Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1953, p. 11

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55000 cod Headgng rm BARRIE EXAMINER mason For Coronation annuallyhasincreased mocxvmc cm mu Annual Inspection on past few years Bifuronnmlst IlV year more than 50000 cadets dial hflmlshem my vital inspccted and the ceiling on in fixing it sucngths raised from as her mogth Lscruo the kischen ner Representatives Noam 533 Plans for Annual lullAt Hue Mountain lily Mountam Lodge will be the sccne of sprzng Arts and Crafts kcnd which is below sponsored 3f Eight Simcoc County Arts and Abimldliim Mun than $611 buy in Consuls Arzziy Curie Corps Canada ivt dual purpusv lfl brmhmg up their traini=1 11 ltc rcx cw weeks STONE and coucnrt Driveway stone crushed concrete stone corp war it will be held Th Hr EM RV owr the Victoria Day weekend to 09 in grill113 313 301113 PMMn qll May 16 17 and 13 thus giving thc frame would be part of the ex on April 24 when hibition This would be done by 20 pro lefcrcnl sec1 different group of the first or the me in well d3 01 the F33 and the tcry and painting and sketching AIL A1t10tl1 qu11ting itself Odll be corned 1111m be me program discos bros gt and plans foraali day The making of pottery is now F11 MEL Q1111 and Rug Mrs Llew Beaver who is conlouderwuy on large scale at the vcner of furnishing sample bedjmdge and all faCLlllltS of well Mrs 11 Dawson of Barrie Chairi rooms using quill and rugs in the equippcd pottery plant will be of Ilic Committee prcsldedl manner of the past and presnadc available to the pupils In told the glutip of the numerous rent gave on ntcrcsling outline of addition three instructors and an thll the Cummutce and her ideas She has alrccidv 0111331 assistant all who work in the Blue had had since the ed rag rug and lustcum quilt for Mountain pllnt will be on hand to artists and craftsmen great op portunity than usual for tudy pructcc and creative work 1P0 not than giwsw illutc ohm which to smarter rehearse til and sand For sale of pit or delivered PIT AT MIDHURST ONTARIO vARcOE BROS 300 Bayeld St BARRI Pb 131 The on 21 these annual or Many Cadet wll be parad 111g in various c1 mlding 11 ation Day 131 and IlltSv already huvc begun intcnsivc llliifl the nineteenth bcdrown mcdng held in Novcm Arrangements have been model hold the Fair in the Barlici on July 212 24 and 23 thumc of the Fair will bcl County Past and Present1 will allow grout scope and 15 of interesting features Various ommittcc mcmbcrs rci on tlcvclupmenb Mrs Chairman of the Allsl Crafts for Sale Booth stated plans had been made for from the Canadian rlundi Guild to come up to select suitable for sale at this This should serve to keep standard of crafts offered to public high Mrs Furrcll that demonstrations of would be held com throughout each day of th from to pm Braiding and crocheting of rugs be shown Mrs Orser is in charge of the quilt mak ing demonstrations announced CRAIGHURST Glee Club Concert Dont forgetlthc play The Mini lsters Aunt by Central United Glee Club Barrie in the hall on Friday May Mr and Mrs Murray Bell and children of Orangcvillc were re cent visitors with Rev and Mrs Mrs Snider Sr is visiting Mr and Mrs Arthur Snider for few days George was also home from Toronto for the weekend Miss Donna and Fraser Carr To ronto were home for the weekend Achievement Day in Barrie The Achievement Day for Girls Clubs was held in Barrie on Sat urday Mrs Ern Ellsmcre and Mrs Max Craig as leaders attend cd also the following girls Misses Lauruwund Betty Bidwell Elaine Carr Helen Sheffield Lois Bald win Betty Lou Greaves Mary Eastiand arid Barbara Ellsmero Barbara was given her County Honor Pin Clifford Bell is spending some time atTildcn Lake Mr and Mrs Fred OadesTor onto spent couple of days with Mrs Oades William Hodgsori Washome frOm Toronto at the weekend ccntuzy thomodcrn bedroom quilt using Thor Hansen design wiil probcbly be displayed Other attractions as outlined by the Chairman includr Book Nook tutoring books on quths and rugs to be arranged by the on arts and crafts full sized dc depicting Parish Aid of the Trinity Anglican Church Entry forms are to be in carlicr this your so that the material 111 be available in time to print thci =culv rcglstration LS catalogue The deadline the Secretary Qudny July how ready for distribution date for plan of the proposed layout of the whole display was presented to thcmecting in visual form by the Committee Secretary Miss Lou isc Culley of