TooWeGIlll Institute res held in the Orange Hail Newton Bob ineon Considering theeatber IOZ Innis Squadron mu ll midil to On Monday liarcb trip has the ten loyal members who node the effort and to the nice friends been amused tor the squadron to Bardia Pool Camp Borden The and visitor who nude our evenv but will leave the Annoury at in so piesent Mr and Mn Douglas Jebb ably pan sharp and cadets Iro expect ed to bring with them swim supplied the music assisted by litmlloll Roblnsondlwlth her vio ln square noes llllflh Ind mm 111mm number oi prizes were given will accompany the cadets namei door prize to Mr Robert some gammy lug csedlpnlm Rivathaw We trust thot or ourJiextbe ma Vim my danceka will be held on liar we will not have such weaiher Kw Dunne problems leit Sundny on trip to the W81 tor tewiween Attended Funeral Mr and Mn Cecil German and oi their in Hill line for Weekend erBRloGE Sunday letters Mr and Mrs Orlnie Scott oi nttended the funeral Guelph celled on the latter als llnele Dave Jamieson ter Mrs DouglasPlumbtreeend dale Mr Jelnleson was in family on Sunday Both year SILV ER BiRCH Pans Turn Out In spite of the Inclement wea T°r°nl° ther enough card tans turned out to play five tables oi euehre lnl the hall on Friday evening Two Days In Toronto Mrs Feltham spent Wednesday in Toronto Mr and Mrs vLorneCarruthers Iwere in Toronto Friday and Sat ROYAL ALBERT New Shipment oi the above well known pattern no on display in OPEN STOCK Piece PloceSoHingvonly $875 set Cups andSaucers 185 Trays 185 Plates 135 185 370 Teapots 650 Sugnrs 5c Creams 250 pair Cake plate 215 Call in and browse nround See one of the lnrgesl dis plays of ENGLISH CHINA DINNERme MINTON AL ALBERT SHEL DICK STEELE Cor Collier ennuileis Barrie Phone 2335 WEDGWOOD SPODE CDALPORI ROYAL CAULD ON ROYAL WORCESTER ROX LEY and many others lith andmeid urday to attend the Garage Open aaizhfllriiflm Sailï¬wh ators convention and dance in Weekend Visit Misses Joan Woolley and Sue anne Cromie of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and liirs Roy Eakley and tarnily Weekend with Parents Ross Douglas 01 Samis and Jenn Douglas oi Midland spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Dave Douglas Barrie Vlsit and Mrs Angus Itawn visited with Mr and Mrs Frank flown in Barrie on Friday Toronto Convention Cecil Woods attended the goodi roads convention in Toronto youn TO MORROW DEPENDS ION wnor you no freon Arnold lioihhun sun use or CANADA Lite Plonsand Annuities 2d CLAPPERTDN ST BARBIE Phone 64512001 Mr Institute Caters The Institute catered at the superintendent Ind snow plow operators who so ettieiehtty keep woman in good driving condition This is important with so much sickness around Evening Guam girls Cookstown SundeyGuests Mr and Mrs Hector Porritt and family were Sunday guests of Mrs Porrltt and boys Getting Better Glad the sick in our community are beginning to improve trotn colds coughs and Ilu Front Toronto Sunday visitors from Toronto with Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales were Mr and liirslwiillam Hunter and Mr and Mrs Sun Fletcher Barry and Terry NORTHWAS FIRST Admiral Robert Peary reached the North rnlc in 1909 Roald Amundsen was iirst at the South Pole in 1911 Yes buy emnow the stuntling e6 models of iliECflilkWliiClI one taking Canada by storm the models youvewnirctl eagerly to sceand to drive thcrl956 Buick SPECIAL anlI anrunvAnd hands down and away theyre the Bestlluicks Yeti The Buick more gives you highvfasllion luxury llighpowcred performancelow low price and comes upas lhe sinfulout but oi the hudgemaggcdgars The Buick émrunv arm an extrnbonus in luxury pills highstepping performance mars nothing sligll or or price that compares favorably sensationalLand all wilhlhelensi And in bothcars lswell asthe outstanding SUPER and the aturday 555 WHILEQUANTITIES LAST Speciallydurehasedi Poplip iousiérs Special Price each Gleaming ehmmlumvplated electric toasters with cord attached nndset onBlsek plastic base with matching handles Popular Popup style prevents scorched or burned toast HiSpeed Chromolox 1095 5951 5983 Element Coffee Percolators Polished aluminum Bcup capacity outer matlc percolators at very pleasing sale price good inmlly size and very well made Less cord 998 All OlltstnndinglValue in SilverGrey Leatherette Sturdy Strollers strong steel irame tootrest and mud guards pleasant and roomy tor your tod dler with plenty oi viewing roomIor eurlous eyest Iiubbcrwheels and chromiumplated pusher with detachable shopping bags lightweight and easy to fold Lin Special Eaton Special price eoeb EATON each gt Englishmode Durable English Pottery Tan pots with teltvlincd polished Aluminumcover to ensure ex tra hot tea Generous 6pr size tool EATON Special Price Each PHONE TIV Snac climax orrics smut htttnétlve snack sets of clear glass with choice of Ruby or Green colour cup that tits on 3way plattertray plates and cups piece set DeLuxo icoffioldl WASHERS Olisct Gyrrltor action for thorough washing Timer 15 you timeyour wash to suit vsrlous iahnes Motoro driven pump lull skirted model with trim the colour oiBlue and Gold Enron Special Cash Price coeh EATON BUDGET PLAN TERMS 1295DOWNgt 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS 732 ADMIRAL CtiESTSTYLE illolvlE FREEZERS countorbalanced lid opensst fingerstouell latch is ï¬tted with lock Large capacity food baskets nre casulyremovcd hen not in use be it size is 54 in lengthï¬nd so deep holds approximately 600 lbs of irozen iood Regular price $49995 Enton Special Cashrpriee EATON BUDGET PLAN TEBMS 4000lnown 24 monthlypayments of 1693 cuminbuilt olinwtsren you go he agile might of Buicks walloplllgbl quengine km the smoothness and economy of gtBulcks advancednew Variable Pitch Dynailow Come in to your Buiekdeaiorls soon today if possihle andwcll prove that liquy new ear is in your budge new Buick can be in your garage Nclu Mamba Vqriqblefiltlb Dynalaw only Dyna1w Bum bully My rloltdard in 15 gingham sliprelyngpwmm aplimml modes Jrqu ml at Mojpeclql