55 8a HE and rst Fred Griffis are to announce the birth of their son Donald Frank on March 1853 at St Andrews Hospital Midland brother for Lynn Bath 0f Barry White The deepest sympathy of the community goes to MISL Harry Wade and Miss Violet Wade In the passing of Mr Wadc on April l953 at St Andrews Hospital Mid land Await for hurch Attendance the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning th following scholars were uwanlcd prizes for high attendance at Serums during I952 Billie llill Andy Bub Brit gcss Jack llcrrrrrrg Shirtoy Mc Kay Marion Burgess Barbara Strath Kay Archer lllrrbcih Hill David Strath llirth Ann Arclrcr Phyllis Graham and Ruth Struitlr The prizes vvrv llltllii5 which won donated by the Ladies Aid West End Stori Sold Lillcy lrzrs mid iris gummy RAKES HOES FORKS etc Lawn and Garden FERTILIZER Grass Seed Onion Sets lowcr Mowers and Cultivators Floucr rind Vegetable Seeds Brown Co Ltd SEEDSMEN srxcr ltlll store and dwelling to and Kiri Frank Reynol of Elinvalc Mr Lilies is moving to Cundles where he will operate the grocery and meat business at the Vesprzi Frosted Food Lockers Best wishes go with him for continued success also to Mr and Mrs Reynolds in their new business Buy Reynolds Home Mr and Mrs George Fleming have purchased the home of Mr and Mrs Reynolds on Queen Street East Good Friday Service large attendance assembch in Sf Andrews Presbyterian Chosen on Friday morning at oclock At ttrc front of the church were many pots ofbcautiful EJSILI lilies Rev Burgess was in chargc Rev II Mulson of Wycliffe Ang lican liuicli Elmvnlc delivcrcd mos inspiring Scrnion in the keep ing of the day The local choir rciidcrcd beautiful ariithcm ArcherFreeman oncrntuliitioiis to Mr and Mis Francis Archer Incc Faye Fltt Iiraiit who vcrc Iirilrrictl Saturday in Wycliffe Anglican Church by RlY ll Maison lr Stcwart and Miss 130 ty Stowart Toronto Spciit days lllll Mr and Mrs Ewart lIiurlmv Mr and Mrs Ewart Langmuir and John of Barrio wch LllLSlS on Wed ncsdny of Mifaiid Mrs Sims Locke Mrs Lawson Robinson spcntthc lttk in Toronto with her daugh ltl Miss Kay Robinson Mn and Mrs Arnold Nurse Gtiil and Linda Mr and Mrslcrcy Ltllliitb Toronto sue the week cnd with Mr and Mrs Albert While Mrs Ross Millnr Toronto spurt fcw days with her oarcuts Mr and llrs John Kcrr Easter At Parental Homes Easter visitors with their parents Miss Jean Tipping William Bur gLSS Ron Dutcher Miss Lloyd Miss chona Qucsncllc Miss Gwen Cor coran Miss Mary Ritchie Rog Lloyd Fleming Isabelle Houdcn Miss Doreen Pearson Miss Joy Bertram Miss Marion Furlong Mr and Mrs Oscar Sriglcy and children Timmins spent the week and with their parents Mr and vth argue uboul MONEY Get fresh Stall in your family nances with an HFC loan $50 to $1000 on your own signature without bankablc security Up to 24 months to repay Thousands ofollicrs borrow this quick convenient way So can you today Phone or stop in MONEY wusu YOU NEED IT OIISEIIOID HIIAIIE 725 your in Canada 28 Dunlop St West socdnd floor phon 5529 IIAIIIIIE ONT llnlAllAthl swirling vim osmium in MrsMcl Rowat Lelandnnd Bill ROLLS 35c LIOMJRE union crrorcn Ilulvou 20 oz tinE24c Jillx ALLCOLOIIs riN Dc 1b I9I CIIIIE EllS IIIIIIIIIIcguiioII MaoINTOSH plustlcbug wivzwi es BETTY JEAN HAGEN the first Canadian violinist to win both the Naumburg Award in New York and the Pathe Marconi Prize in Paris who will be heard in recital at the Barrie District Collegiate