tlic Simcoe County Recreation Service Everyone was enthusiastic about the space and scopc available There is no doubt that the facilities will lend them selves to an attractive display Those prcsgnt from different parts of the County were Orillia Mrs Torrance Mrs Jam ieson Mrs Trask Mrs Mc Phcrson and Mrs Duke Bur ric Mrs Beaver Mrs Cav anagh Mrs Farrell Mrs Roy Hickling and Mrs Thompson Stayner Mrs Spearing Stroud arc Simcoc lake County Lzbrary Cooperative 111mg mille sign of new County Quilt being Bcglllnti5 dcsigucd by Mrs Torrance Simcoc County Today and ion served by tho East End stiuctur 11hl11vru recewe these IS L1 11111121 01 is ituilublc fiom 1thc ExccutncSccrctarv Miss Lou Thtse forms JrC 1sc olzcy County Recreation Offlt for the occultch incluch Mrs Carl vicc teach this fascinating craft The 1020 Weider Robert Schmidt sculptor and designer and Mirde liambzilzik assisted by Dennis Tupy There are scvcru kilns so that fir1 mg can be done over the weckcnd and students should be able to home at leastzunc nished These may be modelled thrown on wheel or moulded and advanced students will 11nd this workshop enjoyable and profitable As yet definite arrangements li1u not bet11 made for the art it but hc committee plans to secure an outstanding person tol give leadership 11 this eld Since accommodation is limited Fur urged icc Barrio The committcc in charge of plans Marshall Schneider Ed Hoop cr Mrs Trcudwcll of Barrie Jozo Weider Collingwood Mrs Lunch and Mrs Perry Stay her and Miss Louise Collcy of the Simcoc County Recreation Scr Color Background For Fine Jewellery LONDON April 20 Cpinivc colors that Princess Margaret as patron of the 8113911 Color Coun= frs Nelson and lblrs Simpkin Shanty Bay Cundlcs Mrs Lorne Orser Brad ford Mrs Sutherland Newton Robinson Mrs Connell Gil ford Miss Isabelle Neilly some of the flooddevastated lands in Holland Mr Chittick served with the RCEME in Europe during World War II and on his visit was able to renew the acquaintance of friends he had met there during four war years The 1changc that has taken place during seven years Of peace Gus described asterri Some places he didnt even recognize What had been piles of rubble and wasted wrecks or buildings admits had been cleaned up and rebuilt Mrs 1111 provide an idcal backgroundl lfot Stoddaut und ML Caldutll fonnal occasions toned Elizabethan Red rich shade 121 1215 chosen for coronation year the jcwcllciy to be worn for The color wluch has been Chrisl for lJOllCS and accessories in 01 most every material would bcl splendid with rubies Garnots cori ncliun varying from pink to blood Marguerite Green the sccondi color on the Princess list is soft leafy color which can be linked with the giassngreen emerald peri dot and jade The Princess third choicePrim cess Greyis likely to be popular choice for evening wear It flat IBIS bothle older woman and the girl and can be worn with wide variety of gems Pearls or dia monds are particularly apt choice rod and tourmaline are all effcc tive when worn wih red For the woman who wishes to ex NATURAL ENEMIESlf you go by nameshave united 33th the Communists in Korea Pictured in life buoy is Stumpy mooning mascot of HALS Sparrow British frigate proven acilor and very popular with his shipmatcs Scrumpy came through patrols in winters icy Winds and rough scas like an old hind British fleet joined 1113 Nayyin the very first days of the Koran conflict and British ships have been therc ever smcc Isl mes Oar 133 The number of 11ch being in Li 110111111 3111 rue Car 11111111101 Cal ll Ask Us 1111111 INSURANCE COMFANY ANOTHER GENERAL MOTORS VALUE CHEVROLET Thur ituu Burnt15 r3131 ii RS lFE periment with color contrasts this sapphire tOO can be worn with the fourth color Bcau Blue shade expected to appeal most to younger women B111 zircons iapis lazuli stopped in Lona H15 visit and Opals would all look well with been Siting MI and MrsLesrthere5ciEaTi that6fMSif1ff Era=wrwwhe Bertram shat Tito Thc last color Spun lgold 1518 Mr and Mrs Nash visited at The ion a1 clear yellow that vou comp NEShS 1151 week Street weacset sighl If $311133an let many gems the same or Jim srmilar shadetopaz amber chal wmmmmmmgM held in the morning at10130 and constructed along the Coronation continue for the summer months route in ondon One of the Church as usual at 730 in the even sights that particularly impfessed N0SY ELEMENT to MS Gus during his London visit was ns colmtry 61952 seemsood On May 10 Mothers Day will be the number of