amour mun Sent we rows rm AND COUNTY or sumo SIMI Is 89 YQOHNOI 9119 13mm Examiner honourrm ammoniumrm BARRlE ONTARlO CANADA WEDNESDAY APRlL 1953 Coach ap Plums announc ed late this afternoon that the Plyers Charlie Hodge Must Pick Fran Bron chi ommmw words one of two ruminants for St Catharines Teepecs to replace injured Bill Harring Flycrs had obtained Mm Ed ton for tomrhts 0H1 Junior The Flycrs worked 1M7ch As time rapidly approaches the sixth game of the OHAE for Walnut They Md rllarlle Hodge of Montreal jun illgztog championship series slated for tonight at Maple lor mam ready And will ardens hopes of coach Hap Emms obtaining rei mam leave by planetth morn Plcement for injured nctmlnder Bill Harrington quicklyi 0mm WWu PUBuc SCHOOL so Mlus SEPARATE SCHOOL 62 MILLS Burrics mlll rate which dropped ill 1952 to 55 for gpublic school supporters and 5653 for sepamtc school sup mdmi mi mar porters has increased for 1953 to lit mills for imills for separate school supporters Tile new rule was fixed at special meeting of town coars pubin lunusmwm NEAR HlSIIOME Qrmr leasozti 15 EL 301311 Kexweili 22 as Monday when fle icil which was held last night Last year it was eszirnazed ma napkqu 3vli Chiba despite admitting ill would CUSt $923939 for the operation of the town T26 M2 92 32 emf rage 12 Ich aver tUiil coroner aztnuuncl fade Nile elixlble ruled him out ibudget figure for this car is 3103100120 The zeta to be hem Emms first attempted to in fto 4114113 The following lllClllC prinpal eslmzaed cx II WWII as II was With teammate Jack Higgins 13 still recelvmg medical lttcn 11 18 mum mOJIllziawl Pip 14149 53 Coach Hap Emms according to was not suspended it was only the the Detroit Olympia so wuum lOlIOWS public school 3300600 17111 mills 60385312 57 an Injured netmlnder the team ranks recognize each others sus laws HOSpllJt Robert Girdle21 Through EmmS the Barrie Fl rsl 15 monument Upon request 5mm llllnlgllts on Cadmium debt conenil 50008288 47b8 mills general rate $253333 lns ilcsili nt il comImIItee voted Tuesday attemooni EmnIls VLlll so fdlI as to ask hisg TICLOlldltl and sanconed the replacnent archrival Stafford bmythc for the KNEW Ch mm CONHrm MUM Lhumn BOBBY CORBETT the 11yearold soil of former me SImmg Clarence Corbett the operator of the Superteststidi 00foot the east end of Collier Street and The Barrie Examiner cm model with catch of 97 whitth and lake responsible for the return of $100 bill to Stroudresldait Lone concrete information rival able at tns pomt 53va would rather you evied by rates is $7573 7I57I 111 my mama MRI pendltum mi 1mm WM 51404101 admiliblft $29 tion at Royal Victoria Hospital wmdsor bpmns mu Immunity SNH785 $2702 C0333111113i9519m the CAHA and OHA constitution3 branch And if it Ner igergn fmlxslmch 1933 0183 my Quin sllbgbdao 9233 ml 43rm reads No replacement can bet by as replacement for Jacques all time 1512425 987 mills public parks $9995 191 mills richerle II II II III must produce doctors certificate pensions C011C5p0ndm mum Dr 1L bepdmz who 321 um 1131 131 aid Of 2111 ey ma appIano they voted agam lust lllgllt and the 211V Religion by Laylnun was 20375 mills mil35 WM be 319M loan of Marlboro Jl Milmiili cvcnin at Pauls Church 0m cm el olllmmllt ut en Emms use staer It II Mr MacDonald wound Chi Lair Cla high office during 10p SS ed it down The 0mm reason was offerI 5le you can get me off the um ll own committee Dad can have Henderson llcnlc and filled the Sclocuun ad Omsndmg bmakcx the Biltmores as replacement for the Session and superintendent up of luronto diocese will adrniml Iollto where be amended lit3 Maple Leafs Marlboros gave up by Cutler on bcllnlf of lhe Trinity Anglican Church to member of til3 Riusggji 05 hm IA 31 lming that he had lost IitI Although the newspapers III for the balance of the season The Most of our cnurcn members are Aim padre he was mummies rm pumped cm Found item throngh and referred to line missing mm III ms at vman ou err urt 91 SM he wuldnt