Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1953, p. 16

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OHA Junior CZ Championship To COIIingwood CoopImCoIebmte 60th II VI III m9 AMMMVY Apr Baton World Pmttrhllty with daily rou tlnh ml to bed and early to rm to hip in ma lonnv kids It all 3r Main St Moo alter this prcwrlptlon for living to healthy old no no he mutton tllrt your ol marriage IL the In ol ncvcr mind the cum tollowr buxlncu and have been good to my ncighborg Mr Lotta Ilw Itldcd as smoke swirled from ht crooked xtcm pipc as he reclined in in crux chair when The World called on Sunday to vltllt hp and Mix Lctts congratulations Mr and Mrs Lcttr cclcbratcd tho tiltunond nnnivcrrary oi thctr trcddlttg day abthclr homo hcrc on Sunday And our of tho mom to inarltublc Morris of thclr annlvcr saryto thc twn oclogcnnrlnni won the act that ncnrly thrcc hundrodt Irlcnd and nctghbors had callch during the line sptlngllko day to otlcr congratulations turning the gthSL bctng tho lion llztrl Room Ml or Duitctinsnncoc Both oi English pmcntagc Miami Lctts tit was born In orkshlrcl and Mr lctls tit wax born In Iloldrnby Lotlac tn Northamni ion the molly hontc for Oil yvur and In which Kim hntlclx it was lockch up Inriotc hIx cxccntton rhott dutanvc from his tnnvntnl homo stood Loni tltttdons nstlcl and trout this statcly ltutttt thcroi vas tnnncl qttnltrtdtttlr lutth to the church through which Lord Cttltdon turd to pass to go to worr ship Thc couplc cnlnc to Canada llll their pairing at no cnrly ago and wctc niarricd at livrrctt on April t9 mild by ttcr tr Lynch lhc bridcsnmld him Mnry lultord and thc gtxmrnunnn trlltnin tolc Shortly aitcr thcir nniirmgc Mr and Mn hells took up rcsldcncc in Snult Sic Man1c Ont vhcrc Mr Lctls liclpcd tnttld tho pulp null Six ycarc latcr thcy mover to Manitoulin Inland vhcrc thcy farmcd or 20 yonrr ln 1918 they rcturncd to Eccrctt and tlvc years hitcr moved to north halt ot lot to Cthcslotl it lccninscth Il tltcy rcsldcd until moving to Doc ton and taking up rcstdcncc thcw Couscrvotlw Lcadcr Otta prcrent for the happy occasion on Sundial Both Mr rad Mn Lem arc In txccllcnt herlth Mr Lens ha ne vc ctnblc Ind ower gardcnl which greatly admiin during the summer monthl He spends nll ht limo in that garden Ind prides himch In growing potatocs which are tunally at lame vtulety Mrs Lotti llkm to manna herown kit chcn and soc about tho daily household rouilrw in In ctllclont manner The couple spent the past winter months with their daugh tcr Mn Connors in St Cathorlncs Among the blgacst thrlle oi lhclr anniversary cclrbtutlons was cablc rccetrcd from Qucctt lthzn bcth ll scnttlnu llcr Majcrtya worm congratulntions and good vlshcs to tho cottplr on their din mond wedding tiny Mctxngcs wcrc aso rcccirrd from Prime Mlttistrr Louis St LnuIcnt Rev Downer Mll of Dutitroon ltltll lion ttcoruc wn Ihc Irovtucc ot Ontario arm ttclllttullltll to tho couple Sigurd by tho provincial NCHIM Arthur tclslt It rcnrls Mny cxtcntl to you on bcltnll of thc gnvcrnmcnt ot thc prorlncc of tntnrto Itcnrl Irst congrutulottonx on your titltlt nodding nnnivcisnry nnd wish that you may both cnjoy turthor nnm ttallth in good hcnltli nnd lmppiI new Among lhc tlowcr rocoivcd wcrc lrtcnds and Nclghtiors of thc 7th Lino chumsoth lion and Mrs Earl ltowc Lot No tilt Mount Armtt Mr and Mrs Bell Mrs Gcorgc tTolc nnd inm Ily Allistotl lhc Grnndchildrcn llccton llorticnllnrnl