an roe wmrxsltmmy econ it Mtme interest imwim the prone mode doggone past year In her thtary om larvae ll Wmuannlnwhowas nd snails zone as ofchl visilgto more to be held in alone to my Dela the when Auxiliary to Mes were chosen to attend the the Barrie branch of the Canadian mnvmn it be held in Ottawa legion at its monthly meeting in in Wither spring fashion show was highlight of the evening and sevw eml membem modelled fashions for Winn is tiredness Mrs Jackson Wl President at Fishers Corners Mrs Jackson was reelected president of Fishers Corners Wow mens Institute at the March meet ing of the branch last Tuesday Other members of the executive for the coming year are Mrs Ed wards lst vicepresident Mrs Hughes 2nd vicepresident Mrs Noble treasurer Mrs Houn some secretary Mrs Hodgson district director Mrs Ben Steers and Mrs Andrews sick com mittee Mrs Elgin Connell press secretary Mrs Crossland and Mrs Ben Steers auditors and Mrs Wilsone and Mrs Houn mmc branch directors Mrs Anderson was hostess for the annual meeting which was at tended by 19 members and one vrs itor The meeting was opened with two minutes silence in memory of Queen Mary followed by God Save The Queen The Mary Stewart Col Named President Dalston institute Mrs Stanley Watson was elected president of tiledDalston branch of the Womens Institute at the March meeting held at the home of Mrs Clarence Brown Other members of the 195354 ex ecutive named the meeting are Mrs Ross Bertram Ist vicepres ident Mrs Harold Handy 2nd vice president Mrs Murray Forbes secretarytreasurer and Mrs Lorne Handy district director Conveners elected for the com ing year are Mrs Brown agri culture and Canadian industries Miss Jamieson historical rc seztlch Mrs Wallwin citizen ship nnd education Mrs Wright community activities and public eelations Mrs Allan Brown home economlcs and health Mrs Francis Williams and Mrs Lorne Jory flower committee and Miss Joyce Hunter chairman Mrs form Jory Mrs HBertranl MrsCIar MRS MURRAY TAYLOR of Sarnia whobefore her marriage was the former Marion Dunstan of Tottennam will attend the Corona tion of Queen Elizabeth II on June She will be representing the Na tional Young Womens Christian Association Becomes Bride of Caster wedding of special took place in Hart House Chapell Toronto on Thursday evening April 1953 Reynolds education officer becsmat the bride of Gary Caster Mlsal Reynolds islthe daughter of Mrsl Reynolds and the late George Reynolds formerly of Becton uld the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Caster of Zephyr Ollturlnl Rev Johnston officiated at the doublering ceremony James Hall played the wedding music George Reynolds gave his sis ter in marriage For her wedding she chose gown of pale blue ny lon sheer with fanpleated flow ing skirt and tiny cup encrusted with seed pearls and sequins in flower design to match the bodice of her gown She carried nose gay of white rosabuds and forget mcnots Mrs Howard Black was matron Hawkestone Manse Setting for Easter Weekend Nuptials Inlezusti The marriage of Miss Helen Ho gCampbell in Guthrie whe Mr of botta Caldwell daughter of and Mrs Robert Caldwell when MISS BezlilllGutbrie to Alvin Lorne Charterslsage son of Mrs Charters and the late Charters of Orillla took place on Thursday April 1953 at seven oclock in the evening i9 Hawkc of honor for her sitser in dusky rose crepe ensemble appliqucd with lace She carried rosebuds and lily of the valley Shuttleworth was grooms nmll for his cousin reception followed at the brides home where Mrs Reynolds received in blue velvet wearing corsage of pink roses Mrs Caste assisted wearing navy with cor sage of coral roses Later the couple left for motor trip through Quebec and the New stone Mouse The ceremony 13 performed by Rev Hush Shannon The bride was wearizl blue afternoon drw with pink rimming and corsage of pink sweetheart aroses He attendant Miss Hm Charters of Orillia was in navy and was wearing corsage of deep gpink roses William igroomsman reception followed at the home lot the brides brotherinlaw and Esister Mr and Mrs Willla the Smother of the bride receivi in iblack crepe wearing pink car The grooms mother who talsp received was in wine crepe and was wearinga cream wrsage Later the couple left on teed ding trip to southwestern Ontario and the United States the bride donning pink coat and wearing navy accessories for travelling On their return they will be making their home in Orillia Low of Orlllia was Gordon called nesday IIIIIIIAI tool was repeated in unison The minutes of the February meeting were read and adopted and num ber of thank you letters were read The Institute is going to help the once Brown and Mrs Harry Wright program chmmittee Mrs Lorne Handy and Mrs James Handy Jr were elected and itors and Mrs Robert Handy is press reporter England States the bride travel ling in powder blue suit with navy accessories and corsage of pink gurdenins An Afternoon Church Tea Seen Mrs Caster is chief attendance Following reports from various At the monthly meeting the Bar rle Auxiliary had as guests several members of the Goldwater brunch from morning til night If you Vfl Adams was ill the chair get that way ltnlligh tumyou learned Delightful refreshments were what to do about it Recognize for served by the comrmttee following help bit but what you really need is the complete action of Kruscllcu You see Kruscllcll is inth with lllf voly Honored