rk at the conclusion the more reas Off Control Latest Possibility ln Annéxatlon Plain Prlmarily on the suggestion of the Town PlanningBoard he Barrie Town Council are going to investigate the possi bility of hhving areas of control in lieu of extensiVe onnexa tion This was the inimediate outcome of aspeciol meeting of Town Council on Wednesday night towhlch number of other town boards were invited to express theirvlews on the proposed annexation by the townof approxirnately 10000 acres Reevc Willard Kinzic uutiincd briefly to the asscmbly the area of proposed an xatinn which wouldi 112 inrthc south and it was necessary because the town was running out of land both or omestie andlndustrial use open for discussion by man His Worship ehair Mayor Eldon Skids lnio Tryuck Passengers Him When car driven by James Walker 28 Brooklyn New York skidded into the back of truck whiehJIad stopped suddenly on Highway 27 near Holly yesterday afternoon the driver escaped in jury but his four passengers also from Brooklyn were taken to Row al Victoria Hospital Barrie for medical treatment Apparentiy the car he been following the truck driven hyHcL ward Ros of Drillin and when the truckpuiled up suddenly the car kidd on the wet surf 19 Greer Town treasurer Walter Gigg gavg some statistics respe ing the rowth of population rthe the population of Barrie should reach 30000 by 1934 We have inereascdvtwicc as last as the province as whale Speaking for the hamber of Commerce Charles Griffin said that the Chamber had considered BARRiE ONTARIO FRIDAY JULY 1356 Six Bands tMasns Iitilicert Pcnic Midhursi Sunday The Huronil Federation of Bandswlll hold their annual basket picnic Sunday after noon at Springwater Parh math Picnic gathering three oclock aloe bandaq men and their families semble All four oeioekthe six bands massed will play concert in theparkpto which the public is cordially inviio ed featuring fovorltemurchea andhynms Thereshoulil be well or 100 musicians playing to getiierfnm Innrim Citizens Band Midland Brass Band griivingwoogj Kiltla Ban ner om uni onuiasuvarflia 31h oriliia Kiltiehand 85 mph on the eve 3led3to the convicti ice Laiouineau on intoxie hesday days all suspensio from driving for 18 months and th vehici impounded for three man he Latourneau admitted viou onyictipnrlast fall on charge of impaired driving Police evidence was give Po LConstabie in rd Bigfigaï¬foreo agate ha aroused had driven erratiqu from LetitiaAvenuo to Collier Streetrrwhere he was eventually stopped and at speeds uplo 15 mph lie was unsteadyon his feet and insultingin his manner the original plan submitted by the Council had been too restrict ive The present plan was more in line with thethinking oi the Chamber of Commerce How Much Annexation Scott chairman of the to his board that annexation was necessary but the question was how much The board felt thatten years wasan adequate period to plan ahead and too much annexation atone time would place an unnecessary bur den on the present population gt The Town planning Bundinida entiy over land shout to fadiournl two recommendations First that serious considerationhegiven to areas of control outside the an nexednrea governed by joint planning boardof the town and townships condly that qual iiied plannin engineer been gaged ovgiveadvice on thesub blood test was submitted as co ding meeting July 10 the own arranging Iona racemeet half of the Community ire Thurston associated with the new iacto outskirts of Goldwater uted $100 community centre building Goldwater and district on the comniunlty cen in Goldwater When the mee Mr Thurston handed over the cash donation toLstart the thunder deluge nwmmw tpw¢wwmwflwv 14 orrentialyniamJ IBandssilndMarchers EiniShA Raute Soa First has axial and thin marredï¬he grand parade oi Orangemen it Creamer crierday Undaunted by the tar rentlal rain which caught the procession when it was almosi tthhirds of the wayhome the majority oi the mindsetstaking part kept on marching The rain soa through the summer clothes 01 the men wom an and children taking pamiand thegarmenta clung to theirvbod ies The gaiiy colored