The lirnlallnlrwnmby with knee dmpandbedy xï¬igffllt Bot ï¬nk we possum with well bland flat to Boheml midmtion whichllattened him Thethirdfall wu award Ind made him any prey for Mk he ms the int hack into thering liter the we decided French umehuk in ï¬g we to fightit put on the floor gotten and to defeat Funk with mule W35 tryms like Funk Inn kink and shoulder stand MM 19 mm Funk WW not concede Roberte then threw Mud Immanuel Funk put of the ring and follow ed This ms his big mistake as gflï¬ï¬ï¬‚éï¬ï¬mÃ©ï¬ lunk isan old mister of illegal tactics and waiting until Lhearol in WWW eree had the count nearly up threw Roberre into thede and got decided back intnthe ring in time R0 ere an lower feet out annulmentleis ham iertwine HOUSE PAINT munms anti worms EXliRiOR SURFAHS Amie 89 mgluflfnnmwavsmmpnmaege Manm wn this Mm WWW next seasonin March 195 Fri Rummage sale in the True Blue Hall High Street Saturdly July 14 912 Under auspices Sai vnli Arny 793m MAKE WORK Li RENiAL EQUiPMEM sin COMPRESSOR CONVEYOES Belt or Chin TRACTOR BACKEOE 18 Bucket with front end loader CEMENT MIXEBS planmm cams wnanunannows WATERPUMIS rowen MOWERa Extension Ladders Ball manders Car Tuners Scar folding Barrie Equipineni Rental Service no 413 tauinner eemue Piltilllllli 83210 nesrmmce 34m henewes turtaua at this call and he demlnded that Punk nieet him agnin next week There will be change in appelrlnce for this match however as Roberre hes asked that wire fence he placed Jaround the ring to keep Mr Funk in the ring In the semiiinnl Louis Pay ineau the popular Montrealer tented Benny Trude at 1245 Pop inenu took real going aver for the first five minutes Benny mlde his big mistake in trying to ram the French Canadiana headlnto the post hut Papineau dodged and jumped back intothe ring and Blabbered Trude with elbow smnshes and drop kick thet flattened Benny and Paplnemr Ip plied top spread for the win lhe opener hetween Marco Polo and the wild man from Japan Heron Saaaki wait awarded to Polo Sasaki was disqualiï¬ed by the referee for rubbing salt that he had hiddenin his leg bandage into Polos eyes He also rubbed little into the referees eyes and that was when Brooks disqualiï¬ed him Brooks also gave him few well placed uppercuts to let Snakl anow=that he was still the boss CGE Undefeated lndUstriaI loop gt With the achedule half over 06 heads Barrielnduatrlel Soft hall League with complete sen iea of wlns CGE JD HERO Banie Tanning Tdrgls Automoflve ThomasvElecttie Barrie Police Tolndivi Primary and SupplementeryiPien INCOME PROTECTION HOSPITALIZATION MEDICAL SURGICAL II Poxcnn AGENCY MANAGER MARY srnnnr mtehionu Service and Chane uuMmN flï¬kmK 71 341 11 ml WAHIHUU um twz Representatives Throughout Simone Cbunty seven thousands of grinning with faith in the future Can poll of using our enlarged lac trite sjnép pective applicants for eluh pm mionalIre being interviewed at the preaent time TorontoDominican Bank lerstiqnnel peeiai insignia Employees of The Tomnuyncm inian Bankrare wearing huttona artng aspeciai insignia with the lam 100in the centre The reasoncommemurnting 100 years of banking service to the Canad ian neopie It was 100 years ago on July that The Bank 01 Tons unto opened its donrs forehual neu Fifteen years later The Dominion Benk commenced year anda half ago 1253de strong institutions eimigamated as The TorontoDominldn Bank Anni ersary slogan la Lon ing Ahe 100 VYears Whilo prnud long tradition of aer vlce the bank is more interested in the future In the wor whiny toï¬oof hum The Torohtebaminion Banli looks aheadto thenext 100 years ada We pedge ourselves to iiitie akillsexperieneeinnd re sources to serve thei banking needspara al and business0 Canadian We are determined to move forward with Canada Ind help Cnnada grow gt mm mm The Lnncestle Caatlelibrary in Lancashire pqaaesaea collection of Englishluwa dating roin 1275 PIAY ENJOY twine lion may IltENTALS SUPPLIES SNACK DAB Mann mm nonp CON 13 at CROSSVROAD Zil lhone Strbud Q2531 TOURNAMENTS INVITED Waverley thepresident Aahfor 113 gp ï¬lling lruu of Joe TrevII Peter Wï¬ï¬‚u 30 11 Ill VIdb in broth inning mul Side rub mature an at at with elr Karin Ruttng nnyrunmi no airggmp gm lemon defy tautu an Auction uln at Exilet5 Inn nut in nu Hoe Townhip uSiï¬mm gm far are 52 id marm adlen Writ of Mn Karin ll GulovleeiolflnahA an All in anvilii 5nnucs Liiï¬iran anssaiioei an 352323 the minum WHILE CAREE RCAFOFFICER Wiil else in amumnionmi 418 lnlyii l0Qom 6300 pm unwitting néciulungpnu 21 ShunirAAvelEuiToronto ES HERE SEE HIM ABOUT THE YRADES TRAINING AND OPPORYUNITIES OPEN TO IN CANADAS AIR FORCE new MOTEEcoMPAerur