie on Hayfield Street at RobeSirget was pointed out by Deputy Reeve Greer andlie also covered the traf fth problems liker to result in thotrarea Arequest from the Barrlemme Department following their agree meat to participate in demon titration in Old Home Week for loan 0153600 to cover the some to be repaid if donetlo are received to cover woe mooted on motion of Bibby OD Williams on item of increasein salaries to officeItalic was approved and Bong with vocalist lOlfW which arose irl inall Smithvliinzlc Was mus ion Arena Ball to music by Max Dance at Baxter FridayMay to the music of Paxtons CKBB Hayloft Party Danclng from 930 to 130 8llfW Dance at Guthrie Community Hall Friday May Music by Tom Pattendena Orchestra Admission 50c Lunch counter 50 Mixed dancing every Friday and Saturday night at Pine Crest Ad mission 50c Music by Mac Jones and his Heptones 41Wth Rummage sale St Andrews Presbyterian Church lecture hall Owen and Worsley Sts Saturday May Doors open am 50 Central United Glee Club Con cert Croighurst Hall Friday May 830 pm Ausptces St Johns WA Admission 50c and 25c 4950 Old tyme and modern dancing in Allandzle Orange flail every Friday night slartin at pm Admission 50 cents Olefreshments served 100th Dance to Calgary Range Riders in Bond Head Memorial Hall Fri day May Round and square dancing Admission 75c Lunch counter 50 The Ministers Aunt musical comedy Angus United Church May 830 pm by Central United Glee Club Admission 50c and 25c Auspiccs WA 50 Benet Dance McMaster Fam ily Orange Hall Thornton May Admission 50c Lunch counter Donations may be left at McQuays Thornton Crawford Cookstown Beattys Orchestra 50 Spring Music Festival by pupils of Township of West Gwillimbury Paul McKelveySupervisor of Mu stc Bond Head Community Hall Friday May 15 830 pm Admis sron35c Children free 5053 Orillln Motor Show Friday and Saturday May and at the Orillia Community Centre Many special features including Byng Whitteker and Baby Bee on Sat urday morning only Admission 25c and 50c 50 The annual meeting of the Plot Holders of St Davids Church Cem etery Everett will be held in the Church Monday May at pm large attendance is desired to help assure increase of improve ment in the care of the cemetery 5052 be the centre of interest durin Old Home Week The matter wai referred to the FinanceCommittee on mo ion Ei Willi Clute mm and The longstanding question of building permit to the owners of Robmdale Inn was discussed communication from the Town Planning Board was received in this connection giving advice as re ceived ifromfith Town solicitor game and covering the situation 1950 with the stop ping of the extension contract be cause of no permit He pointed out thatas the main building had been in constant use throughout since then complication arises if per mit application is refused or ne glected and practically advised that permit be isued 99 Am and alderman Paddison which was carried it was decided that the budding permit to Robindale Inn be refused Commont rnby Reeve Smith was lhnl iLlIiLAlct was cc iveprove it curt else fold up request from De Luxe Taxi for permission to erect sign in con nection with twoway radiu em on the building which they occupy was granted with the usual compliance with town regulations Ts we do not claim to be Barriofs BIGGEST or sMnunsr OLDEST or NEWEST car dealer At Corbyswe dont claim to give you anythingbut fair deal Check our used cars and trucks for prices andconditlon FORDS rourlAcs curvs yourcxs Moukncus Donors PLmoTrrus Cc by to kill girl in his zcliool play and he wants you hojha to loll him bawl and on motion of Greer and liar ris was carried communication from Mr Jones regarding the transforming of Nel son Square into an attractive park or gore was referred to the Pro perty Committee vote of thanks was extended on behalf of Council to the Central United Church for the service held there on April 26 Alderman Willard Clutc who is taking in the hockey series in the West was made official reprosenl alive for the Town of Barrie plan foranuexing section of Vespra which has been under ne gotiation was given consideration and various problems regarding possible Public Utilities School ctc talked over The area suggested is bounded by Highway 400 in the west on the south by the north side of road marked side roadi between town lots 25 and 26 on the east by the centre of Anne Street and north by centre of Perry Street On motion of SmithGreer the of fer of Vespra was accepted as space is needed for business extension On motion of GrccrSmlth it was authorized that tenders be asked for at once for construction of sanitary sewer and for surface treatment to streets motion of Harris Williams was that the town engin eer secure report of all damage done to sidewalks during the past two years by reason of construc tion trucks with heavy loads trac tors ctc passing over them said report to furnish information which might lead to recovery of costs of repairs The motion failed to carry town lot at the end of Gunn street which has been an eyesore mas broughtto often on of Coun oil by Alderman Spring and will be graded and cleaned up Near the close of late session Bylaw 1841 for sewer on Eugenia Street was given thirdsreading and passed An engineering firm has been engaged to