Oxillla meet parenia Mr na lather baa been quite hop Hospital Mrs Kenneth Ooburn returned home from Stevenson Memorial Hospital alter undergoing major ill operation tional service forla Trip Toronto Visitors Mr and Mrs anord of Tomato were recent Sunday guests of the farmers brother Ken Crawford and Mrs Crawlord Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs in Wilson were Mr and Mrs Joseph Palmer and children of Barrie Alliston Visitor Recent visitor with Mr and Mrs George Davis was George Sharp 01 Alliston Mr and Mrs Joseph Qavis and Qdaughter of Toronto spent the weekend with the latters father George McDonald School Open Ilonse Open House at the local pub lic school will be held on Wed nesday April 18 All interested adults are invited to attend Congratulations Congratulations to Rev Keith and Mrs Tudor on the birth of son Keith Scott born at the Yorkion General Hospital Bred eiibury Saskatchewan on Feb 26 1956 Returning to Ontario Alter serving three years at Bredenbury Saskatchewan Rev Keith and Mrs Tudor and lamily will be taking up residence at Princeton Ont Keith has accept ed call to the Princeton pastoral charge Oxford Presbytery Lon don anfcrenco and will begin duties there on July From British Columbia Bruce McLeansoiis Brian and Robert returned to Ontario after two years spent on Vancouver Island Mrs McLean and daugh ters on their journey back are spending few days in Edmonton and Saskatoon They are now with MrsMcLeans parents Mr and Mrs Kidd ici visit Old Boys Reunion bus load of Cookstowï¬ old hoya and girls and young ones at tended thc reunion in Toronto on Friday evening at the Oak Room at the Union Station Waller Beattys orchestra was in attend ance Calleroil Ken Crawford and Harry Cousc who responded to the Cookstown toast were there institute Euchre The institute ladieswerc again hostesses to another euchre on Monday evening March 12 at the town ball when eleven tables were in play First prize winners were Mrs George Mayes and John Michalcbuk second to Mrs Wil liam Riley and Ted Nixon This was followed by social get together and lunch served from long tables by the committee in charge Quilting Bee TheRed Cross annual quiltiiig lice Wlll be on Thursday March 22ratthe towrrhallfquiiting will start at one oclock All quilters Bare needed andrwclcome During intermission lunch will be served as usual followed by short devo lnstitutc Annual lileeting The April meeting of the We mens institute will meet on Thursday March 29 instead of the usual nightthe lirst Thursday in April This meeting is the annual meeting The roll call is to be answered by Suggestion Committee Mes dames Donnell Hansen Hindle Reive Simon and Donnelly Fam Night Institutes of Si coe istrict are haying their family night at Bond Head community hall on Thurs day April The members their husbands and friends will have gettogether and asoeial evenA ing is being planned vaening Auxiliary The Junior branch of the even ng WMS met at the Sunday School room of the church on Thursday March 15 with 19 members and two visitors an swering the roll call by telling be number of books read Mrs Monkman the president opened the meeting with hymn and prayer Thank you cards and let ters were read committees form and business discussed tr Haybs took charge of he worship periods and opened with ahymn and The Lords Prayer by Mr Pearson prayer by Mrs Bayes also talk onCh 15 tian stewardshi Mrs Don Monk man rendered The scripture was read meeting closed with the benediction mutt aervedbytheeommitleeln duringthuoeialhouratthecloaeu Berlin league Eriday evening score as lotion Earl Gilroy Gremlins up Jim Smith Starlets 109 Dorlavlle Beeston Yankers 70 Jack Bee rton Redrama 65 High Iinglex Earl Giiroy 232 Jean Coutts 228 High Itrlples Earl Gllroy 584 Mirna Beeslon 579 High averages Bud McKee 136 Lena Nicholson 187 WMS Meeting The regular March meeting of the United Church WMS was held at the home of Mrs Norman Cook on Thursday evening March 15 with 11 members present and the president Mrs John Farls presiding Minutes correspond ence and letters and cards of thanks received read donation of yamwas grateftu received from the Harding Yarn Co Guelph lor knitting articles for Fall bazaar also lrom Mrs Mc Cague regarding the slate of new allicers lor the coming year regular bole to be Christmas gifts for 