another of our hay week for all mem orticultumt Society week and we are to increase our member grotto Column are out intoin all but Wards and We hope thegood people in Mounds t1 and will respond to our gowns by mail This Friday evening April 17 at run our members are invited to share meeting with members of the Vespta Society The speaker will be Taylor ofrthe OAC Msuy met Mr Taylor last summer on our horticultural tour and we are sure he will be most interesting If you plan on going remember our friends at Vespra enjoy refresh ments after each meeting so take along your share and enjoy friend ly gettogether at the Forestry Hall at Midhurst Wgrk has begun this week on landscaping the grounds around the newwlng and nurses residence of the RVH First step is pruning ar removal of dead and useless tugs lean up has begun on the BDCI org little dubious about being at hurryto get everything ship shape here lest some eager hockey fans dedde it looks like good place to park again few trees MabeJeplaccd here but dont get excitb new ones will be plani cd to replace them couple of years ago one of our members planted few cro cuses on his lawn at random Just past presidents bright ideas Now see what has happened Ihttre are crocuscs sprihlcled in lawns all over town even our hospitals lawn is dotted with crocuscs Someone might donate some more colors for this one Here and there you see only very few as if the owner were trying to decide if the effect were pleasing or otherwise Time will tell We wish to thank those people who have phoned written or stop ped to comment on our Garden Notes We hope they may con tinuc to prove interesting The first Friday in May is Ar bour Day in Barrie Dont forget The following week is clean up week Be sure you are all set to observe both fittingly We dont want to see an untidy lot or un sightly spot inour town this sum mer blursgrystock is arriving daily now Remember to keep the roots protected and dont plant in the wind Last week promised you list of Polyantha and Climbing Roses votcd as topnotchcrs by the Ontario Rose Society and listed according to points of merit Here they or Hybrid Polyantha Fashion Donald Prior Frensham Rosenelfc Else Poulscn Pinocchio Betty Prior Goldilocks Minna Kordes Orange Trimnphr Kirsten Poulsen Floradora Permanent Wave Vogue Dainty Maid Alain Climbing and Rambling PaulsScarlet Climber The New Dawn Elegance Pauls Lemon Pilla Glendale Blaze Clg Mme Ed Herriot Royal Scarlet Mrs Artlir Curtiss James Mary Wallace Gig Mrs Sam McGredy Roses QBack in 1910 took 55 manhours to produce an acre 013mm yield ing 2612051163 Today with mod erpfmchinery the same acre prov lacing 38 bbshelsrequires only 17 know wherever Heaven is That roses must be there And have hopes that some rose vines Will climb the golden stair But here on earth find the gates Of Paradiso ajar Nor do yearn for lovelier things Beyond the moon and star rose of red is Beautys heart rose of white her soul Distil them Lordwithin my cup And make Iny spirit whole WILSON MacDONALD ARE YOUR CHILDREN GET TING REsrLsss awaiting the de lightful spring days Heres an idea which will help them pass the time as well as hold their interestzl Let them grow their own plants Tllla can be done many differentl waysa sweet potato plant isf lovely With toothpicks suspend sweet potato in tall jar just so the tip is in the water Sproutsj will appear in about two weeksiNamC time and soon pretty vine will be climbing your wall ORANGE GRAPEFRUII 0R1 DATE SEEDS also make attractive plants Soak the seeds overnight then plant in pots of damp sand or earth Keep pot shaded until iii former rcsicnt of Barrie and know would be pleased to receive an sproutsappear this should hopE pen Within three weeks then bring out into theopcn ROOT VEGETABLES SUCH AS CARROTS bccts orrwhito turnipsl also will send forth new shootsl Cut one inch of the top of thesnl vegetables off retaining stubby topSI and set in saucer of water It will take approximately seven to ten days for the new shoots to appean HOW ARE YOU MAKING OUT WITH LENTEN ideas One easy meal to prepare is salmon with hollandaise sauce Chill one llb can of salmon Turn out whole on buttered pan Bake 30 minutes in 350 oven Its delicious served with lemon slices and either hollandaisc or mock hollandaise sauce HERES RECIPE FOR REALLY SUPERB LENTENICAS SEROLE Marinate lb llet of sole fresh or frozen with V4 cup lemon juice 11 cup water small bay leaf la teaspoon salt and It teaspoon pepper Drain juice into bowl and add the liquid from one 2oz can mushrooms and en ough water to make 1V2 cups Melt tablespoons