NESDAY APRIL 15 1953 demonic men Vldtors My weekend guests of flat Harry Leadlay were Mini the Milton Trace and daugh hr Ditty of Elmvale Donnell was Mr DOnnells brother Ferris Donnell Toronto H11 Norman Simon and daugh tar Sandra spent few days in Buffalo Visiting relatives Mr and Mrs Jack Finley andi children of Huntsville spent kw days with Mrs Finleys par5 eats Mr and Mrs McMasterg Visited In New York Isobel Ramsay returned Miss home from New York where she had been visiting friends for five day Mr and Mrs Andrew Myles and daughter Naomi of Thornhury 15 mm We 01 ML and Mm spent last Sunday with Mr and Mrs Fisher Jim Currie spent few days of the Easter holidays with friends at lslington Sincere Sympathy Sincere sympathy is extended to the relatives and friends of Austin Lyons who passed away suddenly in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on April CNR Trawler James Arnold who has been CNR station agent for several months at Caramat has been transferred to Oba near llornepayne Mrs Alice Donnelly and son Gordon of Lcaside were Easter Sunday guests of Mrs Owen Bell Giltord Emtcr weekend guests of Dr and Mrs Carr were Mr and Mrs McConnell Toronto 10th Anniversary Mr and Mrs Archie Currie and family spent Good Friday in Stay ner visiting Mr and Mrs Banner man who were celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary Barbara Baker Schombcrg spent the Easter holidays with her grandmother Mrs Montgomery Easter visitors with Mr and Mrs Kennett Crawford were Mr and Mrs Cecil Sheardown Edgar Mrs Freeman Campbell Barrie IIIIRRY IIIIRRYI only more days to enter the big TELEVISIBN and 11111110 DRAW heinglleld Sui llpril 18 NuService ILI 12115 For Pickup and Delivery Dial 247 We wish to thank all our customers and friends for their courteous patronage ill the you in the future past and we hope to serve Theresllo lleluy TIIIe illlontlulc Way TRONE 551 NIGHT AND DAY ALLANDALE TAXI of this week to their not all LIZCOL MERRIII VC OTTAWA APRIL 8When Cani adas Reserve Army Coronation contingent assembles at Valcalticri Quebec later this month it will have the proud distinction of havg ing both its Commanding Officer and ScoondimCommand wearersl of the Victoria Cross LieutenantColonel Charles Cccil Ingcrsoll Merritt VC 44 Vancouver and LieutenantColonel Paul TriE quot VC 44 Quebec City as hisi secondincommand will be the cad Reserve Force at Coronation ANTEN MILLS Church service every Sunday at pm MINMaw Nlptlals Congratulations to Betty Maw and Gilbert Haight who were mar ried on Saturday At Elmvcle Wedding Mr and Mrs Coughlin at tended the FreemanArcher wed ding in Elmvale recently Mr and Mrs Art Giffen and son of Sunnidale and Mr and Mrs Don Glffen and son of Barrie were re cent visitors at Wilsons At Convalescent Home Mr and Mrs Fleming spent Sunday with their daughter Dor othy who is progressing very well at St Johns Convalescent Home Willowdale LlCOL PAUL moor2r vc senior officers with 204 represent atives of the Reserve Army who will line the streets hear Canada House on the day of the ceremony LieutenantColonel Merritt is commanding officer of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada while Lieut enantColonel Triquet commands Le Regiment dc Levis Colonel Merritt W011 the Empires highest award for valor at Dieppc while Colonel Iriquet earned his VC at Casa Bcrardi Italy during the Second World War spent Wednesday with Mrs Mar garct Long Miss Margaret Vausc Craighurst spent the weekend with Miss Joan Wilson Visit Grandparents Masters Brian and Bob McLean returned home on Saturday after spending the Easter holidays in Toronto with theirgrandparents Mr and Mrs Jack McLean Ronnie andCraig Coleman spent Friday in Alliston visiting their grandparents Two carloads of people from Bee ton attended the United Church