Sc MikesG sautet lamp curling illndsay Goalie lSaves Males in DEA Junlor Final so nine munnine mics Walker IIOPIIY ST MIEHAAmlIIS Rifles Goal Chadwick defence Reaumel Fina Res is terme ate Win Clune Watt Price forwards Duff Ratchford sienna Dineen Wznncrs January Ted lllpwell Lilliid Mams Miami 1011 Midland 8mm won the initial Costello Gallery Llnscmarl LeejBond Head Fatwa llezb Lawn Williams at Ljndsaytmme NHL wcmdin Champiom Art Ruse gullie of the OHAiship 135 wand down Plato Dick Duff cllce Newmarket AL 821R Goal Harrington Cuwshaw Bradford bestcfseven scml mg Winnipeg Canadians 92 before all defencev Brad Tth NW 51 mam capacity house of 1290 fans The Willls Cherry to January Joe Wlnzcrkom End gumHep mag Truax Bruins won the opener of the best Tlflbault K3211 Robertson Hggins ards lea Hench Jmw$xfrudz February VKnccslvlaw ijeplgjced Clan OConnell in thoofthrce series 51 at Maple Lestg Bradford Marco 3165335 New VlJSchs goal and received strung Gardens Monday or son lchenney Mohns lcftIlerL uppurt Carver Tcssier Marian loeta Elwood Cullzzlbs led the Muskics marltcl Personnel of tile ubovc nllrg xrzth tuo goals llugl Hicks scored the utllrl Sallllell and Cochrane rinks and postilon played First Period scored for Collutgwovxi Ted liipwcll viccsklp St Mikes Cattery l= Suhv Costeum gt 126 10 Bdletul cud ar can mm omit KY LOCAL The original provinces of the Confederation of Conudawelc New 823 WI Officers Returned The institute held their annual llllbllllg April at Mrs Clarks Brunswick Nova Scotiu Onlzmuf Lce LEs Duff Skip llcrb Lawrence lCCiklp land Quebec Keri Wbytc second Frank Dawson 3155533355 lead Clu SQUARE Barrie Pleuch Skin Ari Knee Vicskin Robertson Whitei 1256 Keith Noble seed Ar Turner Mike Rmmrd crland load Herb lludgson 35L Mikes Dineen 353 lead Don Weston ogralzl rv rlwr ibault minor majorl Dinten MCCUWheJll Shlpl mm3dm lac ice LV Du McKennev Leei This wesk new bk round lfll um ll furs 5CtlLtl illis Plats tmajorl Teal robin playoff series in oath c0m bunny lououuu rings were turned Third Period fpetition to eliminate one llllk wlm 13 illl 340fo reapome NET Barrie Teal 2323319 finals talking place on Friday 13 5w 9m Or he Barrie Tcssicr inignt April ltlth at 800 pm The Tim 032W All we re lMcKenney Tcolv 1037 LCurllnu Banquet will be held nextt WM WWW farewell 10 St Mikes Ratchford Eweck at Rivcrview inn Wednesday lcznclnolulzc was presented to Mrs Costello Dineen 1114 Apr DUL nldolt Icllll by Mrs btrucllan Penalties Lee T9551 poem on behalf of the institute IS311 major Plnta major misconduct and Mrs Jtlllily and family arc Llrtseman tloo many men moving to Oshawa Mrs Scott wall tile attendance prize for the cor Dunlap Maple your The moutng closed with the Queen ltllfl Lords Prayer Lunch Bobby Lougheed is Spending REFEREE JERRY OLINSKI receives me was gtUlCd won the game 64 here Monday night to take Vllllilzll szmm Culllurines holidays with his cousinsm Tm D0 idlcal attention from Dl Luurzc and route lBarrie Flyer trainer Hurry Partridge after Orillia blowsLetterI Penalties Plotsch vatz Platn Skip Joe melkoili CHM ul gt ltgt CI lg tlv as Second Puma Ron Juqucs sccond Pu Coll St Mikw mum Lec 710l03d Jfllollowa itjljluig 133 jsuggffins Barrio erRobertson 041 Sklp MCNEbi CCSRIp sebdary lies White miskmnductt McMann sccmd lmin lead sJvl 1191 IVLUIi on the 5631s FACE ll HARRY MICHIE REAL ESTATE AND INSLRANCE Bolton Wanderers nosed outf Bccfon Combines 76 at Nobletonl in the fourth game of their bestl FiveaPin Bowling 232508illimillileliliellil Club Playoffs llnal series The series now stands Begin Monday at two gamcs each Fifth and dew The group playoffs in the ciding gamc has been Scheduled for the Newmarkct Arena tonight Barrie FivePin Bowling Club will commence on Monday April 13 Bill Whitehead vicepresid ent of the club advises that the six qualifying teams irom each of and groups will play For Low Cost AUTO FINANCING See Us Before You Buy DUNLOP ST BARRIE Novar and her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Kantomcr of nest of the Penetang players Mar Holly They will be making lheir ty Desrochcs slugging and tilc home in Sudbury fielding of Cec Solmcs were big After 242 first pcriod division Bultdn ran in three goals in thcf second period and then withstoodl late Bccton challenge to come down in front 32 lead ithe bestqrpnme OHA junior llllillllSCtlll llorncpaync