15 boys from one to three years and quilt or blanket this to be sent before May 31 quilt for the next bazaar was planned Each member was asked to bring one of the requested Christmas gifts for boys to the next meeting The roll call was answeredby Scripture vorse containing the word love Mrs Couse who was in charge of the worship service be on with hymn lrs Shaw read he 15th Chapter Luke and gave an ex cellent talk on the Parables eon taincd in this chapter Mrs Couse gave the 4th chapter of the study hook on the lndian mission in northwestern Ontario and north ernltlanitoba Mrs Graham gave reading and the meeting closed with hymn and lilizpalf benedic mi mamgin adlon Paciltcsspanking new venomode ssa artists The can 26000ton1 liner Empress of Britain is shown above silhouetted against the dark ening skyabove the River Clyde shortly alter the vessel sailed for Liverpool to un dergo her int flagship the tint sea Newest ol the Great White Empress lleetthe magniï¬cent liner will leave Liverpool April 20 on her maiden transAtlantic voyage to Canada arriving at the portoi Montreal on April 26 by the Federation of Agriculture The economics of hospital care has been of great concern to all hospital boards and dministrators tion after which the hostess and committee served lunch httuorg neerAncestrya Duncan McCuuig asses At RV Hospital Bar Oi Oro near ancestry Duncan McCualg passed away on Satur day March lo ntthelioyal Vie toria Hospital Barrie where he had been patient for Just week but had been confined to the house since November of 1955 hcartcondition was the cause oi his passing Born on January 23 1872 on the homestead he was son of the late JohnMcCuaig and the former Miss Ann McNabb of Lot 19 Concession Four of ore had also followed farming and had livedat Shanty Bay The late Duncan McCuaig was member of the United Church and the service on Tuesday March 13 at the Lloyd and Sleek ley Funeral Home Barrie was conducted by liev Leonard Warr of Howkestone and Guthrie Unit cd Churches Relatives neighbors and friends were present from Oro and the surrounding area and also Bryson and the Misses and Boyson of Toronto Mr and Mrs Bradley and Marilyn from ton 3156 Toronto and three of the son from Umversrty of To ronto McCalluin Prentice and Boyes Beautiful flowers expressed the regret and sympathy of group of neighbors and also relatives and of Knox College Association Class of 1956 Mechanical VEn gineers of Guthrie United Church and Guthrie Womens Institute Interment was in Guthrie Cem etery and pallbearers were Clifv ford Besse Gordon Caldwell George Campbell Norman Camp ell Murray Duncan and Joseph Emms vgt Survwing members or the am ily are his bereavedlwife Mrs Lillian McCuaig one son Ross MCCuaiE52 Bushey Ave To ronto and onesister Mrs Jessie REV 24 oakfield Drive Toronto smrr swamps The numerous rivers of St Vi centi one ofthe Windward ads MORE SPUDS CHARLOTTETOWN CF totaloi 1239 railway car of tatocs were shipped from Pr ce Edward IslandinFebruary 273 moreJhan the sam month last year and 513 above heaverage th past five year tor many years These people of yourcommunity have been very mindful that every effort must be made to keep necessary charges tor services within reasonable lim its oi the average personsability to pay Great assistance in this re gard has been afforded the people of the community and the hospitals alike through the growth of the various forms of prepaid hospital care Thc practice of includ ing in tho tamily badgcta sum of money each month to prepay unexpected hospital bills hasrbecomc an aecep ed fact for almost 70 per cent of the people in this province Obtaining hospital care when it is required without theadditionil worry of how to ï¬nance it has been the greatest impetus and in centive in the remarkable growth of voluntary prepaid hospital plans during the last decade AAgreat deal has been appenr mg in ur newspapers latelyrabout health nsurance and thc partthe provincial and federal govern ments mayplay in making such service universally available for all citizens While the term health insurance has been free sly used by far the greatest amount of discussion has centred around only one part at bealth insurance program namely bomb surance Our ownv prime er the lion Leslie MFrost insisted that this subject bejlnv eluded in the agenda for