Vanull dinden guaranteed Used Mn lell with It Cultivator Yuma Row Crop Firmll Live Hy wc to ch Clay our me mm notional 1530 on Rubber mod 57 unit McComliclr 06 Orch model hand clutch Fordaoo Molar and shape excellent tires dung nrrir 21 Row crop with mounted cultivuinr hydraulle Ited Gibson Modelï¬used rec reasons priced to sell quick All tractors overhauled Tlinred and ch hery Three iurrow international Plow on rub ber Three furrow Massey Plow on rice Two Iurmw Fleury Plow on Steel 10 iooih International Cul tlvotor onRubber like new It International Disc Harrow 13 Mar ker Massey Seed and Fertilizer Drill international Green Cm Hay loader Fertilizer Spreader ï¬ount Vernon international 84 Combine Power Drive demonstration on acres reduced$40500 Ai Farm Eouipment andAutomotlve lIH Kim St Bowmanvlllc Phone MAS5689 3H7 kindnes during his illness Ceci av mmm lolurlou srrulusrs Remove lenh spark plugs 2lletk arborelar 3herbignitionwiresnipllleu and inner rounertions lean distributor pointi and adjust lI nuessury hell bollery and dean terminals IIRRRIS RIITO ELECTRIC LTD 83 DUNLOP PHONE 5931 in us DNlY onlolNAt more mus 55 DUNLor ST thoughtfulness during on trio Alr Como BuddhaMil 11 Return Rum Jere BlScAKRDS UF THANKS We wun to thank your kind lend and neighbor ror lhelr man exprenionr of unga lhy and beautiful rlorll oi mu received durum our bereave nent lo the lots or beloved tu band and rather We lly hank Ram Femuson mem bers Kerr LodgeAP and AM Mn Black and homily S1 WILMSHOFERvWe wish to ex press our hurtlelt thank and ap oreciaiion tor the many acts or kindness messages of empathy and beautiful llorll oltcr re ceived rem relatives trim and neighbors during our Emit be reavemenl In the loss ii beloved lather We wish to es iflllv thank Rev lrlmblo or iacvn solimr words and the Jennctt Fun eral Home or their elficlcnt inan alremcnt at the services Also thanking Dr Se mour Dr Grilliths Miss lle en Cheesman and VON Misa Irene Edgar and her assistants Mrs Halan and Mrs Richardlon tor their help and and Gertie Pool 37 IN APPRECIATION Mrs Caverly or Stroud wishes In express sincere thanks and noprcciat on lol the care and her recent illness to 0E3 lnnlsiii Chapter Nursing Staff RVII neighbors and lriends Dr George Se mour to ther with the beauli ul flowers cards 37 To our many friends and neigh bors and the Stroud FiretBrlgade we wkh to ex res our sincere thanks and on Itude lor the help Elven In our absence when our home was on lira and Eliecinlly to Mrs Pearl RIX Dale We and Douglas Lowry who had the lire brigade called lrurnan nnd Elhei Flait Strnu 37 IN MEMORIAM GRIFFINIn lovlnlz memor or dear husband and lather erbcri Grillin who posed away March SI 1955 Godgtknew that he was suffering That the hills were hard to climb 50 He closed his weary eyelids And wills Bred Peace be thine Away in beautiful hills of God By the Valley of rest so fair Someday we know not when We will meet our loved one there Sadly missed and ever mnem bered by wife and family 31 JOEYIn loving memoryg or dear husband and father John llsolIy who passed away April Restiniz where no shadows all in periect peace he awaits us all Our God will link the broken chain As one by one well meet again Ever remembered by wife and iamily 4+ ob his loan sun lllllllllllllulllzlll PHONE 3652 human sau gem Stock hairlento WALTER STURGESS Lo Con Innlsfll Township Iran In rural hullbyPublicAu on TUESDAY Ann years Percheron Marc run 1500 lbs Percheron More yours 1100 lbs Set at Plow Harness CAllLE Roan Durham Cow years lreah call at toot Red Durharn Cow your due to resh bymdate talka Hailing Cow ye we redlo iresheh Oct lD Holstein Cow years fresh edit atloot Holstein ow yearsxrulkln to freshen Oct tstein Cow years bredrto reshen Oct l3 3lue Roan Cow years due to 95th in Apr Durham Cow Years énllliln ulwvllbmd to fresh en en ergo Cow years fresh to Durham Claw yearsbred to rreshcn July is Roan Cow years milking well bred to lreahen June 29 Fat Shorthorn Steers lmolbs each Fat Shorthorn Steer 8501b Baby Beet Heller 500 lbs Durham Heller518 months open Short horn Steers risi years $h0rtlt horn Heifers on Sheri risinfl year Hereford Hellenfr months well bred Holstein Heifers ris ing VeulCaives Pike bred or am Bull ybar old PIGS Yorkshire Sow bred to arrowjly date of sale Yorkshire Sow bred to ranow April Yorkshire Saw bred to arrow Ap ril 15 Yorkshire Sow bred to ur row June 10 Yorkshire Sow bred to arrow June ll Yorkshire Sow carryinlz 2nd litter bred to arrow June 16 Yorkshire Sow carrying 2nd litter bred to farmw July 10 Yorkshire Chunks 150 10175 lbs each The above sows are all bred to purebred Yorkshire has IMPLEMEle MH lractor 101 good repair int Tractor Plow 2lurrow good as new Set olInl Tractor Discs good