egmw am some or 11 Tummy night and rci He found the money near the Queens Hotel around 103 Mlchacls Collcuc The gomg on In the world le has employ 13 me were ouou the bav Thur ll that Harrington is definitely not available for tonights fix Wouldnt choose player from Tot11 19V or ex endxmris MW We and 15 El9 dotlbtful for duty lll Friday nlghts game Wed bmCh mm 34 mwww The brilliant custodian suffering from scvcrcl brlliscd boros but man surf leg tendons received in Mondays 64 defeat when in collided 5mm Med Perm is 1850 Dance pmwmon wulm me lirwecwn 525735 its Shown he up 91 player is The mill rule for lbli sllC Untarlu and hls equipment at bugpomeu mace is entitled to replacement it suspended then why can lie stundl ma or any inlmcd playel LitPlante of the NHL Canadians Both debtv gellcml Sb00388 lf68 mils lCldi ILLE 52 393 mm Gamma In me we of the CARA and the professionalv 20875 mum 3a provmg permanent Injury and The OHA bII II IDOILCIEEIL separate school 51743011 19111 mills CCLBglaLE II faca respond 11th player unable play for IIIIIII Emms It 33331011th oxford 19193142 6183 nulls county $116 968 80 83 mills bran te balan fth W35 SUS bedwn pcndcd but stlll wouldnt rule hiln 512425 987 fullN public park5 59993 494 mills demnd the Ontario Hockey Association for replacement The OHA sub dccxsmn StOOd 5mm or WNW address by Boat Sinks Wot Charlie Hodge of Montreal junior so OiI the bamnce of the season House lonlo prior com or Canadiens the subcommitt my 10 IOducd this an mm lldx 99 giddng wills member of suspend 00k in my deal with Guelph you Flfgm 020531fgmffif Trlnlly ThUrSday anc Emms lnted 130 out that Hodge bog It rugs bflnrl mllubly He was introduced by 95le ll lilklnson MM doctor of theology 1y lom Leighton Clarke as member of MA DD fdtim LLlrlldlllim bislb 3mdm3 01 U19 Carver htwinoer Eric Nest up down lWhen he walked into Jacksons Grill Mend Sultan Emool at Collltl Strept lbltl the ntc of continuation on CUIMSP and did portgrasuaze CT on turned WQSSOM 11 Toronto Unuod Church and was umnked Thude mum at 300 oclock in us at Oxford Ho an Cilllingwwd about am for changepf the billRG Simpkln three farm hands and stlnderstood man uI Rev Lincsl Lem was in tip mgl Links of about 44 tlllldltll and Rumba of the nounced sum of cash for Mchealy Choir for the meeting adult candidates During World War Casi4 cu When the boat paSSBd waus managing editor rusned player mm our of we He DI Hex 3021 recruited from Sunmw School lldv despatches mil The First Column Early yesterda mdrnln Bob who SOIL the 91km AS mm wv my Arthur Drover and by ML do Uldu OD km ied up the boat at seen above Wm the $100 bm called at The 93 let the IFlycr have Henderson hm them is our reunion r531 may Bish0p Herbert Wle 3f II cause woman be fair to St women they 559 so many mingsi Icmw of the pumm In IIIIgIeYZIiiggggeslup am on Monday Bobby we are informed may be sporting new Easter suit soon as result of his action ca team and we help sponsor ill MacDonald then proceeded to that the men of the panes lc pier them show by instance and quotation cut at the confirmation scrim3 Ws had 395 03 II kw HendersonI ls presently in Pms how religion is real llow itcould IPOSSlblC and an invitation at qii burgh Standing by for regular cus um 13 upcreduedI how the theory itendcd to every my ms 235 LileII There was nothingt ER todian G11 Mayer the Amerivcan of evolution could not stand up un ncllurch and their friend br pm cm When We left HockeyILeague nals dcr the laws of nature apd what lent Thom TEMP Ell Curl Sammy Pollock coach of Mom has happened in the world for iacmards Trinzty 325 IE 511sz had reIcntly boon fiti mm junior CanadjensI is anxious countless centuries of history fpr the candidates and frjcQEI 3va cry with how diesel engine As it was with the Israelites so This owners have three gangs oil II HOMELESS satonus the my butt to let the F1 didnt hesitat in mg if rlmII gmoigmwcrlup he as II sion and offered to him to sorted When people cease to 