choir concert on Friday evening at the United Church Miss Penny Gill Barrie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Calvin Jennett Miss Sylvia Whytc Angus spent the weekend with her grandpar ents Rev and Mrs Lewis Mrs Smith Barrie spent few days with Mr and Mrs Arnold and attended the United Church choir concert on Friday evening 501k Anniversary Mr and Mrs Sam French Mr and Mrs John Faris Mr and Mrs George Foris and Mrs Ver ncr attended the 50th wedding an niversary reception of Dr and Mrs Robb Orchard Crescent Toronto on Wednesday Dr Robb is bro ther of Mrs Verncr and Mrs Faris Swimming Course Miss Joan Powell and Fraser Carr arcattending the Red Cross instructors Course in swimming this week atOritario Divii6n Head quarters Toronto New Home Mrs Wilkinson and daughter Marjorie of Toronto were Easter weekend guests of Mrs Margaret Long They plan to move thcir household effects the Ittcr part home on Ivloiilorowstvorking on tho gigimtic urulnum jirojcct now taking Ci Irlountuin coast pubelltfitncllcs are opcrtltingg To LichNeiiilko River in Extract from eitgr wrgite our Manager at Kemunoxilbc for Pioneering in romotp urcuzlis nothing new to the lloyul Bunk It is strong tradition Today fforcxamplc we maintain Ofces at Churchill Von Hudsons Bay Mayo in the Yukon and Port Radium clinicfringe of tho Areticfstllo furthestnorth twilight Canada Whenever and wherever tlIc Itccdariaos T110 lloyltlllouk of Jesus Mrs Bond Street where they will es tablish residence Dance and Euchre The Agricultural Society are haying their last euchre and dance of the season in the Town Hallvon Friday April 17 at pm There will be good prizes lunch and music supplied by WalterBeattys orchcstta WA Meeting The Presbyterian WA meeting was held at Mrs Adairswtth 20 ladies answering the roll call The president opened the meeting with hymn 254 All Hail the Power Name followed with prayer and Bible reading taken from St John chapter 20 Mill utcs were read and approved and thank you cards were read frOm Mr Barry Mrs Cubitt and Miss Cousins Reports were givcnby the treasurer work sick and visit ing and mansc committees Among the business discussedwas thatof planting flowers and shrubs on the church grounds Articles which have been made for the ClM were handedin to the work coh venel and will later be sent to the Philippines The May meeting will be heldxat Mrs Ritchies with Mrs II Smith and Mrs Mayesas sisting the hostess Mrs Adair was program convenr forthe evening with Mrs Hughes and Evelyn Currie assisting contest onf the Easter bunny was won by Mrs Currie The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction Thevhostc css assisted by Mrs Pegg and Mrs Hopper servedlunch and social hour was enjoyed rbyralll Choir Concert fairly large crowd attended the Cookstown United Church Con cert on Friday evening April 10 in the auditorium ofjthe church when the choir under thp leader ship of the organist Arnold produced an enjoyable programof musicalrnilmbers The altar was beautifully decorated with fusiumofspringowersf leaves The opening numbers by the choir were Hail The Day and A11In the April Evening Leslie Smiths solo The Lords Prayer was enjoyed as well as the quartet Rev Kellogg Leslie Smith MrJones and George Earls who sang Drink To Me Qply and Mother McCrce for the rst part and Thats An Irish Lullaby and Kentucky Babe for the second part of the program Two organ given by Mrs Smith Lorne Am old and Rev Kellogg and John Arnold selections being Jesu Joy of Mans Desiring and TheLost Chord vocal duet Barcarolle from Tales of Huff man was ablylendued by Mrs FOR EXPERT REPAIRWORK Till211011 MOTORS Your DODGEGDESOTO IDEAlER 10 R055 51 Barrie v0 hesehelvj piano and violin numbers were Weekend Visitors Mr and Mrs Joc Jones New market visited over the weekend at