the meet ings of the federalprovincial con forence in Ottawa last October and he has indicated willingness lointroduee such program in this province if the federal gov ernment wil provide adequate rlinancialassis nce in January of this year the min isterof national health andwel ware the Hon Paul Martin pre sented to the provi es for thei considerations def offer of federalmassistanco providing the majority ot the provinces repre sentinga majority of the people oi Canada accep thevoffer and undertake to prov fairly broad hosiptal care for th peopleof their province Negotiations are continuing and it would appear that the possibility of such pro gram being introduced in ontario ismuch stronger than ever before and its inauguration quite con ceivably coul not toofarin the future great deal oiplan ningwill be necessarybefor ch program can be introducedand umber of thedetails to make operative undoubtedly still iriai to be worked out MRS CHARLES MCLEAN lRESiDENT ONTARiO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATle TITHEBIBLEr TODAY aynav ransom on Mr Frost has lniimated that aprograin of this kind would meet with favor in this pro vince because at the presen tiine over twothlrds its citizens are already providing themselves with some type of prepaid hospital care through the Blue Cross Plan other co1 operative schemes or commer cial insurance companies Out assaulatlon derives some satls lactlon from the facttliat since March milkit has pro vided leadership and the la ellltleslurlllc people of this province to prepay hospital hills through its Bi Cross Plan for llospitalCar hlchv now protects over 2100000 citizens Add onally there arv over million and half pcop who are providing themselves with some other form oi hospital care prcL payment through cooperative schemes and the eommercialin surancc companies This means that closeto 70 per cent of On tariqs total population already has some form of voluntary pre paidyhospltal protectio Obviously governmentspon sored compulsory forrn of prepaid hospital care would necessitate changes for hospitalsand theprei payment agencies which hav been underwriting the ear vi For the hospital mean some lessening ofthe con tinual problem of adequate financ ing as undoubtedly they would fa reimbursement for all patients receiving care Traditional meth ads of charging lor services could however undergo radical changes if the experience oluniversal com pulsory plans existing in other parts of Canada canmbe taken as examples at any lormvol governm nt plan would pro vldo only for car at stand ard ward leve At the pres ent time approximatcly 10 ent oi Blue Cross sub scribersvin the province are providing for coverage at semiprivate level 1i would therefore appéar th tmany personsvthronghout vince will wisht ditioiial coverage over and above the standard wardrlevel care which might be Provided in governmentsponsore lue Cross and er insw rig companies will doubtle contln malt available to the citizens vice to meet need orvtbis coverage The directors of the On no Hospital Associatl who15 years ago gt ndertook th very largetaskv Ifyouhdveaste dyin make regular monthly endorsersprerequired to new usually human liberties DistrictSecretary Upperï¬anada Bible society Many lwho appreciate anduse llhe Bible couldnot put into words their reasons lor doing to Holmes has analyzed why he be lieves thcBiblo as follows Because it is the champio of Because it is roundedupon ins lice and mere Because it men with de sire to helpo hers l32eause it presents thedivina human personChrist Because it pointsout theway iromsin to salvation Because it brings peace and comfort to heart and mind yBecauso no other book has ever been so loved and hated Because its life stories have perennial universal charm Because reveals theionly in spensable manChrist Jcsus Because its influence is rapidly travelling to the whole world Because alter 2000 years of pubs lication it is still the best seller Becausc its benefits are not lim ited to any ace color or cond tion Because unching the voluntary Blue Cr sPlan barre adonlyone ob ject in mind to remove the prob lem financial worrywhen the ing doctor in icates that hospital are is necessary llow well this taskhasrbeen done we believe évldentin the plansimg Dressive and rather exeitingv grow th Apparently great changesare