truism ramnr sunny EVENING SHOWS AT 550 AND mm SPECIAL MATINEE FRIDAY 230pm CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 230 SHES YOUR CHILDHOQD SHES YOUR LIFE SHES YOUR BOOK OF THE MONTH TEACHER an 14 r03 PLUS CARTOON FOX MOVIETONENEWS ADULTS EVENINGS 15c TAX INCLUDED ADULTS MATINEES 50¢ TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25 TAX INCLUDED ANOTHER GALA MORNING SHOW EASTER MONDAY AT 10 BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 930 Om AM lZ TECHNICOLOR CARTOONS I2 ADULTS 40c CHILDREN 15c ALL TAXES INCLUDEDI Multiliin rursnrv wrnnrsnmr mm MHTINI M0le EVENIN snows AT 650 AND pm Was He came floating on the water beqringdocumenis that shook the world CNMsppé WAS PLUS COLOR EARTOON AND OTHER ADDED TREATS ADULTS EVENINGS 15 TAXINCLUDED ADUITS MATINEES 500 TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25c TAXINCLUDED WEDNESDAY III 230pm THE STRANGESI SPY STORY IN THE NNALS OF BRITISH ESPIONAGE wï¬mbfl amt thallium Roxy Famous Players Theatre Good FridayService Good Friday service will of Thornton be held in St Judes Anglican Church at 730 pm Everyone is welcome WA Meeting Stludes WA will meet at Mrs Jamiesons on Tuesday April at pm Support Flyers Several hockcyifans went to To ronto on Saturday toseethe Bar rie Flyers win the Junior semir finals against St Michaels Majors Lasrror winter We hope the bear ow storm of Sunday afternoonwill be the last or thiswinte WMS News Trimty wins held their March meeting at MrsM Cunning hams onWednesday afternoon The studycbapter taken by MrsLennox and sol by ery much enj ThOmpson lhe Sacrament of the Lor told the story of an lndianiPrin cess who lived near owen Sound and owned 600 acres of land and when the white men took over the reserve the governmentrefused to give herany of the treaty money but gave her three lots in Sarawak Township Mrs Thompson read very interestingstory ofrthe Eas ter lily whichhad beanisent up from Bermuda by Mrs Hughes to be read at this meeting WA and Ladies of Trinity WA quilted at Mrs Alfred Spencers last week number of the WI members at tended the RedCross quilting in CookstownlastT sday fllEasterServico There will be service in the United Church on Friday morning at 11 oclock At the régular Sunday mornirig service at 1030 Sup Breakszih Mrs Bray ha tune to fall getting water for thestock as Mr Bray is still confined to thehouse and break two ribs and as otherwise bruis HOLLOws WI News The regular meeting of the idol lows WI was held at the home of Mrs Bowden on Wednesday March with 11 members and four viSitors present Mrs Rumble president was in the chair The motto for the month was Success comes in cans failure in cants The roll callwas very enter taining one being Singrsay or pay and the answers brought many amusing and interesting items including some singing Donations of $5 each to the cancer fund andthe crippled chi drens fund were approved Arrangements are being made for guilt to he put together to beraffied off in thc summerto boost the treasury We missed Mrs LVernonat the meeting and wish her speedy recovexy The program was an impromptu one each member contributin one item and here again th piano camelinto use To close very interesting pr gram all enjoyed some commu ity singing includiiigï¬ roiln which caused much laughter which eventually was sung co rectly The national anthem an lunch brought very pleasant ter clos ed as she struckthc ironon th pump We sincerely hope th Brayvfamriy Jmay soon he Inuit well aga armos and and Mrs Mrs childre wriiowdale Thornton ondchildren New market Sunday Clarence Kanis Toront Carsons byMiss Marion Train and liirs esdayrnlghts meeting with the macamour ammobourbon Mmuwuoflr wane Jesus was on thri suddsn and unnatural darkness earth and the crowd was and term before Christs tomb and the at the sepukhrc lest the discipiI es arid sisal body away Socilal Evening The members of the LOBA he social evening onWednesday March21 in the Orange Hall There were ten tables in play for cuchre Prizes forionc hands went to Mrs Clilf Archer and Clarence Ritchie for high score Mrs Ritchie and Man ning 2nd high Mrs Clute and Charles Hall and consolation Mrs Charles McFadden andEd ward lieasman Mrs Murphy in lucky draw won the angel cakes Following lunch couple of hours of dancing was enjoyed Manning Vasey neuron piety the violins were accompanied Mrs Hector Archer at the piano Father and Son Banquet Allenwood and St Johns Unit ed churches sponsored father and son banquet in the Elmvale church on Tuesday evening Sup per was served by the