at Tea And Gift Shower completi clearing of lmlllllulntcd Below Eager weekend wed body wastes tilltl leave you ill good shape to feel your vcry llcsl lry it of Mrs McArthur The long tea table was attractive with glowing candles and tea scr 5510 hostesses for the lovely gifts and the rest of the evening was spent making brides book 50R MUSClES Mlnards Liniment rub it in well Youll get relief and committees plans were completed for the Auxiliarys annual spring tea to be held in the Legion Hall If on MP really in top form it lltlffS lotyto lire you Yet some lwoblv an dude cofmmgde Milnmbggm commander or ouc goo famed outnlont of the lllllt flip auendme of members was NCOKL start that vagucly seedy Sensation Itl rgeflisggiglngatgifslizistiefhi joye due to slottedup system lulu tllllc Coldwmer guests lslmle minerals as are found ill Nllllt ol the famous Spits Tllty stilllulzltc lazy kidney action qu help lvltll ordinary ding to Alvin Lorne Charters of Orillia Miss Helen Caldwell of Guthrie was honored by Guthrie Just about All mlftll ltruschcu no you can heap on lime dissolved in your morning beverage whorl llcellul is all vice and mock wedding cake was placed before the brideelect fill ed with shower gifts Want to relieve them QUICK Get quick too KING OF PAIN on April 18 feel generally Slllgglrll and below pm ed T1 president Comrade out often An ordinary laxative might BrideElect ls constipation too So they help ill the friends at tea held at the heme tlllltll called for lllly package today The guest of honor thanked her quickdrying Newton Robinson Orange Lodge in their efforts to improve kitchen facilities in tlleOrnnge Hall The penny roundup bags in aid of the Ontario Mental Health Association were handed in and ten dollars was donated to the Crippled Childrens Fund Mrs Herbert Connell was present ed with life membership pin and certificate and Mrs Elmer Wiggins of Barrie is toreceive cup and saucer Both of these presentations were ill recognition of many years of service to the Institute Mrsn Wilsone gave report of the district directors meeting llclzl in Cookstown The Institute mem bers are going to entertain their husbands at banquet with Icc WcGwill Institute as caterers Rev Gordon Hunter of Schombcrg will speak to the gathering Mrs Frank Allan conducted the election of officers Historical research and current events were the program topics for the March meeting Mrs Elgin Conncll reviewed current events for the first three months of 1953 touching on several subjects such as the inauguration of President Eisenhower the terrible floods in England Holland and Belgium the deaths of Joseph Stalin and Queen Mary the open house hold at Sim coe Manor and women being calllt ed for jury duty for the first time in Simcoe County Mrs Jack Leil ton told of some of the plans made for Canada Day at the ACWW con ference on Aug 21 which several of the members nregoing to attend Mrs Dan Anderson read paper written by Lowrey of Twelve members and two visitors were present for the meeting which openedwith the singing of the Institute Ode and the repeating of the Mary Stewart Collect and The Lords Prayer Members sang The Maple Leaf Forever and roll call was answer ed by tclling Irish jokes Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved and cards of thanks for fruit and flowers were read Members decided to send five dollar donation to the March of Dimes The Institutebranch is to hold benefit card party on Thursday April III Craighurst Community Hall The meeting closed withthe sing ing ofthe national anthem follow ed by delicious refreshments serv ed by Mrs Ross Bertram and Mrs Brown The next meeting of the branch is to be held at the home of Mrs Baldwick on Thursday April at 800 pm Roll call will be pay ment of fees and IlfbullOIIllole contest is on the program Tea hostesses will be Mrs Williams and Mrs Baldwick Cdnveners are asked to have their reports ready for the meeting Home and School Social Evening Most Successful There was large turnout for the Prince of Wales Home and School Association card party and From Male Guests VieWpoint By IIGS Not many males have ever brav ed the Afternoon Church Tea We wonder why It must be complete ignorance because of all the social events that one could attend thch is none where male is made more welcome At least that is the sit uation atlpresent Perhaps when it is learned that they lire open to men this will not prevail These fancy sandwiches which are made in layers about the size of fair mouthful are In abun dance The cake is not just cake that can be bought in big layers from the town bakery but real cake made to compete with the cake that other women have brought The tea is poured from silver pots with on official pourcr or two at special table and the loveliest of ladies with the most elegant dresses are chosen to wait on the table Museum Exhibits lullqu by Ilmooo toti Womens Institute BLACKBILLED CUCKOQ NEST Unlike the cuckoo of Europe the StIOUd Who lived near FiShe social evening on Monday night in blackbilled cuckoo of Southern Corners in early years Mr Lowrey told of the trials of his grandfather John Bailey in acquiring farm in the early 1800s He also told of some incidents of his youth in Fishers Corners community Mrs Vernon Connell gave the history of thgiAssociated Country man0H ndiitsigoals for the future to give the back ground of the ACWW so that mem l3 if to color YELLOW QUIK that