Socicty and lille Myra tnllwin Including the mnny tufts rcccirg cd by Mr and Mrs lclts was at tnuuc money from St lnnlsl Anglican Church litany cards were aho rrcclvcd from tricnds tnd ncighbon ion was sorvcd in thc nttcri noon and owning to ncnrly 300 visitors andMn faintly dtnncr vnsi mum at night at which ltl rclnI tlvcs nnd Irlcnds sat down lth 0lllNGtt0tD inurwsntnrs rcccntly copped their fourth successlvc OHA Junior championship and thc 13th Ontario hockey tltlc tllllltd by local teams The 19r253 champions shown nrc Front row left to right Louis Foubcrt Bill Kirk Bnrrlc Gcrry Rnwn Don llndson Jimmy Burrctt Jimmy Collins an Walker Mouth Govcrinncnt figures indm nthiit lns ycnr tho Ontario asparagus pnckcd throughout the country lltlllTON April 27 Clt Mk tablc was ixwtotnlly irrarntcd with IlNmIgt 74 cont of thc o8 IMobilc Denis oers hy IR MM whttc lllltll cloth ccntrcd with 393 NW Ilwmlm crght years 130 Both inc tttttttbctst hm mnml CM and hm mum is mum in autumn Service On CNR Lines Lust ctr crotvrtxun this proi of St Pauli Anglican Church Thcy havc family of thrcc tcnndlcs RCV It Cooke proposed llltl IIIICI 3de 1mm 70 HTS III islcnittcnnt nmonnls arc British ontano IS ICttltltllblll and Qucbcc saidMr Top Grower of pitch was 2604000 cults llounce or cqntvnlontl oi the 3543000 cnns dentists office on whcclsvn 31 Second row Eddie Bush coach Ray Crew Albert Walm slcy Royce Leonard Gary Parrish Ron McMillan Robert Bush manager Third row Greg Taylor assistant trainer Pete Hudson Ron Cain Merv Smith Clarc Robinson Charlie Edwards Barrie John Hill Charles Sandell Jr trainer athnto by Dcscon Colllmzwood ICambodian Royalty tPIeased By Canadian rGovemmcnt Recognition prince oi faroff land Cam bodin and his countrys ambassa Vdor to the United States Nong INimny passed through the Cana ltlllln National Railways Central gStntiou at Montreal without so much as passing glance from bustling Montrealers Princo Norodom rst cousin of the King of Cambodia and the am bagsador arrived there to greet their King His Majesty Norodom Sihanouk who is presantLy making an unofficial tour of Canada His Excellency Nong Nimny said he was pleased that the Can adian Govcrmnent has recognized his country protectorate of French lndoChina as nation and saidthis was the rst time AgWM NEW Can These Specials Last These cars have been coming down $10 per day for more than week and will con tinue to do so until sold Dont wait too long the car you want may be soldloday 1950MEIIE0R $1300 in until Lill daughtch and tnrcc sons Mm 035 to the bride and groom which I33 CV05 cf the kuztlhblc con Ckmmhd Sltklmg 03Wlll 01 BNTIShAmerlcan any member of the Royal Family l0onnoi$ ttrcrtruncl St allitwns Illlttuzly mph by unmmg trnctcd for procrscors throughout to $00000 in equipment is now mk Cambodian Government had antics Mm Harry Noble Nclliotl Lou 0f um MN Eurmvm tho country according to on can trnvclling the lines of the Cnnn ever been Canada homo Mn Hamid Watson mobs rendered bmimmll rlysisoi gnvcrnmcnt ncrcngo Ilg dinn National Railways in north Be re orted his gummy is 10 utdal Athlonc Harold oi Tilltlltllhtlls Youll thor tnlk llotto T93 ll II I1I Nootc Canadian crn Ontario providing dental carc cated sogtlwast of Siam the home Erwin and Ernie oi Berton lhcrcI and Loto You Tumu turonomm for tho llltlldll Fan to school children in isolated ICOdfP 9339 mm of 4000000 Cambodiansin total are grandchildrcn