St Johns Friendship Circlevgroup Fiegehen the president was chairmanof the program Jack Whitfield led in slngsong presentatio of cups and es was made by vicepresiden John Lougheedto the three leaders of the boys group Ray Springlack Whitfield and Dr Reynolds who then made the pressntation to the winning boys in each group Points were based on attendance at meetings Sunday School and church also handicraft work at the meetings Robert Kitsemilry won cup and book for Allen wood Sigma Goiin Elliott won the same for Eirnvale Sigma Ricky Thompson St Johns Tyros won cup and book Cups must be won two years in row for the winner to becomethe owner Milton Trace favored all with few magic and sleight of hand tricks Prayer was given by Earl Elliott and Peter Clute introduced the speaker of the evenin Gordon Lapp of Meafor Ficgehe Lhanked Mr Lapp and also old of some of his cxpcr in boys work Dr olds gave the benedictio IIoatessTo Willing Workers IThe Presbyterian Willing Work rrnetTuesday evening at Mrs ilmot Blacks The president rs McConnell presided The devotional exercises were taken Douglas Wright Mrs Jones was speaker and spoke on the topic 5To GivejsTo Live It was most interesting story of the life of Claudia wifenf Pontius Pilate Although Jesus had healed Claudias only son of serious malady she had to witness Him beinggsentenced to death by her husband in order that he re main in the esteem of Caesar the ng Shoots Wolf On sday March 22 Pilon shot bush wolf east of Elmvaleyiilage Want Dogs Tied Upr Eimvale village council had tan Searterfield of the Simcoo ounty Health Unit present at oremosttopic of discussion being he rabies outbreak It wasthe inion of the councilthat action could be taken inthe public in tést jAIIdog ers are qreated to havetheir pets inoclt th registration being hisparents at the weekeii mo After the cruciliction great stone was placed followin mu Thufar as hindrhout the whole My God why hastTIIou Igor wit and scribes looked up in dread Fatlitr into Thy hands comoend my 517 And on the The village solicitor Was instruct ed to prepare bylaw to tho eticct that owners of any dogs found running at large be prosecuted Mr Scarterlieldalao spoke onthc yillage zoning bylaw Friendship Circle Lilhe monthly rmeeting of St Johns Friendship Cincie met at the home of Mrs Roly McLean on Monday night Mrs Jeun Thompson presided and Opened the meeting with the theme aong followed by The Lords Pnyer John Ferguson read the scripture lesson and vaDon Bertram the lesson thought Mrs John Ferguson introduced the speaker Miss Florence Man ning who gave very informative talk on the work and aim of St Johns Girl Explorers group Miss Manning was thanked by Mrs Wally Robertson The meeting closed with hymn followed by the theme prayer An auction sale on Easter bonnets made from kitchen gadgets by each girl was auctioned off by Mrs Gordon Mills The prize for best hat was won by Mrs Lioy McKnight Lunch was served by the commit tee and hostess ConservationClub Opens Elmvale now comes through with some research thatwill give the fly fisherman and casting fisherman something to talk about in the next few weeks by joining with the Barrie District Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club and to be there in person to see two experts displaying their skilL Plans are well underway to have our lakes and rivers restocked We also are going to haveour Vown rifle and pistol club We hope to release partridge and quail in the fall More informa tion may be had fromany of the Fred Morrissey Harry Sam Kimberley Dles Suddenly The district was shocked to learn of the sudden deathot Barney Shanaban late Saturday night Although Mr Shanaban had been ailing for some time he was at the poolrooin as usual on Friday but late Saturday after IIDDIDIIEWFS taken by ambulance to Penetang General Hospital where lie passdd away before mid night on March 24 Funeral on Tuesday from St Pamelas Church Phelpston gt Visitors For Week Mrsileonard Bellfof Wyevale spent the week with liirand Mrs Steele William Beardsall spent the week with Mr andMrs George Beardsall of Thistletown Miss Elizabeth Thurlow Bar rie spenttheweekend and MreEwartThurlow Mrs Hogg and two of Toronto spent theweekepd with Mrs Hoggs parents Mr and Mrs William Tripp 55 Joan Morrissey aels Hospital Torontogspent weekend with her paron and Mrs FredMorr third day great brih Bell WEDNESDAYMARCH 231956 rimcecn flu out My God iomken Me In the guards ion or Christ had risen Newton RobinSOn Community Sympathy Our sympathy goes to Mrs Farn and the