draw up plans for the addition to the present sewage sys tem yq CW Of the approximately 325 em ployees of the CPR at Port Mc Nicoll only 127 less than onethird live in that village pointsout Wil ployee who has just completed Survey Of the 127 on theSS As smiboia land SS Keewutin he lspid only 27 live in Port McNic bll Employment on the two lake cruisers increases in the summer months METEORS Mrkcunvs runs 7I=onof rurgrtuzrrortALs soups cm HFORNKW9NS fMAssEYvmlli 0le M0 it FARGOS lt Donors GMcs MERCURYS ALlilSCHAOMERsg Yoda voltmuoumcu om normal Steele at all No it Runner DIVERT LAKE FREIGHTERS With seven large lakers bound for buy ports from the head of the lakes CSL officials state that large number of them will be di verted from Midland to the CPR elevator at Port McNicoll because the Midland Longshorcmcns Asso ciation apparently is not willing to provide sufficient unloading staff We waited four hours for Midland longshorcmcn to show up to un load the Prescott last Saturday morning Iicndrickson told The Free Press Herald The Gaspe Peninsula of Quebec was widely known in pioneer liter aturc as Gaspcsia he runs the business of the parish superintending the repairs and up keep of the church He deals with the problems of hisiparishioners their debts family troubles alcoc liolism delinquency and unemploy ment Besides this he must preach sermon once or twice Sunday as well as attend to other church duties duties He must attend and assist to organize all church groups and is frequently called on to serve on civic committees The congrdgm lion also expect the ministers wife to devote large portion of her time to the parish services After considering the foregoing we could not help but admit that the clergy should receive their portion of just wage and in com parison with their hours and abil ity it was felt that the following scale should prevail outside of To ronto initial salary $2400 in 1952 after five years $3400 and ten years experience or over $4400 These recommendntions include rentfree rectory and do not in clude car allowance which shodld be in addition Rent free rectory would mean that the rector would pay his own fuel wafer and light bills This average is reached on the basis that the amount by which the previous stipends were below average just stipend is one that permits the rector to live normal life without having to worry ovcr raising his family and educating his children Shortage of Clergy Unless the members of the church realize that they must pay just wage there will be churches that will have to be closed as there These are only part of his on Archdeacon Dr Light boum rector of Shanty Bay to address the group The Archdea con told the delegates of his pleas me at being appointed to the oft ice and that he was still trying to nd out just what his duties word Hon Waller Harris Al liberal Rally Alliston Arena tContiuucd from page one the Korean conflict and setback was necessary due to defence ex penditures Now the highway was being constructed through agree ments with the provinces Mr Harris pointed to the cone tinned activities of the Liberal government in cxtcnding social sc curity There tvurc old age pen sions at 70 with no means test and federal government support for pensions from 65439 in cooperation with the provinces Concerning housing Mr Harris said this problem also had been of fcctcd by the Korean trouble Re strictions were necessary because building materials were needed for strategic defences Despite this he stated through government aid 81 000 houses were built in 1948 90 lhousandin 1949 91 thousand in 1950 Now we are going ahead in specdcdup effort to get more hous ing he said and the government intends to look after the needs There hasbeen continued effort by younggovernment to reduce the public dtbt and at the some time to work for peace in lhe world sunparalieied expansion in Canada have no doubt that in fen our population will be more 2133311 doubled with greater pros Eperny and security them ever nursrov TAX RATE one mill drop in Allistons tax rate to 14 mills was decided upon bv town council at its April meet ulg The imp in rate was made possible by 258 drop in the high hool levy and debenture charges ilhc general levy covering expen liltlltS controlled by council is up 104 mills rrnsr summon First steamboat on the MlSSlSSlp pi the Virginia went 729 miles up river in 1823 rnssu smwnnur sunnnr 25c LUNCH AT llllYSONS lCE CREAM CANDY 22 DUNLOP STREET WEST PHONE 4562 Mommy Wouldnt Trade Mebut shell sure getrid of our old Washing Machine at $4950 Tradein AlloWance For Your Old Electric Washer rsf Age or Condition ioNENORMALYEARS SUPPLYOF oxvnoLorTIDE wilemu IWRWSE xx cuoosE m1 Easy Dreamliner with pump Model Regular Value 8950 Easy Dreamlier with pump Regular Value 19950 PEAS It limitvol AVALABLE WillSolomons mm intended means wow ammo 20959 The factory expansion it brought you thegreot Simulator Washer45 Proved thowdldn nest realignment Aptiqxftsm euelvorpalonled design telnet proved in thousands of home or Easy Dreamliner with and timer Regular Values any Washbigiluachineoompony for ougfhe Busy Splralator Spindryl mother steal SpecialPrice offer out lSIIirtIlnlor lurid ovations in the new Easy Washer

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