Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1953, p. 10

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mummy Ann 1053 Couples Club Hold DO rldown Jamboree At Arena countyWide Discuss Time Table Effective Smithy April 20 195331 2012110 With Dayl avingi Time all train quoted arej throughout coed over loss OffEIgt to 15 Fair men She meetings subCommittees Stoddard Time CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWA YS NORTHBOUND No IlTirrontn to North Bay leave Toronto 920 am Arrive AL landule 1130 am lxav Barrio 1143 to Daily 1xccpt Sunday No 451cronto to Midland Arrive Allandzifv 103 in Leave Barri Ll 17 11111 Daily cxccptSunr day Leave Toronto at 930 pm airivc 11y my Mara it 023 OPERATING ROOMSICII was hilarious number listed usWorst Aid Station Medical men prepare to oberate on unwilling patient ucessful ST JOHNS UNITED CHURCH Couplesuib stude Dafklown Jamboree inAlliston Memorial Arena Hallthree nights last week Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday Mrs Keith McRuerwas direCIiQtf of tho show and A1 also took certain parts in vocals and skits Here Mrs Mc pm for Hamilton daily except Photos by Clnlr Andrews Alliston Ruer left tunes up one ofthe quartets Allanclule 1112 in Love Barrie 1117 pm Daily cxccpl Sunday NO SlTorooto to Sudbury Lcavc Toronto at 950 10111 arrive Allandalc 11l7 pm Leave Barrie 1130 jun Daily cxccpt Sunday NO 3Toronto to Vancouver Arrive Allandalc 1248 ar1 lcavcl Barrie 0111 dolly Nu 47Toronto to North Bay Arrive Allandalc 120 am lcuve Barrio 184 am daily SOIiIIIBOUND No 52Ar1ivc Barrio 415 am Lcavc Allandalc 428 21m Daily cxccpt Tuesday NO 46Icnvc Barrio Allundalc 513 11111 daily No 42Lcnvc Barrio 756 am Allundulc 1107 am Arrive Tomnto 1010 am Daily cxccpt Sunday 11nd Monday No 44I0avc Barrie 420 pm Allandalc 440 pm daily except Sunday 456 nm FROM MIDLAND Nu MILLeave Barrie 729 pm lcnvo Allandali 742 p111 for To ronto Sundays only FROM MEAFORD No ilkLeavcMcaford 600 am arrive Allandalc 750 1111 Daily cx ccpt Sunday and Monday Con uccts with 42 at Allnudalc No 62Ar1ivc Allandulc 110 pm daily except Sunday No ISOArrive Allandale 720 pm connecting with No14il for Toronto Sundays only T0 MEAFORD 1145 NO GLlcavo Allzindalc 1111 arrive Mcuford 150 pm Daily cxccpt Sunday No GilLeave Allundalc 815pm dally except Sunday PENETANG LINE No 397Leavc Allandalc 1m arrive Penctang 145 Daily except Sunday Return nrrlvc Allandalc pm daily cxccpt Sunday HAMILTON LINE N0 GillFrom Hamilton landnle 11 am No 662Leavc Allandale 1145 arrive 3135 pm Sunday CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY EXPECTED TO BECOME strumcnt in Canadian army German Glockensplcl which tone Here four glockcnspiclers or is it glockenspiclists of thc lst Canadian Rifle Battalion bugle and drum band in Germany Hydro Salvage Plans Means large Saving $17000000 TORONTO Apr tCPM1kc it do fix it up war it out Ontzirio Hydro the public utility that provides the provinces house holders and industries with clcc tiicity follows this Second World War slogan to the letter and adds rider When its not in top shops sell it Robert Saunders hydro chair man cstimates the commission has saved $17000000 since depart mcnt was sot up in the organization during the late 30s to follow these policics Used equipment from the hydros generating stations throughout the province is sent to the Surplus Equipment and Materials Depart ment in Islington Toronto suburb About bolt the equipment that comes to the Islington station for repairing is sold During 1951 and 1952 the hydro collected $114000 on sales of used bulldozers ccppcr telegraph line running beside stretch of railway taken from previouslypuiohused hydro land near the Ottawa River was sold for $25000 Cleaning up after hydro plant has been built is the task of this depantment Lumber and metal left over from building the 273000 horsepower Otto Holden generating station on the Ottawa River was standard in bunds is the