El GIRLS FROM ALL OVER ONTABIO visited Ontario Agricultural College tor Homemaking Conference directed once Eadie Supervisor of Junior mtcnsion tor tho Womens Institutes Branch at the Ontario De their annual byless Flor Seafort Handsome Yearbook Chronicles Specicll Events of Post School fTerm For St Josephs Students The special events of the school term just completed as well as the routine curricular and extra curricular activities of the stud ents of StlJosephs High School aro vividly recorded in their handsome 1956 yearbook Sci cntia et Bonitas which came oft The Examiner press at the and Kat June Bound in double blue the so page magazine contains numerous photographs and sketches as well as essays chronicling such high lights as the May graduation excr cises events of the spiritual ye and the basketball and iootbal seasons social events dranditie presentations initiation and music public speaking literary and artistic accomplishments George Jaequemain one of this yoars graduates was year book editor with classmate Michael McLimlen acting as coeditor Form reporters were Joan Me Vcigh Sam Cancilla Pat Cross land and Donald Crosby Biadlcated to Pontitf Dodicated to His Holiness Pope Pius XII the publicationhontains In large portrait of the pontifl on its openingpage opposite message oi dedication in ilno script The auxiliary to the Arch bishop ot Toronto Bishop Morracco has contributed special blessing to the students on the occasion of the publishing of Scientia et Bonita and their principal Sister Seholastlca delivers message to them in which she calls on the young peo ple to go valiantly torth like the renowned St George sword in hand to wrestle with and er oome your triple dragons of tractionA ignoianec and indol gnce In addition to portraits and thumbnail sketches of the sen ior students on the occasion of their graduation there is page of baby icturcs of each graduate calling readers to identify them Stillin humorous vein is Betty Wanamakers Last Will and Testament cheeriullyglving away some treasured possessions of the students leaving the school his year Tribute to Teachers Tribute is paidto the Sisters St Joseph by both Editor Jacqueinain and one oLihe stud ents iexcelling in the rliterary ield Noreen hchinnon writer imprcssive poem Fare composed in honor of her ma mater Portraits taken at pring graduation ceremony stand at inreliefagainst adark bad ground in special section of the boomvand the Brown and id all the graduation dance is ortcd as of thelmajor artiesfoi theyear Each class is the bjeci ofa ormalportrait complete th profiles of all the studen gctbr ca During 185556 St Josephs re eoiveda new picture of their pat ronsaint other landmarks of the spiritual year were Decem bcr retreat the spiritual bouquet sent to the Pope on his birthday the book display prepared or Catholic Press Month and work or missions uadortakenlby each grade Activities of the Sodality of the Blessed virgin went hand in hand with the temporal pleasures of skating partyI Halloween party and otherllghthcarted events St Josephs Choir formed in late Septemberj and the Catholic partment of Agriculture Minister of Agriculturehwasrspcaker tor the ban quet right Jean Smith Bethel Ruth Croller Barbara Strath and Ann Bertram Elm fe Dionamjneputy portray the potent example of knowing the true purpose of life and of striving with Gods help to realize it Theirapirit ded cation to God as well as their insistence onhlgher standard education truly lullil the rent meaning of our motto Selentia etBonitas Youth Club organized in Febru ary are two of the Ineworganiz ati ns whose activities are re vie ed Named Alter Motto The school motto from Which the name ofthe yearbook is drawn is given deep meaning in the editorial of the 1956 Set entia cl Bonitas oi his school in the academic ath letic and social fields the editor shys that pride in achievements does not meati lossofsonse of values No matter what our academic and social attainments may be our Catholic education assures us that both teachersand pupilsare but vaink ants without holiness or goodness We thank St Joseph for his SIS ters our teachers whose lives Over Night lie ei Dfo you Ion to be 1m mu on dagmines minimum bring Then do um Pills today forin count In mm the up in eondltionl once vapd unau of ma Cha Justly proud and unprofitable serv name brought his toy duck along he kicksï¬o uch fuss without it BroadCoveriige add Prompt Service Proven Fair to Efllclent Claims Service Modernsix month Policy Plan Competitive Rates Auto Personal Liability arid Accident Insurance See yourCoop Agent MRS ALISON RANSOM 436 Steele Street PhonePA 84000 my liarha lira at to charge lot at tors are iron the at new attraction at this years Ring Indsbmooltradlttonil his willflso vansunarme appuqued design The fined erha It will provide Ed mdï¬ lookintothe second haltoi century with unilts design be obLalned cratta made by gPETI POINT 2C ps and Saucers Plates BenBans Teapots rayon enhance BROWN Dalston RI Barrio Phone Barrie 357112 mhsnnvsumenumn Stroud OnLr hone 39111 EKING masters However ltn Harare Rown Boom has been in vtted to domterug hooking and won her methods no Womens Institute ym held at BunH by Mrs Fraser the home sum 11eesoaluly Bldlell and air flnlndulillyu The willbooltered oh sale Mrs ï¬guring Stayner Booths at whichdeslgusltnily an special Prlc M39 each being but In duo Cloyves Wome institute Meet Ilte mam new at cm lunch served 111 Ball call fA Plénle Silicaj no satiation 73 lollier Streetlhone Buy several packages at the seeds inexpensive and tested or Reg leopaekagoï¬atoiilspeeial PRICE gat lrlces and Mflg rvyyozu uwwv wows we Wwwcqoph