Institutc auditorium on Friday ev ening April 10 in the final concert of the 1953 Canadian Artists Series Appearing here under the sponsorship of the Barrie Collegiate Band the young Canadian violinist will at Massey are with their fumilic lcge Aurora is home for the Easter 1hoiidayswWmm have as her assisting artist and accompanist Pianist Boris Roubakine The concert artist who recently returned from European tour has been praised forher artistry in two continents and Canadians who have witnessed her extra ordinary ascent as an artist within an astdiiishingly short space of time Her career promises to be one of the most brilliant in the international music world Mrs Manning and Mr and Mrs Ray Sriglcy Mrs Bate Misses liri will Sharon are spending the week Ivitlr relatives in Cobourg Mr and Mrs Frank Roberts and Janice of Toronto spent Good Fri day with Mrs WRancc Active In Churchill Cl Institute Church Work ram ement an ving iscy returned home on Friday cm Mrs Gown And Des Toronto ospital much impriivcrl in health Miss Linda Gossling is Spending Home From Hospital Mrs Gavin Allan passed away after lrort illness at her home in chroy on Monday March 30 1953 the neck wrth her uncle andaunt mm of Allandalc the de Mr andMrs Wusgn ccascd was the former Florcnce Mr alld MIS Clam KIIIPCI 1010 Campbell daughter of the late Mr to spent few days With Mi nnd nnd Mrs William Campbell She Mrs Bert Greerbank later moved with her parents to Mrs Rowai is spending Port Arthur Ont wcek with friends in Norwich and On Sept 18 1901 she married lNiagara Falls and went to live in Churchill Mac Rental of thc Hydro Barg Mrs Allan was an active mem lington and Fergus Rower HEPCI ber of Churchill United Church and was vitally interesth in the Work of the Womens Institute and Womans Auxiliary She gave un stintingly of her time in organizing and assisting ncw branches At the time of her death Mrs Allhirlvzipust districtpresidentiof South Simcoe Womens Institute ifpr the holiday Mr and Mrs Erncst Scott To gironto were at their home for iic lholidays lry areyisiting friends at Gulf Nor wich and Niagara Falls John Copeland St Andrews Coll and daughters of Orillia spent the radium Wright Mrs Kavanaugh of Mincsing spent Thursday with Mrs Terry Death of Mrs Butcher Sincere sympathy is extended to the sons and daughters of the late Mrs Dutchcr who passed away on April at the home of Mrs Bishop Elmvalc Miss Heather Forbes Hamilton is holidaying with her grandparents Rev and Mrs CStubbs Mr and MrsWilliam Hill and Edgar Beardsall spent Wednesday in Toronto Holiday visitors with er Mrs Verne Bertrdsall were Mr and Mrs Allan Mollison and baby son William Robert of St Catharines iMiss Adamson of Midhurst Ldrnc Beardsall of Toronto Miss Terry Stevenson and Ron Ritchicfwcre with Mrs Ritchie for thcholidziy and EasterSunday Service Several visitors in the village at tended St Johns United Church scivicc Sunday morning Rev EGERegnuldsmonduciethc service immune In Health late Miss Susanne McGinnis Stewart and Harry Ihurlow The Sacrament of TheLordr Suppi was observcd by the worshippers proving slowly at his home here Mound Mrs Fred Langstaffaud Cindy Mr aners Morley Knight the deceased was HAWKESIONE Mr and liftS Leonard OBrlen and son Ken visited relatives at Coopers Falls over Easter Mr and Mrs Alex Murray Stayner were Easter visitors with their uncle Archie McMillan There was large congregation at St Aidans