ItsW11 liaightMaw Wedding Saturday afternoon April ll Minesing United Church was the sccne of lovely wedding before very large audience when Eliza beth Bettyv Margaret Maw daugh ter if Mr and Mrs Albert Maw Mincsing became the bride of Gil bert Height son of Mr and Mrs Gilbert Haight of Anton Mills Congratulations to the young cou 1316 Baptismal Ceremony At the regular morning service of the United Church on Sunday morning April 12 James Bertram the infant son of Mr and Mrs Harold Adams of Minesing vas baptized by Rev Vents TRY AN EXAMINER WANT A19 PHONE 2414 THE sWoFEooo LU nag gm 56 Ellen St PHONE 2517 snu 110MES ALREADY EEAIDIIED ill TRIS SERIES 01 PLANS 7liltder construction or completed FINANEED DY NRA May be seen by contacting this office Coulis Real Estate Broker Owen St Barrie Phone 2371 2592 Evening Calls 4283 Room aousr REPAIR Commercial Residential Renovations and Repairs ROOFING CARPENTRY CABINET WORK DDDEEI TERMS No Down Paymentomltaost Jobs For FAST EFF ICiENT GUARANTEED SERVICE PHONE COLLEC STROUD 47r13 Harold Berrislord Barrie an The Last Column Continued from page one find that is rather difficult to six and talk easily to compicte stranger Takenmc to any dentist however and lil talk his head off trying to keep his mind off what he is gotng to do to me Yipes criozi as tell the needle piercing the gum to admin iste the anaesthetic Trying to fshow was not coward mut terel something like Mus be prezty ba tooth huh Although the anaesthetic had not had time to work was quite sure that if tried to speak properly would hurt already felt my mouth had swollen 10 turns its normal Sizf The doctor left me temporarily It was funny thing how warm the room suddenly became The temperature just soared at least another 80 degrees anywayl Would you like cold towel charming voice of charm ing dental assistant whispered in my car Before had time to show how tough was the blessed cold towel was placed across my fore head For once wax glad had kept my mouth shut By the time had had some smelling salts was beginning to feel fine again Judging by how brave had beer up to this point felt like asking for an ambulance to take me home after the teeth had been taken out However stuck it out like real heman Funny thing as he manipulated the ing for dental treatment is 99 per cent imagination Rensurcd sac and told myself that this was only question of mind over matter read up on dentistry before my visit so would know just what was going on and remembered some refer ence to the important factors in suc cessful ectii cxraction being to seize teeth by the roots to rotate teeth having conical roots and in all others to apply the extractive force without any rocking or pull ing in direction obliquely out wards As came to sometime lat er knew then that had cer tain peculiarity now know that each of my teeth is mixture of conical straight bent and zigzag roots As staggered out under the anxious gaze of the same extreme ly charming dental assistant the doctors voice greeted me Well see you next week Mmmm tine seein oo replied in my best toothless English Life had no future had only one per cent imagination left Moving To Brampton Mr and Mrs Henry Agnew have sold their farm and are soon mov ing to their new home in Bramp ton Mrs 1mg Try and son Harold 02 Toronto and Miss Joy Anderson Weston were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs William Elliott Thomas Barnett Jr and son Charles spentluesday with friends in Hamilton Mr and Mrs William Prest vis ited on Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Bert Ross of King Mrs Herb Kant spent couple of days in Toronto last week visiting friends sawsipic WW Third Llne Study Group The ThirdJAne Study Group held their last meeting for 195253 at Mr and Mrs WilliamFrosts with an attendance of 18 The president for extra living space and year round pleasure We llhelp you plan it from foundationto roof if you have an open porch well show you how to en close it atylow cost Tosun YQU ONQBPEBEOF $i GAIM DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS rverrmmcwruuara PHONE 24 carats IMOVHMQ DINING IMWlf ammo lotPuke uvmo aoon wI ur This attractive 2story house with attached garage was designed by Roy Sellors Winnipeg architect It has many features including well styled front entrance convenient inside access to the garage and largc1ivingdining area The we11 Whatever been eliminates the upstairs plan The exterior dim ensions of the house are 40114 by 321 and the area 151239 acre feet Ifhe cubic measure 33340555 cubic feet Working drawings may be obtained from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation at mine Jig cw Herman Patterson was in the chair The meeting opened with the read ing of minutes All members paid hospitalization fees Mr Patterson said the dentist forcops around my teeth but fear of go Gerald Nashman New President Cliff Brown Lid GERALD NAS MAN has been appointed preside of the firm of 1111 Brown Ltd in succession to Harold Forester who is retiring BILL FARQLIIAR who has been with the firm since early in 1950 is the new vicepresident and will oehe general manager for the store called on Walter Hurlburt for the election of officers for 195354 which are as follows President Walter Hurlourt VicePresident Eli Pettit Secretary William Prest Treasurer Charles Bryan Sick Vis iting Committee Mrs Wood Mrs Bryan Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Bryan The remainder of the evening was spent in euchre and crokinole Married lgltrParonage Congratulations to Allan Free man and Mrs Mattie Palmer who were married on Wednesday April ii at the United Church parsonage by Rev James Dorrian Sir out ilr Howard Trades and 12 Tom Magnumnu auto1 of Mr and itrs liauri iii Bay Rodd hit Trade fin lLt accepted lilt position or genre of ptlliLL at Ajax Out ii and Llle daughter She Lave retinit iti from teeck trip in Cal