family in the death of Mr Forn on Sunday Few Days in Toronto Mrs Allen isspending ftw days in Toronto Mr and MrsWaltcr Andrews visited on Saturday with Mr and Mrs George Holt oi Thornton Sunday Guests Tcd Houghton and Miss Gail Alexander of Toronto were Sun day guests Mr and Mrs Earl Good Sale week dgdr Waite And Ns am Forum The Maple ysuey Farm Forum spent their iastsociai night for the seasonrat Mr Mrs Ernest Hodgsons Mr and MrspLorne West and children of Toronto were Sunday guestsof Mrs West and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Co rn aRENrwoOO Mr and Mrs Davidson at tendedthe hockey game in To rpnto on Saturday between Flyers and St Mikes Working in Kingston Jack Allen is working in Kings ton this week Miss Lena Schell Mrs Robert SchellToronto itlt edwith Mr er Schell Visiting Parents Mary Mae and Mario nussonBarrie visited Ith rpar over the Weekend In Toronto and Mrs Thomas visitinginT ronto for fewrdays Outof flospital Sandra Snow returned home tram Burford hospital Toronto Weekend Mr and Mrs Monkhouse and family spent the weekend in To ronto Breaks Wrist Jim Bannermanhad th mister tune to have one jwrist broken Th0 tragedy was ï¬nished out hush desctndtd on the multitude and ddenly soldierwholookedup revuently and said the eanhtrembizd and opened Ts tor and Truly this Man was the Son oi Cod panic sriud the people Then Jesus stepped forth from the tomb and rlests set guards lance stru roll th ed of Jesus some link fromth tgmrbf apiinthl bow down in and on cbm 1ch in terror and in panic affix Emotion His own At the foot ages 17 roze of theme stood Roman And so forail eternity neither time nor dullran III lcvingprssencc otCbrL esnoring toldwater commentary By ioaNr 2le one Comrnents on Budget Legislature debates livened up noticeably as the session nearcd its end Lloyd Letherhy East Sim coe MPP commented last week end Mr Letherby was unable to have his comrnean on the budget included inlast weeks Legisla ture schedule but expected to be among those winding up speeches in the Ontario Assembly before adjournment the middle of this number of deputation from Easbsimcoeywere met by the riding member inthe pastfew days and introducedto the gov eminent off alsthcy wished to interview Another brief Le slative ses sion isanticipatedwrihin the next twoor three months to deal with marketing legislation INot Represented Goldwater fire department was notrepreserited at the meeting of Simcoe County Cooperative Fire lighting organization held last week at Waubaushene The meet ing regretted that so far this year Goldwater has failedto link up with the county fire protection BEEHCY1 Goldwater brigade took out membership in the cooperative last year but so far this year have not renewedaffiliation Some of the Goldwater volunteers are re ported unenth astic bout mem bership in the unty wide group owing to factors existing in Cold waters fire protection area and while at WOrk in Newmarket He was taken to Newmaiket hospital but is now home for few weeks Mrs Pollard spent few days last week with Mr and Mrs Achiel De Scheppdg Birthmf Son Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Russel Loukes on the arrivalof baby1393 March bro ï¬rm runner oxiz aror patrons rdm tendon Orchestr VIIIIIIIELIOWS dire to5orne apparent misundcr standings which arose from fires stated that as Coldwatcr lacks in the past Also it has been agreement to cover parts of the adjacent area which logically should be protected by Goldwater it would be diiticult tor the vil Iago volunteers to fit satisfactorily into countyprotective program designating territories it is con sidercdllkoly the next regular meeting of Goldwater Council will deal with the cooperative tire fighting organization and Cold water brigade position in conL nection wrt WI Branch Mpe mg Many North Si District branches of the Womens Institute will be holding election of Officers at the Aprilmeeting orplanning their 195w program Meetings tor the coming month were sched uled as follows subject to change Goldwater SrApril 10 Host ess Mrs Gordon Dunlcp Elec tion6f oiflcers is on the mgend but this branch hasralready re turned all last years officers for another year Goldwater JrApril 24 Host ess Mrs Walter Laughlin There will be an auction sale and con test Coulson April 11 Hostess Mrs Clifford Wells There Turn to page 24 please DEilIl 0F Ill URRHEE and kept telling him not to play with matcheslf Now theres wise Fatherre rmemhering about lNSURANCE whcncalamity strikesBut YOUlwait until the fire isbla beforeyou sce about INS