Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1953, p. 1

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AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAIEI Serving rite rows or mania AND comm or SIMCOE Since 1864 89th YearNo SO STIPEND SIRESSED DURING ANGLICAN DEANERY MEETING By nos About 75 persons met at Mono Mills Chartii ing to attend Deanery of the There tendanee from St Pauls ill and zinistiL to the executive committee of th Deane George Weatherall on John Hunter ori Thursday evenjb the South Simcoc deem Anglican Church These 5L were representatives in at Churchi They were RevE Lionel Rowe who was electedi Uhrllttrrir Examiner Autumn in Small Class Int the 00 00h Nurtan Ottawa that wages and production are the some and are one irealized since other side of the Toronto deaneries re Sgceived an average of $2045 The speaker of the evening wast Dr Langley PCZBIDOIOUglIuw who spoke on the subject of Just Stipend For Our Clergy justice to the dedicated men who are our clergy Dr Langley told the laymen church leaders present It is likely also that great many matter any serious thought at alli and most of them presume that the present stipends are not too bad gtDr Langley an efficiency enE ginecr by profession went on tel touch 0n the fundamentals of ecoi nomies which according to him were quite simple and easy to understand but nevertheless muchl too often generally neglected Each individual is entitled to just share of wealth the equivalent to his coni tribution That is his purchasing power It is admittedly quiteim annually 1939 This level was 613 If they were efficiency then veiling same allowances During period the synonymous terms When wage increase is obtained group it can only mean for all other workers lfish hopes are only shortly groups are formed that demand an increase In 1939 some 94 clergyman out In 1951 some 99 clergymen in similar areas received an average of $2472 under to receivo according to improvement of national We are guilty of grave in they should be receiving 53050 plus tra this contributions from congregations are up 84 per persons on the visiting lists cent accordinn of the laymen have not given this to me numbm 0f Expenditures for capital expen ses and maintenance have taken tip these additional contributions We have done well in everything except the treatment of our clergy Clergy Under Piu He compared the salaries of high schools BARRIE ONTARIO IMPORTANCE or MINISTERS EBARRIE FAMI LEFT TO RIGHTJames MeNeilSr Pte Earl McNeil Mrs James McNeil Sr James McNeil Jr ischool prtncrpals teachers in these sergeants of Provinciai Tuesday night Private Earl Mc Veterans Guard of Canada in Police draft =l the production of 5m agricultural rep ctl lLLUll ed to his home in Bar oi 1d War 11 resentafives crown attorneys acirie and had happy reunion with countants professional engirieersvhis mother and father and brother Iand others who had spent somcall of whom are veto possible to determine the accuracy of the just vugef individual or even 21 workers method of reaching fair appro priation of these values Taking 1919 level he showed that tha dollar could be found by dividing the 1951 dollar by 1137 There is asurprising reluctance in every walk of life to acknowledge the basic fac for any one group of Job comparisons are the dollar value as at iyears on their education lar increases afterwards ier variety of duties tfamily relations expert ogist Welfare triages conducts funerals Turn to page two pleasel Hon Walter Harris Addresses liberal Rally of Alliston Interests of Richard McCulloch The history of Liberal government in Canada through the years has Without exception resulted in progress for the coun try prosperity and security to the peeple declared the Hon Walterli Harris of Markdale MP forGreysouth speaking at Alliston Arena Memorial Hall Monday night The Minister of Immigration and Citizenship was more in the interests of RicharndCtillochI Liberal candidate for the federal riding of DuffertnSimcoe The rally which brought out an attendance of about 250 was the first meeting in the sOfar undated electioncampaign MrrMeCullocch former Mayor of Orangevilie re ceived the nomination over year ago He declared that from new un til the election heywould tour the umriding in townsundtviilages the back country lines getting to meet and know the people He pro mised strong fight to win the rid ing over to theLiberal banner Church QC Orangevillc was chairman Also speaking tbrief ly were Mayor William Hunter of Alliston and Mickey Mc Guire Tecumseth Township vice presidemt of the Young Liberals of Ontario The featured speaker Hon Mr Harris referred to the promises made by the Prime Minister Rt Hon Louis St Laurent at Moncton four years ago priorto the last elec AT OPENING tion These had all been carried out he averred The Prime Minister had stated there wouldbe aominu ing search for overseas markets so that the surplus goods of Canada would be disposed of to maintain the coun trysprosperity