Then came the ladles Mra wr Sunday iith Pareats Mr and lira Merv Dale and niece Verna ice Schem berg Mr and Mr Jack Wire Inmate and Mr and Mrs Keiman and children Camp Bob 461 about Sunday with their par enta here Back Home Mrs James Dorrian returned from Hagemillc Saturday where ahehad spent the last month with her daughter Mary and family Mri and Mrs James Motley Called on Parents Vernon Wice oi Smithville call edFriday on his parents His daughter Lynn who has spent the past six weeks with her grand parents returned home with him Golden Wedding Mr and Mrs Alton Anderson attended the golden wedding an niversary of Mr and Mrs George Engshow ol Cambery Ont Miss Donna Emigh Toronto spent Tuesday with her parents Mr and Mrs James Emigh From Woodstock Mr and Mrs Robert Barnett and children Woodstock spent Saturday with the lormers par ents Mr and Mrs Thomas Earv nett Sr Attentlve at Church Owing to the recent outbreak ol rabies the local council passed hylaw that dogs and cats were to be tied up or kept in the homes and asked the clergy to help by announcing it lrom the pulpits The following Monday at school small boy was asked by his teach er what the gospel was onthe previous Sunday He answered promptly You must tie up your dogs and cats Well at least he was listening St PatricksEuchre The annual St Patricks euchre and drawheld in the town hall on Fridny evening March 16 was very successful Sponsored by St Frances Church and convened by Mrs llugh Sinclair there were 40 tables in the hall and 25 in the basement of the Maple Leaf Ho tel The usual 10 rounds of euchre were played The ladies of the church served daintylunch of sandwiches and cake Prior tothe giving or the prizes Miss Ann Kenna at the war um Kn Barnett pad and Mrs Freeman 8rd Gents ma Kant Mr Little and Joseph Me Kenna consolation Ted Nixon Special priu William Bmigh 8t ye olden gent Nicholas Egan 82 To Gordon Martin and Mr Right went birthday gilta March being their birthdays Door prices were won as lol lows Sheila Caddell Beryl Flem ming Beatty Lloyd Leggctt Mrs Bergin Ab Drury Harry Joyce John Walsh Elizabeth Nigb Bev Fuller Gladys Walsh Joe Stei Reta Sullivan Bill lli Mrs Walkem Pete Gronnan MrsH Flemming Michael Si clalr Margaret ltMcNally Norris Coles Mrs Florence Thompson Morrow Miss Reta Ryan John Bergln Mary McCullough Wilbert lry Mrs Phil Keogh Harry Pot ter Mrs condom Arthur Dunn Mrs Olive Dorrian Bern ard Doyle rllene Bradley Eddie Sykes Mrs Ken Thompson Alton Anderson Alice Kelly Harry llorne Lela Palmer Ernest Cum Berland Theresa Linch ltussel Hurst Ann Dunn Sunnerton Mrs Linch Foresta Berthn McCullough Pat Keogh Mrs Sinclair and Sherdon Mc Ginty Draws were won as follows trip to New York bonald Stevens Goldwater doll bassinette and complete wardrobe Miss Elizabeth Nigh Matt Macllroy won the suit of clothes Consolations went to Ken Cullen Carney New mnrket Aiken Toronto Cull Tottenham and Michael Ken nedy Colgan Assisting Father OReilu in making the draws were Reeve Joseph Bellord Councillors Anderson Norris Colcs Totten ham Mr Cumberland and Reg Noble ol Alliston Entertained Euchre Club Mr and Mrs Hammond entertained the Mixed Euchre Club on Thursday evening last Mrs James Tough and Ham mond won the prizes Senior Bridge Club llhe Senior Ladies Bridge Club were entertained at the home of Mrs Wice Mrs Carney won ï¬rst prize Mrs Agnes Walsh sec ond and Mrs Claridge third consolation Mrs Sinclair SATURDAY MARCH 17 There was little recognition oi St Patricks Day at the farmers market on Saturday morning but vendors acknowledged the ap proach of the Easter season with lresh hot cross buns for sale on the home baking counters at 40 cents dozen Fruit Pies Fruit picscherry pineapple and appleand raisin pies were alsorplentilul on the bake counters at 50 cents Each and there were assorted cookies including oat mealdate and cherry winks priced from 25 to 40 cents Coeoanut jain and butter tarts were 50 cents dozen and home maï¬a maple cream candy brought 10 cents package ions were 40 cents and small mats were 50 cents The usual good supplyothoney was to be found on the market with clover creamed amber and white varieties selling forr 22 cents 51 cents 65 cents and $125 Egg Prices Eggs ranged in price fromds to 53 