butter and add tablespoon grated onion and tablespoons vitamin enriched flour stir inliquid slowly Cook until smooth and thick Add this sauce to egg yolks Mix together and add mushrooms Cook 1b spin ach for minutes Drain Season Put in greascdbaking dish and top with sh and sauce dot with leNainlt Syndicate Inca0 Collide Its getting hard to believe youre the man who mode me forget all about Francis Bushman Ccntennlal Names Committee co The Barrie Examlncr Barrie Ontario Gentlemen wish to inform you that Street Address City Prov or State invitation to attend OLD HOME WEEK Sendcrs Name Address Bury the Hatchet lAt Tribal Feast coldest cant take back mm the II He lust starve to deathhut he diesl with his honor intact As far as Nmopi art is concern ed Houston said he ISaIllMEd at MONTREAL April 13 Cpr1ht Its fluid almost modernistic dc cold war on me NurmeIgn The Indians specialize in American continent came to artend wow and 5mm cawxngx rec ntly The Nascopi Indians got together at gCanadas frozen Labrador and In glowday revel decided to bury the hatchet and the whalcbnne Spear This was disclosed by Houston Canadian artist who most of the last eight years lathe519 Arctic laplcs of Nasc0pi art the Eskimoslive and hunt Before lhe private war was call cd off Nascopis labelled Eskimos as caters of raw meat while the lati calling Nascopis possessors of tcr retaliated by 9adlik meaning lice Houston said no one knows why the parties ended btcamc bosum buddies Little is known of the Naseopis about 160 of whom lIVc near Fort iChimo They are something of lost tribe Houston said Driven north hundreds of years ago they have survived by hunting the cari bou They have rigid and strange code of honor Houston said The men hunt in pairs If one gets 12 caribou and the other none the man with 12 is bound to give his unfortunate matc all l2 Then if he fails to find more he and their traditional enemies the Eskimos their feud and CONFUSING ADVICE BAP PROSPECTS sapstarted running at Four Mile Lake about the third wch of March and farmers said they expect good lsyrup season Recent estimates show that the average Canadian telephone user in paying his bill annually contri gbutes $12 in taxes to the Federal We were somewhat resigned toggovemmem Caribou 1285 accept criticism of comic book readi mg by our ymmgsters as being al tsomcwbat dangerous pastime Now $we learn that comic book reading Jam Is an escape measure and we should fptmnot attempt ta shield our young5 bit confusing to 535 He and lllS wrfc Alma or ma least rivcd in Montreal to display suml Tlic Mormons spent last summer the Fort Chimo area where the gtNuscopiscncmics for centurlcs of BRYSTHIIIS LODGE Wedding Receptions Dinner Parties Conventions Banquets IIOMELIKE HOSPITALITY Please Call 5198 CHANGES effective Sunday April 26 1953 Full Information From COMING TO BARRIE llll APRIL 24 to non mu The Salvation Army IIIE lilillSllIlElIS Team of Evangelists MllJtlll and has PElllllll Outstanding Speakefs Missionaries recently Crawford doe Est 1919 MEMBERS rm TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE eovornmnt Municipal and Corporation Securities 9l Dunlap Street Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 Direct Wire butterBakm30minuten 350 ovcn Youll have enough for four generous servings and Its delicious YOU CAN GIVE LOVELY SPARKLE to your crystal and glassware by merely adding small ainount of vinegar to your rinsing water TRY THIS SAME IDEA FOR YOUR rinsing water for painted and cnamelled walls woodwork andfurniture and youll give them back newlypainted look VINEGARCAN BRING YOU BACK into your husbands good graces too should you scorch his best shirt in ironing Rub the brown spot lightly with vinegar then wipewith clean cloththe scorcli will disappear my FOR BEAUTIFULAND RAD IANl FINISH on furniture trya teaspoon of vinegar to plnt of furniture polish Youll be well satised with the results Tfllltllllfl BUSINESS unis won lm Free Concert Artists VOWo =Lu Pmmsl OholriAccornponistF Soloistl Speaker vangolisffof Toronto haw moms New More poWer More pickjup More roA Ioer tor yoursolety Thognow Plymouth gives you smooth lively perlovrmonco lgmoits Plymouth long lilo and economy elpPied mm VISION whom wants In case of blowout PlymoutlilsolelyRln Wheels hold the tire solely on the rimhelping PlymouI MAIING IALANCCD RIO New truly balancedsIIspension controls roll pitchLQIounce levelsyrood three WuysliGivJes you the smoothest sollestrlde gov have ever New oneplace wlndshleldIS optically curved to minimize reflectionsll57 more total gloss oreqgives betiorollround