Anglican Church Sun day evening The Easter anthem sung by the young choli was much appreciated The Lute Abe Murphy Sympathy is extended to the wife son and family of the late Murphv who passed away sudden ly at Woodstock last week He and his wife formerly Frances Roc opent number of years in this community On Thursday evening April Miss Helen Caldwell Guthrie and Alvin Charters Orillia were united in marriage at the parsonage by Rev Hugh Shannon William Lowe and Miss Hazel Chartch of Orillla were the attendants After the marriage reception was held for the young couple and relatives at the home of Mrs William Campbell sister of the bride Home for Easter Miss Elciuror Leigh Miss Maggie Grindlcy Don Crawford Mm Helen Anderson Mr and Mrs Lorrie Sutton Toronto Miss Fran ces Leigh North Bay and Mr and Mrs Eric Leigh Barrie were all home over the Easter holiday United Church at Easter The Sunday evening Easter scr rice was won attended at the Unit ed Church The choir rendered two numbers The Easter Dawnlt ing and The Magdalene and were complimented on their ren ditions RevMr Shannons topic was The Resurrection from the series Thc Way the Master Wentl Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Wilfer Johnston Bass Lake Mr and Mrs Norman Adam Davidson Sosk visited Mr and Mrs Edgar Johnstone recent ly Mr and Mrs Russel Pearce and son Ron Toronto were visiting in thevillagc over the holiday Weekendwisitors with Rev and Mrs Shannon over the Easter holiday were Mr and Mrs Shannon and Barbara Mr and Mrs Norman Gregory Toronto Mr and Mrs Murray Ottawa and Mr and Mrs Leslie Samuels and Margaret of Ajax M155 Loreen Johnston has return cd home after spending few days in New York Married at Parsonage happy event took place at the parsonage on Saturday April when Mrs Olga Berry and Rex Black of Barrie were united in mar riage by Rev Shannon Mr and Mrs Roy Black attended the couple Also present were chgic RobertsmugcncBmy daughr tor and son of the bride and Miss Maxine Ritchie Died at Port Mchcoll It was with deep regret we learn ed of the death of George Adam on Monday at PortMcNiooll He was former resident of Hawkestone Good Friday Service The annual Good Friday evenmg service was well attended with St and held an honorary life mem bership in the Womens institute She was also keenly interested in tho Order of the Eastern Star Surviving are her husband Gavin Allan Lefroy andtllree ummmmimzuaeibf rows King Ont Mys New Mar garetl Chatlram and Mrs Robinson Bessie Sault Ste Marie Ont one son Jack at home and one sister living at Churchill Mrs Scott Funeral service on Thursday March 26 was held at Churchill Un ited Church was conducted by Rev Sanders Family service in the home was conducted by Rev Morris Interment was in the Sixth Line Cemetry Pallbearers EWere Howard Allan Blythe McConkcy Fred Peacock Bell VWRobinson and The many Mum Pill and Melvyn come sang 5010 Nw 00M The flowers we iti Will be pleased to hear he is im 10 mum the The many 10ml tributes andcx pressions of sympathy were evi dence of the high esteem in which held in the com minim my 16 ozllOTllE 15c min Bcfzsso ATTRACTIVELV IIIIIIIIIHIIIIS Lingo Bunches LorgoSizothlu to it Also Maternity Dresss Home choose frOlllIIrltlEgSeIeIIIIQIl 0f HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS Where You Buy More for Less ChartersCaldwell Wedding WICKER ROLL AND BREAD BASKETS WITH SAW ATTACHMENT 35c 75c $119 MANY OTHER