Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1953, p. 14

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1pm EARRIB EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 29 I953 ES ROOM OPENED FOR COPACO MM it not too perishable few sagan equal quaritity of water xcsnong are in week use noodles in our Mrs ask Mumswmwr Chopped celery cabbage and apple tll iimi Grated carrots and cabbagel Answer Torn lettuce tomato pltiCESI Bak Linn Beans and onions cups dried limos Shredded spinach shredded water to cover beet and sliced bananas 22 clove garlic Orange and grapefruit sec with buttrt ions chapped apple tilt Call celery tasty reaps This met Earl4316 bu Slurry Wallace cup unxiris pine pple wedges 10 Always store perishables wise Homemakers lice inu Ben ly Cutcrcd and In the electric lkouse alone or for two can refrigerator that goes for the pleasant and economical Probably mm pitcher and gravy mm titcrmgh gmozc thouqu has to no giten Ipurcliascs as well as nutritious lmcals Too often the healthful 14c boil bean ll 11 You may mix him 01 mun greased C1155 it add HillCtd cel tr Yorkshire puddings and kecpi or and 0m pzmkp valuc of food is lost by cooking too in the electric refrigerator for up bmwn Am My uh two mucn at one time and reheating week or more Meantime git2 of my gut electric tit more than once stew and 30 make few fresh muffins or on 300 deg 31 33 minutes itatoes for instance It may be yorkshire puddings in greased iconvcnient to bruise or cook meat lieabprcot custard cups In or 99 as Stew How 12 From stewed fruit apricots lule we on most me vegp prunes ripplcsl make whips Ham and add When bemg healed computes linked Souffle or fruit jThis can be dOne by parboilin mm cgctablcs 01 partially cooking Andrew talk As long as you live youll need INCOME SHOWN ABOVE left to right are Alex Christie Lioncl Parry Vernon Hickling Mrs Alex Christie Charles Mc Martin Mrs Vcrnoil Hickling Mrs Dick Mungham Dick Mungham Earl Morrison Lewis Kniccley Elmer Crowe and James Wilson Bottom row Mrs Lewis Knicelcy Mrs Elm or Crowc Mrs Earl Morrison Mrs Charles McMartin and Mrs James Wilson Ikiiltirlanguagei Makes Her Natural to Kit The charming young lady VZlOti once worked in Paris as Jacques Path model potted prcttily and commented on Montrtal this way When first came here thought something was wrong with me When walked dcwn the street in new dlCSi and new hot not man looked at me In Europe the admire woman feel attractive But Ingrid Van Biasedpassen ger receptionist for TransCanada Air Lines here and Canadas first Elioqu stewardess has few other complaints about this city na tive of Czechoslovakia she worked three yearsin Paris and has visit mcn obviously It makcs one FOR EVERY PURPOSE AGENTS r01 BARRIE URRYS 36 BAYFIELD ST Receptionist Job 0d practically every major Europ can and African city decided to settle in Montreal she explained when heardfrom Czech friends here how much they liked the place find it fine sophisticated city Miss Van Bicscns job is to greet new Canadians in their own lan guage as they arrive at Montreal Airport This helps tihcmifcel at home It also prevent passengers from getting lost or becoming up set on arriving in city where they dont know the language or Cus toms Stic speaksrfivc languages and can get along ina fcwothcrs To many young women of course the thought of giving up life of wearing glamorous gowns as model for that of uniformed re ceptonist might sound foolith But taxu This way got tired of my modelling job despite the glamor And got tir ed of dresses long And older women wear horrible hats What Miss Van Bicscn really lik cs to talk about is her job at Mon treal Airport making the new ar rivals welcome to Canada Sonic are so upset she says and greeting in their own Ian nudge mach all the differencrto them Shc recalls that just recently lady from Turka arrived here on route to Cuba She could not 11n dcrsi and when She got off the plane here why she wasnt already in Cuba She had never heard of Canada and was terrified at the thought that she had been taken to strange weird and cold country Miss Vim Bicson soothcd her got tier on the right plane for Cuba and then had the lady fling her arms around her and kiss her thorough ly It was little embarrassing Miss Van Bicscn recalls But she was grateful emwmmdw fEu Opt Money has value in Canada site says whereas in Europe it doesnt buy anything As one who rubbed shoulders with high style in Paris Miss Van Bicsen is always being asked what she thinks of the way Montreal wo men dross And being fond of her new home she dOcsnt always an swer this question Btu shc loos have two obsorva tions The tccnage girls dress much top oldtheir skirts are too Splendid for Energetic man of good appearance and steady habits with salesman fsmp ability State qualifitt pected ions and salaryex 1H Li Alcorn Sterlinglrusls Corporation Iooucoi sr BARRIE II The occasion was the recent opening of new Confer ence and Games ROCm for the Foremen of the First Co operative Packers of Ontario Limited Barilo is equipped us study room torchduty hours and as recreation room for offduty times Darts table tennis and card tables are included and also technical library in connection with thcmeat packing industry Recreation Review Night BDCI Gym The annual meeting ofthc Sim coc County Recreation Service will take the form of 21 Recreation Rc view Night of