Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1953, p. 15

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SHANTY BAY BLONDIE rue man mm mustnt mo 29 um th Pr Card rm gt uan semantics gate TM 70 we as THESE SWWS MCmricfi my services on any 24 under the teadershq of Angus Ross The congregation of Dittiean church are ilrVJth ilrtltia on Mummy May when ge us and evange use 3cm condone1 lrixc Winners at Store Reopening tr saw more impressive by the Lcs xi assurtniaxl of colored shown mode ct transpurv icupitltln of peopiv Lac thanked lightiul 545 194 and 1w won by llcien le Mrs Fit any tub Meeting of chocolate in Llr its people 34 My Am Cut 11 gt pot of beans TOTTENHAM Daylight Saying Tune 131131 with our clocks Mr and Mrs Morsi 111Is were recon uni Mrs Harry Ktlitl xing AA mm LJa5 iywj onto Dwmifmyg on Liv Take Imultltcn Home lt onccrt Lizio from guM ilgnt was pros nlf Simz tends to Silllilt III action on more bi PAY All Your bills OW This year thrwaut comedy Cilllllttl ic Minzst Aunt the first out being tho czimr proctor in prcpar Tatum for the induction of the new iministcr with the sucond act br ying limiting party and the lllllfl ithc climax in strawberry festi v1l lhc pillycl rc to be con gialulutcd on their line pcrform liltict especially the two young la ctes who on short notice due to 2illness took over loading parts Evciyono enjoyed the music pru iII the form vidcd by tho Gough sisters before and also at an intermission as well chlcn Smcthurst and solos by EL as the two delightful solos by Mrs WITH NIAGARA IOAN Need3100$50081000 or more Come to Niagara Finance for quick friendly loan Spread small pay ments over many months Loans to $1000 are lifein sured for your protection at no extra unt to you YOU PAY $5 FOR MANY FRIENDLY LOANS Om thou ovendollar Mvmcnl plun Monthly nyrnunt No of hygnh IAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LID The Wilson Building BAERIE Post Office Sq Ph 5533 An AllCanadian Company In our 60 titlu Ecklund Aurora turva tOANS ssssss rairuoirioms 33ml don Tuck with his whistling num bers always enjoyed to the fullest Large Crowd Sec Hockey Game attended the hockey game on Sat 11rday night in Barrie when Allis ton Seniors defeated the Stroutl Bruins Sorry toreport that Mrs Fred Ncss is patient in the hospital Weekend Visitors Visitors during thTFyvcckend in cluded Mr and Mrs Ruth ven of Alliston at Nelsons Mr and Mrs Willoughby Mr and Mrs Keenan Willoughby at Nor nanWilloughby5 Smyth and Elwin with Sutherland and Hands Mr and Mrs with Mr and Mrs Bert llIulhollamd Presbyterian Anniversary The choir of the Presbyterian Church are practising for anniver IulWuutu Gun ct Scinnco mm It VIIruin from Fit vimr Inn 01ml Latin Irilliim an 70 at In um 110 wire II diamond Vlnln an FREE continua IANVA SEES DEPT Yuan Timur LouvAIR be held sari1 Mrnn 1101111 Connercinl Residentiiil AGENT FOR McCLARY FURNACES 145 murmur 31 Special Attention to Ventilation ltullnti Exhaust uncut 2595 mm mufk cunusvnur ionyoutsil be hostess Mrs James Dor at Ottawa before takmg pustuig to Mutz France in August Iii vzfc the former follow him to Europe short is posting Mr and Mrs Holock Toronto spent the past weekend with Mr and Mrs Thomas Barnett Ir Miss Audrey Rood Toronto sprnt Sunday with hp aunt Mrs lou lll Return From Florida Mr and Mrs Magluugl returned lust vcck from months stay in Floridd Mrs Thomas Barnett Sr Friday in Toronto our spun Shower