even lithium do 50 13 that theres no need to worry even ifslles her best dress in and In just two minutes your vllLLow QUIK Blue Bonnet is sunny goldemyellbw all through No messy mixing No dish to wash No waste of time or margarine Add renlolding YELLOW QUIK takes only few seconds Of course with YELLOW QUIK Blue Bonnet you also en ioyfthedelightfully fresh sweet avor of premium quality spread rich nutrition of choice farm producetooplus 16000 units of valuable Vitamin added to every delicious pound Be sure yOu try YELLOW QUIK Blue Bonnet next than hers could take in Canada Day more fully The roll call was answered by Who owned your farm 50 years ago The program concluded with contest on historicaldates which waswon by Mrs Leonard Jackson The Tweedsmuir History which had been entered in the Lady Tweedsmuir competitionswas re turned and handed over totlle executive half hour followed with ch ed by ilhgikcoillrnittee in Charge The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Walter Andrews and the roll Call will be an ex change of favorite recipes TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD the basement recreation room at the school crowd of between 120 and 125 people enjoyed an evening of euchrebbriige or can1 asta Clayton Fox acted as master of ceremonies for the evening wel coming the members and guests mens prizes Prize winners the evening were Mrs Reginald Philpott Mrs Galbraith Mrs Allan Ayresi Mrs Bruce Wilson Mrs Annie Thornton Mrs Vernon Cameron Mrs Thomas Bishop Mrs Fred Eplett Fred Eplett Norman Synnott Ray Bishomand Jack Richardson Mrs Allan Byers and members of the social committee served de licious refreshments at the close Vofmthe evening consisting of as sorted sandWiches and coffee and fancy cookies Canada and the United States builds nest though bit shabby It consists of short twigs placed in Indium tanlatf9rmin thiCket blackbilled cuckoos nest with its plain greenish blue legs is among the Bingham collection of atBarricJ These timid retiring birds visit us from May to September Their short rounded wings and long away unnoticed which very often hinders us from making their ac quaintance Joseph Manning of Gilford who spendsmuch time ingarden and orchard and is nature lover says we have many of thes birds around about They have fond ness forthe fuzzy tent caterpillar Arrangements for the evening were madeby tWTMT Ivan Clemmens working with the social corrTmltteeunder the conven ership ofMrs Byers The purpose of the successful home and school social evening was to help finance bus trip by theGrade students of the school Venom 2414 Ill as gole Wdding Receptions Dinner Parties Conventions Bonduets llomunntamosermmrvu Please equates at to thewRoyakOrltarlo Museum at Toronto to take place at the close of the semester and bus trip by the Grade pllpils to the Martyrs earMidland to see the historical sites Whatever the faded of your table setting every part of your table must harmonize peasant linen cloth for instancekjs in absolute harmony with bright pottery pew rrpotterywandlestieksandthie glassware On the olheT hand damuskflnelinen or lace requirs delicate chinu and fine crystal that is so destructive They are one We welcomeithem 4ANNIE horas also Really the atmosphere of the wholeevent is one of Splendor and abundance The sandwiches and cake are not rationed out one tol customer they are there in plenty with large assortment offered With the excuse that we were looking for story we have bccnl slipping into these Teas whenl ever we hear of them and up to now we have never had the nervci to come and publicly proclaim that we have been there However we feel that the husbands shouldl know what they are missing The cost it is trivial For less than the price of packet of cig arettes one can sit at one of the flowerdecorated tables and be served tea and fancy goods as loud as one cares to stay Of course it would be necessary to be decked out as dress is not optional If you are to keep up with the ladies only the most appropriate afternoon at tire shOuId be worn Thcy will likely try to sell you something They usually have bake sale or bazaar with the ICZI However tip 011 this is to go just little late and when the female customers have had their choice wander up to the tables Make an offer on something valu able We got five dozen big fresh eggs for the price of four Dont let the wife tell you you wont be welcome he reception officer with the Toronto Board of Education and was previously prin cipal of Hester School The groom is membe the staff of the child adjustment services and is former school principal ll PD953 676075 llIS EASY to beautify those old Floors with CLARKE ILlltlll SANDING EQUIPMENT rcflnlshlng job with our complete You can do professional easytouse Clarke Rental Equipment Save time and maney and give your floors new beauty and lustre we furnish all eqnlp merit materials and complete instructions 0m Ilenlul Plan includes everything you need rHoNs YOUR RESERVATIONS OUGIIS HARDWARE so Dunlap Sllusl none 2556 is genuinely sincere or on the lower blanchesmofawtl indiamihLladifbeyga lrdsitmsitamtegg rirheiMuseum broad tails enable them to slip FOR BRASS lt0le HROME raw4n IIQIIroIJIununuv IDAIllgItO1lll1tAIIon Post Ageneroussized meal Biennium justslight sweet So suitable for at bedtime snack or for refresh merits vllenentertaining Serve Digestive with cheese and with beverages inert prefer oz PACKET