Since that time exports Mr Harris declared The government would continue ploymeut in Canada 1n the United nation was all right with onLv three per cent unemployed By this comingsummer Mr Harris said the figure will be less than in Canada Four years ago there were 5050000 employed per sons Today the figure is over 400000 St Laurent had promised that the TransCanada Highway Would be completed But that was before Turn to pagetivo please LIBERALW lwhom started at higher salariesmne family than the clergy and received reguf No professional man has wid The clergy gman must be student scholar ora ttor businessman spiritual adviser psycholltl worker and com munity leader He performs maru visits he statedlthe sick often exposing himself there hm newsman tbmseek means to maintain full em Kingdom it was consideretfthat Sit Regiment an infantry combat unit tEarl was one of the boys of Baker tConipany who gained honors by itheir victory on historic Little Gib raltar Hill when over one thous fand Chinese Reds surrounded their latter part of October 1952 During his 13 months Earl Mc with the company guarding prison crs of war He is son of Mr Strect Barrie The McNeil family have record of war service headedby the father having been three years in France during World War tvith the 106 Nova Scotia Rifles and with the rms Collectors iPlan Showing in Bernie May The Arms Collectors Associa tion of Ontario an organization mime which had originally held displays is putting on showing of antique weapons and in Toronto only trothers finwStrJosephlstuditorium on the afternoon of Sunday May Members are scattered all over the province but quite number are located in this area isiolen IOOF Hall Policehere are looking for an electronicminded thief after theft Ireported today at the Oddfellows Hall on Collier St Equipment val ued atlnearly $600 was removed from the premises and included an ainplggrgggomicropbones pub Police say the half had not been fused since April 20 Pic McNeil served in Korea with iv revw ithe First Battalion Royal Canadian hti cldci son Jiiiie Lttiicd a1 Costly Equipmeii record player and 40 rectirdst The mother served ill the Cana rans zhtdian Navy Wrens during Worid 811 Otiscrvices an unique contribution byl Stalwmd CH C017 Wallis NS Ottawa and Sydney NS She received her discharge when tter serving tive years overseas James McNeil Jr fwcnt overseas with them early to the Carleton and Italy iried Barrie girl the former Doin tNCn also Served on Kojc Island othy Belcskey daughter of Mr until 59 Innlsm Stvi complete news coverage of the ers John Beleskey Pie Earl McNeil received rous and Mrs James McNeil of Worsleyi mg welcome home by ms Emmi McNeil family and friends The has record which is believed sec 0nd to none considering that every member during World Wars and II and the Korean conflict Planning Meet C9ronationlarad Thursday Eve Members of Barrie Branch of the Canadian Legion are mak ing preparations for the Coro nation parade which they are arranging and in that connec tiontherewilhbe3mectinrou= Thursday April 30 at pm in the council chamber They have the goodwill of council and the chamber of commerce those interested and especially those in the high school areas adjacent to parade Secretary of the Coronation committee George Theme oi chairman Bibby will glad ly givevany information desir ed and are open to any new ideas Broadcastc 1115 licEddress system 300 feet of cable Tonights hOCkey broadCaSt Wm begin at 1115 DST from CKBB Game is atBrandon which is on standard time therefore is low hours behind Barrie RALLY ALLISTON MEMTORIALARENA MONDAYLN enlisted vitht ithc Cape Breton Highlanders andi Ln World War II He later transferred York RegimentJ lleUP 01 010 hundrtd dUIlng the He was wounded twice while int On returning home he mar has served at one time lag DayMayl iathispr mmriJhkemgmmmmfm lto be counted into units of 20 for CANADA WEDNESDAY APRIL 29 Barrie hs 24 Pages Today Three Sections Years 5th Issue There are printed three sec tions 24 pages in all for tolt days edition of The Examiner Incidentally this is the 50th number published in 1953 as the year is about oneterd gone You will find all the regular features in todays edition arid events of the past several days in Barrie and Simcoe County People looking for exceptional values will find them listed by the advertisers in this 2411334 edition Campaign NOW Blind Institute The ingenuity of our sigthtless employment officers rest of us look like lame of the Barrie and Dist ct Advrsory committee Canadian National In stitute for the Blind blind men who go about surveying regular industrial plants with the eye to finding job for blind client Sometimes they run acrom job that would be some gadget existed that would ex press in terms of touch or sound an aspect of the work that usually de mands sight Mr Girdwood described one job where 1000000 small screws had retail sale Counting could be done by weighing he said but the problem was how could blind