nonoml ENJOYS SLIDE more Ina threeyear like Bobby Gale one of the younger participants in playat Lions Play ground SeventeenwyearDld Maly Colbert assistant supervisorhkeeps wre iill watch on her youngest charge Although this is Marys first year on the playgrounds she has had plenty of experience in wquvwith young people one at the staunehestaupporters of Conadlanfllrls in Tralnlng work at Central United bhurch she is going into her last yearatBerrle Distriet Flinn mmml eximmm weonnsohir Juhgvlilvlsss Swingssiides tceterdotters crnttstables and ball parks on arries seven town playgrounds were taken over byseveral hundred children last week as the recreation councils sum mer program opened This Week softball volleyball and hes thali schedules went into effect and swimming andday mp programs started at0ro Beach more on that next eek As lorthe first few days on the playgrounds well leaders repor gummy PARK perhaps lice known as Gunn Street Play ground was one of the most active areas in town Registered attend mice on opening day inst Tuesday was 180 and since then the en4 rolment has jumped to well over th 200 mark Baseball and volleyJ hall teams have rheen organized and there have heengamcs for all ages as well as crafts activ res singsongs and special indian Day on Friday withprizes tor the best costume The highlight of the day however Was an exciting gem of Capturethe Fiag QUEENS PARK sends in ray Hlflflolt from the Court Jester ummer is lot of fun nd Harrie playgrounds Just begun all are very leased to sit T15 going well we Cleanup Commissioners have been selected Agzdickcd theyre the kdsih he licked font an enjoyable project on Fri making of faniniulesl aryPalrner uh 851 John gill the senior favourite game The younger children were kept busy with games singing and crafts yv was Variety Day featu mg doll show with each junior girl bringing her favourite doll Prize winn ls included Ruth Conigan and Julie Pellltier Re lays andrraocs were held torthe junior boys the winners heing Brian Porter Murray Perryand David Hanlcll doyi ended with the noyl Vlclom Barrie on vul ll less Inddhllalohlw dwnrn en ynn the Royal vmom rrlo on July it lose so nuI neglxlu megcar nu or coPkLANDAtjtork County Holpltal Newmnrket on July mo Lo Mr Copeland an liter Wendy Lullln men Royal Victoria Hosp ul Burlta on luh lo mo lnd Mn John rum zoo so son 1Stephen John flllcll lit the Royal Vlotorll Ho Mm Vgnltluulflfhlugé if an rury Walter gm Mrs fl John 51 hm LITNICK AI lhb Roy1 Vlntnrh nude on July 1956 stave um mu lma ml Vino nanlo on July lo 195 mi Mn Theme mm Bu Inn THOMASAt iii Hos Collirï¬wuod on July aï¬d rs ruce Tho nnd Mn Laurence an exciting afternoon croquet tour nament splen start 135 regist tion 170 and the organ ization ofhaseba1l haskethall and volleyball teams There was also time for tennis tournament from which Wayne iRiehardson emerged as the singles champion Special crafts included the making of puplt pets out of paperhags and anim ules autof newspaper The two bestlexaniples of each craft will beentered iii the show at the of thesummer nelson SQUARE leade surprised to scelso many waiting for théni when lastTuesday enrolled on day an hy the end of the week there were60 registered The hi lightoi the weekwas Halloween Dayt on1 Friday at tended bya large number of cow boysIndians elovvns fairies and Ichwork do Linda Agile av reallstle Raggedy Annrand Llnda Winter tram wrt face an arms obert Hart an hppeallng wqritou wa winner in the loo scavenger hunt during the weekrwas won hyiLindu nned and BrianDelaney break the tie th Although they dont hbutthe gain to atea gnu Architects In JOJINHDHNS week with IlNIMEMcamM CALDWELLIn loving memnlyfl no bmtherGeo wh qu mam mars guns re And the on who think of him today Are the one who loved hlm hest Simeon Minor Beelnn July In Alm nh lormuly ol Allin dole daughter or the lulu Mr nd Mn ALeonnrd inroily IormclU pl Guiltlie Resunx It the en nott Puuenl Home Barrie unlll noon Thundly then to St Geo el Anglian am im un n1 awry lnnlsilL ket open Institute Nancy Fergus with Grade 13 hehin her is head ing to the University at Toronto nextyearJrhiS isher ground leader and shels inrcharge oithevjunior play area attire corner 01 Clapperton and Sophia streets Thats horse onirnlrle nln oid3 tephanie Merrick is making HerGrade classmate at St Mairys School nineyearjold ElizabethGray leltfls working on a=glratte Baseball voile pall singsongs and gemea are other favorite activities Lions park year as playf um MARKET eltlcss WEDNESDAY JULY 11 noaschmz goonmy mm 12 oclock ooh unul nun yo service McLBoDSuddeh it oumm nu Tuesday July 195a nnnu McLeod dearly 1mm infant um Rolnld ma Marlene McLeod use mum Bards Renlnrfl the Jannett Fuller Home our Service on rhum ylul 15 ent arrig nionCeln estimates and smalle in cool debenture anomalous line is offset ib uhigher village estimates along Wl an increased county levy andeountyrroad penditur ODD STORE BREAK Chief ot Felice Dorsey of Collingwood is investigating an odd breakyin at theTrottshom furnishingvstore The out entry through re dow brokev ope drawer and took 20 pound En office esk5 dierinses eckett lishï¬nnknote Police say that the prewler apparentlymodem futil attempt toforce the large re vault Fingerprints weieo tain ed ï¬re It door he India had record outputoi 1260DOO tons of finished steel Dn ahlm Aidslaluumscd and ever remembered onus 54 many 19 trimsrte ed unreasona or our denrdlugélter Mmw Bare nee Edith By the volley of at no air sometime know uut Humtn lovlnememury of killdhushand and inner lune Jam wh used nu If his aim reee on gt hwn all to or and July atncetnl heAtehitem Enslumrl on posit 00 mm 195 agains 134330040 the gt Dildï¬lo at null sags COSTS NOT ING WALLACEBURGCP lhlnks but don bother putting it on William rr told itremen who dashed to talm The which caught fire aï¬cidentally anancient mod el that was have been sold to srrclhl KEILLKRS LEMON CHIP MARMALADE SFECIAL KtillERS ORANGE LITTLE CHIP MARMALADE sPEchl mozaun nu 25L SHIRRIFFS CAKE MIX srrmt wlcm Au on SPECIIU mmltv um itrilt mm BANQUET FANCY DRILV MILLERS NUMBER PlCKlES sPKcIAl 3e mum om PlMluro ennui aniline DATEDDAIlY Mun wuou wu Ar elatxln ILIEio on umuun ton tunings and firemen lluits um MALT rel NelwAvullu lnAfl hlnwStpru wmr um mailm mm pNfDISPlAY IN Att to stones runouonour ammo