emits bell racks They are left to right Cpl Ralph Smcctl St Cothurincs Bondsman Ralph Farewell Hamilton Bundsnmn Leo Atlicrtou St Cotharincs and Bondsman Loo Prosper DUCK LkC $213K Nuttoztixl Dclcnct Phony Amazing New Creme Shampoo lieColors III l7 MINUTES Now How StriJktvl guy will or ilJl hair to our luimus youthfullimiting color try lint Imuc Shampoo lin1zo1 l1 new luir lelfltllifli rcwolors hair at ltomc as it shampoos l1lcx Nu nailing he found brought good price But broken down and the stool and coppcr they contained sold separately they brought lot more In illI9 Hydro trniurd its sights on 25cyclc island1n arcs of hundreds of square miles in south crn Ontario including Toronto to be converted to SOcycle power scrap only 11111111 or results 11 Iff111L just l11111u in wlxli 121 rub out MONEY RACK Uuirantcc Get your choir of lLJulllul sluilesuxliy CREME SHAMPOO HAIR COLORING From the job which is still going on 626938 25cyclc motors bud bccn guthczcd by the end of last year Many were convcrtcd 11cl ting savings to Hydro of $628009 Other motors were sold in lands as far away as Mysore India where 25cyclc power is used Between 1946 and 1952 the dc partmcnt returned to service more than 58000000 worth of metal and equipment Crawford C0 Est 1919 AT YOUR TAMBLYN DRUG STORE MEMBERS THE TORONTOSTOCK EXCHANGE Government Municipal and Corporation Securities 91 Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2888 iwait the signal to play outside their bar general bcr to Armour The Simecc which variety ported Covanagh and that person crafts articles booth the the reported rugmaking uously Fair booking would who Newman 13nMay own riders immcdiatcly on their arrival in London The Beavcrburn will leave Mon trcal April 30 and arrive in Lon don about May The riders will shit from Canada April 25 on the liner Scythia and will be in Lon don tO meet their mounts The animals will be placed in stables in Hydo Park and feed will be jarovitidbyllnitcd Kingdomduth critics The force has also had to makg special arrangements for shipment gsaddleiy ovcrscas Saddles will be packed in special bags to pre ventmolding and other equipment in seald boxes ing the Canadian Pacific freightc Beaverburn at Montreal fEvcry precaution will be taken in feeding them duringthe ocean trip Superintendent Bingham said We have calculated Successful Season Predicted For CNR Summer Hotels I933 successful season was predict by It Sommerville general manager hotel department in an 11 nouncing the opening dates of the CanadianllationaLRailways three summer hotels With 113w fl nroof central building Jasper Park Lodge in the Canadian Rockies will open June 10 and close on Sept 15 Minaki Lodge in the LakeOfthcWoods area of Ontario will be open from June 24 to Sept and Pictou Lodge on Northum hcrland Strait in Nova Scoliawi11 operate from June 27 to Sept Individual reservations for Jas per Park Lodgeshowt 11 marked increase over last season said Mr Sommerville and many convan Effective 1201 sun Sunday April 26 1953 Train times at Midhurs Station are Lcollected and sold to scrap dealers Bridges for Sale Ollier items sold when no longer rc uircd on construction Obsrung edqf10rnrallvuyundghighway bridges to doublebunk beds and walkdn refrigerators Clark veteran of 30 years experience in reclamation WOYRTWl1UllEttSfItEllWfS 135 employees is shrewd business man Electric motors when sold as NorthboundNO arrives daily at 1207 am No 3drrive 111 am NO 27arrivc daily except Sunday 145 a1n No 25 Sudbury passngei d23in except Sunday arrive 1158 pm SouthboundNO arrive 428 am No 28arrive 356 am No 26 Sudbury passenger daily cxz cept Sunday arrive 1253 pm Get $50 to $1000 fast at HFC on your own signature No bookable security necdci Up to 24 months to repay Phone or stop in at Canadas largest most recommended consumer finance organization MONEY WHEN YOU NEE IT 250 you In Canada 28 Dunlap St West second oor phone 5529 the home and what