the makin The hospitals emselves will continue to pro do the service which their sup porters expec new challenge ch may arise in the changing picture ofi hospital insurance which undoubtedly will develop in the next few ears ronto maids last week Morley Webb cl Cepreol visited friends here on rsday Ted and Inn Elsie We turninxbome with him on Saturday or visit lpcapreol Ont el Hospital Their many lrtendajiedelight ed to know Mrs Caverlcy andllra Bowman are home from the Barrie hospital improving nicely also Mrs Alex Birch home tram Toronto General Mr and Mrs ROsteron their two sons and niece of Levack were visitors with Charles Gordon last weeks Hairdresser Convention MrsnElmerPratt attended the Hairdressers ronto last week Euchre Well Attended The community euchre held in the hall last Monday March 12 had large attendance Prizes were won as follows ladies Mrs Thompson Mrs Mel Mar ow Mrs Mchhb most lena bands Mrs Fred Purvis gents high John Hunter lLhob crtson low Marshall Campbell lone handa Jack Hunter Social Evening Remember the socialevenlng next Tuesday March 27 at 830 in the community hall sponsored with Don McNabb Mrs Allan Lennoxand Craig Hunter in charge Everybody is welcome St Patricks Tea With the glorioussunshine out doors and the newly decorated Sunday School roomindoors the irish tea sponsored by the United CGll on Saturday afternoon was very pleasant event Mrs Jones and Mrs McLean pouredtea at immediately seek for better things Because it provides theonly real consolation for men dying in war Because in studying its words we breathe the atmosphere of eternity Because its messages of hope have saved many froms ifrdes traction Becausei it recognims and no holds the dignity and individual ltylof every person pecanseihoce stroy it have no Suggested wee SundoyJohn 73753 MondayJJohn 8tl32 TuesdayJohn 69 WedncsdayAioh 914L ThursduyJohn 10 42 FridayJohn 11 29 Bible Convention in To table centred with boot at dam andpink and pear and earthen Shamrocks and Irish decorations beauti lied the in tables which were ellici waited on by the girls There was large attend once and alter Donna Webb had welcomed the guests short must cal program added to the enjoyv able alterooon The program in cluded cho by the rls Swinging A132 vocal Ci alway Bay byvborothy Fox Donna Marie Mason with no aceom animent by Mrs Wanlessandp easing piano instru mentals by Dennis Thompson and DonnaMarie Mason succqu bake sale was held by the WA and the Mission Band had an attractive candy table Holiday in Florida Mr and MldnCllflOld Lockhart iaéid Judy are oh holiday in Flor St Patricks Dance Stroud community hall was at tractively decorated lor the St Patricks dance on Friday March 16 sponsored by the members ol the Eastern Star arranged and conducted by the men of the chap ter for the benevolent fund large crowd attended and very enjoyable timo was had by all Winners of the draw included ham by Marshall Camphe trio frying pan Mel Coo oil hiss Campbell donat ed by Sherings Gara chicken MnTerrier The do prize canasler sct donated by Coop was won by Mrs William Muir Several lucky spot dances were won by different couples The music was capably render ed by the Webster orchestra eofllneleuinlakeatnxl am reusew sriouirsNrLo cr 44A St John policeman received the stifled has ever imposed here on charge of impaired driving Ac cused was lined $500 and bit driving license wasxuspended lor lellx HPEB THBLE CBVEHS Rolled newsprint suit able lor coveringiong tables banquet tables shelvingyetc Very reas mobile The Barrie EXaminer liow cm Niagara help increase tIircuioiion Control Rheumatism Ariluiiis and Tension Heat and massage are now blended in the amazing new Niagara ThermoCyclopad Research indicates that the ThermoCyclopadr by increasing circulation relaxing muscle spasm and decreasing pain allows the increased use of muscles and joints The fre quent use of heat and CycleMassage can contribute substantially to your comfortphealth and imprOVEd muscle and joint function sariva DlSlLAX or am one nounMam AT AND SAUNA Edgehiil Drlver BATHs uï¬arriei orWritcllox 205 for further infoimatioo SatitrdayJohnlldtï¬l gt when accepted mcn nï¬llies are pre have 50 guaranteemfrece ing arEd meet any willile in zVeaRRI 129 illmlopSl East rManh22119563 xizjaq 11 74am Madisons one AliClifllt ENEMASSAGE HEAï¬trH