repair lnt Cultivator 17tooth Set Drag Har rows section with draw bar complete Mount Forest Grain Sep orator 2842 with high elevator and shredder in Al condition Coclshutt Mowerhfr 800d re pair Cockshutt Binder cut zood repair Steal Land Roller drum good repair Otaco Manure Spreader zood as new Fairbanks llommermili good as new MEGI Seed Drill d3 gist 30 re oilisre Deerin Dri repar Rake 120 00 it DIEndless Belt zRow Sculller Extension Ladder 30 Sct 2000 lbs ca we scale ZVlheelp Trailer with ired Wagon and K1 952w ron arator chrrcw Chains Doubletrees andmantther no rous to is eDelinitely no reserve as Sturzess is giving up lanmlng ow inz to ill health Nothing to be removed until set tled for TERMS CASH Frank Webb Clerk Jerry Cough Iin Auctioneer phone 5449 Barrlaei gt We are prepored to make exceptional deals on these gleaming good gs nevviknrs Many models and colors to choose from Bringin your rrdae and find out howlittle itwill cost ybuito oWndfSSifl ems Ann clmr VOPENVVEASTER weakrun well bred With the comlng of Spring Clarks lIom Furnishings once ogqin bri greot AnnualSecondFloor Sale offer ing you host of values for everyroom everycorner of your home styling or such low prices SIURDX STEEL FRAME CARRIAGES Covered in long wearing durable plastic wcllpadded inside Real Specipl REGULAR 53550 2977 Witll cvory carriage purchased during this sale we will give you free one lovely plastic cover ed carriage pad BABY vALuEs IN rlvp rosmons BABY CRIBS Mode by Harris Cnnadasgrcat est name in Childrens furniture iwo sizes 27 51 and 30 54 These are all 5positlon cribs featured at one low price 2897 OCCASION Truly amazing values conlbe seen during this great i0 day sole you cant afford to miss these wonderful offers to furnish your home in todays modern wiiurs lll cunnnrlls runllllllllll WDOD 0R CHROME Your choice of sturdy wood or chrome in variety or lovely col ors Entire stock reduced or our Second Floor Sale 5mm PRIdE AL PIECES CHAIRS During this great solo every chair on our Second Floor or 45Maplc Avenue Showrooms hos Eecnreduced rum Manychairs offered at bette than 10 reductions slrca surr kwflh by each In cst mahogany veneer in to days modern charcoal Featuring Triple Dresser withplate glass mirror Bookcase Bed and Chest Modern 51er chest has complete builtin cedar ghost REGULAR 350 PCE CHESTERFIELD by Snyder All foam rubber cushions nosag springs 100 Nylon upholstery in alovely rust shaderREGULAR 32500 roUTSTAND ABLES Lovely Occasional Tables by New bigging Coffee Step and End Tables in choice of walnut or nilturol 795 Allfothcr Occasional Tablas rc ducal10 lCE SUITE byVictoriliiillc HDouble Dresser Chest and Bookcase Bed dove tailcd centre guide con struction finished in luxurious modern bonef REGULAR 22900 get33 CHESTERFIELD3E chestertlelmby day lied by night Heavy steel spring and springfilled mattress lPlECE REGULAR 18900 13777 Chair in contrasting color Sale Price $5950 gs LAMPS SMOKERS Entire Second Floor Stock mark cd way down no you MATTRESS Ls There is Saving 013700 to $1950 on this Special Group of Mattresses lDoc Gavan Champion 46 1Doc Cavnn DeLuke 46 IMarshall Gold Seal 40 léImperlal Fleece Cloud 46 lRcstonic by Maple Lea 46 ISealy ml Anniversary 46 lltlaplc Loni 2luarslrall 33 analc 54350 SGl50 5435u $4350 $3095 sas95 243950 s335u 2Continental Units Box Spring Mattress Legs and Headboard 33 $6595 or BEDROOM sulrEsf PCE SUIlE by Hepworth in todays mo dern walnut Size Dresser drawer Chest and Bookcase Bed dove tailed centre guide construc all complete with Ribbon Spring and Springfilled Mattress SimonSAVER Only two ieltrilt this very special price Heavyspringï¬lled con struction easily converted to double bed an attractive couch by dayRECULAR 6950p 74950 ES VALU Pill FIIIIIIME SUITE Table Bullet and Chairs inlovely Grey vSrmitohMlsi with red trim 12500 roasting rlnl by Kerbarly lovely gen uinc Red Maple Bedroom Suite OverSize Double Dresser and Chest with Bookcase Bed Gen uine plate glass mirror dove tail ed centre guide construction Real Saving REGULAR 25950 19733 ma VALUES role THE LIVING room FRENCli PROVINCIAL occasromu CHAIRS by Braemore French Prov incial OccasionalChairs in wide selection of colors finished in Provincial walnut or Fruitwood REGULAR 7950 4933 FORV frills Cllllollll outfits 35Sllites inevery color and size youd site with 6m chairs During this sale ado pceBreaktast Set with every Qhrome Set purchased 9133 aleFLOOR 5959 is 015583111516 Double Dresser Chest of lDrawf ors Eookcase Bed Spribgr SpringFilled iilattress Bedspread and Pail6 Pillows PIECES ONLY 19733 PCECHESTERFIELb by Duliarry Foam rubber cushions nosag springs uphol stered in long wearing Wool Freize in heautilul lime green and black REGULAR 2900 71970035 KITCHEN 996 Ribbon