Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1956, p. 1

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Manon wroNrsoAv and min flash copy 92nd YearNo 34 snown TOGETHER arnorannonos duringthe an nual tournament are senior officers of the three services who attended meetings of the Canadian Services Colleges AdvisoryBoard Left tovright MajorGeneral Rodger EDUCATION AND COOPERAIION BETWEEN POLICE AND PUBLIC Wlll Riouci ACCIDENT Ioii by Navrua BARNETT There can be idoIderiyihg has theVirive against accidents by Ontario Provincial Police up to March 14 the OPP has been Success This month have been called to only five fatal accidents and deservedly they have received commenda tion from the AttorneyGeneral HonKelso Roberts for their diligence But will the enact be lasting Have the police has the AttorneyGeneral found solution to the accldentproblein The answer of coursey is no it stands to reason that punish ment is no lasting cure Thatvis fact that has alreadyibeen ac cepted all over the world in the matter of criminal correction and in education Road accidents can only be re duced through education of both the road planners and the road users The road planners and constructors must build to elimin ate natural hazards and unneces sary cohfusion the road user must iearp to behave in proper and responsible manner Because the elimination of the many natural hazards found on the road today will be longtime operation the immediate necessity in to educate the road users of very classdrivers and pedesi riansi Practical Example The finest way to teach anyone is by practical example To quote another well used saying One can learn by ones mistakes mistake while driving may costa lifebut not thefirst time It is the man who has made mistake or talien chanceyandgot away With it whois the road menace Thist the man wehave gotto cure or eliminatefrom the road it an be done very easily by us ing the presentprosecuting police force to advise and teach Codrtcsy latrols The idea hasbecn tried with success in England where traffic and accident problem are as im po ant as they re hereivihe Lon do Metropolitan Bolice first in tro uccd thesystem iof courtesy 170 was looking out patrols men whose sole job or the careless thoughtless driver he man who thoughthe was smart by cutting in audiout of traffic the man who hugged thc crown the roadthe driver who thoughthacould jump stupidity on thesth ill on the lights They stopped these of fenders and pointed out their In blatant cases they could rosecute be was not their main job CausticCbmment his simple and reactionary idea with ad inf caustic co from tb pres The police ecoming oft chool teachers wheels andsa But it paiddividends in due fell off and Psychological Effect It is almost unbelievable what difference it makes to the driv mg when the uniform police is no longer looked upon as an ogre waiting to pounce After all every motorist has conscience BARRIE ONTARIO cannon WemsoAvMAacn 21 ViceChief of the General Staf ililegoiiaiions Reopenedton and representatives ofvtheCNll and pdrfio alongKempcnfelt Bay lt cludcd number of street ends agreement with the CNRat tho time but the agreement was never tidal of the old agreement ViceAdmiral if Dewolf Chief of the Naval Staff General Charles Foulkes chairman Chief of Staffs Committee and AirMarshal Slemon Chief ofthe Air Staff the countless number of rules and regulations that exist in any coun try loads the diccagalnst him Leaning to Drive The most important business of learning how to drive and behave on the road receives the scantiest of attention inevcry country with motor transport Within few limitations any one can set him selfvup as driving instructor It eems fautastie We do our best see our childrenare educated by the bestrtcaebersmosslble un der the bcst conditions and yet no one cares who teaches them to drive the lethalidcar Noperson snouzd be allowed to set himself up as driving in structor until he has passed through police drivingcourse in this way not only could there be some standard form of driving instruction but it would also go long way to create body of police minded driversdrivers who behaved on the road in an adult fashion Jumble of Signs and Haurds And if allthistrouble is taken Turn to page eight please Band of Orillihil Visiting Barrie on March 25 With Concert inRoxy Theaire The following history of Orillia Kiltie Band will be of interestto residents of Barrie and district in view of their visit on Sunday March 25 for concert in the Roxy Theater at 830 pm The band was formed some 70 years ago and is one of the oldest and also one of the best known bandsin Ontario The first official bandmaster was Mitchell an eminent clarinetist who had spent several years in one of the British Army bands in the early 80s and was bandmasterfor well over 35years other bandmasters received tem porary appointments but the next official appointment was that of Bandmaster EzraPayne who was another British Army clarinetist but in 1921 was forced toretire because of poor health the same as Mr Mitchell Appoint Reginald Brain The band advertised for band master in March 1922 and Regin ald Brain was chosen from many applicants He became bandmaster in April of the same year At thattime he had just come to Canada from South Wales where he had bandmaster of the Barry er PrizeBand contesting musical organization He had won many leizes in Eng Turn to page twoplcase ey Were livesa It and 14 Concession of ldnisfll To lays hookey in the delivers on the al re en undl of age and as Senior grade tSS 1A like by Womens EditorlJane to the young tomo Illonll Defneg Poole speciaifeature of toilet is Barrlelixamlner lzpdgc fashion suppleme compiled and edits ncw stylesiof 56 Miss Hinds has carefully seledtcd