umbrella standard bearFrs Deadare George Canning 61 his wife 60 sadness Bolleau 25The Cannings leave 11 chiid ran seven boys and fourgirls Police state that the Canning were returning home after shop ping in Orillia when their cor was hum struck bythe in Gravena Tï¬raiixt trig gtru hi late carried thevcarquarterof miieï¬own the track before stop Magistrdte GordohFoaier $0115 drains on Main would reach $1500 from Craddock and John Streets bvér faulty drainage were to be attendedto immediately approved Council led igurcs Lain inthe financial statement eorgian Bay Development Association In inquiry Clerk lreasurer Chester Martin any and halitohehe1d in the Court house Coldwatert IIuly 19 Pa mission will be soughtto have donations made deductible inc9metaxl celebralés an Birthday Relatiies AISPaiii Mrs anoiiizemem as Es Road always celebrated twelbirth days untllirec ntyear Juneand onein July She new it was the eighth day either riionth but was understand iy nfusedbecause ewas ao arly century Her birth dateJuly 135 wassettled how or befor she entered her 100i Sune only 1y to old ge Her nor hen and lighter as andhas resided hero Alfho much her day is now spent resting and aleeping late and goes around eight enioyg paper read Anyr s1 down is Mrs Hamilto lied information on cost of audit ingvillage bpoks At total cost The chew almost flatten human the road carriedby the women were com pletely ineilectivo against ihe deluge anely iifes anddrums Scot tish Piper and trumpet bands playedgthe procession home to the park the ydrums sounding more sodden eachminuto The struggled to keep aloit theirmoisture laden banners to theendmAt one time miniature tonentrain down the street followed by the procession it showstho old spirit is not dead commented iiev Dowher Speaker of tbe0ntario Legislature who walked in the procession throughout the Proceedings Cancelled With the completion of the par ade people hurried home to changaaa soon it became evi dentthat there would be no longI respite from the rain and the lat tar part ointhe alternoans pro grain had to be abandoned Centennial Celehn on niy did this parade eel rate the zadthanniversary of the ed on thehighway attic of the not ilalso ed the ccntennhl south the Creembre 101 For this reason Crecmoro played host this year to Orange Lodgeljmnn all oz Simcoe County Long before the parade tatorsfcars lined the streets Creemore on either side It was estimated that some 2000 people came into the town for the occa sion Creernore was heahmgnt booths llnedtho to park All prospect ove haltinxllng trade was dro Led by the Bracebrideedagion Band 1h following lodges were represented in the procession Thornton LOL 16 CraigvaleLOL 865 Waliaee LOL 270 Golden StarlOBA 551 Allaudala Lon third us page three plane 55 MP speed Limit Goes Into Effee On400 The speed limit iorpassenger cars on Highway 400ls being raisedto mphiron1 50 mph this week The increase whichdoeanot apply to commer cial vehicles is expected to go into eifgctbyftonight Official signs arehaing painted and posit lh TorontoBarrie highwa which has beenthe subiect of about 20 timcsaweek Thecgoss ng isparti1all idden by acur of Vijoronto was the defective wirinE1eo pleteiy burned down alllbarnsmn theHumePatch farm vConcession She ty Bay gt0 morning Thehcuse yiiaa occupied bythe oots fainin and is said to he ï¬r Lion of Mid Se hydro Commu ty Centre air and yd Memorial water ost oi water Municipal Telephone com pany books and hihrary and Ce etery Board ccounting amounts soméreduction might be made ieni traders parking and zoning bylaws untiladditional informa tion is obtained men Delegatesmay he named later attend thenconvention oi the rgihn Bay Municipal Electric Aesociati at North Bay Sept containing he Barri and nd numerous bathing heautle ver idtijdecoreted automobilesas GE Pullingher to safety he helped to partiaiiydn her and then took theiitilagiri home to her ther ern led parade trafficrtudy for the past three months will he testing ground for higherl eedlimits on other roads in the gp wasmuthorized at the last of thépntatio Legislator travelled thrdugh halt to go byK anager