Jones when they also at tended the HaightMaw wedding Easter Church Service The Easter church service was well attended with pantomime done by live girls in white which made very effective opening num ber readlng was given byShir ley Priest followed by solo by Moyra Knapp which was well rendered After the special Easter Inssagc by the pastor the ChOI sang He Rose Triumphantly WA Plan Hobo Teas The WA held their monthly meet ing in the church basement with 12 members present The devotional was conducted by Mrs Ron McRae It wasdecided to hold few Hos boteas to raise llttlcmnncy The first tea was held on Monday afternoon when carioad of ladies arrived at Mrs Chestcn Richard sons The hostess was absolutely unaware that she was having callers but nevertheless provided most delicious lunch each member pay ing 25c Thotcas prove most en tertaining and very social hour is spent together Student Teachers The two student teachers here this week are Hector Jones and Rudy Huebcrt both of Toronto Jeanette Pratt Barrio spentva few days at Mrs Scotts Mr and Mrs Giraldeau Ot tawa Mr and Mrs Cecil Thompson and two children of Schreibcr and Mrs Earl Allsopp Midland were recent visitors at Mrs Hilts Mr and Mrs Jack Height and Mrs George Webb visited over the weekend at Haights Smith and Mrs Monk many Other choir selections were Tcach Me To Pray Galwoy Bay Seek Ye The Lord Deep In My Heart Swing Low Sweet Chariot Brahms Lulluby and Sweet The Moments Soloists in these were Rev Kellogg and Mrs Kellogg Requested repeated numbers were The Lost Chard and All In the April Evening short skit The Umbrella Sis ters by two active members of the church caused much merri ment Following the concert so clal was given for the choir mem bers in the school room of the church when the choir presented gen leader Lorne Arnold with or adstone bag in appreciation of the work and time he gave to make and Mrs William Cousins who choir has been asked to repeat their program at Manseld on Ap ril 17 and Newton Robinson April 24 Other places dates not set are Beeton Alliston Stayner Bradford and Bond Head Ross Social Group Ross Social Group met at Mrs It Westlakes on Wednesday 7April with 13 members and six visitors present The president Mrs Lloyd Dermott opened the meeting with all repeating the IIOIdsPrayer The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopt and business matters discussed Mrs BertaDermott who has re Centiy returned from Scotland was guest One quilt was completed and knitting and sewing were re turned this to be used for the Childrens Aid Society Lunch was served by thehostess assisted by Mrslt James Wares MrsA1exAllen and Mrs at Mrs Hubert Lemmons Home Again Mrs Vivian Beatty returne home last Sunday after spending several weeks visiting relatives at Toronto Port Credit and Fergus Mr and Mrs Arthur Shetler weekend with the latters spent the dMrslohnsl ton Jane lwnihnacnnr vaIIIF onyourcerealMmlnlIGlou of Canada hoods north With the men who on establishing Canadas now frputiers they purchased Colwell Ramsay The next meeting will be on April 15 and Susan returned homewith them after spending at THE GREEN FRONT STORES nannwm crrmll Girls TOYS Where SUPER HEALTH COOKWARE There are lots of Utensils but Nowhere and no how will you find like SUPERH EALTHl and you can purchase whole set ONE PIECE AT TIME Commence today and firs know youll have an outfit The prices make It easily available too you know IIFOR YOURGARDEN GARDEN AND LAWN RAK SPADES FORKS 85 CULTIVATORS DIGGING SPADES AND FORKS GRASS SHEARS AND OLIPPERS POWER LAWN MOWERS ARMSTRONG LAWN MOW VIGORO SHEEP VMANURVE JL You Buy More for Less lt PAINT PAINT PAINT Now IS THE TIME TO APPLY rr 18 1le ANSWER TO ALL PAINT PROBLEMS SUNSET ENAMEL BRIGHTENS EVERYTHING SPEEDFAST SATIN TRANSFORMS ROOM IN NO TIME WITHOUT