person read the scales The employment officers Fund theanswer An oscillator working IGHT titers Win makes the 953 LY HAVE UNIQUE WAR SERVICE RECORD lst Game Memorial Cup Finals WIN NllEG AMPHITIIEATRE MONDAY APRIL 27 BARBIE Goal ncy Robertson Pietsch White ST BONIFACE Goal Dalkie iday forwards Johnson Hocckstra Blaine Referees Louis Leconipte and Ching McDonald Ottawa First Period St Boniface Blaine St Boniface Blaine Thomson Moriust Barrie Teal tMcKenney St Boniface Kouyk Hoeckstrat 1607 Penalties Tiiibault Islashingl 246 White tboardingt 751 Pictscn telbowingt 1531 Second Period Barrie Robertson JPlctsch Cherry 809 St Boniface Thorndycraft tJohnson Mariusr 1331 Penalties Tea minor high sticking misconduct 300 Short holdingt 422 Jasson tripping 1021 Robertson telbowingl 1752 11 Robertson telbowingi 1752 Pletsch crosschecking 1806 Third Period Barrie Teal Mohnsr Konyk McDonald 217 725 818 To lenney its eat 10 Barrie TQSSIEI 1339 Mclgeiiney Teal 1801 Penalties Teal Blamerlessjeh rmaJUIJ from battery was connected to the scales which were set to weigh the enact number of screws desired When the count was under weight it emitted low note and when the count was overweight it emit ted high note and when the count was right the oscillator was silent Mr Girdwood tells about the difficulties in conveying to blind basket makers new shapes and pat terns for the weaving of modern dESIgfl baskets Then the employv merit staff realized that all that was necessary was different die fof the base of each new type This enabl$ the blind operatordrilling spoke holes in the wooden base to follow easily by touch the curves angles squares and oblongs that make up the shape of the base At present about 65 dies are providing member Class murmurs CHINA an Audit Dame Circuhtim MONDAY WWW and FRtDAY single copy 24 Poges3 iTOWN COUNCIL SESSION HANDLESSEVERAL BYLAWS MUCH BUSINESS DISCUSSED For the regular meeting of the Town Council on Monday intght April 21 the only absentee was Alderman Boom lHis Worship Mayor Hart presided The agenda Xlengthy and with the handling of number of bylaws SW ing for some time the session lasted until close to midnight An applciiton from Delaney Boa to lease lo 13 Oil the wes isldt of Bayfield Street was refer closc at each night and at 12 noon on Wednesdays was passed las they had 100 per cent 3W8 red to the Property Committee of the barbers Barrie St Boniface Edwards de fence Thibault Willis Robert atlves are respected foe son Cherry forwards Poets TessI ier Martan Teal Mohns McKen defence White Short Jasson Holl Marius Thomson Thorndycraft Pankhurst amnmarnezrsinpumice request from iic Barrie Pub The report of Barrie Fire De tilt Sc col Board regarding access partition for March was approved 11o iii res School from SUIIIllCilliLlll fire calls were made and 54 Road or held over for further con inspections sideration After some discussion the matter revised appliculiull from tincf connection via Rose Barrie ltzblzc School Board for Higitivay 400 was passed through tund for addiion to lllllcresiimotion of Paddisori Johnston thgt lScnooi formerly $170000 and getting Department of Highways l3 Iduced to 5110000 was passed jasked to construct an was via petition from Barrie iiieiciiztnts R053 Sm me High regarding the open Friday nizhti Mrs Mary 11 Casey10l Henry and closed Saturday nigh was held Street put in ii claim for damages lover because of insufficient signing resulting from sewer installation Lby grocers on that Street Damages of $75 was bylaw permitting barbers 30 Turn to page two please st Game Cuprgtg By GEORGE STOREY Examiner Sports Editor Brandon Manitoba April ZlBarrie Flyers preved with un excelled power that Eastern Canada Memorial Cup represent Before capacity house of 5000 fans at Winnipegs Amphi theatrc the OHA Champions emerged from the depths of consistent St Boniface checking to blaze fotir unanswered goals in the third period and tumble the Canadiens St in the opener of the bestinseven junior finals It was curious contest andlEmms guarded him with Bob White Western fans despite the Habs after the Hab spinwheel blazed two holding 31 margin in the firsttquick rst period goals for 20 and 42 edge at the end of two lmargin gt were more surprised than enthusit The HoeckstraKonykMcDonald astic There was twinge of hestrio is powerful and smart They itancy in their emotions and when are reportedly juveniles but are the Flyers did strike it came with such lightning distinction that thei Habs and their followers were lefttthe Habs applied their most sev gasping iere pressure it was generally this The Flyers needed time to ironjtrio out the wrinkles ofa lengthy traini There were two other players ride and even when they faced the who caught the eye too Defm decit it was evident they were man Syd White and Winger Len more experienced more polishedilhornson played well and iffer club than St Boniface game reports werent even heard The Canadirisbre good aggrelof gation if one game can berated The