01 on Monday mm pmth Assn In loctlIflsheIman fferd to each made mpg5 gm mum tat catc w1 not II TI apart Today we In the western lMinets Point alter sumn Err otisdfgptmLimmW ma willtetlsh and trout cm Torontg immediately Hodge is law the dictates of God they fall la World are revelling in our own gm pmmhtcsouthandnerehnms fClll StrcetBatitCh Barri rm lmld of the minimal urch 9u9mumWddmw more anxious to help out Present stampI 15 venue cum strength but there IS serious ed WI discovcr ma 1b III Mlm Barrie when Re stcad for many Slumpch had valued at 206 mu be at diullmeyerewgglormall welv 33 he wcotfffetlmllispm in diamGebrge Cuculick who reliev dl 991mg of our moral standards II II Harrington at the end Of the mild know God mm 935 appeared The original 19 1am Eggsfgifgutmgggg 12 Md 1313 poets us Ito act What He requires Elms of Police Lewis Elliot stat mmfd t0 Ministerial Slime new WWotkel this or nerve up to IdIoI I15 OHOWIHlmI That means under the 01d log briag which has val cam out trill in eld 59 it dawn racking conditions will be in Bar lg 27 ma and acting on the Bible been supplanted by cold rigs nets tonight II ch msnop WILKINSON concrete structure litbouf 5mm the mixing of Chord amp like ut the New net to urchoroul choice II AI on and by glvmg our stlengtll to all celebrated organist and musrc Their problem is still abslance 333 hold and least of all rainold Wm when he is am to demmme the Spotu said Emms ere we called and causes IW 10h me lan as well as theologian 813110 and they are 5m $9pags9 Sggggveasel 1150 IIIgt llson limiterth of 111971313351 Iworld with mm each 1113 hid gt Ii From Ca mp Bord on it In Car Accident PRESENTATION MADE TO INSPECTOR RICHARD COX OPP RETIREMENT II Tums MM men from Camp who the car in which tbeyiver crashed throughguard posts south approach to Brough London and rolled or to the of the Thames l1mlili and GeorgeNoonan Kinship rahsis to Westminster Hos Two editor occupants of the can Eollumj Londoner with the RC mm were injured early Sunday W1 We who mind will newness Iwo be colaborers ltirn thiser all thing to MM by somemillth mental in mm xty the souls Immersion ml 33 Niameyeramis word with the resume that on was to enter inloth work about WWivuiMW 4PllHadiQshud4 re so II as mermhmdiinjurles Pol fortlltrmembifsitidgadherutgggf to emu Lw Educ tel Mollys was believedunost Ithe church of whom 110 wore pre mm sip mm Isleimu3r initialed llrmzzoul Fred Livingston If mum 1m thitzztraijat were also taken ear Muinmnsuercd left 35 NU $17313 mm II chL Later Deacon Harley 13 utook over the meeting and dvult mfg Eli ngu Psalm 91 was read by Man WI Many Crowns qreig Id cm were I0 red byI panrd Iuthehyegn 385131de Imam Grey animuswmm seem mummionskev andMrs Er Thiswas followed by solos from mmm eye shookhwds Mrs HeatitanclLester ka9 each one mm an Several persons whopreseuted each trustful com various departments of the church this first pathsng gavea hearty welcometofthe pas baimofhapw tor and his wife and reminded all minim aw Mmmn okUG rm presentgthat those depamems work getgr 17 Sm WW 09811 for all to attend 15 Snot use is Ballties centennial unable do so they 3mm the tyrants uriiziil Dtiiiiiliume Week coming the help 99ml Waljflould my August 11 to til we am going to he inspmuon them mI the Walt inc nus summer frollymrk it rm mg mutuepuupiu will come from Tur lulu Barn Admwllmal grounds crumb thumpm lot of former Bar Neale t0 333 ll shouldprove mun in that city and up be mm Pushinde fsatmreland hm ways1vilarge Ltdlulbdsmmrc mtltid who come from mmmlamm 31 extended totlte tum local Association iI num be thin lb on Hi 11 m7 is fdld cooperutlon with th MW plot1 Vmlotloltoeo1viaii3mr Die met mmusmrowdo andmpresentatives or moleso1 protes $31G gsogatsg amped radiogand phonograph nheommepmsmm Why X911 17 93rd 9313513 The We AllmAyersSeen aboardleftltorl 1F onshorem we at this district retired rebound mine aSsttAyrSthtrtotxmspoctowncg modest aemlxsblotmpsctor John duller hadlbefn IImci