USES INCLUDING SAND WICKER SNACK SET 1N9 BUFFING PAINT MIXING Baskets with handles in set LARGE PLANT BASKETS Will accommodate plants 275 225 PRICE ONLY THESE BASKETS JUST ARRIVED COMBINATION DRILL SET GRASS SEED C1 FERTILIZERS DUTCH SETS MULTIPLJERS SMELT NETS 20 SMDLTS ARE WITHIN galoitosv 95 NEPTUNE LONGFERN EACH 50c MYOTTS CORONATION WARE NEWLY ARRIVED FROM ENGLAND CUPS AND SAUCE3R8 75c SQUARE CAKE PLATES 65c and 85c DUNNES ROLLER SKATES $495 CAR WASH MITTS $150 One woman to another in doctors waiting room 0h feel so much better now that the doctors found out theres really something wrong with me ENGLISH DINNERWARE SPECIAL SETS OF 66 PIECES $5995 FOR $4500 SETS OF 96 PIECES $7500 FOR $5900 In the beautiful Penrose Decoration JAMBOREE STARTER SETS 20 PIECES ASSORTED COLORS OPEN STOCK AVAILABLE IN BOTH THESE VERY POPULAR NUMBERS GLASS TUMBLERS TO MATCH BOTH PLASTIC BROOM RAKES 179 CAR WASH SPONG ES 75c 79c 85c DAISY AIR RIFLES $315 $595 $695 $995 CARNIVAL STARTER SETS PLASTIC CLOTHES LINE SETS CAR WASH BRUSHES 235 650 1050 100 FEET LINE PULLEYS $359 150 FEET LINE PULLEYS $400 FLOWER AND VEGETAELE GARDEN SEEDS JIhey Crucified My Lord NACHURS LIQUID FERTILIZER 59c and $100 One Tablespoon mok esone Gallon usuable strength Fertilizer HARRY and RONALD ARMSTRONG TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98404 Dunlop St Phone 280I 6971 Dunlop St Phone 4946 Ardans Anglican congregation join ing at the United Church The Un ited Church choir led the singing and sang TWere You There When Wil liam Smith and Harry Slcssor sang duet Take Up Thy Cross Rev Mr Shannon led the service and Rev Dr Lighthourn gave the address to the large congregation Mr and Mrs Charles Sanderson and family Toronto and Mr Sand ergmrtrsrmrty BDW wvmrimrrday visitors with Mr and Mrs Morris Shelwell Mr and Mrs Russell Kcndzill and family Orillia spent few days With Mrs Kendall Mrand Mrs Leslie Jermey were Visitors with Mr and Mrs Bruce ulcimey Collingwood Mrs Howard Prophet andrson Bill spent Easter holidays iirTO ronto with Mn and Mrs Douglas Wilson and son Mr and Mrs Gordon Jennings and daughtersl3pl Good Friday with relatives at Bracebridge Mr and Mrs Tim Jermey and TEETlEKrm 106 cubic roar Model on 106 son David visited relatives in To 10 We are plcaScdoto see Mrs Roy nto on Good Friday Gray home from the hospital Visitors at the home of Mr and were Mr and Mrs Wcavcr Mr and Mrs Garnet Lit SICI andmdaughter Mrs Megson and Butler Toronto and Mr and Mrs Harry Anderson Barrie were holi MIS Vic 8011 SclDefrostingr THE 56 Ellen Shoe Mr and Mrs day visitors with Mr and Mrs westington Mr and Mrs Pitric and family and Mr Gricc spent the weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs Mawhinncy and Mr and Mrs John Andorson and daugh ters Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr and Mrs Anderson TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD RANGES REFRIGERATORS DEEP FREEZERS Cubic Pool Model DCR90 Will Freezer nnd RollingShel Irma Modol Miisoc grand refrigerator lrnstreezer REG miPIES Modol regular value SSWlb 375300 IO SIGN Os GOOD LUMBER IIIIIIIG Iool MoanDig Inc 85 Fieczer and Rollingj Shelves 88 Cubicltoiir Model stirs very popular model Wonderful value guru Iiiii 29000 746975 Monetsn soc Ideal size for the small family REG 29975 innerlime IIIIIIBE Large oven Timer sells regularrot $29915 to 1241 Months Convalii6nt rIIIIIiIan 4000 up to qu the lilllll EIIHoNE 2m