cents dozen The top price was for extra large grades Large brought 50 cents and med at 45 Heating Problem Regarding the lack of heat in the marketbuilding therprevlons Saturday the caretaker had dis covered that someone turned up the thermostat too highheausing ablown use The tank was tull ofoilv at the time corwlau ver bothicclehrated heir 9th birthday last week The children are all looking eldest lady Mrs ANIEN Mitts Weekly Card Party The weekly card party was held hresday night with nine tables playing Prizelr went to Clara Mayer Cordlc Eaaion Ken Miller and Bill Adams wa News The monthly Wk meetingwas held in the church schoolroom on Wednesday alternooriwitb 11 prea ent Roll callworansweredby proverb The deviitienal was conducted by Joan Carson and thovprngram was given by Mrs Mlles with severanvcry line papers reade Bible quiz was held with Joan Carsonas winner Themeeting closed byall repeating the hlizpah benediction Home anlï¬ School Meeting On Wednes ay evening the An ten Mills Home and School met opening with singing of Canada iollowedby the Oderead by Gla dys Simpson Sixteen members and 14 visitorsvanswered the roll call Where spent my honey moa Mrs lrwln Knapp and Mrs Lorne Wilson were in charge of the program Eldon Knapp and Mrs Lorne Wil son Some Irish songs were en joyed Mrs llubbert of Barrie gave very inlemting demonstra tion of plastics delicious lunch was served by the committee and lriendly socialhour brought to momma All lllEllllE Everybody gets bit ruFdoIrn no and that emu heavyheaded on maybe bothered by backache Perhap nothing seriously mg iual lemon no conditinn by cams acids and lulu Thats the time to ah Dodda Kidney Pills Dotlda stimulate the kidncya and an help redone no normal mam at removing errur acids and wastes Then you led beltr slezp bellerhirorh halter Gel Doddr Kidney Pillsmi loci lor the box with red hydat tinaim You can depuid on Dodda 52 lovely duct was sung by Mrs close smart moyablefevening Attended Funeral Mr and Mrs Oliver Wilsq ndx Mr and Mrs laScott atten ed the funeralol anguncle John 20 ter at Ballydull Jolie Varanasi Tflksobcot tarts nns lo pqylhem Mostpcbplespendlargcsurna at man onl when know money coming from Bur there are come bills that you lost canr plan for Forlinsuncc Sillsharp unexpected medihl expenses ï¬res theirs and anything comlfl ly our or yourconuoi is that hit you like hair out the blue These large bills are on scrioua onnccmtn TharswhenaNiagara loan can really be of imp At any rare there are lot of lent in our olTIcc which were wrinen by pcople who certainly rhiuk mn seuice was mi hr one unsure ro dais di all kind of pay blcm Youll ï¬nd if you in quire thlt friendly loans Niagara Finance often hay lower rates Another point about agar tours to Justin are liteinsured at no exrnï¬ofl to you if you have large unex cued inll which you cant andle whybot dro in or phon we rue wiLsou BUILDING rm iurn 48 cents with pullets selling Sharon Fullford and Wayne Cul Iv Poet other an nannm nuns AF gt vou oar THEM BAYHED WELL any we aausu WHEN WE FINISH nus irju as was not ruew met1m mush more acumen anon mm omendo 1115 mung our Luaomus 600 AFTER may DEAR TAKE forward toitbe Easterholldays lillBBiESff FOR ALL AGES Mpdl Craft Guns Gas Electric Engines Archery Sets Paint by Number Sets Dart Boards HOBBY CENTitE Bradleys anneal St Wj llarrle travail treats for ulL PROBABLY HEARFROM Marmalade we sure armament am Among homemade specialties In was threefruit marnialadelem on orange and grapefruitavail able in large and small quantities The price range was 25 to 40 cen Vegetable Market Vegetables were fairly plentiful turnips selling at liveand 10 centspand carrots for 40 and 50 eentsa basket Potatoes were 35 cents basket and beets were 40 and 50 cents the smaller grades bringingthelarger price Hubbard andpeppernsqnasb sold for 10 cents and up Mclptosh eating apples and Soil cooking were 50 cents VillmiEl it Blainez BOflLE rHrKINGor ALL KING slzrs 559R hens weighingvjtlve andrslxpounds were 45 cents Brightly colored hand crocheted doilles wereamong the novelty gift items on market counters selling for $2 $3 and $4 depend Crocheted pin cu Pletnreo ygtFavern lax min er stall photographer that npi pear in this newsp ar gre callable glossyme