Fuss ING MUSSING OR CUSSING VELVELOID Velvet Finish Just what the name implies Whatever job you plan doing theres the right pro duct and the right colour in the another line thin you LAWN DINNER ES MYOTTS MARGUERITE WARE TWO COLOURS 66 PC SETS $2195 Hand Painted White with Green Trim and Decoration or Orange Trim and Decoration STRAWBERRY DINNERWARE MOST COLORFUL NUMBER 32 PC SETS Reg 1870 for $995 ERS Heres wishing the victoriou Honours andthen the Mem LAWN ROLLER FOR RENTAL DUTCH SETS 86 IMULTIPL USED OIL COOK STOVE WITH WARMING CLOSET CAN BE CONVERIED TO COAL Look $5000 QUICKLY GARBAGE CAN DISPOSAL their hunt for the Eastern Canada Flyers success in Supremacy orial Cup emblematic of Dominion Junior SALE OF BONE CHIN CUPS AND SAUCERS Reg 160 175 and 185 Now 150 SILVER CREAM SUGAR TRAY SETS 395 FIRE KING BOWL SETS Four In Sets Red Blue Yellow and Green 995 IER ONIONS Glen Plaid Breakfast Sets Plaid BAGS Red Plaid orGreem 15 Extra Large Size for 29c GLIDDENS PAINT SALE Quarts $149 Gallons $470 REGAL PAI NT SALE GALLONS $325 QUARTS 98c Enamels and Velvet Finish also HARRY and RONALD transom TWO STORES roR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 fPPIIeni ihsesZB9 week with their grandparents Death of Mrs John Walker Rosanne Maude Cousins wife of the late John Walker died on Monday March 305 in Royal Vlc toria HOspital Barrie Mrs Walk cr was adaughter of the lateMr Portllrzelandeandisettlcdl Essa Township near Nicolston She was born in December 1876 in Essa Township Fortyfour years Tago she became the Wife of John Walker and almost all their mar ried life was spent on their farm in Tecumseth Township at Clover Hill Nine years ago Mr and Mrs Walker retired from farming and their residence in Cookstown Two years later Mr Walker died Mrs Walker was faithful member of Nicolstoanres byterian Church later United Church During some years of her Eearly life she was teacher In Campbells Sunday School Sur viving of family of eight are three brothers George Cousins of Cookstown Albert of Alliston and Thomas of Thornton three nieces and six nephews Her funeral took place on Wednesday after noon April from her late resrd ence Cookstown and was largely attended The funeralservice was held in St Johns Anglican Church and Was conducted by the rector Rev Donaldson assisted by Rev Kellogg of the United Church andRevA Lewis arjorrner minister who gave the sermon In terment was in St Johns Anglican Cemetery The pallbearrs were Douglas HoppbrJohn Couse Al bertErwin William MEIt Graham 6971 panIop St Phone 4946 were those from qukstown United Church and Alllston Foundry Rcllives and friends who were 1nl attendance at the funeral came from Toronto Wycvale Barrie BRENIWOOD WA Meet at Mrs Schells will Aim Schclls with 14 members andpne gamma visitor Mrs McQuay prczldd owing to the poor heath FELT WESK Ts presidnt Mrs Horner who we Blcntwood WA met at Feltwweskitsquaycoloriare attractive when worn with pretty blouse or skirt For dressier cos Vgegggldslsgs taJOkszggudgld tume you Can make weskit lll silk or velvet and trim it with braid 15 gpgint fseerghxyhbzrf wgggy or embroidery The trend for em da 15 Everybodxwelcome bggdimsgnwgfgmgsjtgy isthgigovzirggt Bids will entertfahin witltt threetc films aft su per nex me will have plenty of opportunity lillS mg wmbe alt Mm Desjardins Summer to make many lovey Sheppard Ave Toronto on May removers to wear TRY AN EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE 2414 14 Three cars are at the disposal of the WA The meeting was brought to close by prayer from Rev Bowins Wright Lloyd co elsontllcmenul Its so 90001 With meals There it right next to soups meats anddesserts Yes Coke with meals growing fast it really makes good food taste better uu Among the numerous oral trib utes tlforn relativesand friends