For BridcToBc Miss Betty McCaoc entertained number of friends to slurvcz It the home of Mrs Purdue on Friday cvvuiitg st ill in or bxidctobc Miss Anne Kiss Bridge Club Turkey Dinner The Senior Bridge Club licld iturkcy dinner at the home of Mrs ill Walkcm on Tuesday ing last This was the dual togctltcr ral thc smison Mrs Walter Hurbcrt entertained number of ladies to bridgc party on Friday cvcning last LLll Lkl Minstrel Show In Schombcrg numbcr from here 111st for the Minstrel Show put on by tho United Church Choir in the Town Hall The efforts by those taking part are to be grcatly com plimcntcd The proceeds are It aid of fund being raiscd to buy Mrs Campbell and laughter Veda of Toronto spent day rc ccntly with her son William Camp bcll onto were in town Saturday last Mrs William Cranston has been until her mother who is ill at her home in Adjuxi Mr and Mrs James Tough went as far as Toronto on Sunday withi their daughter Mrs Barbara Knight and family who were ru turmng to Indiana News of in St Jude Service will be held at pm each wgllQCJMLlllllg1Mllrw WwdvLsitcdrelativcshere on Sundays St Judes WA will meet in the basement on Tussdoy May 5at ti pm Mrs William Grcepacre will Mr and Mrs Bernard Jobbitt and Ruthie Toronto visith recently at Jamicsons Miss Patrick and Kathie Pat rick Aurora and Jim Pcucack lo ronto spent the weekend at Pcacocks Trinity Church Meeting The May meeting of Trinity Uu ited Church will be held on Wed nesday May at Mrs Garry Wil sons Transportation will be or ranged M13 Harvey Gordon returned home at the end of the week from Toronto where she was with her daughter Lauretta patient in the General HCEpiiai Mr and Mrs AngusCampJell were in Niagara Falls for the wack motored to Schomborg on Friday cvoniug new clcctric organ for the church Mr and Mrs Jack Wicc Tor wm Anglican Church on Sunday May at pm the United Church of Canada It have sic hnpc mun lllt Cubbs Toronto aicl llel Mrs Fuwkcs Guild Meeting 12 of tho Guild lnnuiv Taylors ill Itzcrc vcrc llltlllllt ll mn uuvst pres li OI 11 Womans 11 uild on lin llllillt towards 1ng wlotzm for thc dun uitcd sum of the aural llr hex hold at Mrs Home Again Mrs Incillv Rtibtll5lll Iclurrwri to our zllzigc Welcome luunu Ms llobcrwon Miss Lois llob mu mu at Ottawa Civic ling is has now for vccks Mr and Mrs Russell Handy vis 1cl friendsin Putorboro last wcck Bridal Shower shower was bold in Shanty Buy Cunuuuniti Hall on Friday Piui 24 tor Mk tiul Iz1ck llcnsun who will be mur vied in May Jack is the son of Mr and Mrs r1 ilcnson former rcxidcms of tziitty Bay The mas for of ccrcntoniis for the evening jwns Dr Liuhtbourn wh0 intiodtzccd tto guests of honor and 131 lid Illtlll in iiii place of houor and Una opened their presents and then titzutkcd the guests who vcrc presan itcrwards lunch was SIcli gy inc ludim followch by danco to rccord music Visits Parents Miss Dorothy Emms nurse at the Orilliu Soldiers Memorial Hos pilul risked her parents Mr and Mrs Emms last weekend 1710th dent of the Toronto Conference of Mr and Mrs Frank Longhurst Mr and Mrs Burttand Chester St Marys along with Mr imd Mrs Purzicil Carr called on Mrs klilligan Barrie during vii nu her 11mmch Mrs Robertson at their home hcrc Una Mac Stacy MUGGS last weekend Boakc was in Toronto on Monday on business Hilliard Jamicson who has been visiting his sister in Toronto has returned home again Mrs Seymour Kcll Churchill was the special WMS speakcr