and 20 gmatI Mrs Game S1 and Connmny llLin LplIQbIC 3mm 0mm 00 hnd miea of 76 000 uare miles grandchildrcn and two sets of our Gcnrgo Colo 0f Arm Wmde lho only orhrr trcns whore 35 dlttou The Committee prcsents rm water sh rice qmbmr an iterations All the family wch too during tho afternoon and New pardons or pvoccssingI is grown in CALL THE EXAMINER FOR millilglifanalls 011th Sllgftutlt gm are the Chief exports of mp MWWWWMWMM mwnn crs some cr ctsm rt tams extravagant domestic policies munm he add wcrc nssistcd by Mixscs Dorothv IR lwlitch it contends have led to in BRiGHTR SIDE Watson 303 and xnmm Lcuc en IMIIOII Too often newspapers headline Marjorie Frcctnnn IElimbcth Dibbu lt1 lt and ltuth Coons Mix lidroldl W0 mists flsnoglilndghtyhfn ieglssiolflehiecagiggi 02 Etltllltl Ernw Lotts in needed investmcnts and its Impression that all our youth are ctr urcns LI prod uvcnile delin ucnts But seldom do Mrs Erwin Lctts mud MDT Ernie Hero is nicssagc tor thosc Imlure III hm IIS IRIS mark and mid ake we see headlines when our eo Lle 31 lo d0 nhn llco in city apartments but mum lricnds and iclntivcs wore prcs drcntrt ot the country buy the solutionisuggtsted in ms con Idertaking The public speaking out trout Alliston Cotilrstotrn ot carton trncaiincs andmnttlzc mm I5 Itllhmtt Maltlo and St Cdtharinn xnrlicn motion of tho iicwsphperf II Fawn ls mud mm new 50mm of laSt Weeks mus fer stve trade and nancial rcla tivalgavc us an idea of what these mnorldlrlnglnd THEYWIL rRFF 0115 between BUN and the game young people beheve gum or Cmmnweauh me think about and hope to do AT nusrur normm sellingmorn The ole participate in some worthy un nr interest in gardening is dccp scntcdgand you will bc hat weather out like in solarmsmtam Remuniended tortiummcr collagen ltalllogSlding Cedarand In Kirkland Lnlcc 20 Boy Scout am learning lirvt aid tindcr tho llllllC ltStllt STlltlll Alltlllltl Group of 20 Scouts is lcnrning tirc lighting methods from local firm Tho groom inrc working to II II 533303 Similar courscs trinity sponsored by Civil Dcfcncc nuth in number of other centres mw cosrLv Mmomnt The Lincoln Memorial in lntnmnc Park Jashington DC clcdicntocl in tall cost sternum Noam man Lira ngfgfga In SHAW DISTRICT mint Dunlap St l7 Barrie wanton use mum vacuumi choir nun cannons 31 run SIquOR runs warm an 191 ram 5153on in plOJIS tram vnn $100 Swami on it Wm Emhtotiom and to inches wide is good size owers shouldb chosen to hm timing maripnlds orgmam cal pirt it can be singled limo you thoinzht amut the pixxsibil awkwardth$1r3certmmricnrvaiwrmixmwm More is the he of garden which ovcryonc can grow when or ho lives in suburb or city It will $crvc two purposes rst to decorum rehouse mu mm and what is chn moo important it will sntisb to Stttptlsing do grcc your dcsirc to grow thitms Ttllm arc being taken by Scouts To get this satisfncdim you must give serious attwtinn to se lecting the plants to grow pro paring tcrtitc porous soil and it pits sihh growing your own plants It will he on oxccllcnt beginning to mnhc your own window box which can easily liftione from the dia gram herewith For smmisrd single whidmr box 812 toot long inches deep But ntcasurc Iynur windows and make boxes to Whore larger or multiple windows demand greater length the other dimer slons must be larger in propor tion or single tinch may he poo vidcd for each window in group Thuilt of the box as rearm tion of the house