kind of home it is depends on the woman really All the outside attractions working against the home make it more im portant to really plan for the kiudxjl of home you wantone that is force in the community not an empty shell to cut and sleep in us ical and physiological aspectscf sex inlaw problems and the in tricucics of insurance Mrs Laulenslriger helps wilh hints for budgeting and shortcuts tibns have been booked Advance reservations for Minaki Lodge and Iictou LodEc are also higher ssists PdtvMoiint withtsmakcup MRS HOWARD DgWNEY prior to Opening curtain Spccialisis Marital Problems RcMii swatOScocoNA1iou BOUND 1N HORs OTTAWA MARCH BUP How do you get 46 spirited horses overseas for the Coronation Thisis the knottlest problem in ALWIB years for the Royal Canadian mom roufd our 1i$Oomhm Ofs in 90$ Mounted Police but the famed force announced today it had been solved The horses will beshipped in freight palace cars from Ottawa to Montrealand thence in Special boat stalls to London Thehcirses will be ridden by a1 full mounted tract of 35 RCMP membersin the Coronation pro cession in London inlandThey 0100 will beused by the scarlet clad Mountiesfor number of performances of the famed musl cafrideuringCorontlon cele We wish to thank all our 00 PALACES brations The force said it experienced considerable difficulty in making arrangemcnts for shipping the horses There isnt much traffic these days in the movoment of horses by boat across the Atlantic said Superintendent Blnghum of tho AdjutantsBranch The last time the force moved bOrsOstO England was in 1937 for the COronntion of King George VI at the forces Rockcliffe Barracks livlll be moved late in Aprilboard trained when put aboard ship They will receive some exercise during the voyage but must be cared for and exercised by their stomcrs andfriends for their courteous patronage in thevpast and wc hope to serve you in the future Ther0sfllo way 1the amountof food the horses will nced vithsomc to spare Another problem which the force faced was synchronizing tho arrival in London of the horses find the Mounties who willridc in the Coronatidu procession The animals will be thoroughly Adi1391 TORONTO April 20 CPLCou plcs who 1nnicliinlo marriage straight from the school for brides 11nd grooms at Howard Pork Unit Church here may have their heatisin the clouds but thtl feet ure plumed firmly on tilicjroundw Rev Latitcnsloger worde out program seven years ago for those planning to be married Witb in year Ii takes the first lecture which deals with the spiritual basis of1 marriage Othtr lectures are luk in the kitchen After each lecture there is question period and discussion of the subject To date it is believed that only one couple of the 250 odd who have taken the course have broken up Mrs WM Paisley who has been lecturerfor six years feels the woman has great deal of re sponsibility woman is the key person 111 FOREXPERI REPAIR WORK FRENCH MOTORS Your1 DODGEGDESOTO DEALER IO ROSS Barrie PHONE 5735 011 by experts or spccialistsintheir Ow111ficld and deal with psycholog rThe commonnow being trained CentennlaINnmes Committee 00 The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Genllcmnn wish to inform you that nun1iuuunuhnuuuuu Namcnwilmmmmum Street Date in num unuuuniuuiuuu uuqmuu1 uuummaunnummuumunuuu City Prov or State is former resident or Burrle and know would be pleased to receive an invitation to attend OLD HOME WEEK senders Naml 316 Address so many homes are IIOWdySXU Many requests have come from all over Canada for the working plans of the counse BARRIE ONT OIILLIA MOI 53 lumen St at coodlrloor phone 1391 es plols of qctin1i bYNOl TurOlsky When ball is hit hard totlre inheldju photographer is Sur of catching good shot Ihis is special favourite of mine Firs OKEEFES BREWING COMPANY 11111150 VI basemanrEd Stevensthe batter and umpire are ull showing lots of acuon Rosendal

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