WED EVENING Show 762015 CONTINUbiiSISHpW Antkoav 230 THE INCOMPARABLE MOTION PICTUR anonr 01va Ili GREGORY PECK JENNIFER JONES FREDRIC MARCH MARISA FAVAH LEEJ COBB ANN HARDING KEENAN rnrnons PLEASE NOTE sra um TIMES Wi shown Ahovns rnus FOX new iMoNnAY TUESDAY EnNEénAY MATINEE WEDNESDAY 23 EVENINGSHQWS AT 650 YVITH THE IVNXCQMPARABLE CAST rm COME AND SEE HIS PICTURE IFJYO WANT TO KNOW THE ANSWER TOTHIS QUESTION wuv on MAMIE srovzn HAVE TO LeAVésAN rhauclscd JANE RUSSELL RICHARD ClgémégéE Adult Entefluinmpnt omen npnn TREATS in run snows mama coNTINuoUs sAruRnArz op Pocket Eeoturee Rummy Immune ruEs wEn Einiiiil snows snot92M JANEWYMAN AND YAN JOHNSON in MIRACLE INjTlIER INf noxr can Four new pubh camp tea were prepared summer andhave now been equipped with picnic tables eplnce grills chic and 0th cunveniencesto visit to njoynble Rangers also earned underbrushing to improve th access ahdth geheral seen icnffectl Campsites are located on SixJMileLhke Island 83 in seyern River on tw ites caster Pbol an on be nu INSÂ¥JRAN formation can he obtainedfram in Cold in the improvement program ingrfcarried out this year several campsiteareas being de veiopedaiong the Severn River Major effort during the runner and fall of 1958 will be directed to the development of Six Mile Lake Provincial Park which ad joins the Transflanada Highway in lot 24 Cbn 12 Baxter wn ship Itishoped that suffi ent work can he completed th mea son to ha pa facilities ava able forTthe pu lie at the begin ning of 957 Considerable work will he required in Cconstnicliug parkingnrea for cars shoreline ililprovements comfort stations docking fac rand individual units for thhse who wish to spend couple of eeksfvacation The Department already operating beautiful littl paik ntDevils Gien on Highwa 24 South of Collingwood ch was taken Hig waysthis lug impro ment projects the Department of in FHMIJIIS nimumms Tgarageat lixbridge Forest oath of the storehoiiaegnrage buil athildrhan Forest in stallation of plumbing otthe Seven Falls Deputy Headquart ers and creation at where gleaaibl ear enuntyforeat proper lowlz School pins iron the and School Association by aident Law Wallct iron Home and Schoo Mrs Florence Jones Certiï¬cates oi romaiion and In Id In urn Booth Elch year the Horn Association through the once at wine Lei present Ill award to the pupil who bu Rind the moat progresan wdrhin the yen and this was worthyConst inee hittieilgnthe absence of Mrs ea in presented shook ihreeother wards give each year by the iorRoom were as follows Student for highpoints grass attendance diacipilne popuilrity wn 1an by Cane High Student tot he year Etheilynne Ryder Siudent in June tests It star Mrs Booth also eaen high student in Gra withthn gift and this was won byNancy Forda Mrs Gildyx Freiiclr Jun or Room tenther madoprcrentati an follow High astudent in Grade Eleanor Shepherd DouglasGeddes Grade Ken ther Henderson Mrs Frolic Mrs th thankedtha pupils and their gar Aenta for the cooperation glv them throughouttho year and co plimented the pupils on their good xi standing The schooltth sang the sons Count Your Biennium Report card re given oil to each Grade in and thiapro Grade to 8Linda Cauuhfln Ste hen Ford Hale Raymon ShepherdLDuncan tuart Mpry Webster Dianne ins Grade to Cnrol to Shelley Hales led Havill Lilian Paquetteh Bmsmltir am Weatherhead Yvonne Thorhe Grade to oLyn And Gordon Calvert Comtance Little Anne Marie Steenhoidu Williamv Stuart Patsy Ann Thorne Grade to yKate Andradel Barbara Cohen nnetteCnughlin Nancy Ford ny Henderson Carol Jones Susan Rune Grady to 4Pnu1 Cohe Brian an 110th LittleWerner nwmnifvredlinget Lillian JEleanor Shepherd Pet Thorne Robert Thorne Jr to Sr 3BilLv Gueran phen Stephe son Douglas ddeskBonnieLyn Ha will nieky Lanai Darryll mitten Victor Shep rd John Steenhoidt Erwin Szytynski Stephen Thornei Jr to Sr 2Vynn Andrade Rachelle well Lent Paquett Marie Snkatai Jr to Sr lWeaiey Lawson Roger LeBianc Beginners to Grade lDavid Fralick GleniGeGddes Peter God miere Donn Richard luring which each child ivaatrent edto ice cream by theHom and llesin France was oun ï¬t ed by aw fol aimed Rev Weayinoutls Book Store Janka naG minis the Collegiate Ihwn in the back picture It ielt fihe girl trophy ii the Uta Anton memorial rim 1112 Nicki 01 Aflfl Kinsey and Boh Lines provided much at their tunu strength lllrll shown tronrlett are Front rowiean Hicks Suun Taylor Ann Keamy Ellpath row Cami Newton Janet Kw Gail Pa Maureen More Suian Tachme Donna lhateh Boys Ralph KnappZBob Lines Laurie Barron oyd Givens Johnfloughton ictor Lindsay Alex Lapaluy Gary mas Barry KennJohn Daugherty MAYORS meme ST HYACINTHE CPMlyor Ernest Picard will represent St Hyacinthe at thoannuaimeot in the Canadian Federation of Mayo and Municipalities at Ham ilton August The city also plans delegation to the union municipalities meeting at Brettan Woods Sept llle MSURANCE AOENCV uniw rm ewe awnM WW Canierongbonna McFadden back