from many stores coats suits dresses and accessories which willbe setting the pn stage imsmih special word of thanks tendered by The notes of the Venture eiubiano swimmi Sororityiwh ograoionslyoohsanted the faSlilolisiAll Favero Eiaminer staff pho grapher Sbelved on QFOI pniieei which has been shelv cdrlnce1952=may coma nearer completion when members of Town Councilthe Town solicer meet earlyin Arin the meeting filléeecgncelzoewrdlhhuaotmny mu his or in pre udtheld by the antennae Town Barrie CounCII These include portions of land at MficldMaple and museum Pass Proposed Expense Raise special meeting on Monday Fight Town Counclladopted pm in of the shard line posal to raise thccxpcnse ched ulc of aldermcn from $8 to$ll pcr meeting and themayors hon orarium from $1000 to $2000 this ycar On recorded vote of the full council Deputy Reeve Mills Aldermen Paddlson Mcmrlr and Morrow voted against the adoption The council went into commit tee as alwholelodiscuss the town budget forl958 At the outset the questions of penses allowed to aldermcnnn the honorarium of the mayor wcrcbrought up It wasfclt that the present scale of dequate although nority oi demen felt that the raising of the rates at the pre sent time was inopportune The argumcnt put forward was hot the inadequacy of the rate of rcmilnerntlon prevented many good men fromstandiug for coun cil Many felt that theycould not afford to lose so much through time involved on council affairs While the suggested 52 rise in the schedule for aldermen would not wholly compenlate for what was ost ltwoul certainly help Under the Munic al Act it was the maximumthat could be all owedJ lt in the gt tli mayors honorarium it was Ieltvby he majority ithatthe present 51 00 offered by theTown was totally inadequate compensation for the amount of limo the mayor devoted to Town arm This time given mustunecessaril beattbe ex pense of his piNate affairs and there war nonmeans of snuglng Versonal sacrifice this may have meant in th service of the to ve years ago the Town solici within the town limits This inr Mr Rowe cameyto tentative rs fied by the council Negotia licllns wlll now be rcopcned on the 4® Mirch2 early Below urn ds With an eye to otographs are Ab Bruno The general trend of thought as far as Ontario farm leadersiare concerned is summedup in the Conference held in the Eaton Auditorium Toronto on March 13 and 14 Some 1500 Ontariofab mers gathered in Torontofor the tthlay conference in which the drop in netfarm income of 373 in the 5154 period was reviewed and means were advanced for stemming this trend the conclusion of the confere approved policy statement in which were delineated the respect organimtions to take action io proving the currentsituation th agriculture Policy Statement Thepolicy statement in defin ing the responsibilities of Federal and Provincial governments stat ed FederalGoverament We re quest establishment of legislation if necessaryto assure farmers they can carry forward their marketing programs intboth the National and International fields and that their marketing boards can enjoy full rights to make deductions for ser vices and for stabilization fund The establishment of noneincentiv floor prices based on lcnovin for mula as setout by theVCanadian for farm products TtovincialGavernment We ask thatassurance be given to Ontario farmers that there willbeanjm provement inadministratioh ofthe provinces agricultural turnarket legislation Tmachieve this lot provement we request new Port folioA Marketing and Coopera tion Department be established in the near future with emphasis npt onproductlon but on Marke ng and democratically pqssibleftp see cure on expression of opinion from ouriproducexs in produceropinion by market vote adoration of Ag toigakoaction cameo ygceeiaence Reflects Outlook pf Onlur Id Fdrnoe Formulate Policy Statement following recommendations which came from thetwoday Commodity ence the meeting unanimously ive responsibilities of Federal and Provincial governments and farm Federation of Agriculture policy Eat Iniorderlo make it practical nyqnocoinmdd ity werequest nw formula and system for taking evaluationmf commodity he preliminary budget for 1956 shows tax rate of TZTOBzmills withtheZmill equivalent to $16 098u There is veryresson to axe considerably below this Every estimate of every depart ent is being carefully scrutin and cut vvherc possiblenMany committee chairmen hav submit ted budgets cutto theininimum but items outside the control of havei reasedduring the oflncreasing resesrc the field of marketing so that information on the subject of Commodity Mar gmay be ode availableto rm leadersas eypushforward he marketing programs to press universities colleges and Departmentof Edu cation to recognise the in respect totrained men so pped to assist in giving further momen tum tolttbe Amarketing programs to ask the Federal government to establish granary programmin volvlng outright purchases of suff icient western grains to lessen the danger of wéstemrfarmers marketing their unsold grain through hogs and otheiivestock Grainis more easily ored commodity than meat whi ot delaying action on our resolutions here for sucha meeting we urge that Nations Commodlty Con ference be called in tlienrar fut ure to considerithe points raised atthis provincial conference and to take action and thatme peo ple bourged louse the cop ra tiveway to help solve their urv rent economic distress VApproximatelyloo farmers from Simcoe County attended this two day Commodity Conference which was calledby the Ontario Federav tion of Agricultur Qbservant Pupl SavesVSeijious Fireiat School Because youn pup was ob servant serious firewas averted Maryfs School Barrie on Mon ay Diane vanrDiiesche saw smok pouringfrom the root of