Mr and Championship series The teams play up Mrs Jullfl bcott and family Mountz Betty Slcssor is spendlng Easier preceiving facial cut when breaking apart holidays wrth hcr uncle and aunt St Michrlelh Ed P1 bum MMland basebauvqub has bum 21 Olly 0L dl turn to Home Arena Friday nlght for the Ma and MR Om Crawford mvn reorganized for the coming GeorLI VSIWS Mr and MW Alex ian Bay League season and fans five stitches to close the woundle Majors MI and Mrs Clarence Hewitt there have high hopes of another Wwvmam is and Albert of Ganlcbridgc visited Constable and Mrs Jones Mr and Mrs Charles Bernett and fam ftw lust Mi 10 anus success 51 son and Jack Woodsvaddcd the My 3115 unmet and higdganUCLLSitlasegggn 1T dubgyea victors other goals Don Lctts Ju as Mrs 314 pay16 and Marv well Mlmico As your husbands clue Connalulation to Mr and Mrs smmmg around trying chmonlcamP While Ebb Chegie Ra JCImL $313 caggwerrbgggmmnggngtereplacement for Doug Plunkctt bill man Bruce Nichol Dan Kurno Mr and Mrs Martin spenll beneficrary would you Wrath for Marilvn and Roger on ml b3 Series uesda March 3L per lea lo oranln SUDDOF ordou Jcrmey With the team but Gord Dymtm moved the by his lm Industrial administration ofhls estate ing hcr father and mother Mr and 105 as upenence sud 1118th can be expen Mrs Levi Sriglcy CPR theman may gala Finance Named NOV1r at his home in Toronto and expenenced EState Ofcer of The congratulations and The club also has no word from Sterling Trusts Corporation Will be happy in the United Church at Novar on mum aw from Creemom whom Saturday March 28 The bride is the lsiidland dub also hopes 23ndgoiuch interview cfoulddbe the our 11 ure peace mm Mu daughter Mr and rs Midland is again counting on the of RI It HEAD OFFICE Fircst visitd lr ll Toronto Maple Leaf Gardens tonight and re Ear Mr and Mrs Roy Martin Ihistle mg thirdperiod ilstlcuff Ollnskl required seventh gameot the series spoilt few days in Pickering Kcnweli on Sunday were Police group title Baseball interest in MI and MCKEY ily New Toronto and Ivan Kmi expects have Gerry Fitmnryg At Bdllle the baseball club Lil was mu only mAgoal man in the Tummo Sile Mn and 31s Archie Graham on the gift of collegiate woman season gmhandod pitchtl Who Is it and John Camplln added oncgOal the holiday with Mr and Mrs know how to handle the Mrs Tcd Luno Toronto is visit star righthandcr who had been Acceptance Corporation and Nlm sxve an cause untoldw he has left Port Mchcoll and is any Asympathetic PcterKantOmcrwho were married Ken McCarmey mUChtrayclled to discuss matters with you and your the former Jean Murray youngest Sign again STERLING TRUSTS 371 5L TorMo Ted Delbvshilc scored two goals PHONE 3551 BANC 0m b3 Dvnlon $1 lurk the rst three games on mom day April 13 at pm group teams will play on Tues day April 14 at pm full schedule of teams and SHAWL DISTRICT MAAGER dates will be published in this gt to paCe olton John Irons Keith WalIaTeTJackGibi Cdgramlguom to neighborin wns ave won name or HOCkey Akwmtion Champion ships this season for he rst time Bmcebridge took the Midget uC title defeating Orangeville in the nal Newmarket won the Bah tam crown by ousting Godelich 107 Dunlap SI ll 0ppoSllc0neens llulel of oponingspeclals pgstrieseake cookies mommy other in the last playoff OPENING DAY SPECIALS delicacies 54 Dunlop St Barrio paper on Friday 4160 The annual banquet and pres entation of prizes is scheduled for May 12 The llll burlground nan tum NORWICH UNION Nelghbor Towns rimQMIIATitle For FifSI Time Funny lely $I Mikes Eon Has littleSense vggiErTliiliiimannRi rcelvedi from Toronto an anorhvmus letter gt Signed St Mikes an Normalif ly we dont print letter by some one without the courage to Sign it However this one wasvcry funny It said After your infbrmative ar ticle of April pertaining to St Michaels team and the reslfofl Saturdays game arent your faces red We didnt pript apapelat all on April Thattwos Good Friday Maybe it was the Timbuctoo Tri bune EarV EA Bcjutcto see Fridays Barrie Exominer for complete details GROCERif 03m lourl Protection For IN Due to exponslorlof theEasvyleVashlng hinovCompany factory we are able to bring you thisgreat Speclalltleo or hundreds of washing machinesto be sumac srouu cleared immediutely THIS OFEERAYAILABLE UNTIL APRIL 30 wa ARR AGENTS FOR Moots ANII blsuntcfrlron chuAnA Iobr Illoluablef Furs