practical and in tcrcstin nature and will be held on Mon ay evening May 25 The new gymnasium of the Barrie Dis trict Collegiate Institute will pro vide an excellent setting for var iety of skits folk and square danc ing displays and puppet Show The evening promises to be en lightening to all who come Groups from different sections of the ill kinds 1pot2tocs turnips and when the time comes for 30150 THE QUESTION Box to retire youll nerd izicime cmrotst in pressure cookcr to pit trnt combining flavors However than arc many dishes ithat can tic marlc ahead of time soup suuccs salad dressings stow icd dried fruit custard gelatincr and such TAKE TIP Buy foods in quantity if you have adequate storage Buy the grade of food to suit your need Buy food according to servings For example Count on scrv ings from lb sliccd cold Sxa1utner Photo by Pavcro County will demonstrate activities such as dancing games swimming and day Icamping which have re ceived impetus from thcSimcoe County Recreation Board Reports will be presented to acquaint peo PublicAccountantsoiincil stArmcMiopie classes were vim For The Provinceot Inluno announces examinations pToifQuaIiI for LicenceUnder sac Public AccountcncynActglQSO Applications for exoinlnattonstolio held 10th tondlith September1953wlllbo considered It resolved IMO 15th May 1953 train all thine who have unsettled 01 Theon employed iiipubllc unbountanoyinivontlutotorktt poilode notvlessthtut llcatton tormsaiayfh onto threctyoars meat Count on servings from lb cottage CllCCSC Count on servings from lb boneless meat fillctcd fish and raw vog ctnblcs alto bananas ctc Count on servings from 20 ounce can of fruit vegetables or juice Count on to servings from 28 ounce can of tomatoes sauer kraut 0r baked beans Count on 24 to 28 servings from 24 ounce loaf of bread To vary cooked sliced or can ned meats serve broiled cream ed or deep fat fried To vary meat extras such as liver heart and kidney pro pare dishes as fried braised stowed Minccd round steak or chuck may be braised fried made into goulash meat loaf biscuit roll pastry roll moat pics hamburgs or soup Desscrts for one or two can often be made thcday before or cooked in the t0p of double boilerover one or two pota toes Double boiler desserts such as minute tapioca ready tocook custard desserts apple sauce rhubarb pineapple or fruit dumplings Gelatinc salads or jellied fruits are dishes to make frequently Iand come home to have them ready to serve When greens are out of season youll have to think about salad mixtures that may be prepared with raw vegetables which are ple further with the breadth and value of its work The Committee in charge of ar rangements for the Recreation Re view Night includes Mrs Gordon Todd Churchill Miss Dorothy Lukcs Barrie Arnold Banting Ivy Bob Carruthcrs Avcning and the County Recreation Director SIAYNER MAIN STREET Cost to tho town for the tcsur facing and widening of Main Street will be about $6250 the chairman of the roads committee Councillor Somerville informed Stayncr Council Estimates have been re ceived from three contractors which have been turned over to the Department of Highways for approval Being part of Highway 26 the province would absorb the cost of the centre section and un der the road subsidy pay 50 of the cost of widening EXAMINER WANT AI TRY AN mom 2411i The no 51 our long low European look Illustrotml Studebaker Commander V8 Starlight coupo tor flvvVlutc aidownlls Ind mun rtign car an 943 The forthnte owners oil 195 Studebakersare certaintobe thegmost envied motofists man the World thisorear Be one of the rustic enjoy the big weelbarr land wider tread vanish sludblierfirani Mrs asks for tuna fish md noodle casserole that is curry flavored Answer 34 Cup dry noodles Quart boilingI water can 075 tuna fish can mushrooms cup water cracker crumbs tsp curry powder Boil noodles for 20 minutes Drain and rinse with cups cold water Drain oil from can of tuna Separate fish into large flakcs Arrange noodles and fish in layers in greased casserole Mix can mushroom soup with It cup water and curry powder pour into dish Cover with cracker crumbs Dot with butter Bake in hot electric oven for or 20 minutcsl Serves Note For servings make this recipe using If quantities listed Usc remainder of tuna for sandwich next day At another meal use but how murii Neit differ You may to li2di13 mainly on savings for retirement in come you may nccd only to supplcmcu Al company cr similar pension plan The wise thing is to review probable needs while you can still provide for them May help you plan the income you will need Gcorgc Livingston CLU 70A Dunlop Street Barrie Phone 5594 Representing THE MANUFACTURERS INSURANCE connin lOl32 remainder of mushroom soup with DR WOODGER formerly at Essa Road wishes to announce the Opening of his new Dental Office at 24 DUNLOP ST above Woolworths SillAM TEA anus Ir at extra coat carsopied cverywherel Now Studebakrattai 81F titers this M9 distinction ofclriving Canadafssmartst car Ordera new StudebakerSedan coupe or hardtop right away Theyre all down to earth lplriccvdramaticanyf styled new Champion 68 andnerComtnander VQSS tlonucttl so titsBl spoiltv31 All midi olar Studcbahr AutomaftcxDrlvo or Ovarilrlwnund glarercdadnintod glassrat cam ml claim snowkooM on amtcs oats arc cos as t4 sartrmomu Hour 36541 BARRIE

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