Bank mm Bradford Mrs Charles Watson returned to her home in town alter spend log the past two weeks in 3nd lord gt relatives From Tomato Mn Elsie Taylor who under went an operation In Toronto re eently spent the past weekwith Mr and Mrs McFadden in Toronto Weekend Guests Guests during the weekend with Mr and Mrs Elsworth Fildey were their son Doug of GoderIch and James Fildey with his parents lor the weekend Holiday in Florida Mrs Kenneth Fildey is on ï¬ontha vacation in Largo Flor Toronto Giliest Miss Audrey Dcrrnott nurse in training in Toronto spent recent weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs WDermott From Barrie Miss Audrey Mapes nurse In training at the RoyalVictorIa Hospital Barrie spent recent wee end with her psiens Mr andMrs Herh Mamas rewmys with sum Mrs Stanley lialbert spent Iowdoys in Barrie with her sister Mn James Palmer who has heén quite ill Saturday Guests Mr and Mrs Keith Couse and son Michael of Toronto were Snt urday guests with the latters par ents Mr and Mrs Kidd Bruce McLean Toronto for the weekend also Mrs Bruce cLean daughters Elizabeth and onnn of Black Creek BC Out of llospitol Mrs Graham who had minor operation at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston the past week has returned to her WA Meeting An enjoyable meeting was held it St Johns Anglican Church on hiesday evening March l3 when the WA were hosth to the WMS auxiliaries of the local Presbyterian United senior and JunIor auxiliaries the Guild of St Johns the WA St Lukes and the WA ol the Anglican Chgeh Alliston president Mrs Riley presided with Mrs Ramsay at the organ The scripture lesson was read by Mrs Wilkinson The speakerhlrs Ewing of To ronto who has given service as van worker and whose daughter brated her mom birthday Prea out were her two daughters two sons nine modehildren and tour greatgrandchildren bullet trachea toast to the one goes was proposed Alvin Arnold oi Alliston In many more happy birthdays Presbyterian WMS The 190 the Presbyterian Church met on Thursday evening the home at MB AlbertErwin Themeeting opened with hymn and scripture reading by Mrs Hopper and Mrs Patton lead ion In Drlyer Roll call was an swered by naming country where the Presbyterian Church has For information on all building supplies coll BIlLl Plillllllli Mill itll so anyIIeId St PHONE 2496 home in town Institute News The April meeting of the Wo mens Institute will be held on ThursdayMareh 29 instead oi the usual night In April The Late Mrs Minnie Parks Cookstown and community ex tends its sympathy to the family rot Mrs Minnie Parks Mrs Parks Minnie Florence Graham passed away at Stevenson Memorial Hos pital Alliston on Thursday March 15 1956 alter lengthy illness at the Alliston hospital and the Russell Nursing Home in Cookstown Shewas in her 72nd year beloved wile oi the late George Parks The nneral was held from the Hughes Funeral Home Cooks lowo on Saturday March l7 In torment at St Johns Anglican Cemetery Cookstown Lott to mourn her loss are her brothers Edward Graham Robert Graham Cookstown Herb Gra ham Bradiordnnd Fred Graham Connand one sister Mrs Harry Coleman Barrie Ross Group Meeting The Ross group held their meet mg on March 14 at the home of Mrs Norman Nevils withMrs Fildey the president presiding who opened the meeting with the Lords Prayer repeated in unison Roll call was answered by 14 members and two guests Alter the usual business and correspondence themembers de voted their time to quilting Two quilts were completed one for the Red Cross and one or Mrs Wares Mrs Fildey returned one Red Cross quilt completed The next meeting will be at Hannahs on Wednesday March 28 Lunch wasserved by the hos tess Mrs Nevils and her com mittee Boss Group Presentation On Monday evening March 12 members of Rosa community held social evening in the school house honor of Mr and Mrs ï¬g un Local AGENT roe innnus re EASY llIIIMS wrrII CRIPPLED CHILDREN Youre always weilonu at NIIIGAIIA AI Niagara wo hova the money you and In the amount you violin You may borrow up to 500 or more and Iain up lo 24 monthsto repay with poymonla nrrcnnad on monthly dell cl hy you ioona up Iqï¬isoo an IllaInaund na extra sail to youand on many amounts relax at gt Niagara onlowarlhon allwhore Convinlaniviayo or you to borrow will be dinetad privately am you need rnonay pvenpllyécoma In onytimo Iim In may loan plan comuqu IHE WIIsoN BUILDING sauna PHONE AVE NronIIvIAIIu son 18 Bud McKee Team mores Yankees and Han manners tie 1032 High triples Harvatera 3l2l Soda Main Upon returning home the bowl ng team met at the Soldiers Memorial Hall or social even ing of euchre and lunch Prise winners were Ruth Ireland and Ira Wilson that Shirley Sehram and Bill Draper second low Bet ty Colhurn and Jim Nicholson There has been keen competi tion In the bowling league all winter with l2 ovenready chick na as rises to be Wong The lucky nnera were high team Harmoniaera Jean Coutts Katy Gilroy Jeanette Murphy Del Co bourn in Wilson Mel Doherty high singles Doris McKiilIcan Bud McKee high triples Lloyd Hughes Ruth Pinkney hidden scores Lucille de Moniord Joe Duncan old Boys Reunion Cookstown old boys annual din oeodanoo and election of oliicers In the Oak Roorp oi the Union SPRING SP APRIL 15 TO MAY llalihurton teresting acts mndson ol Cookstowna gran old lady Mrs Henry Couse in her 98th ear replied to the salute and or his grandmother extend ed special greetings to Bessie Fen guson and AllioComiskey neigh bors and eookieiar robbers who both frequently visited the kind Mas Cousa Watson McLean nudging 90 years of age was thanked for his annual silver doilamtheriahed by winners as souvenirs In reply he Invited Presi ent Ros and all Cookstown an Cloverllill old boys and girls toa picnic at his sum mer home on Soarboro Blulta The middle oi June is the tenta tive date Mrs Campbells ticket was drawn tor the oil painting rhy Mrs inc ehanan host of other prizes in cluded II rubber pillow won by Mr Smithendort onetime teacher of Brandons School vouchers do IIF vou adwLneiw BOWL FUN SPRING SPECIAL leted The Ross Group ï¬veAn 1qu Church two one trorn the Guild and one from the WA bytcrian one United Church three WA Junior and Senior W5 the Hollows one large uilt and one crib making Iota of 11 quilts SKYLINE cIIIcIIs more tor service or momation call Al 0Connor at Coop ms or BYElIinlo Anson Mo Cloaho at me or Jim Gilmore HIS IAII Ilik Ibollt yum ohlek EARLY thin year gt 21 Emil 355 iii 3535 gs Ill gt EQUIPMENT Am comnsssoo the use mum and drilling cement in ng from earth or hardpan CONVEYOR Belt orclioinl for conveying cement earth of FIth IMmk BACK HOE 13 bucket with Front End Imam ALSO RENTALS 0N Cement Minn Cement Carts Wheelaanovia Water Pump Salamander dera car Milan Extension lath Fast CMIrteoua Rental Service Service to 413 BLAKE 51 Phone 3210 wm IN THE New handliao sysiemglves anoquaipliarica Ior all Iv 55513 Prale he IIIlac $73500 ailIlla $506 00 um Pr $557560 Brlaos $5000 each 10010590 dTHERBlGCASH PRIZESII Barrie Equipment Rental menus Residence 41