vision Electric wind returned from China lst Lieut Hammond pianist 2nd Linm Macfarlane ARCT soloist Service Everylliglit III pm Except Sunday Services at am pun lOddfellows Temple see how much y0l1r money buys passengers CALL rm EXAMINER mu mnmzm PHONE an NORTH BAY OntmIClelllwle TRINITY CHURCH Rev chENCIEB WRIGHT Rector Mrs Roberts Choir Director amIIOLY comnmiox Io amsvnnar scnom In tumMORNING PRAYER Subject WHAT CAN RELIGION DO FOR ME pmEVENSONG SERMON Preacher for the day THE RECTOR ALI WARMLY WELCOME BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH hsv EUGENE BEECH BA Minister MR HAROLD DEMISEY Organist SUNDAY APRIL 19 1953 945 mumSunday School 11 amBcglnners Dept 11 amMORNING wonsinr Subject Did Ithe Elder Brother Come Unto Himself hmEVENING WORSHIP Subject The Protestant Gospel and Econ omic Success Fireside hour Song Service and 45minute film depicting the Roy al Tour in Canada 1951 Holly Sunday School pm Holly Church Service pm They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength 22 The Salvation Army co COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly Worship SR MAJOR MILLS Commanding Officer LT woon AsSlstaut SUNDAY APRIL 19 1953 Saturday panPrayer Meeting Sunday 11 tumHoliness Meeting 3nsmaysih33L PmSalvation Meeting ALL ARE WELCOME FIRST BAPTISTCHURCll REV LUCK BAgtBD Minister SAINT GEORGES Chilich of Enth ALLANDALE nscron Rev NewtonSmith BA 300 amnorv common 1100 IntMORNING PRAYER pmEVENING PRAYER Collier St United Church REV LEWIS MA BD Minister LLOYD TUFFORD Organist and Cholrmaster SUNDAY APRIL 19 1953 ll amMORNING SERVICE ow To Find Reality and Power In Religion THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 nmJunior Intermediate and Senior Departments 11 norNursery Beginners and Primary Departments umThe Adult Bible Class pmEVENING SERVICE The Power To See It Through an mam FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 Hayfield St 1030Sunday School 1130 and 730PREACHING Rev Bright WELCOME Central United Church Minister REV BEWELL BA Organist and IChoiImaster WARREN MacLEAN SUNDAY APRIL 19 1953 1100 amMORNING WORSHIP THE MEANING OF FAITH Barrie Fire Brigade in Attendance 1045am0RGAN musk InnEVENING WORSHIP The Minister and Choir will ex change with the Minister and Choir 0fStaynecUnitediehurchrwm cannon sermon 945 amJr Int and Sr Depts Come to Gods House on His Day MISSE CLOUGHIEY Organist St Andrews Presbyterian SUNDAY APRIL 191953 Sunday School 950 am 11 ansMORNING WORSHIP pmBELIEVERS BAPTISM pmFireside The FRIENDLY CHURCH aeAunruIunncosmmo This newlPlymonlh is lbwer sleeker more beautiful yoetolfers moroheod room Therevis over Inches mores hiproom for rear seat Ntw MYDIIVE SAvEs voupikl SHIIIIINo Just put lnyhihpYlou can stop godrive in traffic without chqngingWonderlully eosy simplewoiks fromstondord gearshift HvaDrivhos oilpushioned smoothnessfast yobtobringthecortoosolostrdlghtlinestovpi shleld wipers maintain censtant speed fluidtorque pickup MORE THAN EVER THE NEW 53 Punbums ARE Ior VALUE IN THE LOWERPRICED FIELD wCHRYSLERPLYMOUTllFARGODEIlLERS MANUFACTURED IN CANADA avcnlwsm conroaAnoN or CANADA LIMIIED HyDrlve ls opllonol equipment at extra coil Con as illustrated include certain extra qqufpmont mm Chock vlltli your local dealer for Information oh standard equlpmenl moooMVoonMPI4fiolumly0 WI MW 84m Sadat club coupe Hltdtoo embmlt Fouran Sedan Club Coupe CONNIle Coupe SpvoyCSubuIban Cambridge fournod Sedan ctuh Coupe Suburban Essa Rood Presbyterian Church REV MUIR as Minister MR rnavx BUTCHER Organist summit Anna 19 1953 to rimchurch scion 11 nunNursery Class ll tun The Presbyterian Elder 719111 Prayer in the Church 815 pmfvrs FULL GOSPEL Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Mlnister MR ANGUS ROSS Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY APRIL 19 1953 ll tumWMS SERVICE Speaker Mrs Andrew LamALL THAT HAVE Sound Motion Picture Film 815 pmIYPS Fireside Meeting 11 omIHE CHURCH SCHOOL All Departments unrrsn Arcsrouc FAITH cannon on Hint nigh st SUNDAY APRIL 19 1953 Sunday School pan Service pm Toplcz Ihe GreatWedding Pastor Hutchinson IABERNACLE Afliated withthe Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 20 MULGASIER s12 Banana ncv it BURGESS PASTOR sunnanaram 1191953 in anbSUNDAII sermon aneranSS ansmoasmo wonsmr 730 pmINSPIRING GOSPEL SERVICE Tues ourPrayer Meeting yhur pmYounx people Bible Study WonderfulWord woodcut CKBB 905930 am Sunday tnrnupnnmnn coulan STREET mm REV NULIMEYER PASTOR 945 aminIBLn sonoon p00 aimnow trons Srnond CHRISTIAN Lmormsmsiamm omit autos banana BROAD WE =15 musBeginners aint Irintary