at Trinity Church last Sunday morn ing Hydro Man Here 1cp1esentativc of the Hydro was in the village on Monday April 30 to do some checking up and to receive some information to which hewas entitled He knew his busi ncss 0n receiving the answers to few questions he was quitc pleased and thankful for coopera tion and to find that he was dcal end visiting Mrs Carr at Dr Mac Fieldings Mrs Eb Harriq Barrie is visiting her daughter Mrs Vernon Jen nett and at hefsons Cecil Harris Rev Doggett Newmarket was recent visitor at WJ Boakes Allandale Land at Elvin Peatsous Those who can should avail them Solvcscf the opporturiitty of attend ingetheWGTUconvention in Cooks town United Church on Wednssday of this week Tecvening Pmkel und ing with honest people who ac cording to the proper reading of the motors were paying their cor rect Hydro dues promptly Mr and this Ellis and daughters Charlotte andrrBrendtrr accompanied by MrandMrs Elvin Pearson and Joan spent recent weekend at Delhi with Mr and Mrs Lorne Grey ROOM AT THE TOP One more short term of school another graduating class will be ready to face the business world Unfortunately many of them will start out withthe idea that the world owes thcmra liv ing There will always be room at the top for those who are willing to work and think and have the courage to face their problems squarely Stanstead Que Journal TRY EXAMINER Minkrind Sindee To Wosagclnth Starts Sunday April 26 Leave Barrie To Wasaga Beach 1045 am $10 pan 745 pm Leave Wasnga Bench To Barrie 750 can 140 pm 840 pm 11 Friday only xb Saturday only Sat Sun Hot DAYLIGHT mun Tickets andinromaunn at Barrie Bus Terminal Phone 557 got enough tickets on our Lucky Draw The morc ticksts thr morc chances you have of winning emits IllllllltEBS KNOWN FOR FINE CLEANING liar IFA6IT9EMSYOUE l6ixemegtour tiredyour peer THINKINOF BEIN IICENSOR 50906 Gil4A0 BARRIN BIRDS ANALLI GOT POEM your 1111 the go 417 nurv pun4Q wurr Give me yourtlnecl your poor FCEM AGAIN bur huddled masses NOTEURE IF yearning to brcahe Free GOT 11 ALL The wretched refuse oi your teeming shore ail7 HMMw DIAL 2433 52434 2222 DBIVURSELF CARS AND TRUCK WM VALLEY rnor ye lobtmih arming The wretched repose oi yuge teeming shore Send thesethe homeless tempestcomm me lift my beside 5encl these the homeleesmmpestlcst me ltfc my lamp beeme the golden By Walt Kelly ns 51 Mi LAZAW BLEZv FEE Enact AN ma Asoulcut Whoa tions were WE pour 5A1 THE DOOZmWIlE THAT we mm cm F1911 TI For so arm tummy 11185338 egg on cue ry anon mumps CANm DANCE ACT 5ING oil tMIIATe we rt door JllIli WELL NICE my NAME cr citu AFZMP You mam new Lazarus Arrrumour GOT IT Hes Crawl02m orWGttAN OFF mortise LADYA OLD Cam we W17wa owns my smowcurm 1145 BMW AWE WITH Am HAW fWAVMYmA LAW cazsrn PYZOMANIAC no oousr door BIG VFLAMINTOEJH were Ych SAY You 507 47 VALLEY TAXI AND TRUCKING SERVICE MERE 0m AND SKEETER SkngR SEE WHOS AT iri5CRBUT FONT BE LCNCI WANT CU TD SWEET3 THE FLCCR ByWully Bishop cur no as uriarsrme IN scrum 501153ch HELP ME VITH MY IFLO EMT TO SURE IF wuss nurse EST JUNIOR COOK 1111 www ELSWORT MV MAMA 1113 Ion Mv WHAT GAVE ME DID you not SPANKINY pa charge QAND STORAQE LEMITED WITH HER HCLSaucmc Bu1t=uiussrcu satnut Luna tARiETv maniac LIFE How ARMTTRVlMaatts ermwv neech KENV CANT MAKE 1r 8000 WE gt BARRIE 5575 GHECANruIrvsm Avg virqu DO wurutuut HARD BLITICRIED 3W WANNA HURFMIMAMAS WELINS

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