expensive cars to be be Elle has mgle lie Sling in observed in the Sunday 301100131 seen time the amount to Tnhoeiszelmgim of 1030 Christian Family Week from While holidaying in Europe lost directpmpm loll of us May 10 to 16 Theme Christian month Chittick located the good We omsl Jus akgwa Foundations for Every Home In grave of Fit Sgt Wakelin who ale that VaY m3 In Dull 19 eVSnlng SDeCialMOlheFS Day whose brother Garnet lives in All presence far beyond our actua service is being observed The mod and drives the Damon bus numbers junior and senior choirs will take on the Toronto rum was at ngh River Altal Tunes MiswyggmglwWmmpgg has Mr Chittick was impressed too by the quantity and variety of mer chandise displayed in stores route home Mr Chittick Bertram and Mrs Prince Hostess MrsNash and Mrs cook they were able to view part Everyone is cordially invited to this family service Owing to the WMS convention at Stayner on May the regular meeting Of the WA will be held at Mrs LnRussells on May 12 at 230 Devotional Mrs Jones roll call 01 Famous Mother program Mrs Great Changes Sinc War Ends Found in Europe Alllston Herald Gus Chittick proprietor of the Supertest Station at Vic toria and Ontario Streets in Allis ton returned home recentlyfrom monthlong ying visit tollfoll and and Eumper Mrs Chittick is in Holland visiting her mother at the present time She will be re turning to Canada next month While on the continent qus made his headquarters at the home Of Mrs Chlttick mother in Earr lem Holland From there he and1 Mrs Chittick tooktwo and three day trips to many of Europes most interesting centres These included Brussels Antwerp and weekend inParis At Hcemstede they were present at the opening of the In ternational Flower Show From Guinets request that Gus went to Bergen in North Holland where Flt Sgt Wakelin is buried Four other members of Wakelins crew are also buried in the same ceme tery which although it is not military onecontains the graves of many hundred service men both Allied and German Permanent headstones on the servicemens graves are just now being erected Sgt Wakelins grave was among the rst to re ceive the permanent monument nis with only Ills lig INTERNATIONAL NOWsilver POLISH Developed by worlds his xiiiman Mk0 This magichousekceping help is gentle rubs away tarnish not silver and is kind to your hands Yet the scientic tri Ioaction formula aeeds awayub test and most eortless rubbing lu convenient liquid form its iov tome Webbs Jewellery Powres arr 678005 ESSA RD mi 2207 Pontiac again gives dramaticprooiOIits evebgrowing popularitlehc anscnger car registrations obtained from sources subscribctl 10 by the industry and con sidered to be reliable show more Canadians chose Pontiac in 19521 than any other can produced by compctitive manufacturer Pontiacieasilylwon second place in thoentire industry withluniniked lead Brick of this latest recordbraking story or Ponddcs constantly Indunting popularity aretho hard facts of Povntiacs all round superiority in beauty value performance and cunsistcntly ad vanced engineering fcaturcs Pontiac for 1953 offers you choice of 29dillercnt models in ve great seriosQithe Pathfinder Paths If MPONTIAC 39ch Garner Julia and Bradhnljslshf xwmxxssxi ltmLlumnut Sport COupe nder Deluxe laurcntiim Chieftain Special and Chieftain Deluxe Ponliuconcrs yOu the Inching power andnmazbig economy of twowfamous high compression enginesAllie Pontiac and Both incorporate numerous renements for 1953 gun the mm delivers 115 hurscpowcr with synchromesh transmission and 18gthorsepoyrcr with PowerglideOrHydrosMaticAutomtichsmissions No other car offers range of features that includes dramatic new DualStreakstyliiigniwaide Hotizonvision with one piece curved windshield increasedroomiessluxuriouscolorkeyedintcriors handsome panorama view instrument panel new crank operated ventipunes and rugged body by am 11 Fisher In addition cqnipdrent at extra wmsmxxwmmwxwxwmwmmmsmx Pontiac Odersyou as Optimal cost new liner Powellglide siiectncltlilr Dual Range HydraMalia Drive ncwy POWFBleelingGM ShadeLiteTiuted Climb the amazing and brightenslheadlights NO can in the Antnpixio Eve which automatically callus mg it buckto will POntiac for allround value but dependabilityTruly its hips in everything pricel Visit your Positinc denier soon sec and drive unolof these cars for grouse YOnAMIiltevsbmny other Canadians transmittal noun roi noiur you our bed Pontiac

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