by car which took them or motor tour of sci of the him Sriiii cstciz shalt LS With them for two ween 11 iluildii was Mr Forstezs Mrs Forster of Urns st who flew uack to Canada Ziutll Los Angclcs Diivtng through to St Louis Missouri they took Highway 06 through to California On their way west and an the re turn lilp they p2igtd through Utah Nevada r2ora Wyoming Ne oi ska Michigan IIIlIlOlS and sev eral other states They stopped off in Salt Lake City Utah and found one of the most impressive sights Klii 1101 trip the Great Salt Desert aviterc international motor car races are held Another highlight of the trip was their visit to the Grand Canyon and to the Petrified For est the Meraniic Caverns and the Painted Desert Before starting back from California they travelled north from Los Angtles to Sun Francisco where they drove across iilt famous Golden Gate Bridge aiid to CainelbytheSea and Moli itcrcy where Mr Forster went deep pea fishing They were in Lus Azi igeies altogether for three weeks staying in Hollywood Apart from vthe usual sights of filmland they lattended the International Flower Show held in the Hollywood Race Track buildings which they ICrCllbL as tremendous event There was replica of the Queens Coronation coach and horses In flowers among the sections in the show from eoch country On their tours of Los Angelcs they saw the hurries of the various movie stars and were particularly imprese with Bob Hopes home They at tended the Breakfast in Holly oodradio show and television show and visited few Hollywood nigliLspots On their way back to Canada they stopped in Boulder 52 Dodge Suburban 13000 guaranteed origin al miles Spotless and in A1 condition Prefer to sell outright PHONE COLLECT 23W CREEMORE if interested Nixon Motor Sales cannons complete tire tenant sum onshore 223 Cor Dunlop Maple Phone 3195 on All Postwar llsverlllarlturcliased From jIQIISMJD Barrie Bradfordand Mism PM aw or to 24 18 1953 The largest selection of late model used cars we have ever had every lmoko every model We must reduceour stock come in and check the cars chock the prices The values will amaze you ilulii flu lVY Home For Few Days Ilium of Frank Brog ed to see mm liullltii tii 61C do Mrs Edward Ctuuon and daugii ll ici of Stiuuti spent Sunday aitlii Mr and Mrs if Specrs hiss Jacks Ottawa spent 331 day parents llr i1ciwI Hit Ulitf Liz iicC Jillliiliii and Kilns Barbara litartsveil Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Banii ng Mr anti Mr Hug to fair and Mrs borne iii and Mrs Wallace Tia ping Paul and Lowell of Totteav ham here Sunday guests at Mr and Mrs Bruce McVaneils Airs Bell and Mrs Silman of Pcterborough Vernon MLQuuLv Smith Iorauv znson Slici City Nevada overnight to see lioover Dam and passed through the famous town of Reno Frank Murphy left on Sundayt from Malian to return to thei Maritimes where he is scipcrsing stores for Sally Shops Ltd Mr and Mrs Gomeien and son Robert also Mr and Mrs Arbor Ruth and Don all of Stiri nth were Easter liltll5 with Mr and Mrs Ringsiead FREE STORAGE ON YOUR FURS If alterations exceed $2500 cleaning repairs rclining remodelling VIILBLRN 299 Duniop St Ih Rilrll Home Dwnersl PLASTIC TILE LINOLEUM TILE YARD GOODS Laid by Experts Prompt Scrv vice Reasonable Prices lor Further Information Call accuser arm 13 Adelaide St Barrie Phone 2613 or 6202 me can Toronto were Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs Cleve Pattons Trip To Florida lrs Thomas Lee left on Mondayi trip to Miami Florida Confined To Bed Banting 15 clamped to bed1 for week or so We wish tori him and all those who are speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Lyle McLean spcnti week 111 Ottawa rmYING cc smumoaa Alta cm The Blairmore Lions Club has underE taken to repair and redecoratc tht grave markers of victims of the Frank Slide which in 1903 wipci out the Crows Nest mining town of that name EXAMINER roman as Royal stir21mg girl Quota mica ery AIR CONDITION bcth of England is to All PONTIAC SW nun cccsrcr ovuanauun Buy was madman Dangereld Hm 233 Bradford St mics Largest Cat Dale USED CAR DIVISION Dial can IRE EYEIII YDDYE ALL DEER WAITING IDD The fluService LY DRAW will take place on SAlDllDAY lllllllf April 13 at 805 Ellllli Miss Mary Sinclair will make the draw 0V8 ALL TICKETS RECEIVED AT OUR PLANT BY OCLOCK pm SATURDAY WILL BE INCLUDED And heres good news Theres another grand TV Draw commencing from after oclock Sat urduy tinService Cleaners Phone 24 CLIFFBkawN II HeoadquartersiorBoysWear4 Shop today in our store for the widest selecon of clothing for that youngboy in your family For dress up or rugged play wear youll find what he needs inourstock riff uunsuu contraband Not Illhstrated The jacket that is setting the style for the younger set this Spring Colors of wine and navy reversing to smart greychock Shoulder Inserts knitted cuffs and waistband in contrastingycondy stripe NEwl Shoulder insert gives freedom of movement Hurry in today for this great new jacket xv wan Two Jackets in One Double zip per Ufront 1195 Big selection of lined and unlined jackets Lin Gabardine Sharkskin and Corduroys Prices start at In the newest Spring shades and now theyre styled like the trousers older boys wear Inverted lap seams tunnel belt loops SMART STYLEL SPQRTi saints New Spring stocks long sleeves specially made from the some materials and cut in the styles so popularwlth the older boys Theyre exceptional ivaluc 295 Choose from sharkskiirs pic pics square flaps full drop gabardincs Vandrmanywthcrsmafh full rangeof newSpring shades rrrall sizes for boys MATCHINcSEr supra JEANS Smart plaid shirts jeans have italdid up plaid cuff both shirt and lens are bankerind made to stand up under ruggedwear Sizes to 12 years These are just very few of the many itemsot boys wear all are at great outstanding values Shop toasyaccrur Brown tim turd for all boys wear needs DV