th school duringdecess and immed ately told heritemherflwhh the alarm Barrie Fire Brigade Contrary to the expatation of many the estimates for police prolt tectionashowa comparatively small increase over last year while all owing for the increase of the com plement by oneduring the year as recommended by the Police Commission The Fire protection budget shows adecrease of $11 000 over last year while including the provision of some items of small equipmeh The mill rate 1955 was 67 with tbemill equivalent to $4 623 Thecouncil will continue the debate on the budget atthe conclusion the general meeting on Monday Un ed op Plan to Expan Petroleum Market plans toC build or acquire refinin facilities to se cure access to sources of crude and to own and operate lake iV the organimtion told Commodity Conferénce tweeday were psing the cooper tive technl neor mutual elp hold on to hopefor at turehin tomorrows pectthatthejinalfigure willibc western wheat united Cdooera Toronto gt Wuimam mrownornnm mmnauonmoos In tfluuu mi aim dim Since 186 imagining Essential Sconces NewBylaw Implemented Barrie Town Council are considering bylaw which willma terialiy affect the creation of new subdivisionswithln the town limits On Monday night atfa apeclslmceting of Council the bylaw was tabled for consideration of amendments The bylaw when passed whi place the cost of providing all necessary services on the shoulders of the subdividers It will also establish higher minimum standard forsubdlvlsi ions The regulations are designed principally to promote re gular and proper growth of the town Subdivldcrs willbc required to pay cash or produce surety bonds to meetthc cost of installing sew ers streets andlidewalks and ene suring proper drainage They will also have to produce to the coun cil certificate showing that PUC have undertaken to put in their services Tbc work will then be coordinated between the lira de partments anddone at the same time Minimum Requirementh The minimum requirements for subdivision will include sanitary sewers storm sewers or asphalt ditches as required by the depart ment of public works road oiled and chipped road culvertswberc necessary driveway culverts whore necsssarystreet name signs and sidewalks At extra cost the aubdlvlders may have two optional require mcntsa curb gutter and soddcd Saddam and hot laid asphalt road No Heavy Burden While the cost per lot may be hicreased by SIDMBOO it is ex pected that the home ownerwlll only be faced with an increase of somefiao in his down payment The rem der of the cost will be carried in the mortgage spread over 20 years At the present time tbehome owner buys what is termed serviced lot at slightly higher price than the unservwcd lot and pays for the services un der ocal improvements over five 10 and15 yearsaccordlng to the exact nature of the improvements Up to the present it has beam for service from council which were provided and the costs met under the local improvement act The PUC is approached to provide water as the ouscs are establish ed bccauso last year the Full adoptcd the policy of want ing down payment for supplying the service Certgln Advantage The proposed new agreements will offer certain advantages in the construction of subdivisions Right from the commencement proper streets will be provided together with all necessary ser vices The continuous breaking up armada roads to install new scrvlccs will be eliminated One iolhen point which will be of bone fit to all is that proper drainage willgbe onsured Development Not Affectcd At themstranding of the byL law on Monday night His Worship Mayor Eldon Grccr pointed out that in townships where similar bylaws had been implementcd land development hadhot been slowed down Because of the lack of any such control ccrtain town ships such as North York were experiencing difficult conditions on their roads in wet weather bylaw wondered if it meant considerable rise in the cost of houses and consequent reduction the number of houses built ontforget ourgrowth in taxes all rise ln cost eliminate troubleex Erienced at present on with 2000000 bushels of wheat last fall will soon be empty while last ycariat this time the clown tors were full The grain trade is said to have had boost because of the severe winter experienced in Europe wherefallwheatwa poor ltis eXDECtedlllflt this increased trade willllast into July During the winter balfmlliion bushels of coarsegrain has left CollingWood bytrain for the dom eétlc marketand another2000000 bushels of wheat from the eleva tors and ships holds has gone for carport At the neighboring port of Owen Sound the outlook is no so optimistic It is felt that th situation has not changed appreci ably from last yean pwen Sound hasplayed host to ten grain car riers during the winter with total load of 2500000 bushels of Said Newt Heels graiii elevator manager at pwen Sound There will possibly be anvincreaSe in shipping during theearly part of the season Lifollowing navigation opening but how long the Europ ean market willlast we dont sels ArtMusgra Presidehtof new sulHl visions Approximate Cost In rcplyto questlon by Alder man EichTurk Large directh of publlc works estimat ed thatthe approximate overall cost of installing all services would be about $26 per running foot Thi costwould cover the minimum requirements and for normal wfootllot the cost Would be in the neighborhood of $780 The bylaw was tabled after the firstreading toallow codncil time to considensonic sug ested tech nical amendments Samsel had been siting that was for sale with rehl estate exposed tofthe low temperatur Heleave ife and two cbfldre is dependent on the bhiiding of the custom of subdividers to apply 11 Kiiine felt um

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