make it of suitablc sire and color to insto 3an 55 the house color or trim To FittED new SILL cEStQED nigh contrasting vet immigranti mun dunmg nth ex 0115 color accent There IS at Rf In wealth of suitable varieties ire1114330153 3mm pugs when States more secure aclt cos for British industry to the Amrmxmkctp$lgteakrn sense of security for American incesturs in Britain and other parts of the Commonwealth these obvious truths home to the economists and politicians of the Geraldlon Ont Times Star gmcobpssznusmgwg The buildings of Kings College Cambridge were planned by enry IV in his youth in United States Even between those two wars there were times when mcrican politicians thought they could get along very well withoth Britain and that the preservation of the British Commonwealth was no attair of theirs Indeed they Eirequently spoke and acted as the British Empire were nuisance and hindrance the United States and should be sanded Criticism in the Amer pggx for example was large responsible for the secession of with the disruptive consei sun cotan T0 Our Registered Warehouse No It WESTON ONTARIO Reliable Grading Direct Settlement Shlxzpers may obtain shirts and twine vithdntcbuge from SPENCER Thornton THOS BOWMAN stronti onbyl writing direct to IECLBS in that country and the WVE wool earmarks Lumen V217 Bay Street Toronto Cum which to choose tilwart morningglories phlox and Richzymlpol the 151s wmchrimiias centre groan orists rallvpotting soil must bail Sages which spend mcstIoi the used or window bows Because 17133 in shade rie Special pm then is so little oi itto rend TlhEIllfln if the shade is that oi rl flowers it should be Well Talit perhaps only infringe hard Atablaspooulul of chemical Iplams can be mm such plant load for can square rooiltcms tam hired catadimns tilsoil should be mad For the mutual bis at least ora mirij Six biting 311 11 is times if then is some sun begcriias army and this Rumors youth still probably do well Importing tndon The best subjects mature Zanzibar balsam bearing those of or trailing hZIItLIISOWETS of salmon or rose our the latter drooping tenuous plants 13 hatches trail blmm from the ham Petmasi excellent in marshaded places in the balcony we are ameliorate Wolds thrive in shade as are the tall msmmns andtthe list Eloan which will gammamung glories litwart peldo well incmascslas the amount cdszm is winged rottQNro rActttERsI cOLIEGE Vrnrwumri Iwosm W5 cart or cood it cling to anilzmnm hchools cat 011 First Class tour cweriili in Wnlid in the 761132111431 etching is tvm Emplsoptnabc ill thick thwcr booklet bhc llilczmrmttary Sawmills of Ontario lmi rm perm st Academic mama tor mart Scanning in vsght Grade Xllll paperg Ehlll rd whttJljr shall the English Cormpnsition that are dintm Secondary Submit Gmwratr Diplomat cat the General Course Ihwkmmve now being tycmttuctftt by titreComm mtilllitt oil Swrmdmimnuot Siodcmts interim miiatmg Who Emmas College We name by the Emmott School will the known mm item stnnuitd 231119337 om untitrwrcw through the midtown oil their 3me1 whorl ohm Wtumtsnxhcnd to innlawsuit zitnotions rubber giants and timer coming For interior and exterior surlaccs with variety of 1322 shades any fm pt enamel gloss paint semkglcdss velvet lustre or Tm flat lt7 cm MORRISON IsunworthyOndSuntestefdl mmnnmm WALLPAPERS Set The Complete Range it 01 New kittensand Colors

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