Flyers played the suitable for judgment They pos rough arid this seemed to talc sess size and speedbut lack conpleiilyfof starchout of SifBbfli dition When the Flyers caughtfacc Officials Louis Lecompte and re in the nal session Canadians Ching McDonald both of the Qt just werent around tawa Valley League were lenient They have four exceptional per and Western fans who are used to formers in Gary Blaine Cec Hoeck wideopen nocontact brandof stra Leo Konyk and Ab McDonihockey weremtaken back with the big and dangerous Hoeckstra is the main cog at centre and when gamee big lad he has shot equal to that of Orv Tester but not the Larry Thibault playing befdf same accuracy He played about his hometown fans for the first 45 minutes of the gpener and was time in many seasons ran inn threat Wat Smg pena er mt of play and the Flvers soon found the potency of Elaines dynamic shot The big rightwinger wandv ered to left and deep in the cor St II If 1h Skipi Teal dug frantically be ner before scoring the rst from difficult angle Thomson came back to hit the post and shortly This is United StatesCanada tween two defencemen to lift one Goodwill Week April 26May over gqalie Hal Dalkie who had sponsored by Kiwanislnternation cool evenng up to thispoint after Blaine snapped ii rebound right back at Edwards to raise the a1 and its more than 3500 affiliated Boniface struck again on clubs The observance is held an rickety roof of the Amphitheatre Canadieris rst penalty to White for boarding gave Barrie the op portunity to hit the score sheet as Dually in commemoration of the RushBagot Agreement which went into effect April 28 1818 Barrie Kiwanis Club fittingly ing on the part of both clubs for elbowing Konyk intercepted pass omThibau1tto pick his way for third goal and at the can of the first the Flyers had shown penalty this time to Fred Memoir is blind basket makers with the many distinctly different shapes and pat terns ranging from thgconventiom lat waste paper 00 tainer to tall and slender flowertsfand Thcse boys with their uncanny perception of the job to be done are getting around this problem of blindnessand bythese touch type devices are enabling their sightless clients to work just as efficiently and quickly as sighted employees Some of the money you contri bute to the current CNIB campaign will maintain this extraordinary phase of work for the blind Mr grdwccd said All the phases are portant heybserved but this employment rEscarch where ins itiativeand ingenuity are leading men and women to fulltime em ployment on an equal footing with their sighted neighbors wins my wholehearted support every timef Please be as generous as possible when the canvamer calls The an nual canvass is tehis week and the tag day on Saturday May Barrie CloanUpA On NextWek gi Friday May Arbour observed the occasion at Mondays meeting with good attendance President Meth Adamson and Vice President Harris Redmondclred the meeting and Charles Crease introduced the speaker Reg Carey Managing Director of the Drug Trading Co Toronto Bill Craig readmessages from President Eisenhower and Prime Minister St Laurent to Kiwanis In ternational who cited the relation ship that prevails between the UnitedStatesandCaiiadarasan outstanding example of interaction good will Mr Carey in his remarks said that Canada and the United States had enjoyed peace for 135 years without any boundary defence and this meansvmuch not only to the two countries ibutvto the whole world Goodwill depends on mu little to support the 31 odds an nounced in their favor There was fast fury of heavy checking in the second during milk on penalties to TgaLtwho talked Turn to page four please BarrieAirman To Coronation tual trust abduunderstaudingfand anything can do tofoster and strengthen goodwill is worthwhile Exchange visits between Kiwanis clubs in the two countries does mueho create spirit of under standing Many in Canada are crit icalvof our neighborsiu the south because they do not know them We should endeavor to sell Sandi ada to Canadians and to Amen little aboiit Canada and its wast icans Many AmericansknOWyery resources We 1i ve midway Ma 9f to mom country and we stuld develop Suday mam In Liter To erotic not Williamiinnterorillusionrnicnamuci Colleenentitle of orangevllle Liberal candidate for Dutrerlnyslm coeln the neat federal election Hon Walter Harris of Markdale for any sum and runner of Immigratidu Canadian GoVernment on Citlzehship in the prominent Society time to cleanlnsfnp 931nm week uncleanUp Week In gt Barrie Mayor James Hart has Issued proclaim tion pursuant to request from the Barrie Horticultural and Town Im elk Ciu6ns litre requested to serve ArbourDaygby Moth planting treadmill shrubs and national spirit tem is the largest Onltbe our bankingtsystem Our railway sy conttnens is the lies Trading semiannual theworto thelgtum the next week to ego general c1emupstotlntripcmrm Lotus puthh aegis effort in this Ht

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